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1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Short teaser clip for Episode 15 of Alice:

I am assuming that it is the scene after PJG  tried to harm Kim Do Yeon.

For some reason it feels like writers are trying to pair Kim Do Yeon with PJG's partner. Like, there are few subtle hits that they might end up together in the end. It's not like that I was expecting PJG and Kim Do Yeon to end together, but the pairing between KDY and PJG's partner came out of nowhere.

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

Dang...I figured the show was going to go there re: Jin Gyeom's character, but seeing what he does after smashing the mirror still caught me off guard.

I was also surprised that he tried to kill himself, but it also looked like a low-key mental health issue. And also, I like how TY(2020) was there to help PJG

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7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I am assuming that it is the scene after PJG  tried to harm Kim Do Yeon.


Going by how they're dressed, I actually think this is pretty early in Episode 15, after Jin Gyeom nearly kills Tae Yi. But Alice does have a tendency to repeat costumes for its characters, so we'll have to wait and see.


7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I was also surprised that he tried to kill himself, but it also looked like a low-key mental health issue. And also, I like how TY(2020) was there to help PJG


I knew to expect something like this since knowing the part of the prophecy that says Jin Gyeom's fated to kill his mother. That's something the Good Jin Gyeom would never accept about himself - and for good reason - and my guess is that up until now, he thought he could actually just be a good person and everything would be fine. He hadn't accounted for this dark hooded figure and its ability to make him do the exact opposite of what he wants: attacking Kin Dong Ho, he could attribute to mistaking him for the villain; but attacking Tae Yi...there is no other explanation than the prophecy. 


However, it had also crossed my mind that this hooded person would be cruel enough to deny Jin Gyeom that sort of closure even if he were to attempt suicide as a last-ditch attempt to avoid hurting those around him. Because that person also seems to have control over time, it could easily freeze time whenever Jin Gyeom tries to stop or kill himself. Right now, I think its goal is to turn Jin Gyeom into a monster like it has with his evil doppelganger. And if he's not going to just follow its lead (like Evil Jin Gyeom did), then it will resort to just driving him insane.


JW's new Instagram post:



More set photos (embedding not working for these two; I just get a blank space :P):






And I know we'll get our answer soon, but what the heck???



I mean, considering that we also see all three main cast members in "Alice" in this set of stills, it's even more confusing now just who this person is.

7 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

For some reason it feels like writers are trying to pair Kim Do Yeon with PJG's partner. Like, there are few subtle hits that they might end up together in the end. It's not like that I was expecting PJG and Kim Do Yeon to end together, but the pairing between KDY and PJG's partner came out of nowhere.


Dong Ho (i.e. Jin Gyeom's partner) has had feelings for Do Yeon the entire time. The question has just been whether Do Yeon decides to reciprocate.




The set photos actually came with a full-blown YouTube video, so here you go :) 




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This really doesn't make any sense, but I would like to appreciate the make artist job done on Joo won and acting of Joo Won as old self(at least that's what I think)

And I am also worried that Joo won or his character maybe trolled , for too many twists and turns. Because the drama is using or if not, totally depended on unexpected arch of the characters and also, there is no proper explanation for the arch other than bringing up the parallel universe reason. So, I think the writers should have solid reason to explain for making Joo won play his old-self character



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27 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

This really doesn't make any sense, but I would like to appreciate the make artist job done on Joo won and acting of Joo Won as old self(at least that's what I think)


Yeah - I wasn't entirely sure what I was seeing at first, but the thing that really made it sink in for me that this was apparently an older version of Jin Gyeom is when they spoke at the same time. Like, not in a coincidental way, but in a "they literally share one mind" sort of way.


I, like, really want to see the costume/makeup behind-the-scenes for this bit, or even for some of the Evil!Jin Gyeom scenes from earlier episodes. It's too bad that Korean drama awards seldom do anything for the production crew (screenplay, cinematography, visual effects, sound editing, costume, makeup, etc.), because they really deserve kudos for what they've done for Alice so far. Like, we can somehow have a gazillion different categories for acting (such that it almost cheapens the whole awards concept), but none for production? I didn't think much of it before, but after seeing Alice now, I just don't think that's fair.

