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[phil. Drama] Lobo (wolf)

Guest imogene_af

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amber, you do know i wait for your reviews before i watch the epi right? :lol:

another awesome review! thanks dod!!!

LOL, me too..haha...now, since i finished reading imogene's review, i'll be off watching!

thanks for the review!!

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Guest imogene_af

:lol: Am I the judge of good episodes? Rissa told me she didn't watch Monday because I didn't review it. HAHAHA. No, really, you guys and gals are too sweet. I'm just rambling on.

But did you guys notice Lyka's wishlist...


:lol: :lol: :lol:

MARIJUANA from Baguio? :lol: Weed smoker much? She cracks me up. Best. heroine. ever.

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Guest rainy_summer

Amber - please call me Raissa. I think its fair :blush: since I call you Amber. Once again..another amazing review from you. Episodes get exciting and thrilling as they come. Thats a first I think in Philippine Drama.

Yes, I like my Noah, creepy stalkerish and all. I am listening to the OST of "Paano Kita Iibigin" with Piolo singing as I read your review. *swoon*

I do not know why but we all know that Lyka is the “mythical” character here; we are far from becoming werewolves! But you know how she comes off so human to all of us? With her extreme vigor and her weaknesses, it is like we know her so much and we live through her.

Noah is the human one but he seems more mythical, the way he loves Lyka from afar hiding his feelings from his coldness, lack of answers, and secret admirer ways. The way he takes her to “different places” with the fruits or how he makes her a replica of a moon stone. All these great gestures make him a sort of a mysterious romantic figure, the same way Edward does it to Bella in “Twilight” or a less brash Phantom in the Phantom of the Opera… but instead he’s human! A human who does not know he may be infiltrating into a world beyond what his mind could ever grasp. I love the contrast of this, how someone so mythical comes off human and someone human comes off as mythical.

I LOVE THIS!! So :wub: so true!! Again I have to commend the writers and Mr. Ricky Lee for this.

I will have my bat ready as well for Gabby :angry:

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Guest simply_w4u

Guys I love this show!!! Ive been watching the eps on youtube all night! Its so different from other Filipino soaps. I'm so hooked!!! I love Piolo and Angel's tandem...so full of chemistry! The show is so addictive...I really need sleep hehe. :D

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Guest imogene_af

Amber - please call me Raissa. I think its fair :blush: since I call you Amber. Once again..another amazing review from you. Episodes get exciting and thrilling as they come. Thats a first I think in Philippine Drama.

Yes, I like my Noah, creepy stalkerish and all. I am listening to the OST of "Paano Kita Iibigin" with Piolo singing as I read your review. *swoon*

I LOVE THIS!! So :wub: so true!! Again I have to commend the writers and Mr. Ricky Lee for this.

I will have my bat ready as well for Gabby :angry:

Aw, thanks Raissa, I know these team of writers are very witty too, it's not just the nuances in the script but things like Lyka wanting marijuana :lol: is just hilarious.


Bats are up! Choose a bat! Dang Gabby! Poor Lyka, did you see her face? :tears:

simply_w4u - I know there's just something so different and addicting about this Filipino drama.



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Amber- Pwahaha your review made me laugh especially the last part! AND I pick the second bat! HAHAHA I'll be holding onto it tightly for sure when I watch Lobo tonight, making sure I hit the right target XD

I had to pause to read what's on her wishlist LOL The funniest part is the (joke!) cause I hear that expression a lot from my friend who just came back from the Philippines. :lol:

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Guest rainy_summer

Bats are up! Choose a bat! Dang Gabby! Poor Lyka, did you see her face? tears.gif

I am picking the red one. Is it metal or wood?? LOL

Poor Lyka indeed. :tears: I want to hug her. But I like it that Noah will be pursuing her now.

Each episode, I am more amazed with the writers. I like the way they wrote this. ITA, the wit, the nuances..I can imagine the fun they had during their lock-in for this drama. I wished I was a fly on the wall during that time. :D I hope showbiz magazines feature the writers of "Lobo" too. They deserve as much accolade as the directors and artists.

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Guest cho_chang

I am picking the red one. Is it metal or wood?? LOL

Poor Lyka indeed. :tears: I want to hug her. But I like it that Noah will be pursuing her now.

