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Guest hjjdai5y

[TRANS] Jjong interview for Sport Today (2015.05.01)

[ SPORT TODAY]  HJH has become calm. He answered the question with courtesy . Mind becomes comfortable listening and being with him. There's pleasant feeling from his bright smile. With this, it's nice to see his calmness as he got the balance even though it could be campy. through [Enemies In-Laws 2] I get to meet HJH who showed calmness inside his pleasant appearance in a cafe at SamCheongdong on previous 27th.  

How was it to be a lead role in commercial film. "When I filming the movie, I didn't get the feel. But when it finished during production briefing or press preview, when doing interview I'm a bit nervous. there's different nervousness for drama and film. for film, the viewers pay for the ticket to enter, they watch through optimal sound and screen so there's sense of responsibility."

Shy HJH working with JSY, he naturally take in the 'aegyo god' compliment. that's when they finished the first cringing affectionate scene after they meet each other. "I think it's the best to get close to each other so I went to JSY and tried to talk to her first. because it will be not good if I just behave as I am since I'm shy. both are actually my personality."

HJH able to show his new side through this work. " I chose this movie because I get to show many sides of me that I've never been able to show until now. my pitiful side, sneaky side, cringing side, and also there's a short action scene. At first I was so worried if I could do well or not since it's my first time for this kind of genre"

your turning point after debut. " I received many attentions through [MAMA] and [WGM]. many older people recognize me because of [MAMA] and I was shocked that I gain many foreign fan because of [WGM]." but HJH is not an unexpected star. he started as supporting actor for many years and with his collection of filmography, it's time to escape the supporting actor spot. "When I become the supporting role, the sense of responsibility and burden is big. it must be difficult to do role that I want so I want to do well."

If you  have a role model. "Cha Seungwon sunbae. Modelling and entertainment. remain acting and work in various field. I want to be an actor, model and also try various activities. " 

do you want to perform acting and modelling simultaneously. "If possible I want to do modelling for a long time. Take pictures and walk on runaway is fun. I just started acting and I'm still in level of learning. even when I'm older, I want to act for long time. right now I enjoy working as an actor and it's fun."

at school, HJH who is a good in study. how can you get involved in entertainment field. " I get interested in clothes when I was in middle school. I get to know about model profession and I admire it. at first I was hesitate since my height is short but my mom told me to do everything I want so I gain confidence. " then how you involved in acting. " I met a teacher when I was in high school. the teacher worked in a theater. because of that teacher I went to watch the theather. and since then I pledge to myself ' I have to do both acting and modelling'. but because the lifespan as model is shorter so I started as model first. "

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Guest hjjdai5y

[TRANS] Jjong interview for Wow Star (2015.05.01)

2015 Rising Star as International 'Hottest Guy' HJH,  Wow Star meeting with him at one cafe at Seoul Jongno-gu SamCheongDong last month on 29th evening. Cool tone and calm voice of HJH, his sincerity can be feel when talking to him. especially when he talks about his 'greed' for acting.

[Enemies In-Laws 2] which was released on previous 29th is about two person who can't fall in love to each other. it's a comedy movie where the two family plan a project to go against marriage between youngest daughter of police's family Younghee(JSY) and only child of thief's family Cheolsoo (HJH). HJH played as 'Cheolsoo' who is in his 7th year preparing to become an official police.

HJH, a model and actor. He said he want to do both job. debut on 2007 as model then start a fashion program and later to entertainment program as MC. he did not only do minor and supporting role. he said he enjoy the scene (filming) site, he become more curious about that place.

"First I looked at the script and then went to meet the director. I'm a bit hesistated because it's my first comic movie, but I'm able to enjoying the filming because of the cheerful director. I want to do more bright role. shooting with great seniors make me learnt a lot. they always said to me 'do it confidently', those advices feels like a strength.

In previous work MBC drama [MAMA], he appeared as younger man who is pure but this time he transformed to a reversal attraction. from action acting with dark circle strongly came down on his face and fell into trash. up to loveydovey romance with JSY. he perfectly done it.

" I still remember the scene where I fell into trash car. My makeup itself is funny. I laughed a lot as I watch myself fall into the trash because I thought when can I do this kind of thing. it's all new and clean but as everything mixed up the smell becomes bad(laugh). but still, rather than worried I'm satisfied that I think I did a great job."