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

And I am also worried that Joo won or his character maybe trolled , for too many twists and turns. Because the drama is using or if not, totally depended on unexpected arch of the characters and also, there is no proper explanation for the arch other than bringing up the parallel universe reason. So, I think the writers should have solid reason to explain for making Joo won play his old-self character


I didn't see this part when I replied earlier - sorry.


For me, I actually don't have a hard time wrapping my mind around this being yet another parallel version of Jin Gyeom - because I do think the writers have laid a lot of groundwork for that in the past couple of episodes. But for me, just from these little snippets and screenshots, I have a few questions that I hope either the full version of this episode or the final episode will answer:

  1. Why does the Teacher have the same gun that Tae Yi (2020)'s father was shown with in Episode 1? Is there a connection between them that we don't yet know about, such as the Teacher being the original author of the book?
  2. In Episode 14, Park Sun Young tells Yoo Min Hyuk that Jin Gyeom would try to find the Teacher and that MH should try to stop him at all costs. Does this mean she (and possibly Min Hyuk as well) suspected who the Teacher was all along?
  3. To what extent are Jin Gyeom and the Teacher actually the same person? It appears from the ending of this episode that Jin Gyeom's ability to travel spontaneously through time might be something that's innately his, as it does save his life from the Teacher this time around. But how is that possible, and is this escape something the Teacher accounted for?
  4. What is the Teacher's ultimate goal? I think this is probably why the whole "parallel version" theory is falling a bit flat right now: we know he exists, but not why. I, too, worry that the developments from Episode 13 onward were just thrown in to add suspense to the story (you guys already saw my comments on the prophecy in my take on Episode 14, for instance), so I hope there's some sort of closure here as well.
  5. It looks like Jin Gyeom will get one last chance to go back to 2010 and fix things. But the whole premise of Alice's version of time travel is that what happens in one universe doesn't directly affect its parallels. So how would Jin Gyeom go about trying to save his mother one last time - and what purpose would that actually serve?
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Just wondering: do you guys remember when all the main cast members of Alice took turns playing with the rapid aging filter on their phones and posted the results online?


(Not the original posts, but re-posts by a fan - and embedding's glitchy again :P)






Yeah, um, in hindsight...they were totally teasing the ending, weren't they? ;) 




So, I didn't get the "Teacher" making that I was hoping for, but this behind-the-scenes video is still fun.



Once again, it's great that the production crew decided to show the entire process for rehearsing and filming a fight scene: from slow-mo rehearsals with the actors, each actor taking turns with a stunt double at full speed, and then the actual filming.

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11 hours ago, kittyna said:






Yeah, um, in hindsight...they were totally teasing the ending, weren't they? ;) 


I thought the same when watching old Jin Gyeom... so this is why they had that filter.. they were teasing us.


11 hours ago, kittyna said:


So, I didn't get the "Teacher" making that I was hoping for, but this behind-the-scenes video is still fun.

This is such a fun making.. They're all full of energy in shooting set.


17 hours ago, kittyna said:
  • Why does the Teacher have the same gun that Tae Yi (2020)'s father was shown with in Episode 1? Is there a connection between them that we don't yet know about, such as the Teacher being the original author of the book?
  • In Episode 14, Park Sun Young tells Yoo Min Hyuk that Jin Gyeom would try to find the Teacher and that MH should try to stop him at all costs. Does this mean she (and possibly Min Hyuk as well) suspected who the Teacher was all along?
  • To what extent are Jin Gyeom and the Teacher actually the same person? It appears from the ending of this episode that Jin Gyeom's ability to travel spontaneously through time might be something that's innately his, as it does save his life from the Teacher this time around. But how is that possible, and is this escape something the Teacher accounted for?
  • What is the Teacher's ultimate goal? I think this is probably why the whole "parallel version" theory is falling a bit flat right now: we know he exists, but not why. I, too, worry that the developments from Episode 13 onward were just thrown in to add suspense to the story (you guys already saw my comments on the prophecy in my take on Episode 14, for instance), so I hope there's some sort of closure here as well.
  • It looks like Jin Gyeom will get one last chance to go back to 2010 and fix things. But the whole premise of Alice's version of time travel is that what happens in one universe doesn't directly affect its parallels. So how would Jin Gyeom go about trying to save his mother one last time - and what purpose would that actually serve?


