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Shin Haechul's Radio Broadcast About Dream Concert & Suju's Manager's Cyworld Entry

Guest Soy

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Updated with June 12th broadcast.
He did another broadcast

shin haechul broadcasted again after those fans started bashing him on his messageboards & cyworld


You know...

after saying something about that Dream Concert incident,

I noticed all these news articles being spread about my comments.

What I mean is... to summarize it...

When SNSD was up on stage... uh... three of the fanclubs...

DBSG, SuJu, SS501 all three of the fanclubs together displayed a scene where they turned off their glowstick.

Because I was mad about that, I made comments about a rather infelicitous third-rate audience and so on.

Because I have a mic in front of me, I can state my opinion whenever I want to.

But some of you are saying "I feel vicitimized", "I have no reason to receive such criticism". Fine.

Then for the people that call themselves 'Ca-T-El', I invite the representatives of the fanclub to our studio and you can state your opinions.

You can talk about why you have no fault in your behaviors, why you guys think it's right, and why you guys think it's fair.

Uh... I officially invite you to come.

ghostevent@hanmail.net. If you send an e-mail, we can arrange a date for you to come in and we can have a discussion about it together.

But before we have a discussion,

I hope you can listen to one more thing I have to say.

Hm... there were some false informations in the news articles, stating that I was criticizing about the fan clubs giving the silent treatments.

I never criticized about the silent treatment.

Of course, not responding and staying silent when an another artist come and performance isn't a mannerly behavior.

It's not a proper behavior and if you think of the performance.. as a festival...

there shouldn't be any division between your fanclub, my fanclub, your singer, my singer.

That is the purpose of music.

That is the purpose why you people are there.

That is the purpose why that festival is held.

A silent treatment is definitely against that.

But "Are we some kind of a cheering machine", "Must we always response when an another artist comes on",

No. That's fine. However,

Turning off your glowsticks that had been brightening up that stadium, is a thrustful attack in turning the mood of the stadium into a mess.

Not cheering on an artist by staying silent can be a negative interference. Well, I wouldn't say anything about that.

But the leaders of the three fanclubs probably gave a sign to each other earlier on to stay quiet.

Purposely turning off your glowsticks 'attacks' an artist when they go on stage.

It's not on the same level as not responding to them... right?

Further on, how dead would the mood in the stadium be when everyone turns off their glowstick in a stadium that holds more than ten thousand people?

Because I regarded this as an direct attack on the artist on stage, I commented saying the audience was mini cooper.

If you look at anywhere in the world, if people don't like the artist, the people's response wouldn't be as loud. Boo-ing them when they're on stage.... it's not really the correct thing to do.

Also, one more thing. I'm going to point this one out.

People are saying how SNSD don't have any sense, that they talk disrespectfully about their seniors, and so on.

You are not the people to teach SNSD about that.

You are not SNSD's parents. You are not SNSD's manager. You understand?

You're not even SNSD's teacher.

If their behavior is indeed bad and blah blah, just like you people state, they will gradually disappear from the Entertainment Industry. It's not something you should be concerned about.

Stop worrying about it.

You say there was a some kind of conflict with SNSD's fanclub before?

Then I'll ask you this.

If there was a conflict with SNSD's fanclub, why do you attack SNSD?

Isn't that a problem between the fanclubs?

Okay... you come to the broadcasting stations... the security guards swear at you...

AD people finger you... you run around here and there...

I'm talking about you fans do.

What is that one thing you pledge to yourself while you do all that?

'I don't want my oppa's (artists) being insulted'... even though it pisses you off and something unfair happens to you, you put up with it and move on.

I've also been a singer for 20 years and... the fans who went through all sorts of those unfair and pissing situations are still behind me, so I know.

"Why didn't you just do what you had to do then" If we talk about it later on,

"I was afraid oppa would get insulted so I couldn't." I feel sad when I hear this.

Who do you humiliate with your behaviors?

Do you humiliate SNSD with your behaviors?

You are humiliating DBSG, SS501, and SuJu whom you sat for and represented.

The fan's levels represent the levels of their artists and you are the ones representing your oppa's face as well as your oppa's level.

That day, attacking the artist on stage represented the level and behavior of the face of the artist you love.

Did you feel proud about it? Are you glad? Do you feel happy after attacking them?

Then why do you people think you did something good?

I don't understand really. Even if I hear your protest over hundreds of times, it's because of this last point in the end.