HJH, after appeared on MBC entertainment program [WGM], even his face is more recognize but there's nothing much to say. Many people only remembered him as Yura's 'unfriendly' virtual husband. 

"At first, I don't want to do it (wgm) because it doesn't suits my personality. because the requirement to appear(on that show) is different so maybe I could attract viewers but I think it's not suitable for me.  but because of someone told me that I have various personality so don't feel too burden so I decided to accept(WGM offer). Even though I could force myself to be funny but I decided to 'do it as my natural personality'. from the first awkward to the process of becoming close to each other, I want to show my changing self but I think there could be people who feel dissatisfied after watching it(WGM).

He said that in reality when he date someone, rather than get close to a few people around him, he is a 'type of someone who date deeply and narrow(restrict to one person)'. then, wasn't it hard for you to be in a reality program that cover about virtual marriage life.

" even though it's a reality program but there are many camera in front of me and it's harder than I thought to show my real personality. but during filming, there's no uncomfortable thing and we get close together, we did good while enjoying it. of course I'm a bit blunt but when (other people) only saw me like that, I feel a bit upset. even during premier I contact with Yura, we get along well as (we) said to meet each other separately later."

HJH debut through fashion on 2007 and later on various project such as 'Frozen Flower', 'Lover' (2008), 'One More Step to the Sea' (2009), Ghost(2010), Drama 'Warrior Baek Dongsoo' (2011), drama 'Wild Romance' (2012), drama 'Dating Agency:Cyrano' (2013), drama 'MAMA', entertaiment 'WGM' (2014).

" I don't have rest time after debut. it was tiring but because it's fun so I'm able to do it. I participate with the feeling of going to hang out. Kim Woobin, Kim Youngkwang and Sungjoon, everyone is doing good now. It's still early to say that I've succeed but I don't want to be hasty. I still have a lot of time so I think I could do good job slowly."

After finish filming, HJH said he felt a bit regretful but he think it's good as he became more greedy(for work). In addition, he expressed his greed to do comic, historical, melodrama,  entertainment and various project.

" I respect Cha Seungwon. He did acting and model at the same time. also entertainment program. his active side, it's not something easy to do. I want to be someone like him."

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Guest Aprilrose04

@hjjdai5y Thank you so much for your translation..!!:wub::wub: You ever bring big news for our Jjong . So Happy for your kind heart:):):)

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Guest hjjdai5y

Thank you for the updates and articles. Thanks for those who PM me. If not I'll missed and overlook the articles. Since I'm still learning English. Please bear with my awful works. ^^

@​Aprilrose04 don't mention it. You guys are all Jjongaholics and Jjong's fan :)

Maybe later HongJjong should buy me food or maybe give movie ticket ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^

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Guest papillooon

@hjjdai5y no it's thanks to you! it's ok. ur English is good. we understand very well :)

there are actually so many articles these days because of his movie promo. or maybe he's really a hot item! almost everyday there's another new article! i'm afraid that i burden you again and again if i keep PM you. hahaha..

but i think the other articles are all about the same. mostly talk about his movies.i hope you won't get bored translating again next time ;)yes, hopefully you meet Hong Jjong and he buys you food! even better if he can hug you. ^^ 



insta video Hong Jong with kid!! adorable!!







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Guest karatekid08

hello there~~ late for the party again...hehe i will post some pics from yesterdays articles 05.02.15..but i hope im not double posting it...lol


cr: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/new_yk/html/read.php?newsid=201504301731551119&ext=na



cr: http://sports.hankooki.com/lpage/entv/201505/sp20150502100511136720.htm

cr: http://www.asiatoday.co.kr/view.php?key=20150428010000328

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Guest karatekid08

Thank you guys for the update pics, news and the translations, i like all the post. hahahaha...a little bit OT...Oh my goshh Jonghyun really really handsomee...fangirling here... Why he so handsome..gahhhh the feels...(sorry guys too much rambling but allow me pleasee....)


