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[SUB-UNIT] ♪♬♪ GD & TOP ♪♬♪


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Guest samosvetleee

{NEWS}GD&TOP's ''Knock Out'' featured on Youtube's Spotlight ::


YouTube has featured K-pop under the ‘Spotlight‘ section of their main page! MV’s for SNSD‘s “Gee“, 2NE1‘s “I am the Best” and GD&TOP‘s “Knock Out“, along with an awe-inspiring video of Qualification of Men‘s, Senior Citizens’ Choir (conducted by Kim Tae Won) singing K-pop songs were featured on the spotlight section of YouTube.

Along with the videos was a caption that read,”K-pop is taking the world by storm with its catchy tunes and trend-setting dance moves. Artists from Girls’ Generation to 2NE1 are inspiring young and old alike.” This serves as further proof that the Hallyu wave is a significant force that continues to spread throughout the globe!

Source: Allkpop 

Shared by bigbangworld@twitter

{FANART} GD&TOP's ''Lotte Festival'' Ads ::


Source&Credit : samosvetlee@tumblr

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GD: I have heard from other people who even when I’m compared to people my own age, I’m more deep and thoughtful. Plus I think I’m a little more on the adult/mature side. From early in my life, I would listen to music, watch movies…and I would get more deeply excited than my classmates, when I found artistic things that were touching to me I even cried. Now if I had to pick what influenced my emotional/sensitive side, it would be Wu Tang’s music that I heard in 4th grade. Since then I had the dream of wanting to rap and I began to write songs’ lyrics. ( © Jae In@ibigbang )

TOP: Since I have the genes of my grandpa, I love languages the most. That’s why I was thinking about if I really have to be a rapper. The words that grandpa said to me before he passed away are still very precious and I keep them deep in my heart. He told me to purify myself through meditation. This is a Korean idiom which means looking at your own self, purify and beautify your soul. When I am taking a rest, I will really beautify my soul and brain. At those times, I do not go out but stay at home so as to create some time for myself to think about issues or relax. I will try my best not to think about bad stuff and keep myself away from things that will exert bad influence on me… For making music and acting, ‘purity’ is vital. For the view of expressing myself without being affected, I think it is a must for me to work hard on that. I have forgotten when I started the hobby of collecting figurines and bear brick. I think I am picking up the innocent side of me when I collect them. ( © Rice@BBWorld )

Credit: heartsthathold@tumblr

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Guest samosvetleee

{NEWS}GD&TOP mentioned on Pitchforl article about K-pop ::


"Rapper G-Dragon is apparently fluent in multiple languages, and the sticky English hooks he sometimes tosses into his verses offer tantalizing hints at a full-scale crossover. In this outlandishly cool, Missy Elliott-style video, he's paired with frequent collaborator and fellow Big Bang member TOP. See also: "Tonight" by Big Bang and "High High" by GD&TOP."

Read full article here

+) Pitchfork is well-known for their music reviews and commentary, and their annual Pitchfork Music Festivals

+) Diplo tweeting a link to the article:


Source : as mentioned

Shared via bigbangupdates@twitter

Credit : bigbangupdates.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 2partsvodka

i was watching their MV for Knock Out and one of the top comments is

What the hell are these guys eating for breakfast.!? swag pancakes with a glass of swag on the side??

i couldn't help but laugh because i was thinking the same exact thing when watching the video.

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