The people that feel somewhat unfair about this, you yourself are representing the face of your oppa's. I don't know how you can act like this when you know that your oppa's will get insulted about this.

Sigh... around the same time, the people the same age as you teenagers... also the young people around your age... were doing a candlelight demonstration at Gwanghwamun.

I don't think there's any difference between the people that held their candlelights at Gwanghwamun or the people that held their glowsticks at a stadium.

Teenagers held candlelights at Gwanghwamun because they were worried about their country,

Teenagers held glowsticks in a stadium screaming out towards the idols they liked... everyone's there where they belong and doing their duties and what they have to do.

The problem is, you have to do it well.

The teenagers at Gwanghwamun holding their candlelights have to do what they have to do.

The teenagers inside the stadium holding their glowsticks have to do what they have to do.

What did you people have to do,

Why does music exist in this world?

You went there to listen to music.

Music allows people to understand each other, music allows people to reconcile, music brings people together, and teaches you to love everything in this world.

Surprising even the adults, you people just expressed your hatred and past feelings, and unfairness from the point of your own situation and self interest.

Okay, if you're still feel pissed off and annoyed after listening to all this, contact me and you can attend Ghost Station and we can talk about it.

It's not something we should lose our tempers about.

Hm.... Also, if it wasn't SNSD in that situation that got attacked and some other artist that got attacked, I would've been definitely angry still.

And reverse the situation and think about it.

If DBSG got attacked like that in that situation, I would definitely have been angry...

Even if SuJu got attacked like that in that situation, i would definitely have been angry as well.

Hm... people say is it because I like SNSD, he used to like SNSD already.

But while broadcasting, I frequently capture the 'feel' of a perverted middle-aged man. And to express that feel, I would go 'Wow! Woo!' when SNSD is mentioned a lot...

To tell you the truth, I don't know the names of the SNSD members very well, yes.

I'm just a perverted middle-aged man that feels happy to see a group of young girls in the same age together.


What I mean is, whoever it may have been, there is no difference to me.

And DBSG... hm, it's sort of weird to say I think of them cutely to an all-grown up boy.. but yeah, DBSG, SS501, SuJu, if we see eachother in the broadcast station, we would happily greet eachother and talk... they're all precious juniors to me, not just SNSD.

Hm... to say I'm saying all this 'because' it is SNSD....

because my heart and soul is tied with S.E.S......


Ah~ my heart will never leave S.E.S. that's why... hahahahahahaha

if you say it's because kekekekekekekekehehehehe

of SNSD... then that's a big misunderstanding.

Who do they go on stage for? Entertainers, what do they go on stage for?

If they went on stage and something bad happened and they were mistreated...

whomever it may have been, whether it be my senior or junior or friend, I would be angry about it.

You people that do what you do... you 'Ca-T-El' people... it's hard to do what you do right?

After doing such behaviors, you hear other people saying "they have no thoughts"... aren't you tired and feel wronged?

You have to be able to put up with all that so you can be the face of your artist and protect them.

If you do what you're doing right now, all it will do is get your artist's insulted.

Who can protect who.



I'll say again that it was something where people forgot their own duties.

Everyone, I'll say again, get your act together.


제가 말입니다.

그~ 드림 콘서튼가 하는 데에서 있었던 사건, 에~ 대해서 그냥 한마디 질렀더니

기사가 사방에 많이 떠가지고

그니까.. 사건을 요약하면 이렇습니다.

그, 소녀시대가 무대 위에 나와있을 때

어.. 세 군데의 팬클럽 동방신기 슈퍼주니어 SS501의 세군데 팬클럽이 연합해서

야광봉을 꺼버리는 장면을 연출했고

저는 거기에 대해서 화가 나서 저질 삼류관객, 막말하면서 좀 퍼부어댔다, 라는 거지요.

쩝.. 근데 저는 마이크를 쥐고 있는 사람이기 때문에 언제든지 제 의견을 이야기할 수 있습니다.

그런데 당사자들 중에서는 "억울하다." ,"그러한 비난을 받을 이유가 없다." 라고 이야기하는 분들도 계시는데,

좋습니다. 그렇다면은 소위 당신들이 이야기하는, '카트엘'이라고 이야기 하는

팬클럽의 대표분들을 스튜디오로 제가 초대할테니까, 나와서 그럼 자기 의견을 개진해 보십시오.

그 행동에 왜 잘못이 없었고, 당신들이 왜 정당하고, 왜 떳떳한지, 에 대해서 한 번 이야기 해보세요.

어.. 정식으로 초대하도록 하겠습니다.