Just want to share some pics of Jonghyun

Permalink gambar yang terpasang

Permalink gambar yang terpasang

Permalink gambar yang terpasangCR AT PICS


P/S : Hope my spoiler works

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Guest hjjdai5y

[TRANS] Jjong interview for KOONTV. (jjong's cut only)


(part 4)
MC: There's question for HJH. I think you'll gain a male anti-fan through this movie.
J: why?
MC: because they're jealous.
J: aaah~ because I receive so much love from Seyeon.
MC: as JSY fan.
J: but I can't do anything about that. it's a character that Seyeon's love. everyone, it's not something that I request for(laugh).
MC: while filming, have you ever feel this is hard because it's not only comedy but also action.
J: because it's something that I usually like. my part was actually shorter. because it's dangerous. but I'm greedy that I said 'I want to try it', I enjoy the flming.
MC: seriously this movie, as you all know not only comedy but also melo, action
J: thiller.
MC: Sometimes horror.
MC: How much does your character in movie synch with yourself(real life)
J: hmm idk. Cheolsoo is not someone ordinary. around 34/40? 40. in terms of personality it's a bit same.

(part 5)
MC: you act as HJH's mom in this film, in real life you're not a mother at your age.
JSK: that's why at first I thought did I gave birth too early(for the movie). but for Jonghyun, weirdly he have a feel of being my son. when we first met. even though we met before but when we first met for this film,  I asked him how was his real mom. and he said his mom is same age with me. (everyone laugh). because (his mom) fall in love early. so if only I didn't fail during my first love, I could've give birth to this kind(age) of son. somehow I feel like I gave birth to him(Jjong).
MC: you were there when they filmed the (bikini) scene?
J: yes I was there. but the interesting part was because of Seyeon, there are people I first saw(on set), people who always hide and sleep. suddenly everyone came out to the filming site. it was spacious. the director always ask people who don't have anything to do to be the substitute. to be people who pass by and fill the place. (that time) it was full. they were like it's(the bikini scene) need to be done one more time. the lighthing is weird. they keep asking to do one more time.
MC: okay back to HJH. since I keep on giving question, are you feeling burden or having fun?
J: half-half.
MC: half-half? let's just play. let's stop(the question).
JSY: but you're so interesting. how can you speak so much.
J: don't your jaw hurt?


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Guest hjjdai5y

[TRANS] Jjong interview for TV Daily (2015.05.01)


[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jinsung] Actor HJH said he do not prefer an image making.

HJH had an interview with TV Daily on 1st evening at one cafe located at Seoul Sogyeok-dong.
HJH said " I don't really like image making." he added "Image is important for a celebrity and it's good to do if it become a helper(for celebrity) but for me it's still something that unsual for me."

And HJH was evaluated as someone blunt from his outer appearance through MBC 'WGM Season 4' . to this he said, "I acknowledge that up to certain level."
Then he added, "to explain this, at first I've talked to the production team during a meeting. I'm not a funny person and I'm quiet and not a bright person."

HJH appeared as the real role for movie [Enemies In-Laws 2] that have been released on previous 29th

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Guest papillooon

@hjjdai5y wow u are an angel!! thanks a lot!!! u're even translating HJH part from Koon TV!! Let me hug you !! hehehhe (i want to add kiss but unfortunately there's no emoticon available :wub: )

btw...just a a question...in that part of interview in Koon TV i think the mc also ask JSY ideal type, am i correct? hahhaa did she say she likes someone like Jong? or someone funny? something like that? but from what i get Hong Jjong just laugh it out? hahhaa?? i do not understand Korean language but from what i understand it seems like that???


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Guest papillooon

As i promised before i will give links for HJH previous work that i found.

i'm so sorry that i haven't be able to do that. i'll share more in my spare time. 

for now, whoever interested by HJH in sitcom Vampire Idol , you can go to this link :


It's actually highly recommended because it's hilariously funny!

plus you gotta to see younger HJH , Woo Bin, and Soo Hyuk! (eye candy everywhere LoL!!)

all the videos and sub are not mine. i simply give you the link. credits is to the rightful owner ( i think it is also mention in the page)

It's not yet complete the subtitle version, but it almost reach there.

I hope whoever haven't take a look at this sitcom will do.

Take pop corn and enjoy the antics of those three!! *plus one vampire prince played by Lee Juck 9_9 :D also... o.O(ex)??sister-in-law Minah LOL!

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Guest hjjdai5y

@hjjdai5y wow u are an angel!! thanks a lot!!! u're even translating HJH part from Koon TV!! Let me hug you !! hehehhe (i want to add kiss but unfortunately there's no emoticon available :wub: )

btw...just a a question...in that part of interview in Koon TV i think the mc also ask JSY ideal type, am i correct? hahhaa did she say she likes someone like Jong? or someone funny? something like that? but from what i get Hong Jjong just laugh it out? hahhaa?? i do not understand Korean language but from what i understand it seems like that???


