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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Guest shariman66

Well, South Korea is surely 'digging her own grave' with this kind of attitude ~

She won't continue to blind the whole world like what she has been doing with her own people however.

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." 

I guess some of the Koreans are making this phrase as their maxim ^_^

It's easier ~ to be rid of any responsibility if anything goes wrong ~

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Kim Hyun Joong…[article] SK INJUSTICE

Posted on June 27, 2016



By: LazerKim


Everyone here must be shocked by the latest development on Criminal Case KHJ vs Choi, however allow me to iron this out since there are a lot of matters that wasn’t clear to me. Last year sometime in Dec Atty Lee mentioned that the investigation on criminal case begun before the year 2015 ended. This was how I understand it.

In the trash news it was said that in May 19th the DA released its ruling on acquitting Choi of all 4 criminal case filed by KHJ. BUT a police report was released stating there’s evidence showing Choi guilty of these crimes. Well for obvious reasons the travel ban on her was granted! And here goes Mr Prosecutor acquitting Choi of all charges?

I got a million questions running in my mind like, Was there a court hearing on the criminal case filed? How did the DA came up to such ruling? What are his basis on such decision? There’s not enough evidence to corroborate the crime? The entire world already seen the evidences except  the prosecutor?? He must be joking!!!

From day one that Choi filed her nonsense lawsuits against KHJ I have already suspected that SK Court of Law is made into a playground and I was right as I wrote in my article! The SK Court of Law proved themselves to be right! They are indeed a playground that cannot be relied on, and cannot even be trusted! What kind of law does SK have? Is there justice in this country? I doubt!

I’m one step to be convinced that SK is the scariest country to live in, that an integrity of a person will always be at risk any time! This nonsense scandal is even worst than terrorist attack! The moment a hungry blackmailer like Choi is out there to catch her prey, in minutes his entire life is finish! And it seems to me that this act of blackmailing celeb is being tolerated by SK authorities! We can see that now I guess!

2zxDa-1U7L7-1 (1)


It’s so disappointing how the SK prosecutor handled this case that appears to me SK believed the obvious lies manipulated evidence right before their eye and disregarded the obvious innocent!

I mean, in defamation alone, the entire world had read those fabricated text message of Choi and her unbelievable fantasy from those news articles which is obviously intended to destroy the image of a celeb. The entire world is the witness in this case! What evidence does the stupid DA needs to prove the act of defamation? I wonder!

South Korea is such a big turn-off that I lost respect on this country for allowing these stupid scandals to get out of hand. And SK men in robes just believed in manipulated lies, that for me spells a big HYPOCRISY among them! And I really feel sad for KHJ on how he was being treated by his own country with absolute unfairness!

Not even a day in court to speak up that a crime was done to him was disregarded? What kind of country is this? SK kept promoting the Hallyu and Kpop to the world, but they cannot even protect their own artists? On the contrary, SK are even the ones destroying their very own treasure in exchange for money! Don’t you find this strange?



Indeed Mr prosecutor and the SK Court of Law are bunches of DEAF AND BLINDS. I wonder how they equate criminal cases like Defamation, False Accusation, Fraud, Blackmail not seeing the evidence when those evidences seen by the entire world are just in front of their ugly faces?? What kind of law does SK have?? Just asking!

Hence, they accepted text messages, manipulated evidences, photo shopped evidences created by Choi?? Well it’s a different case still we’re talking of justice here! But honestly I really find SK Justice to be hilarious!! I wonder now as to how much did Choi paid Mr prosecutor $$$??? Just my wild thoughts!

I knew it, no wonder Choi had all the guts to file lawsuits left and right with all fabricated evidences carelessly ! I was right, Choi and the pig knew all along they can easily get away from the scandal they created! I wrote about this, now I got my answers!! So this is how SK justice system works!! Hmmm…. at least I’m learning how evilness works in SK!

May I just clear it up that this criminal case filed by KHJ is NOT over yet since the case was brought to another court, at the same time KHJ changed his lawyers.

What else can I say?  Freedom of speech is my human right!….. If Choi and those trash so-called media can write their piece carelessly, then I get the same human right as they have!     I rest my case!

                “If justice is denied….let the law of karma takes its ride…”

                                                                                                     LazerKim here writing

Photo credit as tagged, Ms D thanks     @oaewma06 thanks!


