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Yoo Seung Ho 유승호 ユ・スンホ 俞 承 豪


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42 minutes ago, Berou said:

 YSH does have a one man agency, it's an agency set up by him/his manager. He's the only actor under it and owns it :)

He's free from big companies pressure who are pressuring the stars to sign contracts, to attend events, to star in projects, etc.

Thank you! As @Sakura2016 said, it now made total sense in how he is able to be more selective and have more control over marketing himself.  Thank you chingu.

and Sans mean "without". Maybe he meant  it without any unnecessary pressure, any BS, just pure acting. Smart boy!

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3 hours ago, Berou said:

San in korean means mountain :)

Well it makes sense as ya'll said.companies want benefits, stars/actors are products and marketed to draw in profits. If an actor doesn't want to be in the limelight, sign many CF deals, stars in many dramas/movies, appear in variety shows etc, it's a loss. And no company would be ok. 

At the same time, these big companies have connections and power, they use them to send off their products in many projects. So a small company like YSH's one, has no power to fight back, PDs will use their connections also to cast the stars from these big companies. 

So there are pros and cons. I sometimes wish he would be under an actor agency that will take good care of him while respecting his whishes of staying away from the lime light. There are good actors companies, per instance Namoo actors, blossom entertainment, key east entertainment, cjes entertainment, fantagio.

Hehehe.. I'm thinking of sans in English, but you are right, it shd be in Korean.

if he was in the bigger acting agency, he would get better promoted and exposure. But I think for a one man show, he is doing pretty good. A lot of lead roles. That spoke volume of his ability. 

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On 8/31/2017 at 11:30 PM, Berou said:

San in korean means mountain :)

Well it makes sense as ya'll said.companies want benefits, stars/actors are products and marketed to draw in profits. If an actor doesn't want to be in the limelight, sign many CF deals, stars in many dramas/movies, appear in variety shows etc, it's a loss. And no company would be ok. 

At the same time, these big companies have connections and power, they use them to send off their products in many projects. So a small company like YSH's one, has no power to fight back, PDs will use their connections also to cast the stars from these big companies. 

So there are pros and cons. I sometimes wish he would be under an actor agency that will take good care of him while respecting his whishes of staying away from the lime light. There are good actors companies, per instance Namoo actors, blossom entertainment, key east entertainment, cjes entertainment, fantagio.


To be honest, the way I see it, Seung-ho is managing his career exactly how he likes it: acting in projects he finds interesting, meeting his fans whenever he can, and remaining a more or less regular person the rest of the time. I know that there are good managing companies out there, like the ones you listed, but if he were under one of them, there would be some sort of standard he would need to comply with in order not to cause issues with the other actors. Being under his own management firm, means complete freedom.

Also, let's not forget that asides from the charisma and star power Yoo Seung-ho has, there's also the immense talent and experience he brings to each project he works on. His reputation in the industry as a hard working, hugely talented and strong work ethics is no joke, and everyone knows that if they get him to sign in a project, they will get a seasoned veteran who will bring his A game no matter what. 

I can only hope that as he grows older, and there are more roles for him, he will continue to live his private life as he's been doing it ever since his debut. I think it would stress him too much to receive the same sort of attention that actors like Song Joong Ki have been getting. For some reason, I think Seung-ho is just happier driving that truck for his farmer friend, and playing videogames with his middle school pals. Having a successful acting career is just an incredibly nice bonus. 

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On 04/09/2017 at 11:45 PM, sanaeozora said:


To be honest, the way I see it, Seung-ho is managing his career exactly how he likes it: acting in projects he finds interesting, meeting his fans whenever he can, and remaining a more or less regular person the rest of the time. I know that there are good managing companies out there, like the ones you listed, but if he were under one of them, there would be some sort of standard he would need to comply with in order not to cause issues with the other actors. Being under his own management firm, means complete freedom.

Also, let's not forget that asides from the charisma and star power Yoo Seung-ho has, there's also the immense talent and experience he brings to each project he works on. His reputation in the industry as a hard working, hugely talented and strong work ethics is no joke, and everyone knows that if they get him to sign in a project, they will get a seasoned veteran who will bring his A game no matter what. 

