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Posts posted by ChibiLy

  1. 19 minutes ago, Megan said:

    Out of curiosity, say Meng Shao or Xiao Yan volunteered to save Feng Jiu and give up a lot of their power to enter the formation? They don’t actually go in yet; but announce their intent.

    For Meng Shao: we can see in the drama he was already willing to do so.

    for Xiao Yan: this is just a fanfic idea, but Xiao Yan blames himself for telling Feng Jiu to give Ice Face a chance. (I just love it when Dong Hua feel guilty...mostly because I still blame him for the Saha fruit thing and he never even apologised about that in the BOOK.)

    anyway, when the announce their intent to save Feng Jiu, how do you think Dong Hua will respond?

    I don't think he will say much. DH will continue with his plan and save FJ. He may some how prevent them from trying to get in to help, because the more people go in, the more unstable the dream may be. 

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  2. 16 hours ago, triplesung said:

    I knew the ranking bit of DHDJ but reading this made me realize how amazing FJ is for having such a high ranking immortal wrapped around her pinky finger. :neutral:

    FJ was certainly young, optimistic and naive when she first met DH. It probably helped that she was brought up in a carefree environment, that she didn't think too much in terms of the difference between DH and her ranking.

    FJ is innately sweet and charming, that she have this ability to wrap most people around her finger!

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  3. 22 hours ago, Ninky said:

    I actually analysed the book universe a lot as I try to understand each character’s motivation in the story. 

    For example, Dong Hua is in fact a very lonely person. For thousands and thousands of years, that loneliness slowly became a part of him, and people just saw him as a man who is cold, desireless, loveless and like the buddha, unaffected by feelings as time went by. 

    How wrong was everyone? Inside him, lies a passionate heart. When he finally met the love of his life, the fire in his heart began to burn. He finally found a reason to exist, to really live. For the first time, someone was willing to protect him and love him without asking anything in return. It was a love given to him with no regrets. 

    The red Nine tailed fox is the fire that ignited his passionate heart. Young as she is, she freely gave her heart to him and suffered so much, yet she never regretted loving him, not even when she lived in the mortal world and raised their son alone.


    How could that not melt an ice face? He has his flaws but he is still a good man, he had been quietly helping mortals by creating the Hui Ming realm to absorb the three poisons so that the endless wars And chaos would stop and people can live a peaceful existence.


    Anyway I digress but that’s an example of my summarised character analysis of 东华紫府少阳君 (Dong Hua, Young Sun Lord of the Purple Mansion). I have heaps more on each character in my head but it’d be too much to write :blush:.



    It's interesting how everyone thinks DHDJ is lazy, because he seemingly just lay around to read, drink tea and do his own thing at his own pace. I think of DH as a cat. He seems lazy, but is actually quietly observing, and storing all the energy he needs to pounce and save the world.

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  4. 12 hours ago, Donghuadijun said:

    And talking about the boat scene, anyone notice the way DH look at FJ? When BGG told them he want to stay in Holy Blue Sea, DH stared at BGG and then to FJ while fixing her hair, his expression show how proud he is. He was like.. Look how beautiful my wife is.. And we make a beautiful baby!

    I loved the scene so much! DH and FJ looked at each other so affectionately. The whole scene showed how blissfully happy the family was. The clip was short, but sweet and on point.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Ninky said:



    Here’s what I translated from the book for the part you are asking for. I found my own post. Note that I read all Tang Qi’s books in chinese as I am bilingual.



    Excerpt from
    三生三世 枕上书·终篇

    Rough Translation:

    Luckily her ability to recover is good, no matter what torment she had gone through, a big sleep will restore her, besides, it’s not like she didn’t like this matter, but Di Jun had too much of an exploratory spirit, making her feel a little tired, other than that, she didn’t feel like anything (bad).

    Excerpt from

    Three Lives Three Worlds, The Pillow Book. Lower Volume

    Tang Qi Gong Zi (tang qi’s full penname).

    FJ is indeed the perfect wife for DH. She is probably just as adventurous and curious as DH. 


    9 hours ago, triplesung said:

    Oh my! He had that much of an exploratory spirit because its FJ. BGG sibling would be coming sooner rather than later id Dijun keeps "exploring" :naughty:

    Yup, can totally see that happening if FJ and DH let's nature take it course.

    • LOL 3
  6. 26 minutes ago, Ninky said:

    No Tang Qi’s timeline indicated specifically that the wedding was definitely fake. Author has also mentioned many times that it was a planned fake wedding from the get go, so he would not have married her even if she gave up on Minsu. 

    He went to look for his beloved red fox and completely didn’t care about the “wedding” at all. He even picked a fight with Yan Chi Wu and accused him of kidnapping the red fox....


