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Jang Dong Gun 장동건


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Guest berrymonster

id="artibodyTitle"當SJ師弟 張東健拉金荷娜賣身 玄彬未跟進?s=cvbX5wex2n%2B6Mx4%2B%2F4%2FEKgUy1gHN%

(首爾20日訊)據台灣蘋果日報報道。張東健“賣身”當Super Junior(SJ)師弟!他把自家“AM娛樂公司”賣給SJ所屬的“SM娛樂公司”,帶着金荷娜、韓志玟加盟SM,並換得SM子公司股票124萬4000股,現撈約1千525萬令吉。

  他是“AM娛樂公司”老闆,旗下藝人包括金荷娜、韓志玟,以及合約期滿尚未續約的玄彬、申敏兒,去年合力吸金119億韓元(約3千258萬令 吉),今年他聯手金荷娜主演韓劇《紳士的品格》再攀事業高峰,AM娛樂大有賺頭,他卻把公司賣給SM的子公司“SMC&C”,震驚韓國演藝圈。





from http://dailynews.sina.com/bg/ent/hktwstar/kwongwah/20120920/03153794345.html

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Guest berrymonster

reading the news from fnn.
Jang Dong Gun. Kim Ha Neul also into SM
장동건·김하늘도 SM 속으로

[포커스신문사 | 김지혜 기자 2012-09-20 00:05:39]

한지민 등 소속사 흡수합병 
김병만·이수근도 전속계약 

SM엔터테인먼트 계열사인 SM C&C가 배우 장동건, 김하늘, 한지민 등이 소속된 ‘에이엠이엔티’를 흡수합병하기로 했다. 또 개그맨 김병만과 이수근 등과도 전속계약을 체결했다.

SM C&C는 19일 “이번 흡수합병 결정으로 드라마를 포함한 아시아 영상 콘텐츠 제작사업 및 글로벌 연기자 매니지먼트 사업을 본격적으로 확대할 예정”이라고 밝혔다.

앞서 강호동, 신동엽 등과도 전속계약을 체결해 이번 에이엠이엔티의 흡수합병과 김병만, 이수근의 영입으로 SM C&C는 명실공히 업계 최고의 매니지먼트사 가운데 하나로 떠올랐다.

SM C&C 김영민 대표는 “SM C&C는 최고의 MC들을 바탕으로 한 방송프로그램을 제작, 에이엠이엔티 및 에스엠 엔터테인먼트 소속 연예인을 바탕으로 한 드라마, 영상 콘텐츠 제작사업을 범 아시아 시장을 대상으로 확대 추진하게 됐다“면서 ”SM의 글로벌 네트워크를 통해 소속 연예인들이 아시아를 넘어 전 세계를 대표하는 연기자로 발돋움할 수 있도록 하겠다”고 말했다.

현재 SM C&C는 SBS 수목극 ‘아름다운 그대에게’를 제작하고 있다.

김지혜 기자

source from http://www.fnn.co.kr/content.asp?aid=0d9284e0b05e4559a887d5c51044a5f4

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Guest berrymonster

Jang Dong Gun, Kim Ha Neul, Han Ji Min, Lee Soo Geun, Kim Byung Man, and more become part of SM Entertainment’s SM C&C


SM Entertainment
‘s SM C&C is growing even larger as it has merged with AM Entertainment, which houses some of Korea’s representative actors and actresses.

On September 19th, a representative from SM C&C stated, “We have decided to merge with AM Entertainment which holds Korean representative actors and actresses like Jang Dong Gun, Kim Ha NeulHan Ji Min, and more.

Through this decision, SM C&C plans to expand as a Asia video contents and drama production center, in addition to becoming a global acting management business.


However, actor Hyun Bin and actress Shin Min Ah, who were under AM Entertainment, have not been confirmed to join SM C&C. Although the two were part of AM Entertainment, their personal contracts have already expired. One representative stated, “Hyun Bin and Shin Min Ah dropped out of SM’s move. It is because their exclusive contracts with AM have expired. Hyun Bin is expected to think carefully about his agency problem as he is in his military service, while Shin Min Ah will discuss it later after her drama ‘Arang and the Magistrate‘.


