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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Ria,Utkim.kamille,khxy and Trish:Thanks for all the latest news and pics of our always beautiful SHK:)LIke most of you,I have been missing this girl so much...I have started putting some of her past FH fan made videos in my FB.Here is my fave one,no wonder it got 1.6 million views:)It has captured SHK and Rains cuteness,plus the beautiful music and funny parts of the drama:)FH will always be #1 for me,I never get tired watching the show and get amazed on how beautiful SHK is:))Have a good weekend SHKers!!!

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Hi hi to all dearies and thanks for updatings, Kyo attended laneige's event, not everyday we get to see her and it seems our dearie is going to continue to endorse for Laneige? YAY!

Our dear putriN is still hiding? hehe, hope you are fine dear.

Pic from Baidu, sorry i dun know when it was taken, haven't got time to check it yet

edit:   i guess this pic was taken on the  Nov 17th or 18th based on clothes etc..

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msriz: ur welcome for the pic and thanks for posting the fanart made by pangia here!! very talented indeed!!  :D and thanks for the young pics of hyekyo!! she looks adorable    :-*   

beth: thanks for the FULL HOUSE MV!! ahh the memories...  :x 

kim: thanks a lot for the pics!! looks like the media cant get enuf of our girl in the chanel event huh?  just like us ;;)

and the inhye pic made my day... <:-P 

putriN: hehe we all are waiting for u.. hope to see ur posts soon..    >:D<

once again thanks to all lovely shkers for the wonderful pics and updates about our girl. looking forward to see more news about our SHK...have a great weekend all..  :x 

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I'm thinking and imagining putriN gathering/hunting a lot of pictures/news re:SHK when she comes back....so let's all watch out!!

Utkim: you are trully fantastic for keeping up w/us:)Thank you sooo much!!We will all be sad and gloomy w/out you:(Anyways,we are allowing you to be the next one to go on vacation w/ SHK:))

Ria: you are also an indispensable member of this forum.Thanks for always making our day happy w/ all the news and pictures you bring us:)You will take over utkim when she goes for vacation and putriN is not back yet lol....just kidding!!

msriz:where did you get that picture of SHK?She is absolutely cute and beautiful!!I can't stop staring  at her lovely,lovely face:)

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^michelle, i second that........ let us all, the beloved SHKers, gather here to be closed to our dear girl, dear princess, dear angel, the one and only Song Hye Kyo    :x

Hello everyone   :D :D :D

i can't hide for long...... this thread is simply irresistable !

thank you very much to kim, ria, shanda, beth, khxy, msriz, freshspring, kamille, and all (pardon me if i missed out any names) for the never-ending awesome sharings of pics and news of our dear girl...... you guys rock !cheer.gif


that pic of kyo and insung makes me squeal in delight...... since they're holding scripts, i guess the the tape is not rolling...... the way he speaks and look at her awwwwwwww fangirling keke....... she looks petite against his tall build....... he can lifts her with one hand and certainly no problem in carrying or piggy-back her....... which i believe writer noh will include in the scripts haha   wink_zpsa2c79ad1.gif

read last few days' tweets, they have to cancel the outdoor shooting becos of the heavy snowfall....... i hope no major disruption to the filming schedules....... really can't wait for the posters   :\">

i'm glad that she takes this drama project....... she'll be in good hands........ she works with professionals that love to work with her for the 2nd time.

4 yrs ago, with writer Noh -



with PD Kim at Ww party -



yeay, 고구구마스 posted at dc an hour ago..... there's a shooting at a coffee shop!

S/He saw Kyo with long black coat, her face is small........  and frowning lol



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^ you take care too.

, welcome back dear, you had been missed  :D. Hopefully SBS will give us some stills soon, i see the other drama is quite generous for stills etc though they started their shootings later..

Beth...hehe, can I dream? and thanks for your kind words, but i'm nothing here without you all here and would feel the same gloomy and sad, we are a team whom need each other to make this thread alive

saw a tweet and she was posting this pic and teasing Hongki that she would bring this pic and give it to him, Hongki really made him famous for his admiration towards Kyo  :))

Have a nice Sunday SHKers

edit: ria, thanks the waiting is finally over so i should change huh, actually it isn't new siggy, it was just hidden behind the old one, crazy huh hihihi.gif

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shk icons:-)


putriN: weeeeeeee ur backkk!!! we missed you sooo much here and great to have you back!! wahh this thread feels sooo complete now!!  :D 

and thanks for the pics...and insung giving a piggyback ride to kyo? omg it dint strike me before and now that u have mentioned it,cant wait to see it!! hope they really include a scene like tat hehe,it will sure be awesome!!   8->

beth: aw you are really kind dear,thank you!!  and taking over kim's position? ah i still have a long way to go,to reach upto her position..utkim and putriN are the CEO's of this thread and im still a rookie,hehe...but ur words make me try even more harder.. :\"> 

kim: thanks for the pic dearie,and woah i really like hongki...hes cute,and very faithful in his admiration for our girl..and im sure he will be really happy to see this pic..i bet tat would sure make his day,hehe...and ur siggy is cute   ;;)  

and you are right!! the other dramas are quite generous in releasing stills,but TWTWB team is rather lowkey eh? we rarely get to see any pics and wonder when they will release the official poster!    :-? 

but atleast we get to see the wonderful fanmade posters and talking about tat here's an other one!! 



EDIT: kim, hehe this one is sweet too and very apt,its like she is saying  welcome back  ;) 

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in this article it mentions about how Kbeauty take over southeast asia by storm i guess..also mentions about song hye kyo attending the new laneige event... used google translate,sorry if there's any mistake  sweatdrop.gif

and we get to see another pic of the event...she manages to look stunning even in tat modest outfit ...  wub.gif 



photo source:isplus.joinsmsn.com via naver

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What a beautiful Monday! thanks ria and putriN for pics, she looks lovely and finally we have some pics from the event  :x . She attended that event on the 6th hehe

sorta rare we see her in 2 events in 1 go...no complaining though hehe

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thanks putriN and kim for the articles and pics..beautiful monday indeed!!  :x

here is the english article about our lovely lady wub.gif

Song Hye Kyo captures overseas media with her beauty

December 10, 2012 6:30 pm dkrogers


Song Hye Kyo is drawing a lot of attention with her beauty.

On December 6, Song attended an event introducing new global products as a representative for the beauty brand Laneige.

She appeared at the event in a grey dress. She tied her hair up high and wore semi smoky makeup standing out her eye lines.

Her flawless skin and doll-like appearance captured many officials from in and outside of the country. They asked about cosmetic products that she uses and clothes that she wore.

People who saw the pictures responded: “Song looks just like a doll.” “She is an alive doll.” “I think overseas reporters have fallen in love with her.”

Comedian Kim Sung Won emceed the event, in which over sixty overseas reporters from nine Asian countries, including, Singapore, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong attended.

Source: Money Today via korea.com

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