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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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8 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

Hello, could someone tell me how I can share photos of joo won and videos,


Hey @Andrea Balcazar~

I'm rather new to the soompi forum myself but if you want to share any videos or photos, the simplest thing to do is just copy and paste the link here. Then the photos won't show up in your post but we can just follow the link and see them in the original page you found them. 

With videos, if it's a YouTube video it will be displayed in your post as soon as you share the link. I don't know if Naver videos are embedded the same way as YouTube videos... but either way you can just share the link to the videos through copy paste. 


If you want to share photos and have them show up in your post (instead of just the link) you can press the "insert image from URL" button that can be seen in the bottom right corner of the reply box. You'll just have to upload the picture with a hosting service (like photobucket or linkpicture.com) and then copy the URL and put it into the window that will show up as soon as you press on the "insert image from URL" button. 

I hope that was a little helpful~ 

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13 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

Hello, could someone tell me how I can share photos of joo won and videos, I'm browsing in naver the browser that Koreans use and that I know that most of the fabs have not seen these photos, I found several things about joo won.


4 hours ago, Calli said:

If you want to share photos and have them show up in your post (instead of just the link) you can press the "insert image from URL" button that can be seen in the bottom right corner of the reply box. You'll just have to upload the picture with a hosting service (like photobucket or linkpicture.com) and then copy the URL and put it into the window that will show up as soon as you press on the "insert image from URL" button. 


If you are using a computer, you can also right-click on the image, choose "Copy image link", and paste that here to automatically embed the picture.


The one thing that won't work, though, is embedding Instagram posts because of copyright issues: for Instagram, you can only post the URL (i.e. website link) to the post.


I have one last tip about sharing pictures and videos: if you want to share more than three, put them all inside a "Spoiler" box (the eye icon). Otherwise, this page can take a very long time to load.

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I saw this video of the curtain of the musical ghost and the visual of joo won is not a joke it is really beautiful that means that joo won looks much better real life




Y es cierto, muchas gracias a quienes me ayudaron, ahora puedo poner fotos y videos

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On 5/8/2021 at 9:54 AM, Calli said:

Can't be easy mastering Hebrew pronunciation, or German for that matter, even if English and German belong to the same language family...


lol - Maybe so, but the Latin rolled "r" (i.e. the one in Spanish or Italian) is still the bane of my existence :P I just can't do it, no matter how hard I try :headbang:


On 5/8/2021 at 9:54 AM, Calli said:

But I know what you mean @kittyna. I just think that not being the center of attention because one seemingly lacks the attributes that make others notice you (usually looks or in-your-face athletic/artistic skills) doesn't mean that that person doesn't hold a wealthy world inside or the potential for all those skills that make people see you as "remarkable". (I often think of the Bronte sisters who, on the outside led rather dull lives, yet their gift of imagination and immense capacity for feeling allowed them to have very rich inner worlds and to write stories that captivate people's hearts to this very day.) Sometimes it's just a matter of whether you'll get a chance or find an outlet to expose your inner treasure...


By "ordinary" vs. "extraordinary", I was thinking more in terms of life experience than skills or heart. Like, there's no denying that JW is extraordinarily talented at the things he's good at ;) 


So, for instance, some actors have really colourful backgrounds, almost like they lived real-life versions of the drama characters they play (e.g. growing up in a single-parent household, growing up either really poor and in debt or really rich, etc.). But JW doesn't have anything like that - the most "colourful" part of his upbringing would be when he and his brother studied abroad in the States for a few months before returning to Korea - so I'm oftentimes caught off guard by how well he manages to tap into the mindset and emotions of the characters he plays (who almost all have more exciting or angsty backstories than he does).