She said she likes someone cute. Then the MC asked how close he is to her ideal type in terms of marks. At first she said 100. But then changed to 40 because they said she's not honest. Jjong laughed because of  that. Her ideal type seems to be different from Jjong. ^^

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Guest papillooon

She said she likes someone cute. Then the MC asked how close he is to her ideal type in terms of marks. At first she said 100. But then changed to 40 because they said she's not honest. Jjong laughed because of  that. Her ideal type seems to be different from Jjong. ^^

@hjjdai5y   ​ah so it is..LOL!!! hahhahaa...

thanks for explaining.. ^^


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Guest hjjdai5y

[TRANS] Jjong interview


[MONDAY SEOUL] 'I still have long way to go in acting'


[OSEN] 2015.04.27 ' If (people) know my real personality, they will be shock'


HJH who seems cold is coming back with comic. He walked on long runway, it's a big reversal for HJH who only looks like a bad guy. It's a good start for transformation of HJH into someone more friendly through movie [Enemies In-Laws 2].

[Enemies In-Laws] is HJH first screen appearance as lead actor. considering that he always appear with cold and arrogant image that captured women's heart, this time it's completely ruined. He act as someone from thief's family trying to be a police for this love. as always, he attract attention as a perfect actor. Raising expectation to the comic acting which is contra with cold image that he showed before.

" when I read the story and it's so funny so I want to do it. I've always wanted to do this kind of comic role since long time ago. is it because of my image, I had done many cold and cynical character before. but with this great opportunity, I even get to film a movie. I'm worried and excited as well. anyhow it's a genre that I've never try before so I'm worried and burdened. there's pitiful look, and ruined look. I hope the audiences could saw me as funny person."

HJH played as someone who was in his 7th year of challenging the police exam in order to get married with his love. the clingy character for his love is a character that all women hope for their partner. in real life, is there any similarities with his dating style.

"in the movie, he's too honest. the character itself is serious but has cute side. in real life? if 100, I'm not someone who give all 100. I'll do everything with my best in order. (laugh)"

the first thing that came to mind about HJH is cold and cynical character. maybe because of that, until now the role he play mostly something chic. more expressionless role rather than a boy with bright smile. this is why this comic role gives big meaning to him as much it's his first lead role.

" For cold image, people has a preconceived ideas. especially I'm someone like that. because I don't like being with only cold image so I chose this movie. it's not because I want to break the cold image on purpose, but I want to show the various sides of me."

HJH is a very shy person. even in MBC 'WGM' it's a sentence that have been throughly revealed. rather than outgoing, he said he is close to introvert as he only showed his true self when he with people that close to him. however, once people get close to him, he will show all his comic side in him.

" even though it's a cold image, but when I'm with my close friend. I will change 180degree. my friends call me evil, 'dol-i(crazy weirdo)'. haha. there are many people who works with me shocked to see my true personality once they get close with me. seriously I play jokes a lot. people are like 'was he usually like this'. I have many sides in me, and I think it's meaningful to me as I get to show those various side of me through this movie."

Through [Enemies In-Laws 2], HJH entered the authentic actor pathway and it's not exaggeration to say he's a great artist. through his first lead acting, it can be used as a stepping-stone to his boundless filmography in the future. as expected, it's great that he has a mind of breaking the image that he had before and wants to challenge a new fresh genre. 

"I hope many people will come and laugh, enjoy the movie. and also in that movie, there will be my ruined image showed, so I hope people will see me in new light after this."


NOTE: for Monday Seoul, I didn't translate the content since it's the short explanation about his movie.

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Guest papillooon

@hjjdai5y wow u are so fast!!! thank you so very much!!!!!

i do not know in which article but i think it is mention about how Jjong get casted for the movie? was it the director said he wants JJong since last year or what?? as always..i just google trans and the explanation just chaotic..make me dizzy..so i might be wrong???

So..JJong getting credits that he is a good actor?? woww! i am really excited to see this movie as soon as there's English subtitle.

On the other note, i really anticipated movie Alice. if it's horror mixed with melodrama, i guess we can see Jjong in more emotional acting level. which is very very good if he does well. The plot itself seems interesting! 


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