Each episode, I am more amazed with the writers. I like the way they wrote this. ITA, the wit, the nuances..I can imagine the fun they had during their lock-in for this drama. I wished I was a fly on the wall during that time. :D I hope showbiz magazines feature the writers of "Lobo" too. They deserve as much accolade as the directors and artists.

after watching last night's episode, maybe you wont hit gabby with a bat anymore ... she has her own pain. she has to choose between breaking noah n lyka's blossoming relationship and killing lyka ...

plus her own love for noah ...

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Guest rainy_summer

after watching last night's episode, maybe you wont hit gabby with a bat anymore ... she has her own pain. she has to choose between breaking noah n lyka's blossoming relationship and killing lyka ...

plus her own love for noah ...

*sigh* I know! She has her own pain and predicament to deal with. So now I am torn because you dont know if she did what she did (so as not to spoil others LOL) because she wants to spare Lyka's life or spare Noah's or both. She knows that the Luna will come after Noah if his cover gets blown or if he is distracted because of his feelings for Lyka/Ulay. So you dont know if Gabby is a villain or an ally. This is a lot complex and complicated than I thought and its great! :w00t: It keeps the excitement and the momentum.

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Guest joan_qt2004

I want to watch this but no eng subs!!! Sobz....anyways any good phil. dramas to recommend w eng subs?

I think there is a video in YT that has English subs for this but I was only able to find the subbed first episode. I get the story better when I watch the show with subs. :crazy:

I hope this will help.

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ahh I was SOOO ready to smash Gabby's face but after reading what you guys said.. maybe it's not only jealousy on her part but also because of their mission. But she still has no right to do that <_< Noah also had to keep his feelings for Lyka, lying to her, just for their mission. GAHH the story is not as easy as I thought. Such complicated love-triangle!

What bothers me is that she got to kiss Piolo and she's what? 17? -_-

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Guest imogene_af


Bliss- she's 18. :lol: That's why she gets a kiss. BIAATCH!

Anyway, the subs are being worked on it will probably take a while since it's an everyday drama for around 20 minutes.

We All Are Torn

LOBO Review: February 28, 2008

Tonight’s episode gave me a rapid heart rate, swing bat! Swing!

The narrative was crisp. The acting was top-notch and the suspense was breathing down my neck. I just knew it was coming, but hot damn, I still had to hold my breath while I watched everything unfold. I still wanted to give it a go with the bat for Gabby, but even with the nastiness of the characters and their most cunning ways, I remain as torn with them.

Being torn between a duty, or an expectation and your feelings, or being simply true to oneself was the main theme in the episode. It seems like everyone experienced this sense of being in one place and another in this drama. I appreciate the different themes they have come to build upon as weeks go by, the first was dealing with tragedy in the personas of Noah and Lyka, and how they have come to grow up to be who they are. Second, is falling in love with the past as it haunts us and the present as it looks straight back to your face. This week is all about being torn.

The Wayas are elated to know the strength in Lyka’s blood, but you see the guilt in Lady Elle’s face (Thank God! Ms. Pilapil is back!) as she realizes Lyka has fallen in love with Noah, the “bodyguard”.

She knew she has put them closer together to give Lyka a chance to live her life before she turns 21. They cannot deny the world is in Lyka’s shoulders, she’s just unaware of it. You can see in Trixie’s face that she does not want to see her best friend hurt, it is quite obvious she has come to see Lyka not just an object of duty but a real friend.

Dimples Romana effortlessly plays Trixie with both heart and logic, I appreciate the hints she puts in every time she is in a conversation with Lyka. It is almost as if she is saying one thing but she would really just want Lyka to live her life and do fall in love.


The total play on duty vs. self is Noah, it’s his whole being and epitome of all that. He stares at the night sky once again and finds solace in the moon above. He pensively looks at his dogtag and Ulay’s moonstone. He looked so good in this scene, like he just came out from the shower…

Okay, not being pervy, the scene was emotionally subdued which was the beauty of it … the music started out by using the low-tone dramatic theme but when he finally came to a realization that his drive for his duty and his feelings for Lyka are interconnected, they use the Ulay-Jayjay theme. The music has not been overpowering unlike the earlier episodes that it has become distracting, now the tinges of the music bring forth the characters and their emotions. It no longer detracts from it.