3 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

Y es cierto, muchas gracias a quienes me ayudaron, ahora puedo poner fotos y videos


De nada :) (I know a tiny bit of Spanish, but can't type it on this keyboard.) Glad we could help! :) 

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Thanks so much for sharing that video of the Ghost curtain call from that day, @Andrea Balcazar. He really looks so so breathtaking in it... I honestly love hunting down all those curtain call videos from his Ghost performances (both from 2013/14 and 2020/21) and drawing conclusions based on his facial expression and his smile how happy and content he was with his performance that day^^


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

lol - Maybe so, but the Latin rolled "r" (i.e. the one in Spanish or Italian) is still the bane of my existence :P I just can't do it, no matter how hard I try :headbang:


Awww :( Man, honestly, if Greek wasn't my mother tongue and it didn't have a rolled /r/ (voiced alveolar trill) I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to produce that sound either. Most of my German schoolmates had so much trouble with that sound in Spanish class... they also had lots of trouble with the /th/ sound in English class, though ... haha. Anyway, I'm sure you being bilingual (I assume you are?) must have helped you a lot with covering a wide range of consonants and vowels in re pronunciation. I know it has been quite helpful for me, though it depends on what your native languages are and to what kind of phonemes you were exposed as a kid. 


5 hours ago, kittyna said:

By "ordinary" vs. "extraordinary", I was thinking more in terms of life experience than skills or heart. Like, there's no denying that JW is extraordinarily talented at the things he's good at ;) 


Absolutely. I do think though that there's quite a few skilled actors who can't draw on colourful backgrounds either and yet are very good at portraying angst and heartache. I think what most of these actors have in common is an immense capacity for empathy... that has been my observation at least. 



I know it's not Thursday but I discovered this Joo Won interview from his Baker King days where he's wearing glasses and just looks so lovely with his bright smile that I wanted to share. I also found Softy's translation for it on her blog so I thought I'd share that as well, just in case you haven't seen it yet or forgotten about it^^



"JW: I was really lucky and I thought I should work harder. I am really happy these days.

The two female costars from Baker King sit by each other and the short hair girl says about JW “even though he is my hoobae (younger than me), I always look up to him.” Then both women look up in the air (meaning they have to crane their neck to see JW cuz he is so tall and they are petite)

JW is asked a series of questions he must answer quickly. Q: do you have a girlfriend now? JW: no. Q: to be honest there are times when I look in the mirror and think I am good looking. JW: there are. Q: in school, when did you have the best grade point average. JW: 10th place (out of the class). Q: first kiss. JW: second year. (“go-yee” is high school right? Or is it college?). Then he is asked for girl group he listens to so he barely says SNSD before time runs out. Q: when you look at a girl, the first thing you look at is. JW: what I look at? eyes.

JW: there are so many good looking people so I don’t think when I look at myself “oh so impressive” and just think “I am this level.” He is asked which parent he looks like more so he says my mother. He is asked if she is beautiful so JW says: My mom is cute.  JW talks about when he was a child. I was introverted so my parents wanted to change that personality so they sent me to do dramas in junior high so I could read the script on stage. I thought I should try it. It was really fun. For some reason the woman interviewing him sings with him but he breaks out his louder musical voice and drowns her out at the end.

JW: ever since I decided to become an actor – musical, drama, movie – I didn’t think to do any of those first separately. Through a sunbae’s (senior) introduction I got to do a musical audition and I got in so I started doing musicals.

JW: I do that when I perform or just normally, they tell me that my eyes have a variety of looks. (I cant hear well here but he lists Don Quixote and stuff)  As an actor I get greedy towards them.

They talk about him in baker king and he says I am just glad people recognize me. Then I think he is asked what is the difference between doing dramas and theater. JW: Getting fatigued, not being able to sleep well, there were things like that. acting in front of the camera was awkward.

They show the scene where Eugene slapped him on the cheek repeatedly cuz of NGs. JW: truthfully, it was strange but it didn’t hurt. I got hit but I think cuz noona has experience (doing this) when she hit, it didn’t hurt. So I wondered why doesn’t it hurt me. Filming was so much fun so doing that stuff was fun.