I would like to add some comment and question along with your points.


1.  Same gun.. Also why Choi Won Shik and Old Jin Gyeom both use regular pistol not Alice one.


2. I don't know if MH knows who's the teacher.. But he definitely got the plan. He said to Jin Gyeom in Ep 15----


"He is the one who killed your mother...He is now coming after Professor Yoon...by using you."


3.   4.  5  I myself is still have different opinion that Teacher and Old Jin Gyeom is same Guy... Or Old Jin Gyeom is the actual Killer of Omma Tae Yi back in 2010. Why I thought like that before 2010 was because Choi Oh Won in an episode said that read from Book of Prophecy that "the moment of fulfilling the prophecy has not started yet." It was supposed to start when Jin Gyeom time travels and take control over time. So I believe someone else of the evil gang killed Omma Taeyi (Like how Choi Oh Won was telling the story of a mosnter.)That the killer is now trying to make it his mission so Jin Gyeom be the killer. As monster couldn't killed the child he would make it his mission to turn the child a monster. The gang is trying to fulfil the prophecy by making JG the monster and may be get rid of him in the process.



Another interesting point is in Choi Oh Won and Prof. Taeyi's conversation. 


Taeyi: The TEACHER new what was in last page of the book, didn't he? Then why did he stayed quite until now?

Oh Won: Because it's important for you and Park Jin Gyeom to know the Prophecy, not us.

(He said us)


I assume when Yoon Tae Yi and Park Jin Gyeom knows the prophecy and act according to it or may be do something by misinterpreting it, it goes to the advantage of Teacher.


I also don't think everything we're seeing are happening in multiple universe... I think it's happening in the same universe may be due to some kind of time paradox because of birth of Park Jin Gyeom. because how each characters are entangled there must be some kind of abnormality happening to our(current) universe. I don't have proper scientific explanation. I just feel like it by connecting different tid bits from Alice.





I actually enjoyed ep 15 a lot..more than I thought I would enjoy it. It was interesting to see relationship of the family members fit into exactly where they should be... That was so satifying..but then Appa Omma had to die...But there's Jin Gyeom saying he'll save everyone and deal with Old Jin Gyeom later. Will we have a reset and get precious lives back? I beleive JG will be able to save Professor Tae Yi but can he save his mother? I do not think so but I will watch it with open mind becuse Alice writer has definitly positively surprised me. I absolutely love how so many things can happen in Alice in just one episode.



Will share more of my thoughts on ep 15 after watching 16. I don't think my curiosity on how things are wrapping up can wait till subtitles. I usually try to watch last two episodes together with subtitles when watching drama of intense genre . But Alice is breaking every rule.


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1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

Will share more of my thoughts on ep 15 after watching 16. I don't think my curiosity on how things are wrapping up can wait till subtitles. I usually try to watch last two episodes together with subtitles when watching drama of intense genre . But Alice is breaking every rule.


The funny thing for me is that Alice episodes air during the days of the week (Friday and Saturday) when I'm actually the busiest in real life, meaning that I never actually have the time to watch new episodes on the actual day. Instead, I usually only get around to both new episodes about two days after, which means that just from YouTube and Instagram, I already have some general sense of what's going on. Usually, I already know the major plot twists (e.g. for Episode 15: who dies, who's the Teacher, etc.), and that gives me a chance to step back and start thinking through my review/analysis before I even watch the full thing.