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I must say I agree with a lot of points in the article above. The writer does not not exaggerate about SK court of justice allows themselves to be a playground for choy hye mi and her gang. In the past 2 years we have seen the super slow process of SK civil court that allow the plaintiff to keep postponing the hearing which cause unnecessary 5 months delayed. Now the criminal case we have witness questionable integrity of the prosecutor. At the least he must be blind and deaf not to see how choi hye mi defame HJ through media play. HJ 's right was violated in public again and again but he failed to see. To me it showed that he did not care what is right what is wrong in term of justice and he probably knew SK public did not care either. because they are familiar with injustice anyway.  . I wonder what kind of attitude he has as a prosecutor if he can ignore justice and fairness. It is scary to think about the country that justice has been ignored by the justice institution.

It is like a deli ma seeing the headline saying that tricky lawyer. seoun saying his client asked for an apology from  HJ . Last time in 2014 they asked for an apology when they blackmailed him BTS for 600 MW. This time they did the same I guess BTS  they tried to get settlement with him for some big money again. I hope that will be not the case. However the reaction from the prosecutor is kind of trying to pressure HJ to settlement with choi. hye mi. It seems to me the whole court business is very fishy.

However I do not give up the hope for justice and pray for some good men in the SK justice system who respect themselves and who work there because they really care for justice.

The more injustice KHJ gets from either medias or haters or an ignorance and the justice system the stronger i believe in him. His sincerity and his honesty have revealed his innocent and also harm him. Sadly SK can not handle such an honest and sincere man therefore they punished him badly . HJ's case has proved to me that jealousy is one of Korean 's common nature without knowing.

Once again I want to say . KHJ , you has proved that you are greater than them because you live your life with trust , respect yourself , responsibility and hard working. When you fight You fight them with the best of you to bring the truth while they chose to fight you with the worst of them using lies and the gap of the justice system.


The news of choi hye mi was acquitted by the prosecutor at first i felt upset but for some strange reasons I feel HJ has already won the case. However It's so evidence that no one proud of the prosecutor decision even the ones who support  choi hye mi. Is that strange ? Actually it's not strange because everyone knew in their hearts she is guilty but are still stubborn to continue blaming HJ with wrong reasons. They are supporting a woman to be a criminal.

Be strong and never give up the hope for justice


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This prosecutor said the evidence submitted showed Choi had lied - all of it proved her guilty.  He dropped it cause he said he couldn't find proof of criminal intent.  Which is pretty laughable - BUT the silver lining here?  The prosecutor said the evidence proved she'd DONE all of this - she LIED about the miscarriage, that injury - she had no proof of anything, she'd broken into his place, she'd gotten money from him, violated the disclosure agreement - the COURT (ie the police and the prosecutor) said yep, looks like she did all of that.  When I realized that I felt much better.  I hope KHJ gets his appeal :D

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59 minutes ago, Teleri Nyfain said:

This prosecutor said the evidence submitted showed Choi had lied - all of it proved her guilty.  He dropped it cause he said he couldn't find proof of criminal intent.  Which is pretty laughable - BUT the silver lining here?  The prosecutor said the evidence proved she'd DONE all of this - she LIED about the miscarriage, that injury - she had no proof of anything, she'd broken into his place, she'd gotten money from him, violated the disclosure agreement - the COURT (ie the police and the prosecutor) said yep, looks like she did all of that.  When I realized that I felt much better.  I hope KHJ gets his appeal :D


Thanks for the information.What kind of justice is this ? It is such a poor judgement from the prosecutor. Does he realize what choi hye mi did can easily cause someone 's life. He should be out from being a criminal 's prosecutor.. He is harmful to an innocent victim and the criminal learned nothing.

Another sad truth from biased trash media is allkpop reported that Yoochun is banned from leaving the country but this trash media has never reported that choi hye mi was banned from travel aboard. Allkpop is truly running by a group of evil 's minds who enjoy earning their living from destroying celebrities.