    Ji Heng is nowhere in his thoughts....if at all

    I wished the drama followed the book here. That would have clearly shown DH cared for his little red fox more than the wedding.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Megan said:

    For the sake of moving the conversation along, food for thought. Jiheng originally looked down on Zhihe but really she was right when she said she wasn’t any better than her.

    Dong Hua looks after them both out of an obligation to their parents. What I find interesting is wondering why Jiheng thinks she is better? They must have interacted at Taichen Palace before the wedding, at least according to the book.

    Is it because Jiheng scorns Zhihe for her unrequited love? Or because Zhihe was stupid enough to try to become Dong Hua’s bride (It was a brainless action because she would have gotten caught and in trouble).

    If that’s it’s the first theory, Jiheng must have realized she is the in the same boat when she falls in love with Dong Hua and he really doesn’t reciprocate her affections at all.

    if it’s the second option, we see Jiheng following Zhihe’s brainless path. She stupidly tries to blackmail Dong Hua. And like Zhihe, she ends up banished to an undesired location.

    what about you? Why do you think Jiheng originally thought she was better than Zhihe?


    This is my attempt to answer the question. I must say, I probably skipped too many of her scenes to provide a good answer. Anyhow, 

    JH clearly have good artistic talents, beauty and maybe known to be smart. I don't remember ZH being described in such a way. Also, based on face value, JH would probably argue that DH cared enough for her, to agreed to marry her. Even though it is a fake one. So I assume because of that, JH thinks she is better then ZH.

    Ironically, if I remember right, both ZH and JH thinks they love DH more then FJ, because they have known him longer. That is makes me think they are both illogical when it comes to love. You can't really argue you have more rights to love someone based on time.

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  8. 59 minutes ago, Donghuadijun said:

    Anyway, I am watching the drama again, no matter how many times I watched it, it never make me love it less. 

    My favorite scenes are 

    *When FJ mistook DH as Migu haha


    *Tea Lesson, I mean look at DH! The way he watching FJ :wub:

    *Accident Kiss when FJ fell from the snow

    *DH get jealous at the Restaurant 

    *When DH dab some cream, I find it sweet and creepy as well hahaha, sweet to think a high God like DH, an Emperor cares so much about FJ, and creepy to think a man just came into a woman room in the middle of night even his purpose to take care of FJ wounds, but I'll freak out too if I were FJ and DH told her to loosen up her collar :sweatingbullets:, I am not sure if DH was just wanted to take advantage or he was just that clueless lol. 

    *When he told Su Moye to move to another seat LOL

    *When he brings FJ to the fest and made her a flower crown and also when he propose her that he wanted to make her as his Empress 

    *The Bed Scene of course eventhough the rest just lay in my own imagination lol

    *When DH massage FJ feet, eventhough it wasn't the full scene but we could see he was just done massaging, I mean, an Emperor.. a DH did what?? Massage? 

    *When Mengshao wanted to confess to FJ and asked time with FJ only, DH was not willing to step away hahaha

    *DH feeding FJ when she was making the sword case, never seen DH as a worrysome man or someone who would worry for someone else to be starving haha but with FJ, he was so scared that she starved herself that he wanted to feed her even though at the end he was the one who finish it I guess haha. 

    *Bincang Ceremony

    *in Holy Blue Sea

    *the Family reunited

    And then the Boat Scene! 

    Oh my, I think all scenes when they were together and happy are my favorite. Lol. 


    Ah one more, when they just came back from Aranya Dream and Liansong keep asking if FJ ok if FJ seriously wounded etc, DH said if he said it one more time he gonna beat LS until seriously wounded lol 


    And I just wondering if DH found out that when FJ stayed in Taichen Palace as the pet Fox, it was FJ who design/fix the sword blue print or if he knows that Zhihe claimed FJ's work to be hers, I really wanted DH know how FJ was treated when she was there and if he remember that he ever had an encounter with FJ as a maid eventhough he didn't look at her. 

    I liked all the scenes you listed and also:


    I liked the first time DH actually laid eyes on FJ. He seemed stunned.


    I found it amusing when FJ went to see DH, after the hot spring, to get her personal items back. The shameless DH made it loud and clear to many other deities, that FJ and he has something going on! 


    When FJ turned back from a hanky to human form, and laid there staring at DH. It showed how no matter what she said, she couldn't resist DH.


    When DH took FJ, the hanky into a fight, and FJ was falling. DH's was so alarmed and was reaching out for her. I think it was the first time DH's usual ice face cracked!


    When DH and FJ reunited after 6 months. DH calmly stated what difference would  extra 6 months make. It was funny to watch, but if i was FJ, I would have physically hurt him! But nope, she broke a tree branch instead and DH's expression seemed surprised.


