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Lee Jong Suk 이종석 イ・ジョンソク ♥ Drama 2022: Big Mouth, 빅마우스 | Movie 2022: Decibel, 데시벨


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2 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:

LeeJongSuk -Esquire Korea Nov. 2017 Interview (2)

By: baidu_leejongsuk_bar


did they use google translate?:tongue:

2 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:

Tv drama top topic. While You Were Sleeping still at no1 spot for 4 consecutive weeks


Cr: DC Via: @nanaaa9410 


good to know!!:blush:

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Esquire Korea (Nov 2017) Interview Translation (Part 2)


Part 1 here

It was filmed before WWYS, right? You did two really different characters one after the other.

In the first half of WWYS, I was lost. I tried to be different and I think I am more lost because of that.

Since VIP have solved your problems about acting to a certain extent, then you should be able to act more freely compared to before?

If you ask me what sort of burden I have, this is my third piece of work by Writer Park Hye Ryun. As a fan, I love writer-nim’s work, but I think I need to be different from my previous roles. Dramas written by the same writer with the same male lead, if I am the same as before, then I will become a nuisance for writer-nim. However, I am watching the drama and found it interesting. This is the first time I did a pre-produced drama like this. In the past, I am used to looking at the feedback and then I sometimes strengthen my emotions in the next episode compared to the previous one, but this time the drama was filmed from the beginning straight till the end, that is also unfamiliar for me. I am watching it as if I am watching a drama of someone else.

That is really high dimension of meditation. Viewing myself and my emotions objectively.

I think I grew up through my works. I feel that I was growing, either in acting or as a person, then suddenly I see the moment when it stopped? I feel like I was standing at the edge of a cliff.

Why did you push yourself to that extent? Can’t you loosen up a bit and enjoy it?

The feeling that I am growing originated from my sense of inferiority. I look at myself and then I start to compare myself with others, and so the sense of inferiority appears, and I am irritated by the sense of inferiority. That is how I came to this place step by step. Therefore, when I get this question “Why to this extent?”, I think about this and I don’t know why. However, I think “I want to do well”, “I hate being embarrassed” are the most important factors here.

You said “Male actors with more angular and clear facial features will age better, but my face is not like that”, do you still think like that?

Yes, I still think like that. Even if one is not acting, just from the angle you can feel a certain pressure? For example, Kim Myung Min sunbae’s role, cursing someone while holding a cigarette in his mouth, I can do that in a different way, but there is the feel it gives? I have more slender features, to overcome that, I need acting skills, but my acting ability is still inadequate, so it is this sense of regret.

Actor’s acting ability comes from direct and indirect experience, you didn’t have time to rest after debut, did you? You have enjoyed the time like that?

Of course.

However, when you look back, the time when you was exhausted.

Up till now, through TV, through other drama, sunbaes’ acting and looking at the world in dramas, I feel and get an indirect experience through these emotions. Using these emotions as the foundation, I have acted up till now. And now that I am in my late 20s, I got familiar with many things now through my brain, however, I don’t have a lot of experiences as Lee Jong Suk himself.

Feeling like you have used up your capital?

I got this feeling that I have used up all my familiar experiences I got up till now. And so recently I think about the trivial experiences as Lee Jong Suk this person. Not the actor, but about Lee Jong Suk, I have not think about him before.

(Original Interview)


Eng.Trans: amyhsk



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Hi y'all! Here is a translated interview Lee Jong-seok did with Dazed Magazine and Han Hyo-joo. This looks like a super active forum, so I think you might already have it translated somewhere in here? But just in case, here is a link to the interview and I will also post it in the spoiler.







Dazed Magazine // Legend of the Fall // October 2016
Interview translated by Bah+Doo


After the drama W ended, we had a very private moment with Han Hyo-joo and Lee Jong-suk in Tokyo.


How was today’s pictorial? You had a lot to overcome since you are wearing thick clothes on a hot day. 
Hyo-joo I heard Korea is already in Fall weather… I enjoyed the last bit of summer here.
Jong-seok Even though it was warm, I enjoyed it.