이곳으로 연락을 주시면 저희가 방송날짜를 마련해서 같이 토론을 해보도록 하지요.

그럼 토론을 하기 전에,

제 덧붙이는 이야기를 하나 그럼 더 들어보시기 바래요.

흠.. 기사가 잘못된 점들이 있는데 팬클럽들이 합동해서 침묵을 한 걸 가지고 비난을 했다고 하는데,

저는 침묵에 대해서 비난한 적이 없습니다.

물론 다른 가수들이 나왔을 때 호응을 안하고 입을 다물고 침묵을 하는 건

그것도 뭐 그렇게 매너있는 행동 아닙니다.

썩 매너있는 행동은 아니고 그 공연이라는게 축제라는 것을 생각을 했을 때

니팬클럽 내팬클럽 니가수 내가수 나눠지지 않는 하나의 화합의 장이 되어야 됩니다.

그것이 음악의 목적입니다.

그리고 거기에 여러분들이 있는 목적이고,

그 축제가 벌어지는 목적이고,

여러분들이 거기에 있는 목적이기도 합니다.

침묵은 분명히 거기에는 어긋납니다.

그러나 "우리가 응원하는 기계냐", "꼭 다른 가수가 나올 때 의무적으로 움직였어야 되느냐",

아닙니다, 괜찮습니다. 그러나,

그 현장을 화려하게 밝히고 있던 야광봉을 고의로 꺼버리는 것은 분위기를 개(*)판을 치는

적극적인 공격에 해당됩니다.

가수가 무대에 나왔을 때 침묵으로 응원을 하지 않는 것은

소극적인 훼방이 되지만 에~ 저는 거기까지도 뭐라 그러지 않겠습니다.

미리 싸인을 맞춰서, 아마도 3개 팬클럽 간부진들끼리 의사소통이 있었겠지요.

고의적으로 야광봉을 꺼버리는 거는 무대 위에 올라가있는 아티스트를 "공격"하는게 됩니다.

소극적으로 호응안해주기 삐치기 정도의 차원이 아닌겁니다, 그쵸?

거기다가 '사람이 몇 만명이나 모이는 공연장에서 야광봉이 한꺼번에 몇 만개가 꺼진다.' 라는 거는

분위기가 얼마나 썰렁합니까,

그래서 저는 그걸 무대 위에있는 아티스트에 대한 적극적인 공격행위로 간주했기 때문에,

그래서 저질 관객이라고 이야기를 한겁니다.

세계 어느나라에서도 에, 마음에 안들면 그냥 반응이 썰렁해지는거지,

야유 퍼붓고, 뭐 이렇게 하는 모습이 썩 그렇게 좋은거 아닙니다.

또 하나, 저~ 요거 조목조목 따져보겠습니다

소녀시대가 개념이 없고 선배들에 대해서 말투가 나쁘고 어쩌고저쩌고 하는데

그건 여러분들이 가르칠 일이 아닙니다.

여러분들이 소녀시대 엄마아버지도 아니고 소녀시대 매니저도 아니고, 예?

여러분들이 무슨 소녀시대 담임선생님도 아닙니다.

만약에 그들이 그렇게 행실이 나쁘고 뭐가 어쩌고 저쩌고 하는 여러분들 말대로 그렇다면

연예계에서 서서히 도태되서 사라져갈겁니다, 여러분들이 신경쓸 일이 아닌 겁니다.

신경끄면 됩니다.

소녀시대 팬클럽하고 미리 어떤어떤 충돌이 있었다?

그렇다면 제가 물어보겠습니다.

소녀시대 팬클럽하고 충돌이 있었는데 왜 그럼 소녀시대를 공격합니까?

그건 팬클럽과 팬클럽간의 문제 아닙니까.

자, 방송국을 다니면서 그~ 방송국 경비원 아저씨들한테 욕도 먹어가면서

AD아저씨들한테 손가락질도 받아가면서 그러면서 일로절로 뛰어다니면서

쩝, 소위 말하는 팬질을 합니다, 팬질을.

그 팬질 할 때에 자신들이 가장 큰 볼모로 잡혀있는 게 뭡니까.

우리 오빠들 욕 안먹일라고, 성질 죽이고 억울한 일 있어도 참고 넘어가고,

꾹 참고 그냥 넘어갑니다.

저도 가수 20년 해봤고, 예? 그 억울한 꼴 이꼴저꼴 다보면서 팬질 하던 제 팬들이 아직도

제 곁에 남아있고, 그래서 그거 압니다.