Then they play the OST he sang for baker king. (Why couldn’t he sing something like this for Gaksital.) JW: it was the first time I did something like this alone. It was fun and after talking about it, my worries disappeared and it felt refreshing. Please look forward to JW and please have a lot of interest in me. Thank you."




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I'm still laughing about the Truck of Doom poll @partyon:lol: Some of the options are so hilarious and cute. Thank you for sharing.


And thank you for sharing that video @Andrea Balcazar. So beautiful! He used to sing that song a lot, didn't he? It's from the Jekyll & Hyde musical... He also sang "Nothing Better" during his appearance on that show (StoryOn’s Lee Seung Yeon with 100 Women) really beautifully:



Not too long ago in my 2012 Joo Won "studies" (:lol:) I read a bit about his interview on said show. Joo Won talked about the popularity he experienced because of Baker King and his wise words about how ephemeral it can be stuck with me (I'm quoting from an article I had found at the time): 

"When the drama hit over 50 percent in ratings, Joo Won said, 'Because it was my first television program, I had no understanding of the ratings, but after the drama was over, nine out of ten people recognized me. But after exactly a month, I became a normal persona again. That’s when I realized that I shouldn’t get used to popularity,' said the actor."


He also talked about his first kiss during that show and the way he did was so sweet and full of wonder~ 


It made me realize once again what an absolute romantic he is. I assume he still is^^


Here's a bit of a translation I found on the forum by @mrdimples:

MC: “Everyone must be very curious about Joo Won… 

Please write down what you’d like to know most about Joo Won and put it up.

You can write the “meanest” question….” 

(Joo Won half-grimace and grin, LOL!) 

When you have finished, please raise it up…

Most of them are questions on “kiss” 

Let’s see…number 42 – “The kiss you remember most amongst many kisses” 

Woman No. 42 : “Joo Won ssi, you are very charming, you also seem to treat women very well. I am very curious, besides drama kisses, which is the kiss that left you with the deepest impression?” 

Joo Won: “No matter what, it should be the first kiss?”

MC: “When was that?”

JW: My first kiss was in high school year 2

MC: Where did it take place?

JW: “In the playground, she was my school friend.” 

Audience laughs

JW:”Ehn….she was my school friend…”

JW: “Really..the instant when our lips met…” (puts fingers to his lips…)



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1 hour ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

new movie info carter lee seong jae to join carter with joo won


Thanks for the update! I was wondering when we'd start hearing news of the rest of the cast - it's not like production could start without them :P 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:


¡Gracias por la actualización! Me preguntaba cuándo comenzaríamos a escuchar noticias del resto del elenco; no es como si la producción pudiera comenzar sin ellos.:PAG 

watch to find out more quickly about the casting of the film download instagram and follow joo won's fan accounts

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Thanks for the update @Andrea Balcazar~


Here's the link to the article if anyone likes to read it:




I was hoping the article might also mention when filming will start but, according to Google trans, it doesn't^^ It's been already two months since Joo Won was confirmed for Carter... hopefully he or his agency will share an update with us soon~ 

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I just saw some red carpet pics of the 57th Baeksang Arts Awards today and I was washed over by a wave of sadness (not kidding) that Joo Won isn't attending :sad1:

A little while ago, I was looking at photos when he was an MC for the 49th Baeksang Art Awards back in 2013 and I couldn't help but feel sad that he's not there today... and that he wasn't nominated for his acting in Alice.

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9 hours ago, Calli said:

Acabo de ver algunas fotos de la alfombra roja de los 57th Baeksang Arts Awards hoy y una ola de tristeza (no es broma) me invadió porque Joo Won no asistirá. : triste1:

Hace un rato, estaba mirando fotos cuando él era MC de los 49th Baeksang Art Awards en 2013 y no pude evitar sentirme triste porque no está allí hoy ... y porque no fue nominado por su actuando en Alice.

