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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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@putriN, baidu says it's a heat pack,so sweet of him  :x
Korean media writes "That winter,JIS and SHK, filming always filled with laughters and concerns.

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OMGGG!! today has been such an exciting dayy!! we hav had treats from both TGM and TWTWB today..woot woot..agree with freshspring and riz..i really am breathless too and my heart beats faster just looking at all those wonderful SCs..thanks a lottt to putriN,Shanda,khxy,freshspring,msriz for the updates  :-bd

myulchee: i agree,she is the prettiest and welcome to this wonderful thread..hope ur having a great time visiting this thread like i do..  :D

here's an other article..from naver..

hehe i like the heading..the google translated title reads.. "Contained in one frame 'Republic of Korea' ultimate visual"  , and i do agree..such a visual image..   ;;)  



putriN: haha i just noticed it and it wass toooo sweeet of JIS..  :\">   :x 

aww so cute..first time seeing this pic..its a pic from SHK's earlier works..i guess the following article is about how pretty SHK looked even then.. 

timeless beauty indeed..  :\">


source:http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201301082238091710 via naver

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^ pardon me, but what is he doing with our girl? :D

Is it only me whom hasn't yet watched the sbs special broadcast ? 40833d7a34d2b62cbc9bd8e8506e69ba82e7f406

Thanks all chingus for SCs...AWESOME!!!  <:-P

I will get my copy for ELLE later evening, just got the message. YAY!!!

edit: riz, the heat pack?

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id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 19px; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-family: arial, sans-serif;"That Winter, The Wind Blows (그 겨울, 바람이 분다) Special Preview

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^^ freshspring: u said it perfectly dear...

@utkim: kim,as freshspring said,JIS is giving the heat pack to our girl,u can see it in the last row pics of the media capture...very sweet of him rite?  :x 

and i agreee,they look so comfortable with each other,i guess it was mentioned earlier they were indeed good friends from long back..it really shows..FEB 13,pleaseeee come sooon...the teaser,special show,pics all got me soo excited..  <:-P

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^ thanks freshing.  That was sweet of him  :D

ria, they seems as old friends indeed, as they mentioned earlier.

I think this news said TGM was kick out other movies and is now the 1st place at the box office? khxy, help us please ..thanks dear.

姗姗来迟的王家卫电影《一代宗师》这次终於如约而至。1月8日《一代宗师》首映,第一天上画拿下近四成的排片量(截至发稿时,据网票数据统计排片量占 38.49%),力压《泰囧》和《十二生肖》,为双雄争霸太久的影市注入了2013年第一股新的活力。首映当天,多家影院安排零点场,寒冬的深夜阻止不了 追寻电影的脚步,而《一代宗师》也迎来了第一波来自於普通观众的检阅。  从首映目前获得的观众口碑来看,影片的精致唯美给大部分观众留下了深刻印象,台 词也被评“耐人寻味,令人惊艳”, 整部影片被观众评价为“功夫版《花样年华》”、“文艺浪漫功夫片”、“文艺更甚于功夫”,截止至发稿时,该片的豆瓣评分为8分,在王家卫电影中属中上成绩 (《春光乍泄》和《重庆森林》最高,为8.6分)。而同时,也有少部分观众表示“没看懂”、“昏昏欲睡”,评论呈现两极分化态势。

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Guest jjsweeter0211

class="blog_h2 entry-title" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: initial; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: white; font-weight: bold; line-height: normal; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, sans-serif; border-bottom-style: none; border-bottom-color: initial; letter-spacing: -1px; "Check out young Song Hye Kyo 15 years ago

January 09, 2013 1:00 am cloud2c2h


Actress Song Hye Kyo’s look when she was a rookie, 15 years ago, is in the limelight.
In “2013 SBS Drama Special Report—Date with the Man and the Woman,” which aired on January 8, a TV series that aired in 1998 starring Song was shown.
The little Song, looks very young but doesn’t look very different from the way she is now. Her fair skin, pretty eyes and nose catches the eye.In an interview, the actress said, “Now I’m very extroverted, but in the past I was quite shy and reserved, so I was unpopular.”Song’s new TV series, That Winter, The Wind Blows, will be shown on TV through SBS starting from February 13.

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