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Change (j-drama Spring 2008)

Guest jade_frost

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Guest HollyBeth

WOW.. I got to be the top of page 6... haha...

I love "CHANGE" too.. I think that people should just give this show some more time.. Let them develope the story line more.

It's got a great plot and the acting is just wonderful. I like the funny side to everyone in this show...

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Guest margarettemeister

I quite agree with Philip Brasor's review wherein he said, "It's hardly an original idea, and given Kimura's limitations as an actor and the sentimental detours the script often makes, it doesn't promise to be a compelling one either. At worst, the series could turn into a pale imitation of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," but at best it could remind viewers, in a way that's easy to digest, of the self-serving nature of politics and how it's led to the current malaise in government. Whether or not Kimura's legions of fans take such knowledge to heart and vote the bums out of office is another thing, but in the end "Change" could do us all some good."

This drama reminds me of the 1993 movie "DAVE" starring Kevin Kline wherein a presidential look-alike is recruited by an ambitious Chief of Staff to impersonate the ailing president. The Chief of Staff's true agenda is to exercise the power of the presidency through Dave as a proxy in the short-term, while in the long term framing Vice President for illegal activities, allowing the Chief of Staff to succeed the Vice President, and ultimately become President himself.

The plot is similar in CHANGE wherein you have an ambitious party leader KANBAYASHI trying to manipulate the Prime Minister ASAKURA but as the drama unfolds, ASAKURA is running the country in a way contrary to what KANBAYASHI would like it to be and the crafty party leader soon finds out that it's not as easy as he thought it would be, that is to manipulate ASAKURA to his agenda.

Just like DAVE, I see the potential in CHANGE. If you put a well-written story, funny, uplifting, poignant with great, interesting, charming, believable characters portrayed by top notch performers, nothing could go wrong. Let's just hope that they keep the plot lines simple, real and entertaining. I love feel good dramas wherein an innocent good natured guy is caught up in a not-so-innocent-vicious world and tries to transform it to a good world. B)

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Sorry guys, but I dropped this drama. I mean, I had high expectations for this drama too, considering it has a very A-list cast, but Kato Rosa's acting and character really really bothers me. If it was somebody else who played the character, I wouldn't find her as annoying, but alas, Kato Rosa... :3 The other actors do a great job portraying their characters, but after three episodes, I found Kimutaku's acting pretty much the same as his acting in "Engine" - same quirky mouth movements, same somewhat ADD-ness, same line deliveries... Maybe my expectations were too high, but Kimutaku gets praised over and over again for his acting, but I couldn't find anything spectacular about his acting in this drama. In fact, I would say his role in his last drama, "Karei" something, received better acting, even if I only watched one episode of that one. But with all that said, maybe it's just because both characters in "Engine" and "Change" are relatively similar.

Lastly, the entire plot reminds me a lot of a "Japanese version" of Obama's campaign in the States... Which irks me slightly even though I'm a Canadian, I was cheering for Clinton. :3 I guess I don't like how there seems to be a male dominance in this drama, yes, despite the secretary/assistant to Kimutaku, but the most females are merely "helpers" or "secretaries"... XDD; Feminist here. ;P

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Guest margarettemeister

I agree with HollyBeth. Give it some time. It'll grow on you. :D As with all Kimutaku dramas, there's a certain quality that you can't put your finger on at first. And each drama is different from each other. Sure, there are common quirks that he does (almost always he's naive and unorthodox in his ways, strong silent type) but his character portrayals are so magnetic that it slowly develops with the story, you get hooked slowly, especially now that he's tackling a highly controversial and difficult topic like politics and you empathize with him. He is so effective being a Prime Minister. It's campy at times and Kato Rosa's irritating character (you're so annoyed but can't hate her) probably has justification in the series because when she's with Abe and Kimu, it clicks, they have chemistry, they're like sort of the three stooges funny. There must be a reason why they made her character that way. So with Eri Fukatsu's Miyama character, who, I beg to disagree, is not merely a "helper" or "secretary". She was a career minister bureaucrat at the Finance Department who gave it up because she wanted to be in politics so she opted to become a political aide instead. She portrays a strong, independent type able to hold her own and not in any way, "weak" (same is also true of all Kimutaku's love interests in his dramas). As the series continues, I think they'll be building Miyama's character to be the "strong woman behind the man-Prime Minister" kind of character. Overall, it's an ensemble cast with superb performances.

Let's just hope they can sustain the 13-week series with good ratings and make it an entertaining political drama. As one write up says, "It might be lousy, but political TV drama ‘Change’ lives up to its title!" :)

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Guest jade_frost

Episode 5 Synopsis

Asakura Keita is extremely busy as Prime Minister. However, one day, there's a gap in his schedule and he takes a day off. Keita wants to see the sights in Tokyo but the security plan can't be ready on time so he has abandon the idea of going. Even so Keita yearns to go to a donut shop he ate at previously.

