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i don't know if this has been asked becuz there are too many pages but can u message me the answer to my question if u give advice..

why do hearts get crushed! and how do u make the pain go away! how do u forget the person altogether!

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i don't know if this has been asked becuz there are too many pages but can u message me the answer to my question if u give advice..

why do hearts get crushed! and how do u make the pain go away! how do u forget the person altogether!

years ago my girlfriend passed away. it hurt, it hurt so bad i cried. over a year ago, i was planning to marry someone, we picked an apt to move into and everything. i loved her, she made me feel again for the first time in so many many years.

even tho i was with her, i never forgot for a second my girl who passed away.

i dont know what happened but today i can call out as much as i can but neither of them can hear me. for the rest of my life i will hold dear in my heart these 2. i may or may not in my life time fall in love again, but if 7 years doesnt destroy a memory, then will 10? 20? love is more than a feeling. the pain will pass, i asure you. but the memory, the smile that comes to your face even remembering the hard times. those things stay with you

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Guest -soandso

hey im in a situation thats really hard to deal with. its not life or death or anything.

i like this girl its been about 3 terms and i still do now.

she has been giving me signs of liking me.

however we are hitting yr 12 really soon which is a really important year. this decides my life whether i get into university or not.

i really want to aim to get into university.

however i dont know whether i should tell her that i like her. if we do happen to get into a relationship, im scared that it might affect my studies and my future.

i just want her to know that i like her though.

if i dont say anything now, she might be seeing me as a person playing with her feelings as i have been giving her signals that i like her too.

shes a really nice person and is aiming to get into university as well. we are aiming for the same uni and course but different majors.

ive heard that high school relationships dont work as you might separate into diffreent unis.

however this girl is really unique and always makes me feel happy and would love to keep in contact with her in the future as a good friend.

i just dont know if i should tell her if i like her as this might affect us and our future.

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Guest Lolly~

years ago my girlfriend passed away. it hurt, it hurt so bad i cried. over a year ago, i was planning to marry someone, we picked an apt to move into and everything. i loved her, she made me feel again for the first time in so many many years.

even tho i was with her, i never forgot for a second my girl who passed away.

i dont know what happened but today i can call out as much as i can but neither of them can hear me. for the rest of my life i will hold dear in my heart these 2. i may or may not in my life time fall in love again, but if 7 years doesnt destroy a memory, then will 10? 20? love is more than a feeling. the pain will pass, i asure you. but the memory, the smile that comes to your face even remembering the hard times. those things stay with you

that was very touching. im sorry for your loss.

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Guest pepekins

hey im in a situation thats really hard to deal with. its not life or death or anything.

i like this girl its been about 3 terms and i still do now.

she has been giving me signs of liking me.

however we are hitting yr 12 really soon which is a really important year. this decides my life whether i get into university or not.

i really want to aim to get into university.

however i dont know whether i should tell her that i like her. if we do happen to get into a relationship, im scared that it might affect my studies and my future.

i just want her to know that i like her though.

if i dont say anything now, she might be seeing me as a person playing with her feelings as i have been giving her signals that i like her too.

shes a really nice person and is aiming to get into university as well. we are aiming for the same uni and course but different majors.

ive heard that high school relationships dont work as you might separate into diffreent unis.

however this girl is really unique and always makes me feel happy and would love to keep in contact with her in the future as a good friend.

i just dont know if i should tell her if i like her as this might affect us and our future.

I have afeeling that a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one...

but, I think you should wait.

See if you get into the same uni, first.

That way you save yourself some major heartbreak in the end.

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hello i want to post something but i dont know if this question have been ask already....this is not my problem but i just wonder and i want opinions of people from different culture to answer this...Is marriage the proof of a persons love? and what else to your opinion would suggest that the person really loves you or sincere about his/her feelings towards you?...

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Guest Elianna

Hello Soompiers! I need help at mending a friendship.