I can only hope that as he grows older, and there are more roles for him, he will continue to live his private life as he's been doing it ever since his debut. I think it would stress him too much to receive the same sort of attention that actors like Song Joong Ki have been getting. For some reason, I think Seung-ho is just happier driving that truck for his farmer friend, and playing videogames with his middle school pals. Having a successful acting career is just an incredibly nice bonus. 

I so agree with you!


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Disappointed really with the possible drama news.  Why MBC again?  

TVN, OCN and JTBC would have been a great new leap for him.  The quality dramas are no longer with the big 3 (save SBS cos they still have enough clout to sign on the super A list stars and writers) - the exodus of talent from producers, to directors to writers especially from MBC (due to the their controversial president) has been happening for the last 2 years rapidly.  They are also going on strike soon.

I'm not surprised if they release news that he's co-star will be an idol group member (likely SM) as it seems MBC dramas are shifting towards investments from music companies.

P:S - If YSH does not progress in his career and make it.  Its the fault of his management.  Sometimes one man agencies are great but frankly this boy has international stardom potential flowing out of every pore and the one thing that seems to hamper him is perhaps his agency model.  Self agency is best option if you're a matured star already like Won Bin or Jo In Sung with movie & drama hits and awards under your belt but for YSH, there's still so much room for growth and he's still not quite there yet.  

Big agencies whether you like it or not have connections to top writers, top stars, top directors and because they sometimes make investments in productions, their artistes get first dips. P.S - PBG ( Sidus/Blossom), Yang Se Jong (Good People Ent owned by Group 8 - one of korea's most powerful production companies and people wonder why he's lead in an SBS drama when he debuted only a year ago, opposite Baeksang Actress Seo Hyun Jin as well), Park Seo Joon (Keyeast), Lee Jong Seok/Nam Joo Hyuk (YG actors). How is he going to have an advantage over actors in his competitive age bracket when his chances of getting top projects are compromised from the start?

Unless he switches out of his current comfort model, I am not sure when will he ever meet the role of his life.  

Hope I'm proven wrong and I guess he's still young so there's time. BUT these days MBC brand name is a stinker for me.  Case in point: A massive name like Jo Jong Seok being attached and yet production still can't find an actress to take the lead in his upcoming MBC drama is a worrying sign. 


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14 hours ago, Berou said:

@sanaeozora I completely agree with you. If we see each side of the coin there are pros and cons :

setting up a one man agency gives him the complete freedom. He doesn't have to comply with a certain standard. He chooses freely his movies/dramas/CF deals. This allows him to live his regular life and to do a drama per  year. However his agency doesn't have enough power to face bigger agencies, no matter "his reputation in the industry as a hard working, hugely talented and strong work ". Since his army discharge he has chosen projects randomly and hasn't had a hit drama (ruler was supposed to be a MDBC 2.0) that will allow him to live off it for a few years. He still doesn't have THAT hit adult project. Since he has met bad luck : his two movies didn't do well or didn't met expectations ( Joseon Magician was a flop,  Kim Sun dal did OK but below expectations), Remember was a successful drama but it's one of those dramas that get high ratings but are underrated, and we know what happened with ruler and how the script/directing was a mess ( it got double digit ratings, but that's only because of the main leads star power and MBC milking it). As a fan it hurts me to see that some actors get the chance to play a very good fleshed out character as they don't have the skills required. Even if we don't want to admit it, PDs/ casting teams look for the ones who are marketable and have the stars power to draw in viewers. Ratings are their priority, acting comes in the second position. It's a bonus if they have the charisma and have incredible acting skills. We all know YSH is underrated compared to some actors, so offers go to them first. I don't want him to have a blasting popularity like SJK, that would be too much for him to handle. SJK's case is a combination of domestic and international popularity. YSH can lead his career his as some actors who are popular/trendy in Korea but not internationally. That's why I wish sometimes he would be in one of those agencies, I'm sure these would promote him very well and secure him good roles/movies/dramas. He chose freedom, I respect his choice, I think his decision is perfect for him. As you  I can only wish as he grows older he'll get more roles or better projects. 



I understand your frustration, I really do. However, we must remember that Seung-ho is really just starting in his adult career. I know that it's hard to see it, since he has such an extensive acting resume and he's been playing adult roles since he was 17, it makes it difficult for us to realise he's only just turned 24. At his age, most of the big names in the industry had just debuted and weren't even cast in lead roles yet. 