HJ and his happy smile from 2012

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OMG  I just surfaced from the swamp that is the Soompi comment section on this appalling court decision.  People are completely delusional about her.  I also went to OneShot where more delusion is occurring.  I'm done.  I've said what I need to say and will just sit back awaiting the civil trial.  
I hope the haters are right about him coming back from his MS & taking up his career as if nothing happened LOL  They may moan and groan about that but I will cheer!!!!
Thanks soooo much for posting his lovely smiling happy face, Vivian!  I needed to see that.

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Yesterday I heard a radio program where they spoke of about people who use the anonymity of the internet to insult, threaten and tell lies, and they say that the best thing we can do is ignore. These people do not care if Kim Hyun Joong, Park Yoochun, or whoever, all they want is to attack to feel good because their lives are a mess. In SK is more serious because the laws protect criminals and punish the innocent, for that people like Choi find refuge in the law that helped her to get away with it, and we will continue to see more until someone dares to put a stop.

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Since HJ was attacked by choi hye mi 's scandal I find myself appreciate his music especially his voice much more than before. It could be because I listen to his songs without watching MV or seeing his face. I think for HJ his good appearance somehow made people under rate his work and his talent. He has such a beautiful soften voice  I just love it.. His songs are full of feeling. He is a much  better artist than I have expected. Now .I 'm kind of curious  what kind of music we will hear from him after the MS. I'm sure his fans will be surprised.

Teleri @ the pic. below are for you. HJ's smile is like a healing pill from nowhere. The smile that can so9lften the heart like this is truly a gift from God.  Seeing his smile and his eyes here I can feel his heart.

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21 hours ago, vivian6686 said:

Since HJ was attacked by choi hye mi 's scandal I find myself appreciate his music especially his voice much more than before. It could be because I listen to his songs without watching MV or seeing his face. I think for HJ his good appearance somehow made people under rate his work and his talent. He has such a beautiful soften voice  I just love it.. His songs are full of feeling. He is a much  better artist than I have expected. Now .I 'm kind of curious  what kind of music we will hear from him after the MS. I'm sure his fans will be surprised.



His teacher of acting during BOF said his beauty is an handicap. People see only his face but he is a great artist.

I'm waiting his comeback too. He has always new ideas. Maybe songs of him.

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I am thoroughly confused..


I thought she was lying abt being pregnant and this report says she is indeed pregnant?


a) Does KHJ have a son? Who gets the custody?

b ) Why was she acquitted? as in what reason did court give? - what is their rationale?

c) Can it be that she was paid to take the blame on herself and in return would be acquitted.. while the charade of appeal goes on?

d) Why exactly did he even sleep with her again? - I thought he was really intelligent and smart guy.. plus so good looking that girls would throw themselves at him.. it really can't be sexual frustration


I am totally confused..

Can someone plz summarize effectively where does KHJ stand in terms of SK public perception.. now!

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Guest shariman66

You know, those sites ~ AllKpop, KPopStarz etc aren't exactly trustworthy.

They tend to highlight certain points & leave out some other pertinent ones.

As for a summary of the current situation, well, you'll need dear teleri for a comprehensible & succinct explanation ^_^

Me, I tend to be rather long-winded & incomprehensible, lol!

As for her being pregnant, that is still up in the air ~

Most of us are doubtful that she has ever been pregnant much less given birth.

Hyunjoong's status in the public's eyes? Probably not much different from the start of this incident since the media has been consistently siding with psychoi ~

I'm sure some of them are very aware of the media-play by that crazy person but if you were to conclude from the comments at Netizenbuzz, they are as erratic as the crazed Ms Choi.

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Enigmatic_zephy - Netizens in Korea are split as they have been over this, because in SK the news is a bit more comprehensive and includes the startling information that the police found the evidence compelling and showed her guilt (why they sent this to the prosecutor).  That prosecutor, the same one who fined KHJ for that rib injury BTW, did not reinvestigate nor interview the involved parties, found the evidence valid, but dropped the charges because he didn't think it showed criminal intent.
So that's ridiculous.  It's why KHJ is appealing the decision.  I'm thinking it can't but help him in the civil case as well.

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8 Idols Who’ve Changed The Most Since Debut


Some Korean Idols have undergone incredible body transformations, from wire-like frames to musclebound hulks! Everyone loves strong arms, firm chest, and chiseled abs, but it takes a great deal of hard work and dedication to get a ripped body. Months and years of intense training and impressive willpower are required, and these idols prove that anything is achievable with hard work and a fighting spirit! Check out our list of 8 Idols’ Shocking Before/After Photos Revealed


(skipped unrelated.....)