"아 그냥 확 질러버리지 그랬니~" 나중에 이야기하면

"오빠 욕먹일까봐 차마 그건 못했다." 소리 들으면 마음이 아픕니다.

여러분들의 행동은 누구에게 수치를 줍니까?

여러분들의 행동이 소녀시대에게 수치를 줬습니까?

여러분들이 자리에 앉아서 대변하고 있던 동방신기와 SS501과 슈퍼주니어에게 수치를 안겨주는 겁니다.

팬의 수준이 자기 아티스트의 수준을 대변하는거고 바로 우리 오빠들의 얼굴이기도 한

우리 오빠들의 수준을 바로 내가 대변합니다.

여러분들이 무대 위의 아티스트를 공격하는 여러분들의 수준과 행동이 당신들이 사랑하는

아티스트의 얼굴을 대변하는 일이 그날 벌어졌는데

자랑스러웠습니까? 기뻤어요? 공격하고나니까 통쾌합디까?

그러면, 도대체 뭘 잘했다는 겁니까? 여러분이.

저는 이해가 안갑니다. 여러분들이 이모저모로 항의하는 거를 백번 다 받아들이다 하더라도

맨~ 마지막에는 바로 이 점 때문에 그렇습니다.

아니, 억울한 점이 다소 있다고 한들, 자기가 자기 오빠 얼굴을 대변하고 있는데

오빠들 욕먹을거 뻔히 알면서 어떻게 그런 행동을 할 수 있는가, 라는 거죠.

쩝.. 같은 시각에 여러분들하고 같은 나이의 청소년들, 또 여러분들하고 같은 또래의

젊은이들은 광화문에서 촛불시위를 하고 있었습니다.

저는, 같은 나이의 또래 청소년들 중에서 광화문에서 어떤 이는 촛불을 들고

어떤 이는 잠실경기장에서 야광봉을 드는 것이, 하등의 가치의 차이가 없다. 라고 생각합니다.

광화문에서 촛불을 들고 나라를 걱정하는 청소년이나,

잠실에서 야광봉을 들고 자기들이 좋아하는 아이돌을 향해서 소리를 지르는 청소년들이나

다 자기가 있어야할 곳에 있는 것이고 다 자기 임무를 하고 있는 겁니다.

문제는, 잘해야 되는 겁니다.

광화문에 있는 청소년은 촛불을 들고 똑바로 자기가 할 일을 하면 되는 것이고

잠실경기장에 있었던 청소년들은 야광봉을 들고 자기가 할 일을 하면 되는겁니다.

여러분들이 할일은 뭐였습니까,

음악이 세상에 왜 존재합니까,

음악을 들으러 그 자리에 갔고 음악은 사람들 사이에 소통을 앞당가고

사람들을 화해시키고 사람들을 단합시키고 그리고 세상 모든 것들을 사랑하도록 가르칩니다.

여러분들은 그자리에서 어른들이 보기에도 섬뜩할 정도의 혐오와 증오와 묵은 감정과

내 입장 내 이기주의에서 보는 억울함만을 토로하고 왔습니다.

자, 이 이야기 다 듣고도 열받고 화 안풀리고 짜증나는 이야기들은 연락하셔서

고스트스테이션에 출연하셔서 저랑 같이 이야기해보십시다.

뭐, 서로 성질 낼 이야기들도 아니고,

흠~~~~ 그리고 그 자리에서 소녀시대가 공격을 당한게 아니고

다른 제 후배가수들이 공격을 당했어도 저는 당연히 화를 냈을 것이고,

그리고 입장을 바꿔놓고 생각을 해봐요.

그 자리에서 만약에 동방신기가 그런 공격을 당했다, 그러면

저는 당연히 화를 냈을 거고

슈퍼주니어가 공격을 당했다 하더라도 당연히 화를 냈을 겁니다.

음~ 제가 소녀시대를 좋아해서 그런거냐, 원래부터 소녀시대를 좋아했다.

근데 제가 방송을 하면서 변태중년 Feel을 자주잡죠, 변태중년 분위기를 잡느냐고

소녀시대 하악하악 이 분위기를 자주 연출하는데,

솔직히 이야기하는데 소녀시대 멤버 이름도 잘 몰라요, 예.

그냥 그 또래 그 그 또래 어린 여성들이 모여있는 그 모습을 보면 므흣하고 흐뭇한

변태 중년일 뿐인데,

쩝, 음~~~~~

그 누가 됐던들 저로서는 하등의 차이가 없는 이야기입니다.