His wish is somehow granted through Miyama Rika's arrangement. However, just as he is about to go out with Nirasawa Katsutoshi and Miyamoto Hikaru, something unexpected happens. Natsuko, the daughter that Nirasawa had with the wife he had split up with a year ago says she will be coming to visit. Knowing of his daughter's sudden visit, Nirasawa slumps on the sofa.

At that moment, the front door bell rings. It's not Nirasawa's daughter but someone whom everyone recognises - the US trade representative Harry Bingham! Because Bingham had been denied by the Japanese on the Japan-US Structural Impediments Initiative, he says that he wants to discuss the matter directly with Keita, the Prime Minister translates George Dagard who has accompanied him to Keita's house. Gunji Toshio, the secretary on duty that day, frantically contacts Momosaka Tetsuya. Momosaka orders him to make sure Keita doesn't say anything. Kanbayashi summons Rika to the prime minister's office after learning about the matter.

Sporting an imposing look, Bingham intends to make Keita concede to the US' terms. But just as he is about to broach the issue, a visitor comes. Nirasawa shudders at the possibility that it might be his daugther but it is the resident doctor at the prime minister's office, Tsukioka Rumiko.

She had been called by Keita because of Nirasawa's peculiar condition. The door bell rings again. Natsuko has finally arrived. Unable to get to the main subject of the conversation, Bingham gets irritated

Natsuko has come to get Nirasawa's approval for her marriage to the guy she has been dating. But when Nirasawa hears that he is a street musician, he is strongly opposed to the marriage. This prompts Natsuko to shut herself in Keita's study. The situation gets complicated and Keita is forced to make Bingham wait. Then the door bell rings again. Koyanagi Kensuke, a showy guy, appears. This guy is Natsuko's boyfriend. Nirasawa's first impression of Kensuke's outward appearance further strengthens his opposition to the marriage but contrary to expectations, Kensuke comes across as a mature person when he speaks up. He calls Natsuko, who had shut herself in the study, to come out and apologise to Nirasawa, Keita and the rest.

Calm is finally restored to Keita's house but his formidable adversary, Bingham, is still around. Keita and Gunji sit down with Bingham and his translator. At the prime minister's office at that moment, Kanbayashi urges Rika to consider the remedial measures that have to be taken after the negotiation between Keita and Bingham. Kanbayashi fears that the Structural Impediments Imperative will be undermined if Keita says unnecessary things. However, Rika counters that Keita understands everything. Bingham also believes Keita knows nothing about the details of the negotiations conducted but just as Rika had said, Keita handles Bingham's question flawlessly. In response to Bingham's demand that he comply with US demands, Keita responds that his answer is the same as the Japanese negotiators at the meeting. Furthermore, when Bingham suggests that his refusal will sour bilateral relations, Keita adds that it is inevitable because he has to protect the interests of his people. He then persuades Bingham by narrating the example that he used to give his students when he was a teacher. Kanbayashi, who learns about this from Gunji's call, scowls.

Bingham leaves. Keita and the rest are finally able to go to the donuts shop but as they're getting dressed, Keita gets a call from the prime minister's office. A tornado has struck causing massive damage and power outage in one of the prefectures. Keita immediately heads for the disaster area ...

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Guest sesami

I've watched almost all of Kimura's shows (every since Long Vacation & Love Generation etc..) and I always feel that he's very good in protraying his characters in each show very well. I think he's doing a good job in this show as well. For those of you who compared his acting with his last/pervious shows, fyi his character here in Change is totally different from the one in his last drama (The Family). Regarding his mannerism/action, I feel that those are his personal unique actions or trademarks which almost every famous actor/actress has. In fact, I noticed that quite a few actors are mimicking/copying Kimura's trade mark actions (i.e. his posture, his mouth squicking action etc..).

Personally, I find that this show has alot of good points to it.

1) It shows us alot of insight in politics (i.e. people who are selfish & wants personal gain/fame & people who truly love the country).

2) Most of the politically-themed shows tends to be very serious and a bit dry. This show has added some light & funny side to the show, which I think is quite well done. Storyline and flow is also very smooth. It even show us how he handles each cases and who were involved etc.

3) All the actors/actresses in this show has done quite a good job with their respective role.

Lastly, just watch this show without any prejudice or big expectations (i.e. try and forget about his past performance in other dramas etc..). You may just be able to enjoy this show after all!

Have a nice day!!! :)

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Guest Chaego

i enjoyed this show thus far. think storyline is good and it will be interesting to see how they develop and end the story. most of the characters are very well brought out. takuya is one of the few singers that can act as well.