So there was this guy at school i met last fall, i would say around winter time. I knew him before that for 3ish months but around winter and spring we started hanging out a lot more. We went out to lunch a lot. At that time I was trying to be friends with him, but I guess he had more feelings than I did for him. One day we went out to get drinks and he confessed that he liked me. I told him that I didn't have the same feelings as him and I just wanted to be friends for now and maybe after some time I will start developing the same feelings as him. After that day we barely talked and hung out. The last time I talked to him was through a text message saying "have a great summer". Later of this past summer around September I found out that he unfriended me on facebook. It kind of ticked me off because I thought we were still friends. He didn't text me like he used to during the summer and no calls. I do have to add that I deactivated my facebook a couple times on and off so he could have probably "seen" that I unfriended him too which i didn't. I miss having lunch with him and hanging out and I often debate with myself whether I should message him on facebook saying "how are you?" and stuff. What should I do Soompiers?

Mend or not mend this flaky relationship? Should I just move on with my life?

I recently unfriended several ppl on facebook and before I did it ... I did some careful thinking because these were ppl who continuously disappointed me in more ways than one but if a guy was treat friendships as mind games then I say leave him alone. However, it is up to you whether or not you want stay friends. If you decide to "refriend" him it might be awkward at first but you have to decide whether it is worth it to put yourself out there for someone who might be flaky.

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^ Um, Sorry I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to ask so maybe I could just assume what you are trying to say? (If that is alright)

Are you asking how long an actual hug is?

Well the length of a hug could vary, a short hug between friends, a long hug between a couple, or a long over-due embrace of a reunited couple.  A hug can be anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes depending on the occasion.  Usually, the more emotions tied with the moment the long the hug will be.

If this is not an answer you are looking for, please feel free to PM me and ask the question again.

i will agree with what you said hugs vary it depends on the relationship between the concern person....

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Guest iamvick

hello i want to post something but i dont know if this question have been ask already....this is not my problem but i just wonder and i want opinions of people from different culture to answer this...Is marriage the proof of a persons love? and what else to your opinion would suggest that the person really loves you or sincere about his/her feelings towards you?...

To me, marriage is a way of showing your commitment to another person and showing that you want to spend the rest of your life caring, loving and being faithful and loyal to that person.

HOWEVER, it is not the only way of showing your love!! Marriage always used to be a religious ceremony - It's changed a lot now. Just living with someone can be another way of showing your commitment and love. You don't need marriage to prove it.

If the feelings and emotions for someone are there in your heart you should be able to tell without any signs of 'proof'. Your partners feelings will shine through with their actions and their faithfulness towards you.

I think that too much emphasis has been put on marriage. So many couples now live amazing lives together without ever wanting a marriage, you don't need to put that label onto true love.

At the end of the day it's all about whatever the couple decides is best for them. Some couples want to get married because they want to celebrate their love in that way! Others don't feel the need to 'label' their relationships in such a way.

I hope this makes a bit of sense.

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Guest annievang

omg what should i do i think i really need some help.

oky so i dated this one guy like a year ago and so he went to another school as in high school, and i feel like he was cheating on me but i dint know really. i guess when i go on his myspace i always see this one girl on his page and she's always telling him that sshe love him but then he'll tell her that he love her too but then he love me more....is that good?

so i didnt know what to do and so i broke up with him. still have feeling for him, but i guess thing happened. this year I'm a high schooler but still we go to different school. and so i started to talk to this one guy, but you know i didnt feel the butterflies...he was like a best guy friend and that was it. so i broke up with him, um... oh! yeah and so how i feel like i only dated him becuase i still like my ex. and i think i still like my ex...idk what to do...i really need some help/advice. yesterday would have been our 2ed together...see i dont know why i'm still thinking about him. My sister told me that she was talking to him, and i'm thinking does he still like me like how i still like him??? she told me that may be he still like me becuase he was asking questions about me...like is she dating anyone?...etc.

oh! and my i never told anyone about this. not even my sisters. no one, i feel like no one understand me so I'm here asking for help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest McChicken

feeling hopeless, worthless

okay, i've been feeling down lately (havnt felt like this for ages)

theres this girl i've been interested in at uni. lately, i felt that things between me and her have been escalating, just the way we 'click' and connect when we're alone.