4. Kim Hyun Joong





Kim Hyun Joong




source : koreaboo


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Hello , i was reading  Chinese Netizens opinions on Yoochun case and this one hit me hard ...

4. [+1381] If he really is framed, then something has to be done, now if one can't return to showbiz even after proven not guilty, it's reminding people that in future, every blackmail will work.

WOW just WOW! MAny Chinise Netizes have the same opinion Yoochun was frammed for whatever reason.

I'm really concerned now of others second generation idols like Hyun Joong who worked hard and had humble beginnings 

Other opinions: 

 [+427] Whichever star who's famous for a long time is likely to get pulled down by sexual assault claims! Only this way can newbies get the opportunity to debut!!! 

[+2383] It's chaotic in Korea too, maybe he's really framed……

The rest is in this web: 




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On June 27, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Teleri Nyfain said:

This prosecutor said the evidence submitted showed Choi had lied - all of it proved her guilty.  He dropped it cause he said he couldn't find proof of criminal intent.  Which is pretty laughable - BUT the silver lining here?  The prosecutor said the evidence proved she'd DONE all of this - she LIED about the miscarriage, that injury - she had no proof of anything, she'd broken into his place, she'd gotten money from him, violated the disclosure agreement - the COURT (ie the police and the prosecutor) said yep, looks like she did all of that.  When I realized that I felt much better.  I hope KHJ gets his appeal :D


This is what I do not understand.  Whether someone had criminal intent or not, they still committed a crime and should be prosecuted according to the law they broke.  So if it is against the law to break into someone house, she should be prosecute based on the fact she broke into someone's house.      I really don't understand the statement, "she didn't have criminal intent."  What does THAT mean??  Blackmail, extortion, breaking into someone's home, assault, lying about an abortion to defame someone's character, all of those things are criminal acts.  When you do any of those things, you are committing a crime.  

Do you know what?  If KHJ had done those things to Choi, I guarantee he would be in prison right now or they would prosecute KHJ for committing such a crime. .

This is so crazy.

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Exactly.  Of course no details were given, just that this prosecutor found no criminal intent somehow :(  OMG.  The police verified everything submitted to them, found it substantiated so sent it to the prosecutor.  He didn't even bother to reinvestigate, or interview anyone - just made this ridiculous statement & drops the case!  I'm very glad KHJ got a high-powered legal team versed in criminal cases to pursue the appeal!  Plus Lawyer Lee's on the civil side of things.  Fighting, Hyun Joong!

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*** Ahhh.........when will this stop? I feel bad for their kid, a kid that KHJ has never met. I feel bad for KHJ.  The court said he is the father, then why he is not allowed to meet with his own child? We'll see what happens with this appeal. Whatever I will always support him! ;)



Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi to both be present at upcoming plea date



Various media outlets reported that Kim Hyun Joong himself will personally be attending the upcoming trial which will proceed on July 8 at 2 p.m. 


Kim Hyun Joong's attorney Lee Jae Man informed reporters on July 6, "Kim Hyun Joong will take a leave from his military duties and attend the trial to take place on July 8 at 2 p.m." 

The trial marks the second plea date for the 1.6 billion KRW (~$1.38 million USD) compensatory damages suit which Kim Hyun Joong's ex, Ms. Choi, filed against him. 


SEE ALSO: Kim Hyun Joong's side files appeal after ex-girlfriend is cleared of all charges



According to Lee Jae Man, the trial will proceed privately on July 8, with interrogations of any witnesses at 10 a.m. Then at 2 p.m. on the same day, both Kim Hyun Joong and Ms. Choi will attend the trial to stand before court and argue their case. 

It was also reported that Kim Hyun Joong has hired another attorney to represent him for the ongoing lawsuit. The lawyer was said to have relayed, "I'm doing my best to prepare for the plea date." Key East spared little details regarding the new addition to Kim Hyun Joong's legal team, telling My Daily on July 6, "Kim Hyun Joong did not switch lawyers but rather, appointed another one. We cannot provide personal information about the lawyer, and it's irrelevant to the outcome of the trial." 


source : allkpop


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