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mixed asians vs full asians

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Guest bada sori.

there are some really ugly mixed people, and really gorgeous mixed people. and the ones in between.

same for full asians. there is no aesthetically superior group, i think.

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mixed asians are gorgeous! don't get me wrong full asians look hot too, but mixed ones are just pretty by birth, well most (white+asian) soo pretty.

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Guest thislove

^ I agree. However I think everyone is pretty just depend on how u look whether from the outer appearance and inner appearance

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Guest Hemera

usually...USUALLY...asians mixed with european is good...

but you can also have good looking 100% asian parents and still come out beautiful/handsome

so being mixed doesn't automatically make you good looking...

i've seen so many gorgeous italian/chinese mixed girls and guys <3

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Guest CinCin

There are pretty and ugly for both. Lots of full Asians look mixed (like me). I suspect that I might be like 5% Russian or something.

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Guest Romancer.

My cousin's friend is mixed and she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL no joke. She has the prettiest eyes, nose, bone structure, hair...

She is prettier than a lot of celebrities.

Oh and to answer your question, I have no idea. Mixed people can look really unique or... not that pretty :x

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Guest marasshi

I prefer mixed asians because I'm more used to seeing them...? My grandma is German/American so my mom, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. don't look full Asian (Filipinos are a pretty mixed bunch anyway so yeah). I guess it depends on what you're used to?

BTW, there are gorgeous full asians and odd-looking mixed ones, so they're pretty much equal (objectively speaking). I love how having Caucasian blood gives a defined bone structure. Full Asians usually have "soft" features, but I prefer more... pronounced facial features. : )

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Guest Melyxcious

No matter what, you'll always get the beautiful mixed/full asians and the not-so-beautiful mixed/full asians :x

There's this guy that I know that's Half British and Half Japanese. And like... I don't know. He's just... eeek. No offense to him or anything but he's so skinny and... short. Not attractive looking at all. Then again, if he cut his longass hair, then okay. Maybe. But the way he is now. Um. No. His brother looks cuter.

And then there's my orchestra teacher back in high school. Half German and Half Japanese. She's gorgeous omg D: She's 5'8" and just way too pretty. Guys called her the hottest teacher in the school lol x.x;

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Guest mintpanda

in my opinion it's mixed asians that are mixed with only other asian ethnicities.

ie: japanese&korean

drop dead gorgeous

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Guest littlemisssunsunshine

there are full asians who looked mixed.

there are mixed asians who got the crappy genes from both sides and look bad, and there are mixed asians who got the BEST features from BOTH sides and look fantastic.

its hard to say which one looks more beautiful....

second that. and the first part, thats me.

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Guest g0t12ic3

depends on the person. and i'm not talking about the one judging i'm talking about the one that is being judged. some full asians look better than mixed and vice versa you can't really say. so i don't like this poll cause it's too vague and i can't say "generally speaking" cause i've seen a lot of umm unattractive mixed and full plus attractive mixed and full.

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Guest Keris

LOL, I knew the majority of people would vote mixed Asians.

But why exactly are they generally considered more good-looking than full Asians. Let me throw out a guess, is it because they're mixed with Caucasian genes as well? So they're more likely to have more "white" looking features.. such as bigger eyes, taller/smaller nose, whiter skin, etc. Don't lie, that has to be one of the main reasons isn't it. :rolleyes::mellow:

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Guest especially

just an experment.

pls tell me why you think which group is more beautiful. E.g facial features are more attractive? etc.

I'm curious... why are you asking this question? What's your ethnic makeup?

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Guest kimchii

PERSONALLY, I find that beautiful full asians are prettier than beautiful mixed asians, but in general mixed asians tend to be prettier than average full asians, thanks to their genes.

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I'm mixed Asian/white but I look full white. I don't agree with the whole "mixed Asians/whites are gorgeous" thing because... look at me, lol.

My brother actually looks mixed though and a lot of people think he's good-looking. Guess I'm just unlucky haha.

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Guest x_terr

well i'm biased of course.

but i think that mixed asians sometimes just look blech, like strange.

but other times they're absolutely gorgeous (most japanese magazine models T_T)

and full asians can sometimes look fabulous!!! but sometimes eh

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