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Posts posted by ChibiLy

  1. 2 hours ago, MoonPrincess said:

    So in the book did FJ loved XZ in the dream? she didn't know that XZ was DH but she consummated their relationship... did she think she would had been able to take XZ out the dream as well?


    In drama FJ remembers everything when her spirit got back to own body and she recognized XZ is DH and they consummated after the misunderstanding were solved after the rain and bath part.

    I felt FJ did fall in love with XZ/DH in the dream and figured that she would some how be able to take him out of the dream world.


    I do like the change they made in the drama. It makes it alot less confusing and controversial.

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  2. 10 hours ago, ayleenlovesyou said:

    I'm surprised this drama is so overrated, I liked them in TMOPB and I was so glad when I heard they'll make a drama just for their love story but when this came out, I've watched it and dropped it and months later I came back to it after watching some premieres of episode 50+ and it caught my attention so I wanted to try it again and days later I've dropped it again LMAO idk but why 731 pages of replies LMAO damn. Did I miss something?

    It sounds like you prefer action packed romance? 


    The author herself stated this novel is a sweet romance. The focus is on DH and FJ's relationship. So if you prefer more drama, this definitely is not the best for you. However, seeing how popular this drama is, it shows that many viewers loved it. I wouldn't say this is overrated just because you don't like it.

    • Like 6
  3. 3 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    There's that one time in ep31 that FJ barged in bringing meds for his wound. DH was undressing. :joy: They were like an old couple arguing afterwards over not knocking and not locking doors. :sweat_smile: 

    DH is so crazy of FJ, all means and all chances he can share space or things with her, he would take. About restraint, he got it in spades. In Aranya's Dream, he waited until she's back to her own body before he became really affectionate. The most he did with FJ in Aranya's body is to hold her but no further intimacy.

    That was a finer point that I totally missed while watching the drama. I liked how he was clear that is Aranya's body and go no further intimacy. 


    DH and FJ's bickering is so entertaining. Especially when one of them end up speechless. I admire the author, she must be quite witty herself to come up with such entertaining come backs.

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  4. 4 hours ago, jimmylyne said:


    Love this paragraph FJ's triumph

    PB 2 page 41


    Dijun was perhaps the divinest out of all Divines, forever staying inside the
    Three Purities of the untroubled Bodhi land. There was no one in the world
    who dared to entice him into the dusty realm, but she had the audacity to
    try such a thing; she tried, she tried and it worked. She was too talented.
    She drew him into this love affair, something he had never experienced
    before. He must not be used to it. But even so, he was not lost. He was still
    going at his pace, by his rules. He was certainly the king she always knew.
    She loved it.
    A while later.
    Donghua bent down to watch Fengjiu sleeping in his arms.

    DH certainly have great self control, unless it has anything to do with FJ and other males or FJ looking coquettish.


    4 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    What I love with FJ, whatever she had set her sights on, she worked for it, hard. She never ever resorted to cheating, nor put others down for what she wants. She only gives up after plenty of time and tries. If nothing works, she stops, but never gets bitter to it, though she won't seek it again.


    Me too. I love FJ's character. Even though FJ were impulsive when it comes to DH, she was never pushy with DH and expected him to love her back for all that she did for him. She had cared for him in her own ways and seldom encroached into his personal space. FJ was respectful of DH needs and wants, and put her own needs second to his. *cough* unlike some other females who were often in DH's personal space to get his attention.

    FJ certainly isn't perfect, but she is so endearing. 

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  5. 8 hours ago, Dreams87 said:

    I just watch the scene where Meng shao would like to have private talk with FJ to convey his feeling (again). I can’t help to smile everytime at DJ’s face as he is so reluctant to let go FJ’s hand. He is even not giving that much “privacy” for them to talk. He is sooo jealoussss and it’s all over his face :lol:

    There is no such thing as privacy between DH and FJ!


    That scene was funny. Especially when DH stared at Meng Shao, just when he seemed like he was going to confess. Look how quickly FJ made DH happy with her sweet words right after that. DH and FJ have mastered the art of manipulating each others feelings!


    7 hours ago, chsaf said:

    Omg those ribbons made me think DH is into BDSM :cry::open_mouth::naughty:

    *cough* the couple is curious by nature. 