For Seung-ho, I think the game is just starting, like he said, I too hope that as he gets closer to his thirties, he'll start getting more roles. Right now, I understand his own reluctance to accept some roles, as he might not see himself ready for them. But as he grows older, this will change.

As per his success, or maybe lack of thereof, I just want to point out that even the top actor right now Song Joong Ki, has only had two hit dramas so far, I know that Descendants of the Sun was MASSIVE, but again, Song Joong Ki is also 8 years older than Seung-ho. What I'm trying to say is that, Seung-ho has all the time in the world to take his career to whichever heights he wishes, he certainly has the right mix of talent and looks and disposition towards work. 

I am positive he's going to be just fine. And last but  not least, for him I would prefer it if he had a long career with  moderate success, than being on the spotlight for just a short amount of time only to get burned out or, even worse, involved in some scandal due to the fact that he could not cope with the stress (not that I need to worry about that, I'm sure his family and friends are keeping an eye on him in case that happens). 

@WoozyPrincess THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE NEWS!! I was hoping we'd get some inkling that he's considering a new drama! Hopefully it'll be a project he can enjoy being involved in. 

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@Go Seung Ji: really liking the synopsis. If he accepts it, I hope it will focus as much in the art forgery part as it does in the romance. The potential drama could be awesome: he spends most of the drama pining for the girl and just as she accepts him, he gets in trouble with the law due to his 'profession'. Hopefully we'll have a happy ending where he ends up a successful painter though #PleaseLetMeDream. 

PS: I hope it's not a pre-produced drama though, otherwise we'll have to wait forever...

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6 minutes ago, sanaeozora said:

@Go Seung Ji: really liking the synopsis. If he accepts it, I hope it will focus as much in the art forgery part as it does in the romance. The potential drama could be awesome: he spends most of the drama pining for the girl and just as she accepts him, he gets in trouble with the law due to his 'profession'. Hopefully we'll have a happy ending where he ends up a successful painter though #PleaseLetMeDream. 

PS: I hope it's not a pre-produced drama though, otherwise we'll have to wait forever...

Welcome chingu. Korean updates said that expected to be aired in early 2018.


#YooSeungHo is in talks to make drama comeback with #IAmLove slated to air early 2018 http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=241&aid=0002706269  #KoreanUpdates RZ

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3 minutes ago, Berou said:

@WoozyPrincess thank you !

I also translated via Google.

 Yoo Seungho to return early next year to MBC  with "I am love" (tentative tentative). Yoo Seung Ho will soon star in the new TV series. "I am a love" is story about a man who has lost his parents and has no lovers, and when he meets his loved one, " I am going to love, "he said to the Daily Sport. Yoo Seung Ho plays a talented painter but makes a fake painting .  He was adopted to the United States, he was abandoned twice and abused, because  he was included in the case of drug trafficking was forced to expel. After traveling to Jeju Island,  he becomes during the day  a priest in a remote area of the monastery, at night is a painter . Yoo Seung Ho starred in the past July in "monarch". "I am love" (tentative) is written by "Firebird", "Queen of the game" "failed love" and other script's writer ten years of new work ;  directed by "Miss Reply"  PD. Yoo Seung Ho 's company San Entertainment stakeholders on the 5th to Star News said: "Yoo Seung Ho received" I am love "proposal, is in talks".

The names of the writer and PD were in chinese, I took them out 

Thank you. Which version of google translate did you use cos yours make sense whereas mine turned out gibberish, I could only pick up bits and pieces.

Anyway, at least it seems like written by an experience writer, hopefully a good writer.

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Wow guys, thanks for the translations...and the character description is just what Seung-ho likes: a deeply troubled, wounded guy in need of much healing. If he takes the part, he's going to do wonders with it...and destroy our poor hearts while doing it. 

Also, I'm happy to see that there's an experienced writer behind this.

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OK.  Now I'm having serious depression over the storyline, the writers and where this is all heading.