In other words: I'm sort of simultaneously watching Alice for the first and second time (talk about a time paradox :P). And that's actually given me a perspective where I can confidently say that Alice is a drama that works best on a second viewing. Watch it the first time for all the twists and turns, but watch it for a second time if you really want to wrestle with and delve into the major themes in the drama. ;) 


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

3.   4.  5  I myself is still have different opinion that Teacher and Old Jin Gyeom is same Guy... Or Old Jin Gyeom is the actual Killer of Omma Tae Yi back in 2010. Why I thought like that before 2010 was because Choi Oh Won in an episode said that read from Book of Prophecy that "the moment of fulfilling the prophecy has not started yet." It was supposed to start when Jin Gyeom time travels and take control over time. So I believe someone else of the evil gang killed Omma Taeyi (Like how Choi Oh Won was telling the story of a mosnter.)That the killer is now trying to make it his mission so Jin Gyeom be the killer. As monster couldn't killed the child he would make it his mission to turn the child a monster. The gang is trying to fulfil the prophecy by making JG the monster and may be get rid of him in the process.


This is one part I think I'll really need to watch with subs to understand fully, but it sounds like a variation on the classic liar's paradox (i.e. "This statement is false." or "I'm lying."), where the mother thinks she's beaten the monster. BUT the monster then breaks the rules by turning her child into itself.


However, the concept that the antagonist's goal is to turn the protagonist into a monster like itself is actually pretty classic. I brought up Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as a literary example, but you also see the same thing in the Lord of the Rings series (where the evil ring tries to prevent its own destruction by fostering greed and selfishness in anyone who owns it), and - for a K-drama example - in the climactic episodes of I Hear Your Voice (i.e. if you say I'm a monster for murdering your father, wouldn't you be a monster by taking revenge?).


1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

But there's Jin Gyeom saying he'll save everyone and deal with Old Jin Gyeom later. Will we have a reset and get precious lives back? I beleive JG will be able to save Professor Tae Yi but can he save his mother? I do not think so but I will watch it with open mind becuse Alice writer has definitly positively surprised me. I absolutely love how so many things can happen in Alice in just one episode.


That's where my last question from my first impression of Episode 15 comes from. We see in the Episode 16 preview that Seok Oh Won tells Jin Gyeom that even if he saves his mother in this timeline (whichever one it is), it won't actually change the future. So we'll have to wait and see just what exactly this "reset" looks like.

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Okay.. so what just happened.


May be it's better to comment after subtitles but Alice seemed to be just went too heavy on open ending or I just didn't really understand it.

So I was thinking about open ending when I first started Alice. But after episode 15 I was like they would probably not give us that usual open ending..


But it feels like all those theories comes to an end without tying their ends together. 


Anyways I will wait to see what you all think about it, see the subtitled episode and comment.


But Episode 15 was actually the real ending..the ending of the universe we knew and loved..I kind of feel so selfish to say that but that's how I really feel.


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I gotta say, @flutterby06, that your comment about Episode 16 was so intriguing that I really wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I haven't gotten there yet, but by breaking it down into lots of little snippets rather than sitting down and watching it in one go, I did manage to get through Episode 15 - so I'll give my spiel on that first.



First of all, let me get my bit of fair criticism out of the way first: as poignant and moving as Yoo Min Hyuk and Yoon Tae Yi's deaths were, as a general whole, the long chain reaction of characters killing each other off in this episode was a tad much. We felt for Min Hyuk and Tae Yi because we cared for them as characters and knew how much they both mattered to Jin Gyeom (although he's rather reluctant to admit that about Min Hyuk just yet), but the numerous antagonists' deaths (starting from Oh Si Young's in Episode 14 onward) started to feel really cliché by the time we got to the end of the chain. Like, I get we were supposed to root for Jin Gyeom in those moments, but there was something really cartoonish about the cumulative effect, and the surprise factor was lost on me.


However, that aside, I honestly loved this episode - and my guess right now is that I'll love the finale as well. Why? Because I love where this drama's going with Jin Gyeom's connection with the Teacher. I will admit to being rather put off by it at first, back in Episodes 13 and 14; it seemed to have no real connection to anything we'd seen prior to that point (save for that glimpse of the Teacher in Episode 1, which I completely forgot about until @kireeti2 pointed it out), and I honestly suspected that the writers were throwing in the possibility that Evil!Jin Gyeom killed Park Sun Young for its shock value and nothing else. 