The music and breathtaking cinematography also went together in Nessa’s haunting scenes as she watched the priest from afar. I also want to ask if she is a black lobo now?

But back to the obvious and not mere speculations, Noah is in love with Lyka. Lyka is in love with Noah. Their realizations were innocent and charming. Almost idealistic, like they could find their happy endings with just saying, “I’m Jayjay. I’m Ulay.”


Noah is her secret admirer, she recounts in the restroom with Trixie unable to contain her bliss. Okay, I think Lyka could have figured out that Noah is the Mr. Photocopy guy since who else would say “Please keep it confidential,” to the Xerox man? Noah is unbelievably nerdy it is not even funny. Well… a nerd with the most delicious biceps ever.


So, it was perfect. Martin Nievera’s song in the background, their eyes meet and that certain spark was unleashed. She never looked so beautiful. He never looked so happy. He cannot wait to embrace her so tightly. She cannot wait to maybe experience her third kiss. They were going to meet each other in the center. It was romantic… he was going to run to her. It was after a hurried elevator ride. She is smiling and looking so radiant.

Remember in My Girl when Gong Chan and Yoo Rin finally met in the last episode? Or in Princess Bride when Wesley was about to get Princess Buttercup to his horse? It was like that--- fairy tale like.

But then I saw Gabby’s face block the two of them, the music stopped, and with these words…

“I miss you…” sealed with a kiss.

Despite it being such a BAD way to ruin a reunion... it was a BRILLIANTLY EXECUTED SCENE!

I think I cussed my lungs out. I was ready with a steel bat. I was really ready to call this character… a 13 year old spy… no a Telly Tubby… no, a friggin’ fetus!


I know Gabby was torn with a mission… it was either that or Lyka’s life. Yet, I do question her prime intention to KISS Noah in front of Lyka. There are other ways to stop him, but she chose such a clear move of intimacy that would really break Lyka’s heart.

And it did. It broke the poor girl’s heart to pieces. She dreaded this. She dreaded to be hurt by Noah again. It was that part of her that kept hesitating, afraid that it will be another realization that she does not deserve anyone’s love.

Angel Locsin mirrored Lyka’s pain with her eyes as she watched the two kiss, she tried to remain strong as tears were half-brimming in her eyes. When she finally got to her sanctuary… the restroom… she totally broke down, her shoulders all caved in and the tears pouring endlessly. She looked helpless. She cried like that eight year old little girl Ulay. It was a short scene, the melodrama was not prolonged but it was a strike to the heart.

For a while she was torn between protecting herself or falling for Noah, it seems like she has made her decision, and figured out she had learned her lesson. :(

Okay, am I experiencing a miracle? Are these Filipino protagonists that are not written to be dumbarses?! I can hear Josh Groban’s choir going with me, “Hallelujah! Hallelujah!”

Noah is questioning the mission. He is asking, why? Why? Why? Like any sane human being. Why his feelings for Lyka are even involved in such? Or why is Lyka involved for that matter? He is even going to work behind his authority’s back to figure it all out.

Piolo Pascual was so amazing in this scene, the desperation, rage and confusion was all restrained but I still felt the weight of Noah’s problems. At first he remained controlled but then when he was reeling in perplexity, he was half-shouting, his eyes had a stabbing kind of force, he was sweating like hell and even his spit was coming out.

However, tonight’s episode is Gabby Dizon’s story as much as I would really like to call her a fetus or throw a swing at her in my television, I saw the underlying pain she is going through. She is in love with Noah, and she knows he does not love her. She is faithful to her mission and I also believe she is no killer inside. It’s just that her actions are also being controlled by her strong feelings for the guy. It was an irrational decision.

Shaina Magdayao has had a rough path in this drama. First off, she’s at least five years younger than this person she is playing, and second, she mostly has scenes with Piolo Pascual who is a great actor. She has had a hard time with her emotional moments but in tonight’s episode when she hid her pain in front of Noah she brought us to Gabby’s torn heart.


