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Can Nose Shape Naturally Change?

Guest chocomintSTAR

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Guest Tofu_Cloud

Where the nose clip 10 mins in the morning 10 mins at night CONSTANTLY no matter how annoying it is!! if u dont have patience dont bother buying it and putting it on and taking it off so quickly

i PROMISE u will actually see results!!

Cuz i did that when i was 20... YES 20!! and i recieved alots of compliments from my mom and boyfriend.. that it changed

my friend even said my nose looks better too

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Guest Zibeoh

Your nose and your ears are the two body parts that never stop growing. That's why old people have such large noses and ears. So your nose will always be growing, but that doesn't mean it will change shape.

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Guest desertrose1290

yuup, mine changed the most between the ages of 15-18 (:

it used to be very flat and fat, but now it's small and narrow like the rest of my family. i was really sad that i'd have an ugly nose in comparison to the rest of their tall, pretty noses haha~ so don't worryyy. it can get better!

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Guest Sweet_Asian819

My nose changed from flat to more bridge ^___^

Your answer would be...

Yes. It can change naturally.

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Guest ketchup?

I sure as hell hope so. I don't like my nose. My older brother got my mom's American nose so his bridge is high and pointyish. My little brother has a tiny nose that's not pointy at all. I'm the oddball. I wish I could hahve my little brother's nose.

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Guest __XOXO

i used to have the flat asain nose, but now it looks more like my mom's, whose nose bridge is pretty high for an asain (not caucasain high though, xP). i'm not sure if it's natural though, because i wore glasses before, hahas. :lol:

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Guest Dreamss

welllll im not sure, but in some cases i guess it can change naturally. when kate winslet was young, she had a tall bridge nose, and now she has like a tall and kinda more wide kinda nose? but i can tell it looks kinda different in her pictures.

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Guest itrayya

Where the nose clip 10 mins in the morning 10 mins at night CONSTANTLY no matter how annoying it is!! if u dont have patience dont bother buying it and putting it on and taking it off so quickly

i PROMISE u will actually see results!!

Cuz i did that when i was 20... YES 20!! and i recieved alots of compliments from my mom and boyfriend.. that it changed

my friend even said my nose looks better too

^ yah, i use a nose clip too and i've seen a change.

it slowly comes but i do see some changes.

i dont think a nose can just start changing by itself,

that's only if you're still a baby and growing up.

but other than that, i just use a nose clip :)

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Guest ttrin

your nose and your ears will never stop growing/changing shape.


but i don't think it'll grow significantly to your liking

[or at least it's not likely]

thats life for you.

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Guest nehsarang

Yes noses can change shape.

I'm proof of that xD

When I was little my nose was pretty much flatttt.

But as I grew up the bridge of my nose started getting higher.

So now its a decent height :]

I have pictures from when I was younger lol. And I had like no nose.

I don't know about nostrils though..

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Guest timefreezer

very nice i have found a fresh topic on this. many years ago (maybe 2-3) while i was cleaning my face, i always do the same routine and a few times i remembered pressing against my nose to cleanse away dirt. on one side as i swiped from the side of my nose, up to down motion, i felt and heard crackling sounds. it was very strange to me at first like maybe 3-5 crackling(small popping) sounds but with no pain at all (instead it was a weird sensation for maybe 2 seconds but it subsided instantly).

now when i look in the mirror i can see that from the side where the sounds were made it is leaning to the other side. i regret not going to a maxillofacial doctor to have it checked out back then. maybe he could have done something to pop it back in place like a dislocated shoulder. are the damn nose bones that weak to have it crackling or maybe it was just me with not enough calcium. but anyways im hoping someone can tell me that its reversible.

i didnt really notice it at first because when i look at myself from the front view its not that noticable and at some angles i can tell its slightly bent but when im in front of a webcam its quite noticable o_O.

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Guest Namine

very nice i have found a fresh topic on this. many years ago (maybe 2-3) while i was cleaning my face, i always do the same routine and a few times i remembered pressing against my nose to cleanse away dirt. on one side as i swiped from the side of my nose, up to down motion, i felt and heard crackling sounds. it was very strange to me at first like maybe 3-5 crackling(small popping) sounds but with no pain at all (instead it was a weird sensation for maybe 2 seconds but it subsided instantly).

now when i look in the mirror i can see that from the side where the sounds were made it is leaning to the other side. i regret not going to a maxillofacial doctor to have it checked out back then. maybe he could have done something to pop it back in place like a dislocated shoulder. are the damn nose bones that weak to have it crackling or maybe it was just me with not enough calcium. but anyways im hoping someone can tell me that its reversible.

i didnt really notice it at first because when i look at myself from the front view its not that noticable and at some angles i can tell its slightly bent but when im in front of a webcam its quite noticable o_O.

are you serious, oh my god, little crackling noises o___o;;;;;;

i wonder what happened, that is so weird >___<;;; !!!! ahhh <33

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Guest twothree

i think all parts of your face continue to change as you grow up, except your eyes. your eyes (the shape, not lids) stay the same

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Guest ohbliss

YES, nose shape can definitely change. This is even when you're a bit older such as 14. Once you hit 18, I don't THINK it would change anymore. See how blessed you are with genetics.

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Guest Meeni

I guess my nose has got a little bit higher as I have grown up, but it's still pretty flat and I don't like it much. :[ stinks.

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Guest anmeijo

it seems they do change shape~~~ *.*

but i wonder if i'll grow a little bridge, cos right now theres nothing between my eyes...-.-

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Guest chao vivi

lol yes it can.

well atlest for me.

when i was in the 3rd grade i started wearing glasses everyday.

back then ppl already told me i had a nice nose bridge.

so i wore it everday for about 6 years.

then in 9th grade i got contacts so i got rid of my glasses.

the all of a sudden a year later at the dinner table my parents pointed out how my nose bridge has gotten so much taller. i went to see it in the mirror and it was true. before my nose had a curve bridge [like most ppl] where the lowest point was between my eyes and as it extend to my tip it got higher.

however after a year w/ out glasses my nose bridge is straight. the bridge between my eyes is alot taller [i guess cause before i wore my glasses there] and there is no longer a curve.

so yea i guess it can.

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Guest strawberryme

i think depends on your face. cos my sister's face is chubby then and now she's thin the nose looks really diff when she's still chubby.

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