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Jang Keun Suk 장근석


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He looks cute!! Thanks newlili for bringing the pics here... :D

And may I say, the ramen hair looks good under that beanie... :lol: Glad he's starting to fill out more these days... :D

And the chibis!! love it! The second one will look good as an avatar... :D I love his pineapple hair... :lol:

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Guest somuchinluv01

@newlili thank u for the pic!

oh my.. so cuteeee :P

he look so damn tired in the first pic. <_<

i like the 3rd picture...

JGS why ur so cute?!lol hahahahaha :P

i think his next project will be kimiwapetto :D hahahahahaha (just my imagination)

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wow he is so cute...... thanks newlili. i m going to die seeing his bts pics as he is really cutie in real life,

and cecilia i really appreciate ur effort in doing the translation as it is really goodies to us who cant read korean

take a break when you need it ba and come back fresh and energetic ba :)

thanks all for all the goodies

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Since things are so hectic now, I guess I will wait awhile before deciding to join his fan club especially when I have a little difficulty navigating the website. Other than his messages in text, I don't see any SBS videos links or any pictures he posted etc -.- But I'm very tempted to join since we will receive those exclusive fan club goodies and if they will translate more stuff to English, I'm definitely in!

Thanks newlili for sharing the pictures! JKS never fail to look good! Aww... By the way, is the news reliable that he will be on a TV drama? I really can't wait to see him back on screen! I was watching BOF special edition dvd today and the thought about JKS being GJP pop out.. lol~ I still very much prefer him as HTK.

Dear cecilia, I hope you are feeling much better now! ^-^

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Guest EerilyImaginary

장근석, 2010년 기대되는 ★ 왜?


Actor Jang Geun-suk in 2010 is expected to star TV has been overwhelming interest in the inside.

이는 장근석이 지난해 방송된 SBS '미남이시네요'를 통해 스타성을, 지난달 31일 열린 2009 SBS 연기대상에서는 연기자임에도 불구하고 아나운서 못지않은 차분하고 안정된 진행으로 호평을 받았기 때문이다. It aired last year 장근석 SBS 'handsome, they are the' stars through the castle, 2009 SBS Drama Awards held on October 31 despite the fact that the actor is as good announcer fed reputation as a calm and steady progress.

사실 '미남이시네요'는 시청률 면에서 그리 만족스런 결과를 얻지 못했다. Actually, the handsome, they are the 'in terms of the audience did not get very satisfactory results. 하지만 화제성 면에서는 그 어느 시청률 1위 드라마에도 밀리지 않았다. But hwajeseong No. 1 in terms of TV ratings, even those which did not only leverage.

극중 장근석은 87년생 22살의 어린 나이에도 불구하고 카리스마 있는 연기로 극의 이끌었다. 87 Years Old 22-year term, Jang Geun young age despite the charisma of poles led to the delay.

무엇보다 그의 진가가 제대로 발휘된 것은 2009 SBS 연기대상 시상식. Properly appreciate what he exerted over the 2009 SBS Drama Awards ceremony. 최근 본지와 만난 SBS 고위 관계자는 "연기대상 MC를 보는 장근석을 보고 깜짝 놀랐다"며 "나이는 어리지만 장근석의 모습에서 무한한 가능성을 발견했다"고 평가했다. Last seen with SBS met a senior official, "acting on the target MC Jang Geun-suk and was shocked to see," said "that young age, but from the looks of 장근석 found endless possibilities," he said.

이어 "연기자지만 MC는 물론 예능 프로그램에서도 통할 끼가 있는 친구"라고 말했다. After "actors, as well as entertainment programs as well forget about MC, but a man of the chops," he said.

실제로 장근석은 MC를 볼 당시 함께 진행에 나섰던 SBS 박선영 아나운서를 압도했다. In fact, the MC 장근석 see progress at the time worked on together with the overwhelming SBS announcer said Park Sun-young. 말 한 마디에도 힘이 실려 있었으며, 방송사가 혹여 진행이 서툰 연예인이 실수할 때를 대비해 배치한 박선영 아나운서를 뛰어넘어 시상식의 메인MC로 활약했다. Were also carried strong word, broadcasters continue hokyeo Artists This wretched place in case this slips beyond the Park Sun-young announcer plays the ceremony was the main MC.

