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Posts posted by ChibiLy

  1. You are right. There are heaps to unpack. I was also surprised at how many scenes were CGI. Many looked so natural, but it could be because I watched the whole drama on my phone, so the imperfections were not so obvious. 


    Reba was amazing. Her transition from a sweet and innocent FJ, to a brave and some what jaded FJ was so believable. The way she incorporated fox mannerisms was adorable, how she tilted her head and encouraged DH to stroke/scratch behind her eyes :wub:

    No wonder DH couldn't resist her in any form!


    It always strucks me how DH is full of affection when he is with FJ and instantly turn emotionless when he talks to others. Again, Vengo's acting is flawless during these transitions. Both he and Reba must have studied their role so much to act out the characters so naturally.


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  2. 3 hours ago, hwen2ee said:


    Yeah I am a little music obsessed too. I don't need to be constantly watching the video. I can listen to the music and imagine the scenes in my head. 


    But seriously, DHDJ and FJ really got to my head ..... if you watch other C-drama, you will notice all sorts of awkwardness. Between the love between the main leads, there are good ones, some with chemistry, and a lot of so so. Then you will remember how DHDJ and FJ are like. Scene after scene they are throwing sweetness everywhere. :lol:

    Thanks for sharing the link. That was beautiful. Very relaxing to listen to. 


    I tried to rewatch Love 020. I love the novel and the drama, but after watching ELoD, the hugs between the main leads seems awkward. Kind of kills the whole mood!

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  3. 6 hours ago, nani-lyfe said:

    @rainyday293 Your English is great! Don't feel bad about it! International fans like myself don't understand Chinese, so reading translations about V and/or R are very precious! And I am very grateful to you and others who provide English translations because there are not many out there! Thank you for your efforts! 


    Based on videos of them two, we can adamantly say that they have admiration and good feelings towards each other.


    I have multiple theories regarding V + R's relationship status :lol: Bare with me:

    (1) Both have good feelings towards each other, but like what @hwen2ee said, "their work and their company is in their way, even if V wanted to do something, he might realize he should not because it will ruin her career and timing isn't right." So, maybe they are not in an official bf/gf relationship at the moment, but mutually agree to wait for the right timing to officially become a couple.


    (2) V + R did not start a relationship in the early years when they started out in the industry. Their interactions (physical/verbal/online communication) is for sure major flirting :wub: between two close friends  and it was way too "public". However, V + R could now be in an official relationship, and that may have started only a couple of years ago. With both are now on the down low. Side note: I've known friends who called their other friend gf/bf/hubby/wifey for fun or role playing within their friendship circle, and then ended up being in an actual relationship with that person.


    (3) V + R have been in a relationship since the early years until present. :lol:

    My vote is for number 3 for the following reasons:


    1. They seem way too comfortable and touchy feely with each other since early on to be just friends. I feel like Reba and Vengo have clear boundaries,  and will not blur it unless they have something going on.

    2. Reba had mentioned how she is a insecure and gets jealous easily. She needs security. So I don't think she would be able to handle a ambiguous relationship for a long stretch of time.

    3. Vengo is way too protective of Reba to not put a label on their relationship. Look at how he is often watching and physically close to her. Even though they may not be able to announce to public, at least within the entertainment industry they can. A label may not deter all potential suitors, but it is enough to prevent some people from making a move on Reba.

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  4. 1 hour ago, They Sick said:


    From the recent interaction, the one with lipstick, ELOD presscon, and 4 lives 4 worlds, V seems tired and distant. Only Reba act as usual. 

    And also at the award show interview, he was evasive and didn’t want to mention Rena. I mean, how can you forgot your FL? 

    Initial i felt the same way as you. But I noticed like you, that Vengo seemed so tired. His eyes are usually affectionate and 'sparkles' but in those clips his eyes lost the usual brightness. If you look at their ELoD reaction videos, Vengo may seem slightly distance, which can be explained by his exhaustion, but he is very aware of Reba. He mirrors her body movement every so often and instantly responds to her statements/questions in a bf way. Reba is very comfortable with Vengo, she totally lets down her guard and says what she thinks. For example, when Reba attempts to fast forward FJ fox calling scene, Vengo and Reba ends up 'fighting' over the laptop. These behaviour may not seem significant,  but I see them as a old couple chilling together.

    Another thing is, there are heaps of edits during the 4L4W clips. Makes you wonder what they are trying to hide. For example, when Vengo was trying to get away from Reba's attempt to put a wig on his head. Vengo's hand looked like he was about to naturally hold on to Reba's waist. But they hid that by putting a emoticon on his hand. 


    Vengo mentioned this in a ELoD interview. I think it went something like the more you say, the more likely you will say something wrong. He explained that holds true in real life. Vengo seems like a honest and straight forward person. It's obvious when he is lying, he has this funny look on his face. So I think he lives by that saying of say less and it is less likely you will get something wrong. Therefore, it is safer to not mention Reba at all.


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  5. 9 minutes ago, triplesung said:

    This makes it easier to understanding everything I did not understand before. 


    Seriously though, how powerful is DHDJ? :joy:

    I know right! 


