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[drama2009] Dream 드림

Guest sayroo

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This drama is getting better and better...I really like KB in this drama. I didn't watch BOF (I know...I am that person) but he is doing well with his character. JJM is strong as usual.

I watched some parts of BOF at believe me it was a waste of time. Dream is a much better project for KB. And after the first episode it did improve

I'm not sure about this but I'm sensing a JJM-Dambi pair up. I mean can see that both of them are already feeling some things whereas on Bum's end, it's still at an infatuation stage. Which is a real bummer but oh well, things are still at an early stage so we can't really tell how the relationships will develop. Anyone liking a JJM-dambi pairing? I'm so for it man

I am also getting the sense that something will develop between So Yeon and Jae-il and I am all for it.

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Guest sondambifan

C-subbed video-Youku-Episode 4: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTEwMzM3NTky.html

cococrust...thank you for your videos...I have done some subbing myself so I kinda of know how hard it can be. Thanks!

Just when I though I was satisfied with the video...the dialogue takes it up another notch. Some more spoilers

1) As previously posted, the gym champion went to the agency. Apparently he was coming up to military age and did not want to lose his chance at the championship. The prez promised him that they could push back his military enlistment so that he could fight. Dambi went to confront him at the press conference but could not convince him to return, she slaps him and leaves. She leaves and begins crying because he had promised to take her away when he won.

2) The prez represented Dambi's father when he was younger. Dambi's mother had cancer and past away when Dambi's father was at a tournament. The prez did not tell the father until after he had won the tournament because the prez did not want to cancel the event or chance that the father would lose. Distraught over not being next to his wife on her deathbed, the father hung up his gloves forever.

3) JJM's scene when he pleads with the father was very good...he struck a nerve with the father when he stated that KB had never seen his mother.

4) The hand holding scene was inadvertent as JJM was trying to stop Dambi from confronting KB after the KB-JJM fight (which started because KB wanted to quit). Still, I think the scene shows the initial sparks of the relationship

Edit: At least the ratings went back up to 5.4 for yesterday's episode. I think this actually good it that rating did not fall despite a very strong showing (35.4%) from Queen Seondeok and a last episode for the Man Who Can't Get Married (8%). Hopefully, this means the show is capturing more audience...we will see next week. Another week...:(

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just wondering if the thread starter or if there are any mods who actually frequent this thread could change the thread title and take off the upcoming part. :) there might be ppl who do not know that this drama has actually started since it's listed as upcoming.

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Guest babyblues7

THANK YOU THANK YOU! I love waking up to see this thread updated with your posts! HEHEHE, thanks for making my mornings so pleasant!

@ GuMi

But it seems like the Zhang PD also have something for JJM if not I don't know why she will keep offering her help and she looks kinda guilty when he scolded her.... Ah! JJM better not break dambi's heart!

@sondambi fan

Question! With regards to what you say about Do-Pil, how come he promised to do that to Dambi? As in, were they supposed to be together or what? Haha a little confused. But still sad that sighhh he is like that. :(

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Guest sondambifan

@sondambi fan

Question! With regards to what you say about Do-Pil, how come he promised to do that to Dambi? As in, were they supposed to be together or what? Haha a little confused. But still sad that sighhh he is like that. :(

Sorry for the confusion, there was a little bit of my own interpretation involved. The version that I watched translated Dambi's line as: "Told me to go away together. Go away together" I am assuming that the two had developed a romantic relationship and Do-Pil walked out on both the gym and Seo-Yeon The lines made the scene better but the crying was still a little off...it's okay...she's learning :D

Found this pic showing the 4 "colors" Dambi expressed during episode 4: "angry crying laughing, hitting"


Google Translation-Article-4 colors of Dambi

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Guest crazy lulu

i know a bunch of people are watching this only for kim bum, but the script is actually very well done. i tried to watch it without english subs, but kim bum's face isn't enough for me. i feel like i need to understand and grasp everything that's going on. anyhow, i'm enjoying this drama. and if anyone finds a place where they're subbing this quickly, PLEASE let me know. thanks! 8)

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Son Dam Bi,i think she is awesome shes well tallented loving her part, Joo Jin Mo & Kim Bum they are awesome too its gonno be awesome.................ive seen some of the drama and iits been good so far!!!

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i know a bunch of people are watching this only for kim bum, but the script is actually very well done. i tried to watch it without english subs, but kim bum's face isn't enough for me. i feel like i need to understand and grasp everything that's going on. anyhow, i'm enjoying this drama. and if anyone finds a place where they're subbing this quickly, PLEASE let me know. thanks! 8)

On Viikii you will find the fastest subbers around. they already posted half of ep. 3 . Besides then you have the official subbing team - WITH S2 who are also super fast. they already released subs for 2 episodes.