5살의 어린 나이에 유치원 카탈로그를 처음으로 연예계 발을 들인 장근석, 2010년 꽃 피울 그의 활약을 기대해 본다. 5-year-old kindergarten at a young age as the first celebrity walks towards 장근석 Catalog, 2010 Flower smoke and I hope he plays.

this is the article you mentioned but did understand much cuz thz translation tool sucks!! can any1 help?

@cecilia: please take a break if you want but don't go for good we love you, we need you, and we appreciate what you do for us!

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Guest somuchinluv01

hi gals morning ^^ i just came frm the website of jgs.. and there is a new mgs from him.. as expected i was not able to view his msg.. lol

oh so sad.. it is only for the fan club member i think..

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Guest pandaranda

@newlili: Thank for the new pics!! JKS looks really cute in headgear of any kind! I think he's one of the few stars that can get away with wearing stuff on his head and still pull it off looking great! ^^ Sometimes I prefer it when he's wearing headgear. XDD

Those big-bell beanies seem to be in fashion now, huh? They're super cute, and I remember Go Mi Nam wearing one in YAB too. It was trailing behind her head, bobbing up and down as she ran, I just wanted to glomp her! XDDD Too bad it's summer over here in the Northern Hemisphere right now, so I have no use for a beanie. =O Winter apparel is definitely the best though! =P I miss winter already. XD I hope JKS stays all wrapped up and warm, and I look forward to any surprises he's got in store for us. :D (I don't know whether I would be keen for him to be Momo though..XP I didn't really like Kimi wa Petto much. xD)

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Sukkie made a post dated today.... I hope someone can share it with us. I'm dying to know what it is all about.

@cecilia: We appreciate you efforts. Thank you very much. You can take a break but don't run away. EELS, need you badly :D

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hi gals morning ^^ i just came frm the website of jgs.. and there is a new mgs from him.. as expected i was not able to view his msg.. lol

oh so sad.. it is only for the fan club member i think..

Sukkie made a post dated today.... I hope someone can share it with us. I'm dying to know what it is all about.

@cecilia: We appreciate you efforts. Thank you very much. You can take a break but don't run away. EELS, need you badly :D

i went to the website too and cant view the message also. T__T only meant for the fanclub members. so sad.

awww im dying to know what he wrote!! maybe someone who is frm th fanclub can tell us what he wrote? i mean not copying the whole message but a summary of it. >.<

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Hey guys, i have just read from baidu regarding his msg posted last night.

from th translation, it says that he is very sorry that he couldn't upload the jojo dance video due to some problems.

he also mentioned that he got a lil fatter these days like what immortal_piglet said and tell the eels not to worry. heh

and he is now resting/holidaying in bali think?

he's such a cutie! :lol:

well i just roughly translate it frm chinese so its nt 100% accurate xD

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Hey guys, i have just read from baidu regarding his msg posted last night.

from th translation, it says that he is very sorry that he couldn't upload the jojo dance video due to some problems.

he also mentioned that he got a lil fatter these days like what immortal_piglet said and tell the eels not to worry. heh

and he is now resting/holidaying in bali think?

he's such a cutie! :lol:

well i just roughly translate it frm chinese so its nt 100% accurate xD

@candi thanks for the translation it is good that he grow fatter as this mean that he has been resting well and eating alot. well he must be recharging himself for a new drama which i cant wait....

hmmmm.. i thought he is in school now so i wonder how he can handle school work and work loads well i have a bad feeling that we are going to wait after his completion of his last year's examinations in the uni then can see him ba. but it is ok la even though i miss him so much but i still want him to get enough rest and complete hid study 1st. his health must always come 1st.

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Sorry may I ask sth, I've read from a website that JGS will join Cinderella sister with MGY, is there any confirmation?

Personally, I don't think so b/c CS will be aired on 2010 Mar, so they have to shoot from Jan or Feb but I think JGS need more time to rest and he won't choose CS his next film, but I still want to ask if any of you have any info, thanks

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Hey there, today jgs posted another msg again! xD

He talked about the song he's currently obsessed about!

Listen to it here : http://m.mop.com/tracks/player.jsp?ids=6573400

Song by So Bang Cha :)

thanks for the content of his msg :D

just listen to this song, the beat is catchy, and quite nice too :D anw nvr heard to this band b4.

btw, immortal_piglet, are u the member of his fanclub?

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