    DHDJ is all powerful. In ELOD he is constantly hurt from saving someone or the world, yet he seems to always have enough power to keep going. Take Aranya's dream for example, he lost 90% of his power and can still fight off the demoness shadow, heal and date FJ, keep FJ's potential suitors away from her, make the mirror with SM, and plan the dismay of the two princesses. DH can multitask like no other! Just reading the list makes me tired...

    • Like 6
  6. 15 minutes ago, hwen2ee said:

    About 1 month ago, I was on this page and there were so few pages. So i went to the main ELOD page on Soompi.


    I remember reading a post that people don't like us to ship this couple, so I backed off. Suddenly today, I realized that page slowed down and suddenly all the discussion is here!!!!


    What happened!??!?!?!



    lol too many coincidences between Vengo and Reba to ignore. 

    Also, I think because there are more international fans now and we are ignorant of the fan wars. So we just happily ship away :)

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  7. 4 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    I'm watching with headsets recently and noticing the sighs and clearing of throats that are normally not so emphasized through normal speakers.:sweat_smile:


    So true. Whenever I rewatch a scene, I noticed more details and is constantly amazed. Some parts of the editing and makeup were questionable,  but overall everyone did a great job. 

    • Like 4
  8. 8 hours ago, Megan said:

    Randomly realized, on heaven, when the fire beast attacked the actors, and Dong Hua saved Feng Jiu, I realized he completely ignored his foster Sister. He chose to attend to a stranger than someone he was supposed to take care of. But then, Zhihe was hiding.

    I loved how DH ignored ZH. I felt DH ignored ZH as much as possible,  even without FJ around. If it wasn't because of ZH's parents, DH most likely would not let ZH within 10ms of him. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, Megan said:

    Do you think JH  remembers her time in the mortal world? If so...she must have recognised FJ. In that case, why does she even bother. No matter immortal or mortal, Dong Hua doesn’t care about her (even when she was sick, Xiao Jiu has to persuade him to check in on her).

    And when Xiao Jiu called the emperor Dijun in ep 13, do you think he thinks that is his love rival or what she privately calls him?

    can you imagine DH making incense just for FJ? Sadly I can’t picture...not unless he recalls his mortal memories and is feeling like his mortal self

    SR was definitely jealous, he used the energy from his jealousy to win FJ's love. Actually, SR making incense for FJ is such a DH move. Instead of physically making items, DH magic incense, gold fish and small fish bowl for FJ. 

    Overall, I felt all three versions of DH loved FJ deeply, but the showed their love in different ways.

    SR was positive and loved FJ by constantly giving her verbal praise and gifts.

    SY was withdrawn and less confident, but loved AY silently by protecting her from behind the scene.

    DH is the combination of SR and SY. DH indulges FJ, he happily tag along to do activities FJ wants and make sure she is protected at all cost. On top of all, DH encourages and teach FJ to better herself, but he never forces her to do anything she does not want.

    In all three versions of FJ, she failed to recognise the extent SR/SY/DH loved her. SR/SY/DH prioritized FJ above themselves and others.

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  10. 30 minutes ago, j9sshi said:

    Hello all! 

    I just started watching this not too long ago and I am up to ep. 36. I'm at a pause right now because I feel its only going downhill with lots of sorrow afterwards.

    Here  are some of my thoughts so far..


    - I'm not sure if it was mentioned before, but I think JinMi was experiencing some hairline cracks in the pill early on. When she fed baby phoenix mouth to mouth - she felt something but she didn't know what it was. When he hurt or was sad, she felt it as well....


    - JinMi was always more touchy-feely with baby phoenix than any other person in any of the realms. She was always thinking of him, even if it was just so he could give her some power.. But she even after she formed a friendship with the night dragon, she never asked him for power. 


    - Even though the mortal trial wasn't in the book, that is my favorite arc so far, as well as the mutual cultivation scene. (loved it! - lots of beautiful symbolisms! )


    But now, after episode 35 (Viki), I'm really irritated with night dragon for what he did to the pill inside JinMi.(yes, I feel bad for everything that has happened in his life, but everything he is doing to JinMi (the lies, the lies so they could get married, etc)  is just wrong. And I know this is just the beginning. ugh!


    I've  been reading the comments on here, and I am not at all interested in another CITT situation. Unfortunately, from what I read, this is what happens. smh

    So, my question is:

    Which episodes can I/should I skip without feeling like I missed something? ...(to get me back to our OTP)


    Thanks in advance!

    I agree with you, JM definitely felt something for XF from earlier on in the drama. JM, although seemed carefree, she definitely had clear personal boundaries when it comes to other males. JM happily initiate physical contact with XF and never really backed away from his touch. JM was also more aware of XF's needs.

    I felt JM was less guarded with XF overall. You can see that she trust him. 


    I loved the mortal realm too! I liked how JM was more mature, yet still playful in her own ways.

    My gosh, the end of the mortal realm ripped my heart out. The sacrifices they made for each other, made me I feel how much the loved each other.


    I fast foeard most of the scenes without XF and JM, and was still able to get the gist of the situation. I did go back to rewatch some of the scenes I missed out later on.