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  6. 37 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

    Good thing is.. the fact he is such a charmingly handsome and Very good looking an ancient powerful deity. 

    He is too good looking and smooth for his own good. I can understand why all these females fall in love with him.


    37 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    What's so funny was that after getting rid of Fuzi, DH was asked to get out of her way, then FJ told him that she'll snap him like a twig. :joy: Gossip about DH and "his fairy" reached FV, and he's fueling those rumours, in fact almost naming FJ as that fairy! :naughty:


    How did FJ restraint herself not to serve DH fish cooked using his infamous recipe? :sweat_smile:

    I was so amused by DH's facial expressions during that interaction. He looked stunned and not sure how to respond, especially when FJ declared they should just fight it out lol.


    FJ would be insulted if she lower ed her cooking to DH's level! Honestly,  she probably couldn't bear deliberately hurting DH in anyway.


    • Like 1
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  7. 31 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    For DH, only FJ is the welcome female in his rooms and bed, ever. As the baby fox and as a handkerchief in Tai Chen palace, and in Fanyin Valley where DH told the teacher, LOL, that if she's punished in water chamber, how will FJ "serve" him(DH)? :lol: Typical of DH, he is shamelessly staking his claim on FJ even in FV. 


    It's like DH forcing FJ to acknowledge his charms!

    • Like 3
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  8. 21 minutes ago, Aari sky said:

    JH found every opportunity to enter his room, she did that whenever she liked without considering whether it was day or night. Remember JH enters DH room at night when he was taking care of sick FJ!! The only reason he didn't kick JH out was because she is the daughter of his General and she always flaunted her poison as an excuse so switching room was the best approach!! If u think abt it JH skin is much thicker than DH for her to keep chasing the man who always treated her like a block of wood!!

    The worst thing is, she won't own up to her shameless approaches.


    Since he got married with FJ, he probably made sure no random females walked into 'their' bedroom.

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  9. 59 minutes ago, Megan said:

    Seeing episode 29, while Dong Hua came partly to save Feng Jiu, why was he even stalking her invisibly?! I know he’s interested, but when did he start following her?

    Was he really stalking her? There was a few times when DH was obviously following her. But for majority of the times I thought he was also there to make sure the Demoness was still trapped, so he was patrolling the premise but FJ happened to be there, for example,  when FJ and XY went to check out the location to steal the fruit. 


    39 minutes ago, Megan said:

    I am considering a fic idea. Let me know what you think Dong Hua’s reaction will be!

    so FJ’s Grandmother likes to matchmake her granddaughter. We all know Feng Jiu is bad at school. What if her grandmother arranged for FJ to have a handsome, respectable and powerful immortal to be her tutor. One tutor per subject.

    now that Feng Jiu has awoken from her coma and has to resume her studies, she is also wondering if her tutors can come over without her Husband being jealous. She regards her tutors as buddies and likewise.

    how do you think Dong Hua will react 

    DH will throw out the tutor, and teach FJ himself!


    20 minutes ago, Megan said:

    Remember when DH and FJ we’re trapped together for the night. Dong Hua mentioned that he thinks FJ is holding a grudge then later asks what she thinks of Xiao Yan. Remember that Dong Hua used the full formal name Yan Chiwu but FJ called him Xiao Yan.

    Dong Hua calls Bai FJ “Xiao Bai”

    FJ calls Yan Chiwu “Xiao Yan”

    im thinking maybe Dong Hua was also jealous that Feng Jiu gave XY a similar nickname with the same surname format, not just because she has a better impression of XY

    24 minutes ago, Dreams87 said:

    Ditto. I’m actually quiet enjoy the mortal realm too because at least for once and the first time it was DH (even though is not really him) fall deeply in love with FJ. And the bonus is seeing V in his black hair is actually pretty charming as well. Thank God it was nothing like the mortal realm in TMOPB ;)

     Vengo looked so handsome with the high pony tail hair style. 

    That mustache in TMOPB is a no go! It seemed like there mission to make DH look as ugly as possible in the mortal realm!


    23 minutes ago, Megan said:

    Remember when DH and FJ we’re trapped together for the night. Dong Hua mentioned that he thinks FJ is holding a grudge then later asks what she thinks of Xiao Yan. Remember that Dong Hua used the full formal name Yan Chiwu but FJ called him Xiao Yan.