I was also looking at the carpet and I swear I was angry because Joo Won deserved at least one nomination and for me he was better than one of the actors who was nominated there

9 hours ago, Calli said:

Acabo de ver algunas fotos de la alfombra roja de los 57th Baeksang Arts Awards hoy y una ola de tristeza (no es broma) me invadió porque Joo Won no asistirá. : triste1:

Hace un rato, estaba mirando fotos cuando él era MC de los 49th Baeksang Art Awards en 2013 y no pude evitar sentirme triste porque no está allí hoy ... y porque no fue nominado por su actuando en Alice.

by God his performance was one of the best playing 3 different people in the drama I don't know if he is the only one but I saw that he was nominated for the baeksang art awards in 2013 for his interpretation of park shion but he did not win fie kim soo hyun who won And that if it made me unfair for god he deserved it that kim soo hyun

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7 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

his performance was one of the best playing 3 different people in the drama


It really really was... I know we're all biased here since we're Joo Won's fans on this thread but for me who only met Joo Won recently I became such a huge fan mainly through his portrayal of Park Si On and Park Jin Gyeom. I'm happy he got the Producers' Award for his acting in Alice at the SBS Drama Awards last year but I really think he at least deserved a nomination at the Baeksang Awards in the Best Actor TV category too. 


@Andrea Balcazar, as far as I know Joo Won wasn't nominated at all at the Baeksang Awards in May 2013. Only for a popularity award and not for his acting in Bridal Mask. Which got fans back then very very upset and frustrated. In fact Bridal Mask didn't get any nominations and there were discussions among fans that this might have had political reasons at the time (due to sensitive relations with Japan). And that picking Joo Won as an MC for the 2013 Baeksang Awards was a way of appeasing fans, him and the whole Bridal Mask team for the nomination "snub". 

Joo Won was nominated in the Best Actor TV category at the Baeksang Awards in 2014 though for his portrayal of Park Si On and I will never understand how he didn't win back then :'( Cho Jae Hyun won instead (Kim Soo Hyun won the Best New Actor award in the Film category back then, while Joo Won had won the Best New Actor in TV award in 2012 for his acting in OB). And thankfully Good Doctor won as the Best Drama. 


I came to realize that awards are a lovely bonus but they often don't reflect how worthy or talented an actor is - these terms are subjective of course and to everyone "worthy" means something else... but it doesn't seem very fair and sometimes more like a popularity contest instead of a fair assessment. I'm wondering how Joo Won feels by now about this whole awards business... he had realized very early on how fleeting popularity can be but he was always very proud and very happy about receiving his awards. 

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If I was just looking at some nominations to see if I would be nominated for bridal mask but it was not even nominated I think that is because of what you said since there would be problems but I do not think it would have been a problem since I read that joo won instead having hates in japan he got a huge amount of fans i was referring to the nominations ppr good doctor he deserved it more than any actor ahors i think the baeksang awards were fairer than any other year but i keep saying i feel disappointed since They did not nominate joo won but hey I like joo won who once said that popularity comes and goes so he prefers only to act than to be depending on popularity that I like about him over there I have heard that previous years joo won was very famous in korea indonesia and japan

Since I have been following him for a year, I have been waiting for a long time that joo won has more recognition as other actors deserve it, his level of interpretation is the best choose unique characters that actors have not dared to do I hope the carter movie helps him even a little to his popularity and then give him a drama script that is really too good and that people can see

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For me, sadly, it has only been since early this year that I discovered Joo Won. And only because Good Doctor was finally available on German Netflix and it had been on my to-watch list forever. I was so in awe of him while watching him bring Park Si On to life... and then after watching Alice right after I became even more in awe of him. More so than I've ever been of any other actor before. So that started my Joo Won journey^^ And I somehow started doing a thorough research into his activities from the second half of 2012 onwards and I've only covered about a year so far but it's really really impressive and intimidating how busy he was back then. It was also a time where he gained lots and lots of fans - he got a lot through OB and Bridal Mask, but also through 7th Grade Civilian Servant~ This thread here was abuzz with many many fans posting daily. As was his DC Gallery.