In addition, it has also been revealed that comedians Kim Byung Man and Lee Soo Geun have joined SM C&C as well after Kang Ho Dong and Shin Dong Yup‘s recent signing.

A representative stated, “Kim Byung Man who appears in SBS‘s ‘Laws of the Jungle‘ and Lee Soo Geun from KBS‘s ‘1 Night 2 Days‘ have signed exclusive contracts.

Source: TV Daily via Nate, OSEN, Star Today

from allkpop

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September 20, 2012

SM C&C to merge with Jang Dong-gun's agency
By Lee Hyun-jae, Intern reporter The Korea Herald

Jang Dong-gun (Am Ent.)

SM C&C, an affiliate of S.M. Entertainment, said Thurday that it had finalized its merger with AM Entertainment, a management agency for top-class celebrities including Jang Dong-gun, Kim Ha-neul and Han Ji-min.

“SM C&C will begin expanding its business not only in Korea, but throughout Asia after the merger with AM Entertainment,” said Kim Young-min CEO of SM C&C.

The company recently began business by producing the drama “To the Beautiful You,” now airing on SBS.

It also signed contracts with other entertainers such as Lee Soo-geun, Kim Byung-man and Shin Dong-yup. Comedian-turned-TV presenter Kang Ho-dong, who was on a break after his tax evasion scandal, has also signed a contract with SM C&C.

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I'm not a business study major, so i don't really understand how this merge of companies works, but from my readings (and limited understandings of hangul words), DG benefits a lot from this merge....that's what it matters to me. He built AM all by himself 4 yrs ago, it's his company and i believe he has the sole right to do whatever he thinks is the best for the company. That's how business world works. Those other celebs under AM label who are not satisfied with this merge, i'm sure they may leave when their contract with AM expires. DG has been a great, helpful acting coach and brother to them, he sometimes even practise their lines together with them. They (or to be precised, their fans) shouldn't blame him for what he wants to do to HIS company.


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Guest berrymonster

my bad. apple chinese news always write no good information. they wrote JGD sold his company AM to SM C&C and lost BOSS title. it is actually merge.

Dangerous Liaison chinese theme song.

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from http://www.allkpop.com/2012/09/jang-dong-gun-and-hyun-bins-seven-figure-salaries-revealed

class="entry-title"Jang Dong Gun and Hyun Bin’s seven figure salaries revealed by schmangela - Sep 25, 2012 at 5:55 am


The earnings of top stars Jang Dong Gun and Hyun Bin were recently revealed as a result of the merging of AM Entertainment and SM C&C.

A public statement released just days ago revealed the earnings from endorsements, dramas, and movies of the actors under AM Entertainment. Although letters of the alphabet were used instead of actual names in order to conceal the identities of each actor, it was not hard to figure out that actor ‘A’ was Jang Dong Gun.

It was revealed that actor Jang Dong Won’s appearance fee for his recent drama ‘Gentlemen’s Class‘ was 2 billion KRW (around $1,788,000 USD).

The actor, whose earnings from endorsements amounted to around $2,413,800 USD in 2011, jumped to a whopping $5,837,600 dollars after starring in the drama ‘Gentlemen’s Class’. Meanwhile, his salary is expected to rise even further after his film ‘Dangerous Liaisons‘ is released. His earnings from the film is reported to be 1.3 billion KRW (~ $1,161,284 USD).

Meanwhile, the wages of actor Hyun Bin, whose popularity skyrocketed after his 2010 drama ‘Secret Garden‘, does not fall far behind. For each episode of ‘Secret Garden’, the actor was paid around $27,000 dollars and earned an estimated $178,838 just from additional profit from the drama. After the drama, the actor earned about $2,914,200 total from eight endorsement deals.

Along with the salaries of Jang Dong Gun and Hyun Bin, those of other actors including Kim Ha Neul, Shin Min Ah, and Han Ji Min were also revealed.