    Dong Hua calls Bai FJ “Xiao Bai”

    FJ calls Yan Chiwu “Xiao Yan”

    im thinking maybe Dong Hua was also jealous that Feng Jiu gave XY a similar nickname with the same surname format, not just because she has a better impression of XY

    The nick name, plus FJ was spending so much time with him. It's not a surprise that DH may believe FJ have feelings for XY.

    • Like 3
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  10. 45 minutes ago, Dreams87 said:

    I thought it was only me. I only watch the full episode of everything for my first time as for my second and counting :P I always skip JH and ML and Demon realm scene. Clearly I only looking for dongfeng romance :love:

    That is so me! After many rewatch, I have started to appreciate the mortal realm. But I can't stand watching the part when SRX found out Siu jiu had 'eloped' with his general. The heartbreak is too real!

    I know he isn't DH, but man, I can’t bear seeing his usually optimistic face turn despair. 

    • Like 3
    • Sad 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Megan said:

    I’m curious. Remember after Jiheng came over to DH’s room in the middle of the night and ran away crying. They later showed a scene of her crying and staring in the mirror. What was all that about? The previous scene already showed her leaving in despair and heartbreak. Was the mirror scene trying to show us she was comparing her beauty to FJ?

    Probably. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even if FJ wasn't considered a great beauty, DH would still pick her, for her inner qualities. 


    I am so bad, I tend to fast forward JH's scenes. I don't really want to watch her feeling sad for herself. JH actually has alot of strengths and given opportunities, but she wasted so many chances to better her life. 

    • Like 1
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  12. On 5/15/2020 at 8:42 PM, Megan said:

    You know the scene where Dong Hua and Feng Jiu began smearing each other’s faces with cotton flower paste? I found it hot but this was probably a rare thing for Dong Hua because who would play with him this way when he was young. So it was a playful flirting before Feng Jiu recalled reality and insisted on going back to sleep.


    some lines stuck out to me


    She pushed Donghua down and used her other hand to spread Mufurong paste onto his forehead. His eyes were glimmering.


    Dijun didn't resist her harassment. With little concern, he only said to her, “Didn't you say good things are to be shared? Why did you stop?” He took Fengjiu's retreating hand and placed it on his own face, looking calmly into her eyes during this entire process.

    He was so happy on the inside! I gush.

    That scene was hot!


    FJ couldn't resist getting back at DH and DH just let FJ do want whatever she wants to him.

    He was disappointed when FJ didn't continue. FJ seems unaware of her feminine charms. Poor SRX and DH. 

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  13. 4 hours ago, triplesung said:

    Don't forget him being coquettish to FJ. BGG will definitely be thrown off.


    DHDJ is in the progress of changing those books. I can't believe that he used to not care about such things. But now that his son is learning about him, he has to go and reprimand and teach BGG's teachers.

    True. Where is this emotionless and desireless formidable DHDJ?!


    • LOL 3
  14. 1 hour ago, LoquatsLove said:

    Just saying..

    Vengo shouldn't be on the same cover with someone who can't balance his aura.

    Liu Rui Lin, totally had been outshined by Vengo..


    Poor him, TBH. :neutral:

    When I see Liu Rui Lin, I some how want to laugh. I think it is because he played such a funny character in ELOD.


    You have a good point. Liu Rui Lin isnt short or small, but next to Vengo, he seems small.

    • LOL 6
  15. 19 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    His courtship is uhm, so unique! :lol: Only thick-skinned and shameless DH can pull it! :joy:

    DH and FJ are truly an entertaining couple to watch. 

    Honestly, I thought some of DH's behaviours would be difficult to watch in real life, but Vengo portrait of DH was so charming. It made me fall in love with DH more.

    Similarly, Reba's fox mannerisms are so cute, especially when she tilts her head for DH to scratch/stroke behind her ear.

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  16. 8 minutes ago, Nupur Sinha said:

    Funny that you mentioned this point because the fans there also mentioned this comment by V compared to his behaviour during the press conf. There is another press conf for this movie where only ZYL and V were present.  The reporter asked ZYL who he enjoyed kissing in the movie: Reba or Vengo. Vengo immediately responded saying smthing like i dnt like that question (i did not understand cmpletely what else he said bcz of crappy google translation) and then he turned to ZYL and said: Its all right! You can say it i won't be jealous.