    Just prepare a box of tissue. It's going to be an emotional roller coast ride, but well worth it!


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  11. 11 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

    I love the way intensely stare at FJ before the tea class started.


    Yes..he was fair and upright person.

    But one thing I really miffed was the way JH was smugly smile because she won the competition... like hello!!... you're a practically one of the teacher not to mention she is years older. ( How old is she anyway) ...competed with a young student..


    And she is being biased when she conducting or manage the music competitions..she deliberately play the hardest part for FJ and still FJ is the winner.

    I love it too! How DH openly stares at FJ and often totally disregards everyone else. That reminds me of the scene where FJ invited everyone for dinner. You would think JH would get a hint. DH was totally ignoring her, even though she was literally sitting next to him.


    Most people seem to conveniently forget that point when they compete with FJ. That she is younger and have less experience. 


    JH pretends to be fair and justice. But her perfect girl facade cracked, when she easily lied and took ownership for FJ's work.  



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  12. 27 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

    My opinion...

    DH did acquired SY memory just like FJ obtained Aranya's memory...he already knows about SY and Aranya story when he look into Miaohua Mirror. As for Mortal Realm, when he woke up, he certainly remembered the kissed and also his tear,  which is a foreign feeling for him. That why he wanted to know more about his dream/mortal experience and he knew Siming hidding something as soon he read Siming's books of fated.



    and true to DH's ice face mode, even if he had acquired SY's memory, he would not be as openly emotionally affected as FJ was.

    DH definitely was emotional touched though, enough for him to plant the AY and SY tree with FJ.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, bitmaster - said:

    I can not find a source anymore because it long time ago. Vengo talked about RB always took his phone and play with it until battery is run out while he play video game and she randomly post messages to his friend in his name so he need to clear a misunderstanding afterwards.


    Great minds think alike! I was just thinking of the same interview haha.

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  14. 20 minutes ago, triplesung said:

    They are perfect for each other :love:

    I rarely see MM being comfortable with her leading men. With GG, she was very playful.

    She is, isn't she! Seems like there is no such thing as personal space between Reba and Vengo.

    I think it was quite telling when Vengo said Reba would take his phone, just when he was at a crucial stage in a game. Firstly, it made me think how many times have this happened? Does that mean you guys spent significant amount of time together? Also, a cellphone is a personal item. Even with a close friend, it's unusual to just take the phone away. 

    I also thought Vengo have such good temperament. I think only my husband can take my phone away without me throwing a fit!

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  15. 29 minutes ago, LoquatsLove said:


    As someone mentioned at ELoD thread, there should be 'Extra Gym Money' collected specially for V.



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    You knotty knotty you.. :naughty:

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    No regrets... :neutral:

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    Here we go..


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    lol. I think Vengo is not a hard out gym junkie. I think he would bulk up only if it is needed for a role.

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  16. 4 hours ago, jimmylyne said:


    Excerption from the book

    PB1 page 12 & 13


    In this world, there's nothing easier than loving Dijun, but there's nothing more
    difficult than receiving his love.


    She buried her face into her palms, tears seeping through her fingers. “In
    hindsight, Zhihe and I weren't any different, but funnily enough, I used to
    hate her. To Dijun, there are only two kinds of women in this world: the
    one who can be his queen, and everyone else.


    There were times when I wondered why Dijun didn't make me into that special someone. But today I finally understand, there's actually no such thing as karma and reason, it's all luck and chance.”


    Just my perspective and interpretation of JH character..just for fun.:D


    I find that JH character very complicated confusing character. When she uttered those words(highlighted bolded words) I think she  believe that DH saved FJ is ....not because DH love FJ but because FJ was in trouble (trapped in Aranya Dream).

    JH thought DH choose to saved FJ because of FJ's luck to be in those situation just like DH help her when she was in trouble ..help her to cure her illness..and asked her to stay in Fanyin village to recuperated.


    Maybe when she decided to used her father crystal badge ( in the book) Scale ( in drama) she did knew that DH incapable in love..well at least according to her .. that why she only asking DH to divorce his wife to leave the position empty, she took a chances for DH to fullfil her wished and she try her luck getting poison second time because she know DH will saved her regardless which DH really do that even it's a promised he did with her father to cure her.


    She didn't aksed for DH to love her. She just wanted to become his Empress because despite lack of love ..... yes she know DH will never love her but at least she would have all the luck..the luckiest one if she managed to become his Empress she already become that someone special..


    JH is a person who is cunningly selfish, lack of morality, delusional and pretentious. Her own words "there's actually no such thing as karma and reason" 

    someday will come bite her in the richard simmons. Maybe she never heard of 

    "What's goes around comes around":)


    What she didn't know is DH already deeply in love with FJ. He tried everything to make FJ become his, his love his everything. He will sacrifice everything for her because she is the one and the only woman he ever love , will be forever his love . Xiao Bai is his whole world his universe from heaven to earth. The one who love him best and he love her equally the same...




    I loved your interpretation. 


    I think JH is self centered.  She chooses to interpret situations and reasons to satisfy her reality.

    Sadly, with her fragile self worth, she can't hack it when reality suggests that she is wrong.

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