Source + Image: StarToday, Sports Chosun

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lala111 said: from http://www.allkpop.com/2012/09/jang-dong-gun-and-hyun-bins-seven-figure-salaries-revealed

class="entry-title"Jang Dong Gun and Hyun Bin’s seven figure salaries revealed by schmangela - Sep 25, 2012 at 5:55 am

The earnings of top stars Jang Dong Gun and Hyun Bin were recently revealed as a result of the merging of AM Entertainment and SM C&C.

A public statement released just days ago revealed the earnings from endorsements, dramas, and movies of the actors under AM Entertainment. Although letters of the alphabet were used instead of actual names in order to conceal the identities of each actor, it was not hard to figure out that actor ‘A’ was Jang Dong Gun.

It was revealed that actor Jang Dong Won’s appearance fee for his recent drama ‘Gentlemen’s Class‘ was 2 billion KRW (around $1,788,000 USD).

The actor, whose earnings from endorsements amounted to around $2,413,800 USD in 2011, jumped to a whopping $5,837,600 dollars after starring in the drama ‘Gentlemen’s Class’. Meanwhile, his salary is expected to rise even further after his film ‘Dangerous Liaisons‘ is released. His earnings from the film is reported to be 1.3 billion KRW (~ $1,161,284 USD).

Meanwhile, the wages of actor Hyun Bin, whose popularity skyrocketed after his 2010 drama ‘Secret Garden‘, does not fall far behind. For each episode of ‘Secret Garden’, the actor was paid around $27,000 dollars and earned an estimated $178,838 just from additional profit from the drama. After the drama, the actor earned about $2,914,200 total from eight endorsement deals.

Along with the salaries of Jang Dong Gun and Hyun Bin, those of other actors including Kim Ha Neul, Shin Min Ah, and Han Ji Min were also revealed.

Source + Image: StarToday, Sports Chosun

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Despite Being Rated ‘Over 19’, Jang Dong Gun’s ‘Dangerous Liaisons’ BIFF Showing Sells Out in 12 Seconds

Though still being weeks away from its major theatrical release, Jang Dong Gun’s upcoming Dangerous Liaisons is showing a lot of buzz and interest.

The Korea Media Rating Board, recently rated the upcoming remake movie as ‘Over 19’ based on the film’s language, themes and adult scenes.

Though barred from minors, the movie, which was invited and will be screened at the upcoming 17th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) was revealed to have sold out its tickets to the showing within 12 seconds of opening ticket sales.


In addition to the exclusive 840-seating showing at the Sky theater, a 155-seating and 116-seating showing all sold out tickets within seconds of ticket sales opening, showing the strong interest for the movie.

Starring Jang Dong Gun, Zhang Zhiyi and Cecilia Cheung, the new movie will premiere in Korea on October 11.

The movie is based on the infamous French novel of the same name and has been remade in various movie versions including a 2003 Korean version.

Photo Credit: Daisy Entertainment / enewsworld
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[PHOTO] "Gentleman's Dignity" Actors Wish For "Fortune Teller" Success


SBS' hit series "Gentleman's Dignity" stars, Jang Dong-gun, Lee Jong-hyuk and Kim Min-jong, showed up in front of local reporters at a VIP preview of director Shin Jeong-won's "Fortune Teller," in which their co-star from the TV series, Kim Soo-ro, plays one of the leading roles. 0

Including the main casts of the movie and some famed celebrities in attendance, about 3,000 selected people attended the preview held at Seoul's Kyunghee University's Peace Palace in South Korea on September 24.

Helmed by director Shin of the comedy horror “To Catch A Virgin Ghost” (2004), "Fortune Tellers" tells the story of five top shamans, including the master of shamans [played by actor Kim Soo-ro] and a shaman armed with high-tech machines [played by Lee Jae-hoon].

When a group of shamans from across the nation gather together for a grand exorcism at a small village notorious for dark rumors about an evil spirit, a young journalist named Chan-young [Kang Ye-won], goes to the scene to cover the story.

The upcoming comedy horror pic "Fortune Teller" is slated to open in local theaters on October 3.

(skipped unrelated.....)

credit : 10Asia
LINK to view more photos : http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?sec=ent0&a_id=2012092611303330213
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