    I really liked the time when FJ confronted the Demoness and fought her. It demonstrated FJ was smart enough to deduct what was happening. Obviously, the romantic sword dance and laying down with DH was cherry on the cake. The way DH looked at FJ, while thinking how she was the first person who tried to save him was so sweet. I just melted when I first saw that scene. 


    DH putting cream on FJ was borderline creepy! Lucky FJ loves him and he is super attractive!

    Oh the way they stared at each other was hot! and how DH sighed when FJ stopped the fun was amusing too. DH probably enjoyed having FJ on top of him abit too much.


    Oh and all the kiss scenes too. The nose kisses/bumps, forehead kisses and on the lips. The couple is just too romantic. Usually I don't like watching the kiss scenes, just because it is usually too artificial or awkward. But my gosh, the chemistry between DH and FJ is off the chart.


    Okay, I need to stop. I probably end up typing out every scene if I keep going.


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  9. 36 minutes ago, triplesung said:

    No wonder their intimate scenes were too gentle to the point where it gives audience butterflies in their tummies :smirk:


    When I first watched the BTS scenes (especially with the playful Vengo), all I thought was my image of DHDJ was ruined by Vengo's cheerful personality. 

    I liked how gentle they are with each other, such as FJ playing with DH's hair. DH hand on FH's waist and how they like to stroke each others face.

    I understand how some viewers think they lack the explosive passion, but their gentle interactions made it more intimate to me, that isn't just about sexual attraction, it is because they love each other so much, they like to be physically close to each other. 


    I know right! DHDJ was totally ruined. But I love Vengo's cheerful and easy going nature. SRX's personality seems more like Vengo. Watching Vengo's clip always cracks me up. 

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  10. 15 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    Same. It's still very hard to see the majestic DHDJ in tears.

    It is...to see him so broken, yet trying to keep a brave face in front of FJ and how he held her hand and kissed it. He is forever gentle with FJ. 


    5 minutes ago, triplesung said:

    This was one of the best acting of Vengo. You could feel that despite being an emotionless emperor, his eyes showed pain. I kept repeating that part in the episode just because it was so good. And that tear that fell and when he wiped it. It is engraved in my mind.

     Grrr...that was the one time that I felt upset with FJ. 

    Vengo's eyes are so expressive. 

    It amuses me how different he is in real life.

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  11. 5 hours ago, triplesung said:

    Is it just me or this scene wasn't exactly portrayed accurately in the drama. Or was it the translations again.


    True. I think the viewers have to really focus and read between the lines. The book was clearer in terms of finer details for DH's decision to fight to death. 

    Vengo did a great job during the scene where DH and FJ  met after 200 years. When FJ walked out and DH watched her leave, DH's facial expression broke my heart.

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  12. 6 hours ago, Megan said:

    When you think about it, Dong Hua definitely paid his debt to his foster parents. They raised him with normal care and no love. Dong Hua raised their Daughter as a spoilt princess...not sure how he felt about her though. What do you think Dong Hua feels about his foster Sister? Does he treat her only as an obligation? Does he think of her as real family, since technically he did raise her.

    oh dear...now I’m worried Gun Gun would have turned out like Zhihe if Dong Hua had raised him. Under Feng Jiu, GG became a momma’s boy, wanting to spend time with her and caring for her.

    as for Zhihe, since Dong Hua raised her. She is an adult now...it’s time for Dong Hua to finish his debt to his foster parents by marrying her out of his household. Debt officially over. It would be her husband’s turn to look after Zhihe.

    He did paid his debt and ZH crossed the boundary when she tried to trick DH to marry her.


    I honestly felt DH have 0 affection for ZH. Everything he did for her was in the name of obligation. DH made minimum effort, he made sure she was fed and sheltered, that was it. That could be because DH didn't know better, since ZH's parents did the same for him. Although he may have tried to teach ZH in the past and she declined, he didn't seem to care.

    For example, how DH cares for FJ vs ZH. 

    ZH was spoilt, she does whatever she wants. DH ignored her bad behaviours not because he pampered her, it is because DH did not care what happens to ZH's reputation. So he ignores her and waste no energy to guide her.

    However, when FJ wanted to steal the pimpon fruit, DH taught FJ to get the pimpon fruit the right way. Apart from wanting to spend time with FJ, DH wanted to teach FJ to defend herself and reduce the likelihood that she would get in trouble for stealing. 

    DH actually went out of his way to teach FJ. He had a word with FJ's teacher, set up the front yard and spent days watching FJ. So this shows DH can be a good teacher.