Does he need all this melo crap all over again.  Cry dollops from the abandoned/drugs storyline, then the drugs thing and wrongful expulsion.  OMG - the whole thing sounds like a weekend drama and once again reminiscent of those early 2000 dramas that no one cares for today (Ruler was the same.  It was stuck in the 90s style sageuk storyline + bad writing).  I want his 50 something year old manager to stop picking roles or recommending it for this 20 something year old boy.  Ask yourself, would Park Bo Gum take it?  Would Park Seo Joon take it?  Would the current slate of iT boys whom Yoo Seung Ho should belong in the same category do this type of drama?

What challenge would it be to him?  Something that he has done a gazillion times before.

This is the type of production I wish he would take.  Alongside Park Bo Young or a similar calibre actress. Challenge his acting with something different.



I thought I can see him pull off an extension of this MV with this drama. But in a cute and light fashion.  Food, restaurants, ambience.

He said he wanted to start looking at trending type of dramas.  So he should start somewhere.  If not... he's gonna be trapped in the same crisis that Lee Joon Ki is in (action or sagueks) and the only offers going to him always will be these B-list melodramatic productions whom they know his manager/he will take.

Arrggghhhh I'm so frustrated.

P:S - Kim Nam Gil was pretty much stuck and roles offered to him after his movies and Shark were melos after melos.  Thats why he stayed away from dramas for 4 years.  Now he's met the role of his life in Live Up to Your Name which is breaking ratings week after week. Audiences today are looking for fresh storylines.  I don't like this synopsis at all.  Unless he gets a killer co-star ... I have no high hopes for it.

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I guess I'm a really weird fan because I honestly couldn't care less about the popularity. I care a whole lot more about the fact that the actor I like is happy doing his job. Yoo Seung-ho seems to me like he cares about his craft and he might have said he wants to work on trendy dramas but that doesn't mean that's what going to make him happy now. 

Considering what he said about his roles during the childhood stage of his career, and the fact that he had no say in the matter when it came to accepting them, I think that right now he's choosing them in accordance to what he thinks will challenge him in one way or another. I don't think he has popularity in mind when he picks them. And while we might not see the challenge in this new role that's been offered to him, perhaps something in it, that we don't know of, is what's going to make Seung-ho pick it up.

@kimchigal2I respect your opinion but I don't want to be so negative with this, like I said earlier, he's young and has time on his side. Whether he gets type-cast or not, it's way too soon to tell. Besides, even if he does get type-cast into playing dark roles, as long as he's happy doing it, I don't really care, I will watch anything with him in it. I even watched "I miss you" and I seriously didn't like the two main leads at all. 

So bottom line: I just need to know Yoo Seung-ho is happy doing what he does. Everything else, is peanuts to me. 

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His manager is the one who discovered him in The Way Home.  I think majority of decisions are still made by him.  I am not entirely sure he's happy.  I've read interviews in his past where he said he wants to make it to Hollywood.  He has big ambitions but now he's struggling to even make a bigger splash in Korea.  Household name - Yes. Major star - not yet.

It might be peanuts but which actor who chooses acting as his life long profession would be content to not reach his absolute potential?  I just don't want another slump for him.  I wish he picks better projects but I'm questioning at this point what kind of scripts make it out to him even.

Lee Joon Ki mentioned that its not that he doesn't wanna do romcoms but he never received any offers.  The competition is real. Korean entertainment business is cut throat competitive.  2016 started with Song Joong Ki fever, overtaken briefly by Park Bo Gum but ended with being All About Gong Yoo.  This year started with Gong Yoo, then Park Hyung Sik come along, Park Seo Joon briefly, now its looking like Kim Nam Gil is going to ascend the CFs and become man of the moment really soon (LUTYN + Memoirs of Murder). Everyone thought YSH will explode this year since Ruler was so hyped, in the end MBC completely botched it with a terrible director and novice writers.

2017-2018 will see the biggest exodus of Alist actors go into the army.  Its a golden period where he can assess good scripts and co-stars based on supply and demand.  

To be honest ... I feel saddened even in soompi where he has only 163 pages to his name compared to other actors who have debuted much later than him and in his same age category.  The same fans post over and over again and new posters are few and far in between.

Do I have Yuk-shim to see him do better - of course!!! Do I want him to have new fans.  YES!

I want to be positive... especially after enduring that Ruler crap for so many months but its really facepalm when this kind of news drop cos its pretty much the same type of material he's accepting again.

Maybe the disappointment will be less if I believed less in him.  


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