    I saw that! ZYL was not in a comfortable position. ZYL did do well, considering how much attention Reba gave Vengo.

    I remember a Happy Camp clip  where ZYL mentioned how he knows Reba well, Vengo had immediately jumped in and said he didn't like that, but he was cut off by the Happy Camp hosts from commenting further.


    Obviously both Reba and Vengo have difficulty restraining themselves. They naturally gravitate towards each other or jumps in to defend one another. 

    If they go on a show together, it would be a nightmare to edit out their questionable interactions! 

    • Like 2
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  17. 1 hour ago, Megan said:

    Out of curiosity, I can understand Feng Jiu being able to kick Dong Hua out of their bedroom in their Qingqiu bamboo house. Qingqiu is her domain.

    but what happens if they fight in Taichen Palace? She can’t kick him out of his own bedroom!

    FJ would kick DH out! Or she would go to another room to sleep. DH would follow her like a poor pup that is abandoned and trick his way back into her arms.

    • Like 2
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  18. 8 hours ago, Megan said:

    What do you think will happen if Gun Gun asks his Father if he can sleep with his Mother, and he is asking as an adorable, furry baby fox?

    DH would give him a hug. Tell him that only Daddy is allowed to sleep with Mummy. But he if wants to, Daddy would sleep with him! 

    DH would take BGG back to bed, lay down with him, cast a sleeping spell and immediately go back and snuggle up to FJ!

    • Like 1
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  19. 29 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

    The moment he meet FJ at the gate of sky kingdom he was already interested with FJ that why at the wedding banquet he purposely pranks on FJ. He even deliberately bring handkerchief FJ to his bed. What's is his intentions actually?


    FJ is right.. when she said .. "what a real weirdo.." about DH.

    In hot spring incident DH should act like a gentleman . The moment when he saw a woman bathing ..a naked young woman he should've just leave the place but no.. he even standing there look so intensely gazing at FJ without being guilty. He was sure a perveted without being obvious.. hahaha

    And when he pass the undergarment to FJ..oh my.... I'm the who are being uncomfortable and shy..for FJ.


    Hot spring scene ..very entertaining episode.

    Lol loved that episode. DH's logic is why should he turn away, when it was FJ who unwittingly presented herself in all her glory to him! 


    DH is a little boy under that ice face facade! He most definitely was trying every way to get FJ's attention and I suspect he wanted to remove her "mature queen" mask, so he can see the true mischievous and witty FJ.


    16 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    Meng Shao would have been comatose if that fairy "treated as wife" by DH was named. :tounge_wink: I would doubt LS as the one who spread the rumours, but I'm more suspicious it's DH who planted hints here and there to ward off suitors away from FJ. :naughty:

    Being the shameless God that he is, I wouldn't be surprised if DH is the one who planted hints. Even though DH was initially behaving on instinct and was unaware why he was so interested in FJ.

    Look at how he casually fuel the gossips between him and FJ by taking her home after she was drunk, giving back FJ's personal items in front of many people, and lending her his gowns. 

    Who would dare to pursuit FJ, when DH was so blatantly interested in FJ.

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  20. 2 hours ago, Nupur Sinha said:

    This press conference has been analysed widely by the fans because this was the last time V and R were seen interacting freely on the stage. As for the jealousy part, the various bits of this conference has been analysed and i kind of forgot all the fine details. There were too many to keep track. But they said that V was jealous and upset at more than one occasion in this conference bcz since Zyl was the main lead, the host probably asked questions and made comments specifically applicable to Zyl and Reba. According to cp members, that was the reason Reba was extra attentive and clingy  to V here making sure he doesnt feel bad or left out. They also praised ZYL for being understanding as a friend and not intruding between R and V at all. He was being happy as the third wheel although he was the ML.

    *cough* and Vengo said compared to DHDJ, he was not as obvious when he was jealous?!


    On a serious note. If it is like fans interpreted, All of the videos I have seen so far of them shows Vengo and Reba are sensitive to each others needs. They are in the entertainment industry and are well aware of the consequences of their actions. But they will risk being exposed to ensure each other are okay. Such as Reba being attentive to Vengo in that particular video, and Vengo visiting Reba on film set. It demonstrates how much they value and prioritize their relationship.

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