Noah asked her what the next step was after breaking their cover. I sympathized for the character when Noah told her that he will not pretend to be her boyfriend, they can just settle telling everyone she’s a lovelorn girl he does not like. Ouch… because it was so true. Much worse, she was the one who gave these choices for him.

And it’s hard for me to sympathize… because I do not like her character and I am at the brink with Shaina’s performance so far... plus, she’s doing a dramatic scene with a shirtless, sweaty, dripping, Noah Ortega. *brain short circuits* I need a biiiiiiiib, please.

In all seriousness, this was a very well-acted episode, the actors all brought it home tonight. But much to the credit has to go to the screenplay they manage to give us such rich and layered characters with their own inner struggles to hurdle on. The themes have also made them all inter-connected, I cannot wait for them to make it come full circle. The main draw of this drama is its SUBSTANCE even for it bordering on fantasy and cliché love triangles it keeps you surprised. It is never without dimension. Kudos to the writers.

Now that Lyka is turning 21 and her love for Noah has seemed to faltered for a bit, I wonder how it will all turn out.

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I look forward to your reviews Imogene af. They are just so spot on and really brings the story along specially for those that can't understand Tagalog.

I just love what happened tonight in LOBO. Not that I like to see Lyka in tears. But really the story just tugs at your emotion. Lyka made me cry tonight. And I still want to wring Gaby's neck. She just ruins it for Noah and Lyka. It was their moment! I just love everything about this show. I really hope that they can maintain this. And this one deserves to be subbed when they release it on DVD. They should really look into doing that. They could make money out of it.

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it reminds me of that korean series "9-tailed fox" starring kim tae hee..

the story line is the same.. hehehe...

i didnt watch much of lobo though coz i go straight to my room..

since everyone is praising it, i might as well watch a few episodes.. ^^

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Aww man, I really feel sad for Lyka. What she feared actually happened. She was very hesitant to tell Noah but finally had the courage to confront him, she found herself only to be hurt again. *sigh* I guess it's goodbye kilig moments for now :tears:

And why the heck is the priest lying?! Doesn't he know that "thou shall not lie" is part of the Ten Commandments? :angry: Amber, I think Nessa is a black Lobo. Didn't she kill those chickens before? So that means she has tasted blood. Right? :unsure:

It's the weekend again. No Lobo for 2 more days!

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Guest imogene_af


Chickens are fine, bliss. :lol: If you taste a person's blood...you become a black lobo. She tasted Anton's blood, didn't she? But she didn't kill him, so I'm not sure.

Nine Tailed Fox and Lobo if you look at the plot outline may seem similar but once you do watch this show, it's way different. Lyka isn't even aware she is the queen Lobo. :lol: unlike Kim Tae Hee who was raised from the dead and became a Nine Tailed Fox. They are also not warriors in Lobo they're simply people.

Edit, speaking of Mr.Piolo Pascual aka Noah, his fans share my ramblings and comments in his multiply, he replied to it! And thanked me and everyone really. Isn't he such a sweetie?


from Noah / PJ (on the Feb 28 review of Lobo)>>>


wow! what a lovely review! thanks so much for the wonderful insights! if only i could print this to show to our creative team. thanks very much! truly appreciated.. everyone is just simply working hand in hand to make 'Lobo' worth watching... I'm so amazed with how the directors are working tirelessly to execute all the scenes seamlessly beautiful.. And our creative team who are the unsung heroes of our show... being a part of this team makes my heart leap.. even I look forward to what's gonna happen next..

again, my sincerest gratitude for appreciating our show...

God bless!

piolo aka noah

Mr. Piolo Pascual, thank you, thank you for even taking the time to read that! And I adore your humility for dedicating it all to the creative team. I believe even the actors are part of the creative team, you should be very proud of this drama you have.

God bless you all! Take care and really, thank you.

What can I say?


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Guest rainy_summer

Congratulations Amber!! He is so sweet to leave a comment about your review. He is so humble for not taking all the credit. In fact he takes no credit at all. ITA, the actors are part of the creative team as well. I wonder why he said "if only he could print it"? hmm..

So cute that even him cant wait to know what happens next. :wub:

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