그리고 제가 동방신기를 이제 어.. 다자란 청년들인데 소년들이 아닌데 귀여워한다는 표현이 좀 뭐하지만

에, 뭐.. SS501이든 슈퍼주니어든 이렇게 방송국 저 멀리서보면 반갑고 웃으면서 이야기하고

저한테도 굉장히 귀한 후배들입니다, 소녀시대만 귀한게 아닙니다.

음.. 소녀시대"라서" 편을 들기에는

저의 마음은 S.E.S에 영혼이 묶여있기 때문에


아~ 나의 마음은 S.E.S를 떠나지않아, 그렇기때문에헤헤헿으하하아이헤헤헤에헤헤헤

그래서 소녀시대듬능느킄흐킇크크크크크킄크흐흐흐크크크

전에서 일방적으로 옹호했다. 라는 말은 크흐흐킇크흐흐 오해가 되겠고,

그.. 무대위에 누구를 위해서 올라갑니까 예? 연예인, 무엇을 위해서 올라갑니까.

그런데 그 무대 위에 올라가서 옳지 못한 일이 벌어지고 좋지 못한 몹쓸 대우를 받았다,

라고 생각을 하면 그 위에 제 선배가 올라가 있건 후배가 올라가 있건 동료가 올라갔건

전 앞으로도 똑같이 화를 낼겁니다.

쩝.. 여러분들이 팬질 하는거 그.. '카트엘' 여려분들 말입니다. 팬질하는거 힘들죠. 근데,

그런 행동을 하니까 남들한테 "아무생각없다." 소리듣고

빠(*)순이 소리나 듣고 거 지겹고 억울하지도 않습니까, 네?

그 마지막 억울함 참고 꿀꺽 삼켜버릴 수 있어야 바로 여러분들이 아티스트의 얼굴이 되줄 수 있는거고

그들을 지켜줄 수 있는거고 지금 그 모양 그 꼴로 자기 아티스트들 욕먹이기나 딱 좋지,

누가 누구를 지키겠어요.

그리고 팬들의 지킴을 받지 못하는 아티스트가, 이 대중스타라는 거는 아무런 권력이 없어요.

대중말고는 권력이 없는거에요.

얼마나 쉽게 공격하고 얼마나 쉽게 추락할 수 있는지

자기들의 임무를 망각한 어~ 그런 짓이었다고 다시 한 번 (*)말합니다.

여러분, 제가 다시 한 번 말씀드리는데요, 정신차리세요, 팬질 아무나 합니까.

잠시 후 2부에서 만나뵙도록 하겠습니다





I know I said I'm done with DC. But this was too good not to mention it to you guys.

It's a cut from Shin Haechul's "Ghost Station" radio show.

I heard this on Sosiz and there is a mp3 file with him saying this on his broadcast.

I can upload it later when I get home if you guys want.

To be honest, it feels REALLY FRIGGIN good to have someone not afraid to say what needs to be said.

Mind you, Shin haechul is already well known about his outspoken views but it's only because other people are afraid of getting anti-fans and getting in trouble. He just doesn't give a rat's richard simmons about anything. If he feels the truth needs to be shared whether it will play in his favour or not, he will gladly say it.


There is this concert called "Dream Concert" or whatever.

It's free admission... like the audience is poor or something.

They lure couple thousand teenagers for free and then perform.

Anyways, this retarded "Dream Concert" or whatever...

I don't want to admit that I performed there once...

Anyways, these people turned off their glow sticks when this particular idol group came out to perform.

That's more than just not cooperating but putting down the artists.

It can be considered as entertainment-business-bullying.

It was a shameful act. Yes, you can also interpret it as a protest to the management or whatever.

But what kind of fans would do such effed up things like that?

In ANY country, it's basic etiquette and manner to applaud and cheer for any type of artists or entertainers.

If you don't like them, then just stay still.

There is no need for you to spit and throw rocks at them (booing, unnecessary acts).

It seems like SNSD was the victim of their bullying this year.

I am outraged and very pissed off.

Dirty fans create dirty performances and dirty performances create dirty cultures.

Idol stars are not to be blamed for this.

Their (the fans) acts show nothing but how dirty and disgusting they are.

All they are doing is to show off that "we have THIS much power".

They gained some "pride" now but their sad acts or

the 3rd class fans that participated are insignificant for the music industry.

It's not going to improve nor harm the progress and advancement of music.