    I think BGG will turn out like ZH.  First of all, BGG is smart and won't make questionable decisions like ZH. Secondly, DH loves BGG. He won't ignore BGG, like he did with ZH. I have no doubt DH will teach BGG well.



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  13. 6 hours ago, Ninky said:

    In the chinese version it was there when they were talking about zi he’s parents. Dong Hua had a very lonely childhood, even when Zi He’s parents took pity on him and raised him, they did not love him and disliked him due to his odd silver hair.


    He fought a lot in his youth as he was a pretty solitary person and did not want to appear weak to deter bullies. He knows loneliness best, trust me.


    That’s why Feng Jiu’s love touched him so deeply. No one has ever truly cared, protected or loved him - except her.


    So true. FJ gave him unconditional love. FJ looked past his DJ status and loved DH for the man he is. 

    That's probably why when FJ disappeared, DH lost the will live. 


    Thanks Ninky for your beautiful explanation. Your posts fuels my DH and FJ obsession!


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  14. On 5/26/2020 at 4:36 AM, Ninky said:

    We all know in the 3L3W universe Xiao

    Yan never got together with Ji Heng. So Ji Heng will be so sad and lonely. Anyway that’s the karma she earned so it is what she deserved.


    Xiao Yan will go with someone who deserves him ie Hua Lou :). Those two siblings are lonely in the netherworld. They need company :).

    I read somewhere that the siblings take turn to sleep and look after the netherworld. Does that mean their future spouse will go through years of separations, while they are in deep sleep?

  15. 6 hours ago, Megan said:

    She heard her master answered earnestly but equally vaguely: “Oh, there's really nothing between Xize and I. You needn't test me. Perhaps he left because he felt he had disturbed our enjoyment of tea and scenery. Or do you think having more people would liven the mood? If you prefer something livelier, I can call him to come back.”
    Chacha saw His Lordship's back slightly pause and felt in that moment he was going to erupt. But in just a flash, he had disappeared from their sight.


    What do you think Dong Hua’s reaction was to Feng Jiu’s declaration. This is kind of vague

    DH was trying to keep calm.

    I imagine he was hurt and sad, hearing FJ downplay their relationship, even though he put in so much effort. DH was also angry and jealous. He probably wanted to confront FJ and kill SY at the same time. Instead, he kept it together and left to think things through.


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  16. 8 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    Heaven's "joke" on him. :blush:


    But gah, so delicate really the fate they had, as the very next day, FJ with XY was trapped in Fanyin Valley. DH had to wait half a year before seeing her again.


    Though he gave her the Tiancang cave to keep her safe...

    I always wondered, how come the Tiancang cage didn't work in Aranya's dream? Is is because they are in a dream or that DH lost 90% of his cultivation?

  17. 1 hour ago, Fong said:


    Thanks for insight! Haha well considering how they both have been subconsiously imitating each other like couples do, I wouldn't be surprised if it extends to word choices (all of the texting over the years). :P


    I also heard that there was a new bts of her cooking something with soysauce and the first onscreen kiss happened in her drama so he might have been jealous seeing those clips. :lol:


    Are there any slang for salty in chinese context? Is he saying that the whale guy is too salty (tries too hard?). I know there is a concept of when a person is bland, they would say to add some salt to spice up their personality in other asian countries. I don't think it's the english slang of salty which is when a person is upset/embarassed.


    I think it's 'eat vinegar' for Chinese. 

    • LOL 8
  18. 3 hours ago, Shedmhundy29 said:

    @Gdragonlove @ChibiLy that's not a pillow. That's a heat pack. 


    Saw few of the BTS of R's new drama and it's as if she's treating her new ML professionally. There is a clear line of how R interacted with V in ELOD BTS and her new ML in her new drama. The new ML is too touchy and always wants to stick by her side. 

    She definitely makes alot more eye contact with Vengo compared to her other ML.

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  19. 1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


    Hear, hear!


    If TQ wants her work officially released in English, she should consider hiring translators who are not only her writing fans, but truly understands the nuances of what's being originally meant in Mandarin.


    Because please, not Toland again. Still not over the awful and cold Toland's version of The Sky Kingdom(TMOPB). :tears: 

    I am itching to contribute to TQ's wealth. Sigh, hopefully one day they will publish it in English and keep the Chinese art work.

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  20. 3 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

    BGG confused because of the reasons for sure..but BGG didn't awared that all five commandments was entitled to everyone except his lord Father. DH doesn't have to follow the rules because he has entered oneness a single mindedness, practically he was Emotionless Desireless Loveless before he met FJB)

    Moreso BGG have to witnesses his parents always consistently smooches each other:D

    So young and BGG is already learning the valuable lessons on history vs reality, and power dynamics! 

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