I think from that time (2012) to around the end of 2015 was the height of his popularity... 

And to be honest it makes me sad to think that those days have gone by, so like you @Andrea Balcazar, I'm hoping very much Carter will bring him a much deserved boost in recognition. I know he'll be brilliant in it.

And I also very very much hope he'll come back with a drama soon too - with a character he'll really love, that will challenge him and one he can really sink his teeth into. 

He is so outstandingly gifted. As an actor and a musical performer. And whenever I get sad about things like him not being there at the Baeksang Awards yesterday, or about his fandom having become smaller or less vocal, I remember how his wish always was to become an actor people put their trust in, and an actor who "smells human". And he is without a doubt both already :blush:

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21 hours ago, Calli said:

I just saw some red carpet pics of the 57th Baeksang Arts Awards today and I was washed over by a wave of sadness (not kidding) that Joo Won isn't attending :sad1:

A little while ago, I was looking at photos when he was an MC for the 49th Baeksang Art Awards back in 2013 and I couldn't help but feel sad that he's not there today... and that he wasn't nominated for his acting in Alice.


12 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

by God his performance was one of the best playing 3 different people in the drama I don't know if he is the only one but I saw that he was nominated for the baeksang art awards in 2013 for his interpretation of park shion but he did not win fie kim soo hyun who won And that if it made me unfair for god he deserved it that kim soo hyun


Awards in Korea are a ratings game, more often than not: the dramas with the highest ratings or the biggest Hallyu popularity are the ones that tend to win the most awards.


So, I knew pretty early on that Alice, as a drama, wouldn't stand much of a chance this time around; however, given that JW did get the Producer's Award for playing Park Jin Gyeom, I did hope that something like a Baeksang nomination would come with it. It didn't happen this time - which is why I knew JW probably wouldn't make an appearance at the awards show at all - but sometimes, that's just life.


5 hours ago, Calli said:

It really really was... I know we're all biased here since we're Joo Won's fans on this thread but for me who only met Joo Won recently I became such a huge fan mainly through his portrayal of Park Si On and Park Jin Gyeom. I'm happy he got the Producers' Award for his acting in Alice at the SBS Drama Awards last year but I really think he at least deserved a nomination at the Baeksang Awards in the Best Actor TV category too. 


4 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

Since I have been following him for a year, I have been waiting for a long time that joo won has more recognition as other actors deserve it, his level of interpretation is the best choose unique characters that actors have not dared to do I hope the carter movie helps him even a little to his popularity and then give him a drama script that is really too good and that people can see


3 hours ago, Calli said:

He is so outstandingly gifted. As an actor and a musical performer. And whenever I get sad about things like him not being there at the Baeksang Awards yesterday, or about his fandom having become smaller or less vocal, I remember how his wish always was to become an actor people put their trust in, and an actor who "smells human". And he is without a doubt both already


lol - I've been a fan for six years, but have only been active on this forum for the latter half of it :P 


So I've learned to take JW's underratedness (the lack of major Hallyu-scale stardom, the lack of merch when you go to Seoul compared to other idols or actors, etc.) in stride, and sometimes to even cherish it a little. It makes me feel like, as his fans, we've stumbled across some sort of rare treasure: part of me wants to share it with the entire world while another part of me wants to hold it close and keep it hidden so it doesn't depreciate in value.