It has been a while since you two have seen each other since the drama [W] ended, how do you feel?
Hyo-joo We were together all the time during filming, it is the first time to see each other since the finale.
Jong-seok That is true. It has been 2 weeks!


You both have a deep connection with Tokyo. Jong-seok is very popular in Japan, you even had a fan meeting until late last night, and Hyo-joo, last year you shot the movie MIRACLE: Devil Claus’ Love and Magicwith Masaki Aiba in Japan. What is your impression of this country every time you visit?
Hyo-joo First of all, I like it here because of the delicious food. I really like to visit good restaurants.
Jong-seok Right. I like this place because of the food too. Personally, I visited Tokyo when I was in high school as my first trip abroad. I like simple and quiet towns like this.
Hyo-joo I like to be a traveler somewhere not that far away from Seoul.


The drama W was a success. The critics said the drama ventured into a new genre, a fantasy drama, so I guess it would be remembered as a special drama for actors in the drama as well.
Hyo-joo Because the theme and script themselves were very fresh and new, it was meaningful to me personally and I guess it was interesting to the audience for the same reason. I was very tired because we had a lot of overnight or all-day shoots due to the drama production system, however, it made me focused on the drama. Because I spent a lot of time at the site, I was able to focus more on the drama without realizing it. I became even closer to the staff members, so when it was done, I really felt sad.
Jong-suk Noona (Hyo-joo) was sorry to say goodbye. It was my honor to work on a good project together.


Did you have any hardship?
Hyo-joo We started the drama semi pre-produced with the script up to the 10th episode. Because we didn’t shoot the drama chronologically from the 1st episode to the 8th, I had to memorize a lot of dialogue each day. It was difficult for me at the beginning.
Jong-suk Agreed. Too much dialogue to memorize… (laughs)
Hyo-joo I always had my script in my hands even when I was taking a break.
Jong-suk Right. It was too much to read it at once. After practicing the dialogues from episode 1 to 4, everyone was knocked out.
Hyo-joo However, it was great to have enough time to prepare.


I guess you had many interesting incidents since Kang Chul and Oh Yeon-joo in the drama went back and forth between the real and the fantasy world. Do you have memorable episodes?
Hyo-joo We had a lot of time and space jumps in the drama, the scenes where we time jumped two months forward or night became day were memorable for me. I honestly thought it would be easy with the help of computer graphics, but I was surprised to see them actually shoot a still scene every second and stitch them together afterward. It was more of an analog way. Something like taking a 30-min night scene, then taking the day scene at the same location the next day, then run the 1-hour scene very fast. It was less than 30 seconds in the drama, but we spent 1 hour in two different days to complete the scene.
Jong-seok I entered into the comic world after saying, ‘I summon myself into the comic world!’ and it was nighttime in that world, but daytime in the real world (laughs). It was hectic because the drama was running so spectacularly.


Maybe because of those underlying efforts, such a well-made drama was created. What is your secret for the good chemistry you two had?
Hyo-joo I think it is because we communicated a lot.
Jong-seok Because the project was difficult, I personally wasn’t sure if my emotional line was the correct one. That is why I had to ask someone closest to me, and I relied on Hyo-joo noona a lot. Especially, I was following Kang Chul’s emotional line well until the moment on episode 9 when Kang Chul’s memory was reset after saying “Oh Yeon-joo, please forget about me.” I had to think a lot and asked for advice from noona for how to express Kang Chul after his memory was reset.
Hyo-joo Usually, actors don’t ask each other how was his/her acting, but Jong-seok enthusiastically asked me about his acting, which was impressive.
Jong-seok People usually say it’s okay even if it wasn’t good, but noona gave me her honest opinion (laughs). Therefore, when noona’s response was lukewarm then I thought ‘Ah, it wasn’t that good.’
Hyo-joo I didn’t want to answer roughly.


The camaraderie of actors?
Hyo-joo I just wanted to tell him honestly. Actually, I asked him a few times as well.

What did he say?
Hyo-joo He is pretty honest as well. When we take one scene three times, he told me “The second time was better, noona” (laughs).