They are just 3rd class fans who have no life.

I hope SNSD was not hurt by them.

I will play nothing but SNSD songs until the end of today's broadcast.

SNSD's Baby Baby, Kissing You, ITNW, Wish, Small Boat, Love Melody...

If we still have more time, I will keep playing SNSD songs.

If you have any complaints about the broadcast or if the people that turned off their glow sticks are pissed off at me or whatever, then you can do whatever you'd like. Talk all the crap you want.

If I receive any crap talking, I will only play SNSD songs for 365 days of the year.

And then officially change the name of the program to "Girls' Station" and just keep continuing on.

Do whatever you want.

저 드림콘서튼지 나발인지 하는 말도안되는 콘서트 있습니다

공짜로 관객들 받아가지구서 그지도아닌데 무슨관객이

공짜관객들 몇만명 청소년들 모아다가 저기 테이프 틀어놓구 공연하면서

드림콘서트네 머네 말도안되는 제목붙여놓는 그런콘서트있는데

나도 옛날에 한번 나갔다고 말은못해 근데 거기에서 특정

아이돌그룹이 나올때 야광봉이나 머이런거를 일부로 꺼버림으로해서

협조를 안한다기보다는 사실은 야유를 하게되는 이런집단

말하자면 일종의 집단 이지메의 연예계형인겁니다

근데 매우부끄러운짓이고 물론 공연 진행자측의 어떤결함이라던가

콘서트 행사내용의 결함이라던가 이런것에 대해서 항의하고 이런팬들의식도

눈에 띄지만 팬들 스스로가 그런 xx를 연출을하면서 그뭡니까 어느나라던지

무대위에 올라가는사람 예인들 재인들한테 박수갈채 쳐주고

아니면 마는게 맞는거지 거기다가 일부러 침뱉고 돌날리고 그럴이유

없는거거든요 올해의 이지메 대상으로는 소녀시대가 당했더군요

그래서 제가 지금 감정이좀 치우쳐서 열이좀받아서... 저질관객이

저질공연을 만들고 저질공연이 저질문화를 만들고 머그런겁니다

맨날머 아이돌탓만 하고 그럴거없어요

자기들이 얼마나 저질인지 만천하에 과시하는거나 다름없는 만행이고

난행이고 그리고 뭐랄까 우리도 이정도 권력을 가지고 있다라는

그우쭐거림에 불과한거고 그렇지만 그깟 야광봉이나 꺼대는 한심한 행위나

저지르는 삼류팬 나부랭이쟁이들이 이나라 음악발전에 공헌할껀

요만큼도없고 해를끼칠힘도 요만큼도없는거고

그냥저질 삼류관객나부랭이 무리들인거지뭐

소녀시대맘 안상했음 좋겠네

오늘 끝나는 시간까지 소녀시대의 노래와 함께 하도록 하겠습니다

소녀시대 baby baby ,kissing you(오~베이비),다시만난세계(예~베이비)

소녀시대소원(예~달링),소녀시대의 작은배 (오~허니),소녀시대의 lovemelody

시간또남으면 계속 소녀시대 달리도록하겠습니다 어 ~방송에대해서

불만있으시거나 야광봉 껐던 분들중에서 머 저한테 짜증나는분있으시면

맘대로 욕하던지 말던지 실컷하시구요 욕이접수되면 일년 365일 소녀시대

노래만 틀도록하겠습니다 그런다음에 방송제목을 소녀스테이션으로 바꾸고

(작가분들 조용히웃고 ) 그냥 그렇게 계속 가도록하겠습니다

니네맘대로해봐라 한번



Not going to lie. Finally someone that speaks up about it, publicly. He's very blunt, but he got his point across. lol as a theater student, I have to agree with him, it's common sense and proper manners, it's a concert. He would have spoken up for any of the other artists, if they got treated that way on that stage, that is a stage, it isn't their house, if they didn't want to cheer, they didn't have to, but what the fan clubs did during that concert, was disrespectful to music, this isn't about personal interest, it's a gosh darn concert.


quote from justin

you have to take into account that he is not an SNSD fan. (maybe he is) but he would have said the same thing to snsd fans if they did something like that.

he feels this way because he is a singer himself. he has more than 10 albums and been in the music industry for more than 15 years. (i think)

Suju's manager posted this on his cyworld.

Just as expected, there are million articles about the disaster concert.

It pisses me off just thinking about the BS that the reporters will gladly write

and I can just see the battle between the fans on the reply board.