So how did I go from hating this twist to loving it? Well, I don't know if it's ever happened to you guys while watching a drama, when there's that one moment or line of dialogue and it all just "clicks" in your head, and all of a sudden, everything makes sense? Well, that happened to me here with the line in the prophecy about "[Sun Young's] marvelous creation." I will confess to figuring it out a fraction of a moment before Tae Yi does (although it's because I already knew how this episode would end, so it's nothing really to brag about), and once it did...wow. :) 


We knew all along that "our" Jin Gyeom was different from his numerous parallel versions. In addition to being the one who successfully became good through his mother's guidance, Tae Yi rightfully pointed out to him in this episode that it wasn't just her. "Our" Jin Gyeom's been slowly shaped into the person we love by all the people who cared for him and showed him unconditional love in the ten years since his mother's death: Do Yeon, Go Ahjussi and his wife, the rest of his team, etc. What that means is that "our" Jin Gyeom's not only starting off on a better foot than his parallel version (who we saw in Episode 13 was already corrupted by the Teacher's influence as a teenager), but that he has it inside of him not to succumb to the same bitterness that the Teacher himself experienced as a young man.


(Given that, huge kudos for Jin Gyeom's do-over with Do Yeon in this episode. I don't know how they'll end up in Episode 16 - don't tell me either, guys - but I love that he was there for her when she needed him. And I also love their little confessions to each other, even if it's purely platonic on Jin Gyeom's end; and Do Yeon's "Wait - don't come here" moment when she realized that the attack on her might be a trap for him.)


However, just because "our" Jin Gyeom has a good head start doesn't mean he's good to go - and herein lies the brilliance of these final episodes, I think. He hadn't been aware of this potential for darkness inside of him before, but the events of Episode 14 helped him to realize that; and after Tae Yi pulled him back from the brink and helped him see that there's another way out than just letting that darkness control him...that influence disappears. First win for "our" Jin Gyeom :) - he's already gotten farther than any of his predecessors in this cycle. But he's not done yet. The only way he can stop this cycle now is if he completely destroys that darkness inside of himself: he has to kill himself, but not in the way we saw in the beginning of the episode. Instead, he has to kill the evil inside of himself that's outwardly manifested by the Teacher...even if it means he himself ceases to exist in the process.


And I find that a really important life lesson for all of us: that at the end of the day, the only one who could stop each of us from succumbing to selfishness, bitterness, or temptation is ourselves. Sure, those around us could guide us on the right path, but ultimately, it's always going to be us as individuals against our own inner demons, and I love that Alice is showing that in such a concrete way here. :approves:


That being said, although I could see why the drama's writers want Jin Gyeom to end this battle alone...RIP Papa Min Hyuk  :criesariver: I don't think the show "did him dirty" as some viewers have said, but I did find it heartwrenching that he died without the sense of closure that I think we all wanted for him. Instead, we see him reflecting back on his life and thinking about what he would have done differently if he could: staying by 2050-Tae Yi's side rather than insisting that she get an abortion. It's true that he really stepped into his own as Jin Gyeom's father in this episode, which is what makes his death all the more tragic: we imagine all the potential ways he could have helped Jin Gyeom (and eventually win Jin Gyeom's trust) in the future if he'd had the chance. However, here, too, is an important life lesson: we really only get one shot at this life, and sometimes (I'd argue more often than not, actually), we do end up leaving this world bearing more regrets than closure. So we should - like Min Hyuk does - make the most of what little unknown time we have left, because we never know when that end will come.


And for those who are wondering why there's no RIP for Tae Yi yet? Because I know already that her story's not over ;) 


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7 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Okay.. so what just happened.


May be it's better to comment after subtitles but Alice seemed to be just went too heavy on open ending or I just didn't really understand it.

So I was thinking about open ending when I first started Alice. But after episode 15 I was like they would probably not give us that usual open ending..


But it feels like all those theories comes to an end without tying their ends together. 


Anyways I will wait to see what you all think about it, see the subtitled episode and comment.