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Guest jade_frost

Episode 6 Trailer

An article is written in the newspaper speculating about the extraordinary nature of the relationship between Keita and Rika and Rika is shocked. Ever since then, Rika awkwardly tries to keep her distance from Keita but Keita behaves in his usual fashion.

Meanwhile, a supplementary budget is brought to Keita. If Prime Minister Asakura approves it and the cabinet endorses it, the budget will just be submitted to the Diet. However, Keita, who has studied the contents closely, asks to have the supplementary budget changed.

Keita, who heard that the son of one of Rika's former colleagues has been shifted from one hospital to another and that his treatment has been delayed, says the budget should be changed to give top priority to pediatric care after also consulting some doctors. Kanbayashi Shoichi, the chief cabinet secretary, and the administrative secretaries get flustered.

From that day on, Momosaka Tetsuya and the other secretaries start discussions with the representatives of each ministry to make the change but face harsh resistance as they had expected. Keita also stays up all night to grapple with the documents and persuade each minister. Seeing Keita like this, Momosaka also finds himself gradually starting to be moved by the prime minister.

On the other hand, Keita, who hears information that Representative Noro of the opposition Progress Party has said that he is thinking of the need for budget for pediatric care ...

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Guest Phoën¡x

ah.... i love the drama..

^^^^.. i also agree that kimura has the same expression in almost of his drama.

not so sure.. maybe that is his habitual in real life.. sometimes ppl get carried away...

i see the pattern of his acting very obvious from HERO..hahaha.. it seems that he showed more similiarity gestures from HERO...maybe because both character has something similiar... being peculiar....odd..special

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Guest Maia-chan

hi everyone..

where can i download this drama??i'm also a huge fan of kimutaku =)


If you want direct downloads, you can find the soft-subbed version at community.livejournal.com/jdramas.

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Guest jade_frost

Episode 6 Synopsis

An article is written in the newspaper speculating about the extraordinary nature of the relationship between Keita and Rika and Rika is shocked. Ever since then, Rika awkwardly tries to keep her distance from Keita but Keita behaves in his usual fashion.

Meanwhile, a supplementary budget is brought to Keita. If Prime Minister Asakura approves it and the cabinet endorses it, the budget will just be submitted to the Diet. However, Keita, who has studied the contents closely, asks to have the supplementary budget changed.

Keita, who heard that the son of one of Rika's former colleagues has been shifted from one hospital to another and that his treatment has been delayed, says the budget should be changed to give top priority to pediatric care after also consulting some doctors. Kanbayashi Shoichi, the chief cabinet secretary, and the administrative secretaries get flustered.

From that day on, Momosaka Tetsuya and the other secretaries start discussions with the representatives of each ministry to make the change but face harsh resistance as they had expected. Keita also stays up all night to grapple with the documents and persuade each minister. Seeing Keita like this, Momosaka also finds himself gradually starting to be moved by the prime minister.

On the other hand, Keita hears information that Representative Noro of the opposition Progress Party has also said that he believes budget should be set aside for pediatric care.

Momosaka persuades the finance ministry and the supplementary budget is done in keeping with Keita's intentions. On the day of the cabinet meeting, Momosaka teaches Keita a secret measure to counter his ministers if he encounters dissent. As was expected, the ministers in charge of each ministry oppose Keita at the meeting. At that moment, Keita displays Momosaka's secret measure. He thrusts the prospect of dimissal at the ministers who threaten to oppose him. The ministers, who never expected that Keita would think of demanding their dismissal, back down and the supplementary budget is approved at the cabinet meeting. A displeased Kanbayashi decides to challenge Keita in the Diet.

Kanbayashi instigates the ruling party's lawmakers to excuse themselves from the cabinet's budget deliberations. However, Keita also has allies. They are the young lawmaker, Ubukata Tsuneo and Onoda Asao, Seiyu Party's secretary general. Onoda has also solicited the support of 35 of his faction's lawmakers. But that isn't enough to get the supplementary budget passed. Keita asks the opposition party's Representative Noro, whom he knows shares the same views as him, for his support. Noro initially dimisses Keita's talk as foolish but Keita's sincerity eventually moves him to pledge his cooperation

Kanbayashi, who has learnt about this, decides that he has had it with the Asakura Cabinet. He summons Rika and orders her to start the groundwork for a new cabinet.

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Guest suedbee

^^ Thanks so much, jade_frost, for the synopsis! I've been refreshing this thread all day cuz I couldn't help but watch the episode raw.