2 nights ago, i asked the girl out. it didn't turn out well. I had a little to drink that night and so, she thought i was totally drunk. So whilst traveling home with her, before she got off the train i asked her, would you like to be my girlfriend, her eyes lighted up probably due to the surprise of the question, but i reckon there was some feeling reciprocated there as well. just to make sure i was kind of serious i txted 'you heard me.", she replied soon after, telling me that i was seriously drunk.

I tried calling her once the day after, which she rejected my call. and now i conclude that she's avoiding me.

I really don't know why though. what did i do wrong? is she mad at me? why is she avoiding me?

there are so many questions racing through my head, the main ones include:

is she making this situation extremely awkward and difficult right now? or is it just me?

is there any way i can fix things the way they are? im tempted to call her back again, but how soon should i do it. personally i feel that i shoudln't and she should have responded to call but i can't help it, i really want to hear from her again.

and if i do and up txting her or something, what should i txt.

IM sorry for all my questions, i havn't felt this immature and chidlsih for ages, but i'm naive with love and relationships.

what do you reckon i should do? wait it out and let time decide what happens next, or should i continue to pursue some communication with her(this is a blow to my ego but whatever).

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Guest xMitsukiChanx

What should I do when I can't reason with my friend? She's so selfish, and puts her own casual christmas performance before our group charity show for sick kids hospital. I can't get through to her at all, it always seems to come back to her justifying how her priorities are different than mine and me informing her that even though the charity show isn't her top priority, she made a commitment and should not be pulling the group down. UGHHH D< how do I communicate with her... D;

ETA: She started out as the co-founder of the charity show, I guess, but she hasn't done any work for the show. When I request her to help paint sets or write speeches, she keeps pushing the duties to someone else, saying she's not artistic enough or something like that. The speech was supposed to be done almost 2 months ago. I got feed up and just wrote it myself yesterday.

And yet she want volunteer hours and reference letters from the hospital for her "contribution". WTF?? I seriously don't want to ask for volunteer hours and ref letters for her (since I am the one that keeps in touch with our sick kids supervisor).

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Guest xkrn4lyfx

I'm not quite sure what I feel. There's this girl in my physics class and it's confusing because I'm not sure if I like her or not. Well ok, to be frank of course I like her, otherwise why would I be asking advice?

But the question is should I do anything about it? I've talked to her and I've found out she's got controlling parents, wait, replace "controlling" with "nazi", some of you girls know what I'm talking. I know all about them since my parents are nazi parents to my sister and trust me, you (I) don't want anything to do with nazi parents.

Well anyhow, there's also the factor of her intelligence. You know how you can kinda gauge someone's smarts by talking to them/studying with them? Well, I've gauged her to be smarter than me which is... ionno, confusing. I've got mixed feelings about that because I've got a little bit of a superiority complex, it's nothing big but it's there. I mean it's cool that she could be smarter than me cause hey, smarts are hot. But ionno how my future self will feel about this because present me is confused.

Also ionno if she likes me or not. One of my classmate's said she does because she smiles at me all the time while talking to me/passing me by, but I think that smiling's just in her personality. Also when I asked her to study with me over the weekend at a coffee shop or something, she said she couldn't because of nazi parents but maybe the library would be ok, but I'd moved onto another topic before I could process that and accept and couldn't really go back.

She's also Thai, and I'm Korean, I'm not racist or anything (of course I am, I'm korean) but I've never even thought of dating anyone not Korean before.

I mean I know it's unreasonable to ask if I like her or not because hey, who should know that better than myself? The simple answer is: yes, I do have a crush on her, so the question is, do I like her enough to ask her out? I mean I'm coming out with all these doubts and kinda trying to convince myself that I shouldn't ask her out. Well, I know why that's happening, it's because of my single 22 years of existence of insecurities of not asking anybody out.

Am I just overthinking things? Because if I ask her out and it turns out that I don't really like her, then that would suck for the both of us. But I don't want to be single forever, I mean you know that person who always finds a flaw in someone because no person is ever perfect? Well I think I am that person and I don't want to be that person. I want to be able to be in a real relationship. Or is that just desperation talking and I don't really like this girl?