But Episode 15 was actually the real ending..the ending of the universe we knew and loved..I kind of feel so selfish to say that but that's how I really feel.

Well, it is not a perfect ending, but I do agree with the writers. I personally don't have any complaints with the ending, I do think it was the logical ending since PJG killed the "Teacher" which is his future self and which subsequently destroyed Alice, time travelers, and time travel. Only complaint I have is that they did not pair the KDY and new PJG in the end, I think writers owe at least this to much to KDY character. Overall, I am satisfied with the drama's ending and I did not find any loose ends left. But, yeah without subs it is really hard to grasp the ending, so maybe re-watch it after subs, it makes it better

1 hour ago, kittyna said:

(Given that, huge kudos for Jin Gyeom's do-over with Do Yeon in this episode. I don't know how they'll end up in Episode 16 - don't tell me either, guys - but I love that he was there for her when she needed him. And I also love their little confessions to each other, even if it's purely platonic on Jin Gyeom's end; and Do Yeon's "Wait - don't come here" moment when she realized that the attack on her might be a trap for him.)

Even though they had little screen time together, their chemistry was off the charts. I really hope these would do a drama in future with a melodrama plot line. I think these two would do great job in it :love: In episode 16 these two have really good scenes where we can see them  portrayed as high school couple, like, KDY helped PJG pick up cake for her mom's birthday and they were flirting with each other like regular couple.I was not expecting for more scenes of these two in last episodes since the writers had to tie lot of loose ends, but I am glad they did include these scenes.




1 hour ago, kittyna said:

save for that glimpse of the Teacher in Episode 1, which I completely forgot about until @kireeti2 pointed it out

What did I point out? I seem to have forgotten it:sweat_smile:

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2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

What did I point out? I seem to have forgotten it


You mentioned there was an old man standing outside their house in Episode 1 - and I'd completely forgotten about him as a potential suspect ;) 


2 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Even though they had little screen time together, their chemistry was off the charts. I really hope these would do a drama in future with a melodrama plot line. I think these two would do great job in it :love: In episode 16 these two have really good scenes where we can see them  portrayed as high school couple, like, KDY helped PJG pick up cake for her mom's birthday and they were flirting with each other like regular couple.I was not expecting for more scenes of these two in last episodes since the writers had to tie lot of loose ends, but I am glad they did include these scenes.


I can't comment on Episode 16 yet, but I did find the Episode 15 scenes really cute (danger and peril aside, of course). I loved that Jin Gyeom admitted to Do Yeon that he was never bothered by her butting into his business all the time, and that bit of banter about the gloves was adorable. (DY: "What's the Christmas gift I gave you doing up here in storage?" JG: "Um...my mother must have put them there." DY: "These were from last year." JG: O_O... "Oh.")


I think my favourite moments were when Do Yeon was in danger, though: both for Jin Gyeom's promise that "if something bad happens to you, it happens to me", and for Do Yeon's attempt to protect Jin Gyeom by telling him to stay away. And then she yells at him for coming anyway :P - it's a cute throwback to the whole "You're okay? So I can hit you" bit from Episode 5.


So...this isn't the video I'd initially hoped for, but we do have behind-the-scenes photos showing the makeup process for creating the Teacher. It's really freaking bizarre to see JW still trying to do aegyo whilst in costume, though :lol:

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Watched the drama with great interest, I really liked the play of the actors, the evolution of the characters' characters, the theme of temporary transitions fascinated me. Therefore, I was looking forward to the last episodes with impatience and hope, where all the riddles were to be revealed and logical explanations for many events were to be found. But, alas, the banal melodramatic ending crossed out the whole series for me. In addition, I saw a clear borrowing from the drama "The King - Eternal Monarch". Science fiction turned into melodrama, which was very upsetting.

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I agree that that remained unexplained and the question was asked but never answered as to why those with the scientific minds capable of time travel would fear a rather childish looking book of prophecy.

1 hour ago, nina_mitrokhina 5misnina said:

For me, in addition to all other questions, the main thing remained unresolved - who wrote the "Book of Prophecies" and why ?!


