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Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Thread


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I'm sorry, she looks pretty in SOME pictures(mainly photoshoots) but she just looks like a druggie to me.. those ones that constantly smoke on 8 mile detroit or something....

and i think rob needs some classier english woman.

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I'm sorry, she looks pretty in SOME pictures(mainly photoshoots) but she just looks like a druggie to me.. those ones that constantly smoke on 8 mile detroit or something....

and i think rob needs some classier english woman.

if you want to bash on Kstew and how she looks, please don't do it here because this is a thread for Robert and Kristen's fans. thanks!

I personally think they're a good match, they're both HOBO looking, not really caring much about their outside appearance like other celebs..

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I'm sorry, she looks pretty in SOME pictures(mainly photoshoots) but she just looks like a druggie to me.. those ones that constantly smoke on 8 mile detroit or something....

and i think rob needs some classier english woman.

Sorry I've only been a lurker in here...but

D: Rob smokes and drinks...but because of the stupid double standard, everyone forgives him.

Not that I don't like Rob, but c'mon.

And not all English women are classy...AHEM Amy Winehouse, Lily Allen- All well known English singers who are actually total druggies in real life.

And your basing all your judgement on her solely on her looks (hmm discrimination much?)...in an RPattz/KStew thread..where we are all fans of them...


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Lol it's so funny how people walk into Pizza Hut and complain about how they don't like pizza.

I'm not sure if you ladies have seen/heard this interview, but it's so freaken cute. Posted on robertandkristen.org

Interviewer: For Rob, is it true you asked Kristen to marry you on the set?

Robert: Uhhh, yeah probably.

Interviewer: Ok, for Kristen, if he actually meant it, would you say yes?

Kristen: Ummm, wow.

Interviewer: Not a private question

Robert: (laughs)Yes, she would!

Kristen: Uh, uh...He's sitting right here!

Interviewer 2: of course, of course.

I bet she would ahah. http://robertandkristen.org/ - - - Scroll down.

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Guest michtiu_888

i dont like their pizza at pizza hut but i cant do anything about it right? i love their potato bites though! thats just what i usually order.. yum yum! :)

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Have you guys seen this clips? A VF behind the scene footage, a very long one . It's a must see for RobSten shippers :sweatingbullets: I woke my roomate up with my scream when I came across this. :lol: Sorry if this has been posted. Credit to julyfox for the vid

edit: nvm, my bad, I didnt know that youtube link is not allowed here, sorry mods!! :lol:

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huh?! YT link is allowed anywhere else lol XD it's DL link the one not allowed

so please share the link again kekekeke

OOOOH i love the way they look at each others eyes kekekek

gah they just holding it all back >.< coz kris has a bf and nikki is there to prevent anything to happen between them lol

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I wish they would post the one where ROB was kissing her cheek! I would DIE!!!

but those are good too! ^

oooooh yes yes yes please! hahahaa :) i would definitely make that my official rob&kris wallpaper!:) and thanks for the eye sex pics..hahaha best attention grabbing title dear :)

whf violet, thanks for the pics..they DO match in terms of their positions and esp the hair flip..haha its freaky but cute :)

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Guest mishax3

Nice pictures. I think Kristen really admires Rob. She is always looking at him with admiration. I think it's really sweet. They seem like really good friends, and who knows what that will turn into in the future. Hopefully something great! That being said, I can't wait for the Twilight DVD to come out. There is going to be so much extra footage and Rob/Kristen goodies.

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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

im sorry to all kristen stewart's fans out there but i really cant stand that girls face! i think its a big mistake that she was casted as bella. Im sorry for the term ( i could find any word to describe how she looks like to me.. so really sorry forr that!) but she look's kinda autistic.. Her eyes looks weird especially on the scene where Edward's sucking the venom out of her.. Its just so funny and well, laughable, like why the hell did they chose this girl???

Eh, usually I'm one to attack people on this but you're entitled to your opinion.

With all do honesty, it's not like I think Kstew is the best actress out there because then I would be lying to myself. I think look-wise, she fit the Bella look but acting-wise--well, I'm not going to say anything since it is a non-bashing thread. But I only disagree with you on one thing--I thought her acting was pretty good when she had seizures from the venom or when Edward was about to kill her. I don't know. Whatever, that's just me.

I think they chose her because of the way he looked and the say she stares at people. But with all do honesty, now that she did Twilight, I can't think of anyone else that could do Bella. Not to say that Kstew was the best Bella, but to change it now would be majorly awkward.


And I love that freeze frame from the Vanity Fair picture.

It almost beats the picture of Rob carrying Kstew on his back while talking with the director =)

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Guest anniejo

oh my god!!!!! :o

the vanity fair pictures are so gorgeous! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

there's a lot of chemistry between them! :P

i think they are the perfect couple to play our favorite star-crossed lovers in twilight!

i love them both!

go! twilight! :D

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