On 5/13/2021 at 12:51 AM, Calli said:

I was hoping the article might also mention when filming will start but, according to Google trans, it doesn't^^ It's been already two months since Joo Won was confirmed for Carter... hopefully he or his agency will share an update with us soon~ 


One good thing I do think JW gets from doing films that he doesn't from doing dramas is the chance to really work with mostly veteran actors. I think that, if his goal is to be respected for his acting (rather than looks or star quality), it's a smart choice. He's an "Oppa" now, but he can't stay an "Oppa" forever: time's not stopping for anyone, so the best shot he has, in my opinion, is to be able to establish himself as someone on par with the "Ahjussi" veterans.

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3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Awards in Korea are a ratings game, more often than not: the dramas with the highest ratings or the biggest Hallyu popularity are the ones that tend to win the most awards.


Sadly, I've also observed the very same thing... even if it should be about the acting it really is mostly about how popular a drama/movie was... not always but too often. 

I honestly thought Joo Won would be at least nominated at the Baeksang Awards this year but like you said @kittyna, sometimes that's just life :'(


3 hours ago, kittyna said:

I've been a fan for six years, but have only been active on this forum for the latter half of it :P 


So I've learned to take JW's underratedness (the lack of major Hallyu-scale stardom, the lack of merch when you go to Seoul compared to other idols or actors, etc.) in stride,


Oh man, I really hope I'll learn to do the same thing with time. It's definitely better to be able to take it in stride (and even cherish it a little) than to be heartbroken over it~ 


3 hours ago, kittyna said:

One good thing I do think JW gets from doing films that he doesn't from doing dramas is the chance to really work with mostly veteran actors. I think that, if his goal is to be respected for his acting (rather than looks or star quality), it's a smart choice. He's an "Oppa" now, but he can't stay an "Oppa" forever


I agree that movies offer Joo Won the opportunity to work with more seasoned actors and directors. And since his goal is to act for a long, long time and in his choices of roles he seems to always have been motivated by considerations of how interesting the script is & how challenging his characters are to portray (and less by how popular the project will turn out to be) I think he's on a very good path fulfilling his goal. 

I do think though that he still has quite a while before joining the "ahjussi" ranks (judging how actors like Gong Yoo, Lee Joon Gi and Kim Nam Gil still go by "oppa") :P Even so, to me he's already on par with his sunbaes in re acting. 

And I think the thing about dramas is that it gives actors the chance to really really explore the character they're playing, settle into them and even discover things about themselves and their acting they weren't aware before over the course of 16/20 episodes; in ways that movies might not allow them to do since most movies last 2 hours tops and filming is also considerably shorter. 

Plus, it gives us, the viewers, the chance to see our favorite actors for 2 months twice a week (plus all the interviews and behind-the-scrnes stuff) and, if that hasn't become clear yet, I would looooove that so much because I really miss Joo Won on the small screen. And just more of his presence in general^^

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Hey everyone, 

maybe you already saw this on IG but just in case you didn't, @zu.won_supporters posted that they're planning a fan support project for Joo Won's 11th TV debut anniversary & for Carter  :grin:



They posted it in Korean and Japanese but sadly not in English. Here is the papago-combined-with-google translation of their post:


"The 11th anniversary of Joo Won's debut on public TV is coming up.
And just in time, he's getting more attention because he's going to star in Netflix's first Korean movie, "Carter."~
Joo Won Supporters and Fans with Joo Won~
We're planning a great support in partnership with the world's fandom soon.


We ask for a lot of participation from the fans of actor Joo-won.


[Actor Joo Won's 11th Anniversary of his Debut, United Support Funding Guide]
Content: 11th Anniversary of Debut & Netflix's First Korean Film "Carter" Support
-Provide a portable fan useful to the film crew and other OOO
Funding amount: KRW 7 million in Korea + &
 The level of support will be adjusted according to the funding amount.
Funding deadline: Until June 10, 2021 5pm KST
Deposit account: SC 100-20-560983 dad
PAYPAL: flowers3504@naver.com
Participant Benefits:
 A gift of a fan gifted to the film crew to all members who deposit 100,000 won or more
 A spot event for depositors is being planned, and guerrilla notices are scheduled."

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