@ GuMi

But it seems like the Zhang PD also have something for JJM if not I don't know why she will keep offering her help and she looks kinda guilty when he scolded her....

Jang Su-jin PD is probably a realistic person. She is working in a very competitive world and knows she must thread carefully, or she too will be out of the game.

I believe she knows she must choose sides. She choose President Kang over Jae-il because at the time it was the smart thing to do. She cant just throw away her career for a man. But she is smart enough not to burn bridges - you never know who might make a comeback - so she also agreed to Jae-il's terms : If he delivers - she scores an item. If he fails- she loses nothing. so far its a win-win situation for her. Lets see how she acts in the future.

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Guest iceanger

On Viikii you will find the fastest subbers around. they already posted half of ep. 3 . Besides then you have the official subbing team - WITH S2 who are also super fast. they already released subs for 2 episodes.

no, the best and fastest subbers are actually from tskscn (china). The c-subs for episode 4 is already posted while vikii is still at half of episode 3. Also, some of the dialogue are not subbed (for vikii). I have hence stopped watching vikii subs ;(

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Guest mdkna

yeah i'm so bummed out about the ratings too the ratings should've been much higher coz the script/drama is really interesting hopefully it'll go up high where it deserves to be

This drama is getting better and better...each episode is better than the last!!! I am so bummed about the ratings...I think people are really missing a great drama!

Anyways, some thoughts based upon glances through the non-subbed version.

Dambi is doing very well...she finally gets some more screen time in this episode and is able to show off a little more. Some parts were a bit rough (i.e. the crying scene) but overall very good.

The interactions between JJM, Dambi, and KB is really good. My two favorite scenes are

1) When Dambi and KB were stretching and KB pretended to be "hurting" and then smiling to JJM. JJM then goes over and pushes KB all the way down.

2) When Dambi was spotting KB on the bench press and he was smiling. Dambi then throw the weight down on him. She then turns around and is seen by JJM. Dambi then has a guilty look and gets the weight off of KB.

Both scenes made me crack up and made me very jealous! :lol:

I really like KB in this drama. I didn't watch BOF (I know...I am that person) but he is doing well with his character. JJM is strong as usual.

All of the cast is strong...they all play their parts well. Marco has a scene...unfortunately not a pleasant one.

Also...the hand holding scene...good set up...need to know what they are saying though...

Cannot wait until the c-sub comes out and then one more week...maybe with a competing drama ending this week, Dream's rating will pick up (it was down to 4.9 for Monday's episode). I don't expect much for this episode since that drama has its final episode on 8/4.

The ratings "queen" for the time slot is losing steam (down 6 percent from the high) but still in the 30%+ range. We will see what happens.

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Guest mayadee666

I practically watching this at first because of Kim Bum but when I saw the other characters especially JJM as Jae il. I've became more interested to him since I know that he's a really really good actor. He once played in a movie called A Frozen Flower which his character there was shocking me enough already and hence making my jaw dropped because of that. For those who curious what I'm talking about you all should watch him in that movie. ^^v But because of that again, I was also curious about his character in this drama, because I used to always watch him in the movies not in the dramas so yeah I am now more anticipating his character more than my first intention actor on the lead, Kim Bum.

About Kim Bum character, I also agree with everyone that he's doing well than in BOF. He himself once said that in BOF his character is more like a '"vase" (it means that his character he played not really required enough skills, but he thanked everyone and because of that he now is gaining his popularity)

As for the couple although I love Dambi but it seems so wrong to have her being coupled with uri Bummie, I mean she's too old for him and not because I'm a Soeulmates either but you know it seems awry for me ^^;

So I think I would be a happy camper for So Yeon - Jae il couple, they're so looking good together and all of those bickering I can see where that kind of interactions lead to. ^^ *coughromancecough*

I also hope that this drama will receive more love in the future, I feel so sad and pity about the ratings >_<

We need more promotions to spread this drama. Dream fighting! v^o^v

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Guest riehae

I'm loving the episodes... though there are times where I don't like the acting of some characters.. i think i can bear with it...

hope that it won't get worse for me...

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i just watched the first ep today. but it seemed pretty ... bleargh for me :X except the part when kimbum came up all hawt in the beanie. ROFL. but since you guys said the plot's pretty good, imma try watching the next ep(:

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