Would you mind summarizing what Keita said to the press when they were asking him about Rika? Please? :sweatingbullets:

I find myself really liking this dorama. It's funny and (good) cheesy. And, really, I'd watch anything that has Abe Hiroshi.

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excuse me but does anyone find the transition from episode 5 to 6 weird? although i know they tend to finish each episode on a case-by-case basis. but the ending of ep 5 leaves you hanging and then episode 6, they made no mention of that and starts on a new crisis?

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Guest HollyBeth

excuse me but does anyone find the transition from episode 5 to 6 weird? although i know they tend to finish each episode on a case-by-case basis. but the ending of ep 5 leaves you hanging and then episode 6, they made no mention of that and starts on a new crisis?

I kind of agree with you too.. I was surprised that they did not show Kieta going to to the scene of the Tornado. That would have given us a chance to see Kieta getting in to his "I am one of the people" and "Let's roll up our sleves" kind of modes. It would have been kind of nice to see that take place..

But I guess the writers were rushed a bit while writing the drama.. I was sorry to hear that the ratings are down on this..

Remember that each show this year has had it's down points.. Also, many people were distracted by the the Earthquake there too. I don't know if this took place after or before. But Let's give "CHANGE" some more time to grow. It's only at epi 6 and there is about 12 epi's.. It's in the middle.. Give it some more time.. Let's give Kieta a chance to grow.. I know it's going to be better for "CHANGE"..

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Guest jade_frost

^^ Thanks so much, jade_frost, for the synopsis! I've been refreshing this thread all day cuz I couldn't help but watch the episode raw.

Would you mind summarizing what Keita said to the press when they were asking him about Rika? Please? :sweatingbullets:

At the press conference:

Journalist: Prime Minister, your relationship with Secretary Miyama is the focus of the people's attention. What do you think of the report speculating that your conversations with Secretary Miyama take place in bed?

Keita: (gesturing to the magazine) You're referring to this article, aren't you? Let me take a look? (takes the magazine from the journalist's hands) This is when she said, "Please don't do anything that will cause a misunderstanding." Here, she's telling me off, "I'm married to my work." And over here, Miyama-san was about to fall at the poolside. Danbara-san, the SP fell into the pool when he tried to save her ...

So, regrettably, there is nothing romantic about these photos. Well, all of you are free to imagine whatever you wish. It doesn't matter what you wish to write. But can I be the only one you criticise?

Because I'm a public figure that everyone has chosen, it doesn't matter what you write. But Miyama-san is different. She is an ordinary woman who draws salary and is dedicated to her work. Just like you. Therefore, if she is really accused of something in the future. No, not just her. If such a thing happens to anyone in the Prime Minister's Office, I'll take all the responsibility ...

If, in time to come, I'm saying if, a romantic relationship really develops between Miyama-san and myself, I'll inform everyone when that time comes. So please put an end to this today.

We have a lot of work to do so we don't have the luxury to deal with such scandals. That's all.

Journalist: Prime Minister, since you didn't rule the situation out, do you hope for a romantic relationship with Miyama-san?

Keita: ... ... Of course. Well, which guy wouldn't want to be with such an attractive woman? ... ...

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Guest suedbee


I'm such a sucker for annoyance that turns into feigned annoyance. :blush:

I kind of agree with you too.. I was surprised that they did not show Kieta going to to the scene of the Tornado. That would have given us a chance to see Kieta getting in to his "I am one of the people" and "Let's roll up our sleves" kind of modes. It would have been kind of nice to see that take place..

Yeah, that would have been cool to see too. But I suppose the tornado was a minor one -- if that's possible -- and the writers felt that nothing much would be gained storyline-wise (vs. how much it would cost to stage devastation) if they went that route.

If given a choice between a mediocre plot+strong actors vs. a strong plot+mediocre actors, I think I'd more often go for the former. That's why I'm watching this! :D

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Guest jade_frost

The next episode will air for an extra 15 mins. It isn't official yet but Change is probably scheduled to air for 10 episodes. The longest it can stretch is 11 episodes considering that the summer Getsu9 is scheduled for broadcast in July.

It's hard to see how it can shrug away its predictability or the spotty quality of the episodes or the neat way that some issues seem to fall into place for Keita. Of course, not all is rosy for him but some scenes just warrant pure disbelief. If the television station and the writers thought that they could rely on the repeat pairing of Kimura Takuya and Fukatsu Eri, the casting of Abe Hiroshi as well as other veteran actors to pull in the ratings, then they haven't drawn lessons from other dramas. The theme of politics may not be the only thing putting viewers off. It might be the very way political issues are handled in the drama that is a galling reminder of how their national political reality is entirely different and can't be resolved so easily.

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I watched this drama because of Takuya Kimura but it somehow lacks appeal although its funny on the brighter side.

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