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3 hours ago, nina_mitrokhina 5misnina said:

For me, in addition to all other questions, the main thing remained unresolved - who wrote the "Book of Prophecies" and why ?!


1 hour ago, Nella2019 said:

I agree that that remained unexplained and the question was asked but never answered as to why those with the scientific minds capable of time travel would fear a rather childish looking book of prophecy.


Forgive me if I end up incorrect about this - since I've only watched up to Episode 15 right now - but my understanding is that that's the whole point the drama is trying to make about the Book of Prophecy: that it doesn't make sense, and the major mistake on the time travelers' part was believing it.


Out of the villainous characters, the only ones who know the full prophecy are the Teacher and Seok Oh Won, and both of them are ultimately twisted and corrupted by their belief in it (as for everyone else, they're only told that a means exists to stop time travel and it's their job to kill those involved before it happens). For Seok Oh Won, it appears that he just thinks that any threat to time travel is a potential threat to his life's work and it must therefore be eradicated - even though Tae Yi points out to him directly that it doesn't make sense for a scientist to believe in the prophecy, he still does in that slight off-chance that it would happen. He's a scientist, but he's an arrogant one: so caught up in his perceived right-ness of his research that he's completely closed to any alternatives or challenges to his theories.


As for the Teacher, his belief in it is much deeper: based on the prophecy, he believed he was doomed to become a twisted monster just by virtue of his still being alive (meaning that his mother hadn't aborted her pregnancy, leaving the door of time unclosed).


As you guys have pointed out, that's completely irrational - but it's also completely human. Even the smartest of us are prone to developing a narrow vision of the world, and especially our own lives within it, so the fact that it's a group of scientists who are getting so hung-up on the prophecy doesn't faze me at all. And all this time, throughout watching Alice, I've felt that the drama's point about the prophecy was the same as that in the classic story of Oedipus: human efforts to prevent a prophecy from taking place are the actions that ultimately bring it about. So by going back in time to kill Park Sun Young, the Teacher (or those under his orders) ends up bringing about the circumstances behind his own bitterness and corruption, and his mistaken belief that his only source of self-worth comes from his ability to control time. That, in turn, further adds to his need to maintain the existence of time travel and the desire to kill in order to maintain it. This, therefore, is not a divinely ordained prophecy (or, fate driven, if you prefer), but one that's entirely manmade and self-fulfilled.


But "our" Jin Gyeom is different. He recognizes that, no, he's not  doomed to become a monster just because that's what supposedly happened to his older self (i.e. the Teacher) after witnessing his mother's death. It's the fact that he doesn't believe in the prophecy that allows him to step outside of the loop and find a way to break the cycle/curse/whatever else you want to call it that's been binding him and his mother all this time. Because rather than assuming he's doomed to become a monster, he actively tries to prevent that from happening to himself - and that's what gives him the impetus needed to kill the Teacher (i.e. his monstrous self) and set things back to rights.

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10 hours ago, kittyna said:

DY: "What's the Christmas gift I gave you doing up here in storage?" JG: "Um...my mother must have put them there." DY: "These were from last year." JG: O_O... "Oh.")

It did sounded like an old couple fight and was cute

10 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think my favourite moments were when Do Yeon was in danger, though: both for Jin Gyeom's promise that "if something bad happens to you, it happens to me", and for Do Yeon's attempt to protect Jin Gyeom by telling him to stay away. And then she yells at him for coming anyway :P - it's a cute throwback to the whole "You're okay? So I can hit you" bit from Episode 5.

And also in the police station, she gives him a warning that to be careful and if she finds any scars on him, she is going to kill him. Lol, KDY's threats are so cute


And also, the drama got average ration of 7%, that's not bad considering the back to back low rating dramas before Alice. So, I think Alice did manage to punch above its weight

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I guess I am being nitpicky but at the end, his father would have been about 5 years old????   Or was his mother the only person from the future who had still been capable of time travel.  Did she keep the knowledge to herself? Why was the Professor the only one who still remembered him? 


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