I was worried that things would go as expected (as in he knew about the DC thing) but still hoping that it wouldn't happen.

But I regret the fact that the worst possible scenario came true.

It seems like yesterday's chain of events were sparked by something said by SNSD...

But the people that are involved, SuJu & JunJin (I don't know about ss501) are fine with SNSD.

I don't understand why the fans are getting angry about it when the people involved are not.

Well, let's just say as a fans' point of view, you may be angry...

But the thing that pisses me off the most is just to put down SNSD,

you made alliance with the very people that are standing in your oppas' way of success.

(DBSK is understandable as they are SM Ent. as well)

What were you thinking when you were cheering for SuJu's rival groups? (talking about ss501)

Who do you think is the biggest obstacle for SuJu Happy right now?

I would like to believe that you carried out your act in the name of loving SuJu

but in my shoes, I am bitter and feel that it's nothing short of disappointment.

I hope that it's not too late for you to realize that putting down SNSD is not going to help the oppas in any shape of form.

jstn@soshified for translations


he had to get rid of the entry because people started attacking his cyworld.

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Guest teardrop

I'm glad he said all that because it's sooo true..way to go

I thought it was funny when he said he would play all of SNSD's songs. hehe

I watched the Dream Concert and it was just messed up seeing girls with a big sign saying "chim mook" or watever, i guess meaning silence. Sometimes I feel that anti-fans go way too far to hurt other people's business..

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Guest azn&luvit

It's really great of him to Stand Up For the SNSD.

But when i read it i feel like he is just some pervert sucking up SNSD or Try to be more famous.

I am not big fan of SNSD but i like their music and i think they are really talented and Gorgeous People.

But insulting some one else fan aint just rite. Im just saying my opinion.

Im sry if im offending to any fan of SNSD or Fan of him.

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Guest SMiLEySx3

Wow . Someone that finally spoke up .

What those fans did were so messed up .

I`m glad he wasn`t scared to say what was wrong .

Goood job (:

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^^ lol he doesn't need SNSD to be famous. I wiki-ed him, something about him being like Korea's John Lennon, and he's really respected in the Korea Music industry. It's just nice to hear someone be this blunt and open on a medium like radio.

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Guest ganners

Hello, I needed to comment.

"we have THIS much power"

Hmm, it makes me laugh, but it's true. They have THAT power.

I don't hate Soshi or anything like that, but I think if you want

to criticize (meaning the mc) someone for their behavior, in this case,

their immaturity then, why is he saying those things? ROFL.

I appreciate this man's honesty, but he's acting silly too.

He sure is brave, props to him! ♥

Fandoms have THAT power when it comes to idol groups.

Idol groups tend to have GROUPIES, people who frequently

acts crazy and do extreme stuff for their idols.

What do people expect if most of them they're die-hard fans

who are reunited in one place one against the other?

I don't applaud what was done, but I don't think this isn't the

biggest deal in the world... there are more worrying issues

in fandoms rather than just booing another artiste.

Yes, some elfies acted stupidly. Yes, Other fandoms booed along.

But that just make THEM look bad, I agree that they looked like

3rd class fans who have no life. Let's end all this hating!!!

I don't plan to start a discussion in here cause I know how

nasty discussions can get in here, But I just want people to

take this in consideration, okay?

Thanks for the translation ♥

pd: sorry for my bad english.

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Guest jungaroo

omgggg, thank you!

im not really a fan of snsd but when i saw that clip in dream concert, i was like that is not right. no matter how much you hate a certain group or singer its just not right.

seriusly, finallly someone had the nerve to stand up -_-;

It's really great of him to Stand Up For the SNSD.

But when i read it i feel like he is just some pervert sucking up SNSD or Try to be more famous.

I am not big fan of SNSD but i like their music and i think they are really talented and Gorgeous People.

But insulting some one else fan aint just rite. Im just saying my opinion.

Im sry if im offending to any fan of SNSD or Fan of him.

....i really dont think he sounds like a pervert...hes just stating his opinion about the incident at dream concert and the victim just happened to be snsd. i think he would have done the same if it was another singer or group. and shin hye chul wouldnt have to do something like this to become more famous because i dont think his personality is really like that

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Guest pinkcafelatte

i think he's a really good person to say something about it.

i don't think it was right for the fans to do that. they should have just given the SNSD some respect.

it was really quite saddening when i watched the clip. :[

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Guest Lishathestain

Hello, I needed to comment.

"we have THIS much power"

Hmm, it makes me laugh, but it's true. They have THAT power.