Of course, communication is always very important. Do you have anything to hope for each other as actors?
Jong-seok Before I met her in this drama when I thought of an image of the actress Han Hyo-joo, the quiet image of her was dominant. A feeling of somewhat sad and tragic love? I was surprised because she was so bright when I actually met her. My wish is for her to take parts in projects that can shine that side of her.
Hyo-joo In my point of view, Jong-suk has many advantages as an actor. He has the potential to be a good actor in the future, but it is pitiful that he himself feels nervous and worries so much about it. I think he doesn’t believe that he is a powerful and good actor more than he thinks of himself. I wish he becomes more relaxed towards acting. He is already doing well!


Hart warming conversations between you two. You have nicknames like ‘Man jjit nam’ and ‘Man jjit yeo’ (a man/woman came out of a comic book).
Jong-suk Knock it off. Aren’t those words made by the PR agency?
Hyo-joo I like good comments on the project or our acting better, rather than those comments.
Jong-suk Agreed. They control our moods.
Hyo-joo When people say it was good, feel good, but when people say it was bad….
Jong-seok It feels rocky (or shaky).
Hyo-joo It feels tattered. But who doesn’t care about them?
Jong-seok No one.


I guess you feel great because this drama ended successfully. You have a break after a long time, what do you want to do the most?
Jong-seok I don’t think I can take a break for a while since my new project starts in 2 weeks. My role is a serial killer and I am distressful to show a new kind of psychopath which no one has ever seen before. I am thinking about it but I haven’t come up with a breakthrough idea yet.
Hyo-joo I am going to take a break for a while. Recently, for the first time, I had an idea of just resting without doing anything. I worked hard without any rest. Lately, I gradually realized the importance of resting.


It is okay to rest. I hope you have a nice time relaxing as a gift to yourself. Office workers (or Employees) have those moments every 3, 6, and 9 years.
Jong-seok Agreed.
Hyo-joo That is right because next year is my 12th year since my début.


We only have two more months for this year. What do you want to accomplish?
Jong-seok I haven’t done movies for a while and it is kind of scary to start a new project right after the drama. It is a difficult role but I want to accomplish it successfully, and I want to do the best acting job of my life…That is my wish for this year.
Hyo-joo I just let it go. I intentionally didn’t make a plan to focus on the thoughts coming into my head all time.


The best plan is no plan.
Hyo-joo & Jong-suk That is cool.


1 // All the clothes Han Hyo-joo and Lee Jong-suk wore here are by AllSaints, the blue sunglasses are by Vedi by Vedi Vero, Han Hyo-joo’s nail motif Juste un Clou ring and Lee Jong-suk’s Juste un Clou bracelet are all by Cartier.
2 // Jacket, knitwear, pants, and bag are all by Bottega Veneta, Juste un Clou and Love bracelets are all by Cartier
3 // Pink velvet shirts and high waist pants are all by Fayewoo, pink frame glasses are by Vedi by Vedi Vero, Pink gold Love Bracelet, Juste un Clou bracelet and Juste un Clou are all by Cartier.
4 // All the clothes and shoes that Han Hyo-joo and Lee Jong-suk wore here are by Bottega Veneta


Fashion Man Hyun Park, Jin Young Choi // Text Ruby Kim // Photography Yong Gyun Zoo // Hair Min Seon Kim(한효주), Hyun Mi(이종석) // Makeup Hee Young Seo(한효주), Seo Ha(이종석) // Styling Assistants Mi Hyun Kim(한효주), Ju Yeon Lee(이종석) // Location Jong Geun Park




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'While You Were Sleeping' Lee Jong Suk is transformed into a  university student. Lee Jong Suk, who always wears a suit, is attracting attention, while a secret work-in-the-road scene similar to the "007 operation" with Min Sung Wook is also unveiled. 
On the 24th, Jung Jae-chan (Lee Jong Suk) and Lee Ji Kwang (Min Seong Wook) have appeared comically on their way to work in protest against the demonstrators. Stills are released. 

Google translated


Credit: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=109&aid=0003644964

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