We have a midterm coming Tuesday (Tuesday Thursday class) and I was gonna ask if she wants to study together over the weekend again after class but my other friends in class kept sticking around to walk with me and since I left my balls back at home that day I didn't ask her. But pretty much I've decided to do something next week, either ask her out on a date or just drop it and move on. No reason for the deadline, just 22 years is a long time in waiting. Help me decide what I'm gonna decide to do -_-;;

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Guest euro2azn

okay so i kind of have a problem.

i have an overactive imagination when it comes to guys, like i see someone and i start imagining that they might like me and things along those lines. the thing is i know it's normally not true, just my mind playing tricks on me, but then i start to doubt myself when a guy i know does some little action towards me and i can't tell if it's a little sign that he's interested or just being a guy, like putting his arm around me or being kind of playful when normally he isn't like that towards me (though i will admit i start it by poking him because i feel like it XD)

i know i'm probably overreacting but lately it's kind of bugging me. it's been a while since i last had an actual relationship so i'm keeping my eyes peeled but i'm kind of scared. i also have low self-esteem so i have lots of little doubts. i don't want to misinterpret anything so i don't know what i should do.

i guess my main issue is either how to stop my overactive imagination or figure out what to do about guys...i'm kind of afraid i'm slipping into desperation for a relationship (which is kind of dangerous, especially for a college girl)

i'm so lost and clueless about love and relationships, i'm also cynical about it but still a romantic if that makes sense...

i just don't know what to do...just feel so confused...

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Guest christinacaoo.

hello [your name],

well let's start with a story. i'm changing the names okay?



maddy-girl that alain and i hate

okay well it starts like this. so i'm a freshman and alain and toria and i are going to the same school and stuff. (i forgot to meantion that alain and toria have a thing for each other.)so like at first we're like really close at the beginning of the year but then alain and i are noticing that toria is growing distant and haning out with this girl that alain and i sorta hate. and so we put on facebook and stuff that we're missing our best friend or like i wish my best friend never met this one girl and stuff like that. we decide to tell toria about this and she gets mad at us. and i'm like 'you were practically ignoring us.' and so toria tells maddy and that night maddy 'interogates' me and alain about the whole thing and yeahh. so then i try to apologize to them and say that we're sorry and stuff. but like they would ignore us and it got me really richard simmons off so i decided to do the same cause if they're no man enough to deal then that's their loss. and like i think it been a week or something since that happened and toria and maddy decide to start a rumor about alain that literally said that he was a stalker. i'm like 'what the freaking ugly cow keeping are they lying about?' but thte true story was that toria invited alain. i told alain that i was gonna tell them off but he said no. but i said that if they start crap one more time i'm gonna tell them off and he was 'okay' with that. but they did say anything/start anything.

so that's the story. i really want to tell them off, but then i really miss her cause we were best friends and i really couldn't believe that happened and it ruined our friendship.

what i'm needing advice about is wheather or not i should trying to fix things or leave it. and if i do fix it what would i do? and if i'm leaving it how will i deal with it?

what would you do if this happened to you?

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Guest Siweonn

What should I do when I can't reason with my friend?

Try sitting down with her and talking about it. Maybe because you keep doing everything she thinks it's okay? o_O

Dear U

I Got stood up today, what Should I do to get over it?

Everyone gets rejected at one point... Keep yourself busy (:

Seems like you thought about this a lot haha. You should just go for it and ask her to a study date or something ! Grab the chance while you have it..

i just don't know what to do...just feel so confused...

Maybe take the initiative to ask him to hang out or get his number (use homework as an excuse :P) and talk to him from there ! You can start with that and go further when you feel comfortable !

what would you do if this happened to you?

I would talk to Toria and get on the same page. Maybe Maddy told Toria something to make them ignore you guys. One misunderstanding can lead to an all out pinkberry fight haha. If talking to her doesn't work just forget about her.. There's no use if your efforts are futile...

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