Fandoms have THAT power when it comes to idol groups.

sorry to cut your post. yes of a matter of fact, in Korea, fanclubs seem to have THAT much power. which is imo, a bit too much and scary.

sometimes i think even the artists themselves are afraid of their fanclubs. sometimes..well of the crazy ones of course.

but again, thanks for the full translation from the artist Soy.

i like this part "In ANY country, it's basic etiquette and manner to applaud and cheer for any type of artists or entertainers. If you don't like them, then just stay still."

I agree w/ him all the way and it's nice seeing this coming from a respectable artist's pov.

Lol @ Girls' Station :D

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Guest alainachen_604

hes nice :D

LOL i would love to listen to his broadcast

because he played snsd songs te-hee

go snsd <3

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Guest dada.love.is

i like him too, i think hes correct in expressing his opinion, what happened in the DC should not have happened!! i think he would have said the same thing regardless which band it was!! i hate how no one officially expresses their opinion on the disaster of DC, and they do that thing where they pretend it didnt happen and move on!!!

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Guest Elianna

Thank you for posting the translation ... I was horrified and disappointed at what happened at the Dream Concert ... this is an issue that should not be swept under the rug ... what are the parents doing today in Korea ... I thought ... especially in the Korean culture that respect is such a high priority ... very depressing ... I hope the people who were injured emotionally or physically will be okay

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Guest azn&luvit

^ ^ ^ Maybe im wrong about what i said earlier about him.

But he is saying bad stuff to the Elf/SS501/Cass like how much it's disrespectful and stuff.

He is saying how would SNSD would feel, Then what about when SNSD fan Cut of the banners's ELF

Booing to the other group. How come he dont say anything about it.

I just really want to say my Opinion Thats all i dont mean to argue or anything w/ neone.

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Guest iamhere

Fandoms have THAT power when it comes to idol groups.

Idol groups tend to have GROUPIES, people who frequently

acts crazy and do extreme stuff for their idols.

What do people expect if most of them they're die-hard fans

who are reunited in one place one against the other?

I don't applaud what was done, but I don't think this isn't the

biggest deal in the world... there are more worrying issues

in fandoms rather than just booing another artiste.

Oh yeah, not a big deal. Look at all the wars people dying and starving in other countries. I mean, it's not like anyone got hurt or anything during the Dream Concert. (It kind of reminds me of the days when my mother scolded me for not finishing my food. "Think of all the starving kids in China!!!") Well, there are the fans that got beat up and the artist who performed, but it's okay because they only got hurt a little. If someone died, it's okay because there are more deaths somewhere else. The DJ guy's main point is that because fans have THAT MUCH POWER, they should be more respectful because it their actions hurt people. Just because all fans gather in one place to support their idols doesn't give them they right to be disrespectful to other fans and their idols. We're humans. We're supposed to be more civilized.

But insulting some one else fan aint just rite.

Stupid people NEED to get bashed, or they will never learn that they are stupid. Of course, that's just my opinion. It's sort of like saying serial killers don't need to be killed because they have a wife.


But he is saying bad stuff to the Elf/SS501/Cass like how much it's disrespectful and stuff.

He is saying how would SNSD would feel, Then what about when SNSD fan Cut of the banners's ELF

Booing to the other group. How come he dont say anything about it.

He's talking about ALL fan clubs in general. He's using the SNSD incident as an example since "It seems like SNSD was the victim of their bullying this year."

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^ ^ ^ Maybe im wrong about what i said earlier about him.

But he is saying bad stuff to the Elf/SS501/Cass like how much it's disrespectful and stuff.

He is saying how would SNSD would feel, Then what about when SNSD fan Cut of the banners's ELF

Booing to the other group. How come he dont say anything about it.

I just really want to say my Opinion Thats all i dont mean to argue or anything w/ neone.

lol im sorry but he did not mention a single fanclub name in his radio broadcast, he said what the FANS, in general did in that stadium to a PERFOMER at a CONCERT, was disrespectful, and I have to agree with him.

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Guest skittles*

I appreciate that he's speaking out for SNSD and all, but can we just stop with the DC threads? <_<

Most soompiers have put this issue aside, and bringing it up again will only stir up negative feelings.

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Woah... So much wisdom. I love every word he says especially this one

"Dirty fans create dirty performances and dirty performances create dirty cultures."

Thank you.

-- ---

It's true they were bully SNSD, very sad day indeed. I hope the girls are listening to this.

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