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Posts posted by ChibiLy

  1. 27 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

    Good day to all Dongfeng beloved family..


    Well I re-watched ELOD again...at first I thought the excitement would've decreased because of.. re-watched it how many time? ... lost count already..lol.

    So apparently the feels of thrilled and excitement is still there.. look like , it's won't go away..


    And I just past episode 25 and on mark 23:13 - 24:00


    This part where FJ and DH sit together after the Chiyan Beast incident, This look of DH when he 'propping his chin in his palm' and gaze at FJ ..he look flirty , the way he stared at FJ..flirtatious, like he wanted to seducing her with his extraordinary good look yet mischievous and his naughty barely-there smile...and man.. he's sure does look extra extra adorable..and FJ guite stunned . She even reminiscing her happy time with DH when she was a baby fox



    The first of many player moves. 

    DH is a natural, when it comes to pulling out these cute, adorable, mischievous, and sexy moves. Who would have thought DH has it in him!


    Really, I need to thank Vengo and Reba for portraying their characters so well. Both of them had the potential of being cringe worthy in many scenes, if they didn't do it right. 

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  2. 51 minutes ago, Aari sky said:

    Daughter? Do u want the entire male population to die at the hand of DH? :joy:


    Even if he gets jealous over FJ, she's already his so he can control the urge to make others disappear but if it's his DAUGHTER then that's a whole different matter..

    There is also BGG, who will help DH monitor the suitor situation.


    23 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    Before the suitors flock his princess tens of thousands years later, DH will have to deal with proposals first from eager parents who'd like their daughters to be matched with BGG. :lol:


    By the time his princess is grown-up, he'd have fortified all his residences with wards, and his Cang'he sword would be everywhere.

    BGG may become a recluse like his dad! 

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  3. 30 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    Is the movie still a go? The movie DH and FJ should have the same qualities as the series DH and FJ have. The movie DH should own the silver mane, tall, majestic, elegant, charismatic, and oozing with god aura. Movie FJ should be beautiful, charming, exude childlike innocence, and be cute without being annoying. Most of all, both should have very expressive eyes.

    I am not sure. I haven't heard any updates. I think it would be hard to find the right combination. On top of physical qualities,  there is chemistry between the main leads which is essential.


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  4. 5 hours ago, triplesung said:

    He really brings out that majestic aura of DHDJ. Even if it was another model/actor who played DH, nobody can do it better than Vengo. The role was made for Vengo.


    I know BGG is more of a mommy's boy, but I wish he was more of a daddy's boy. Like preferring to play with DH, train with DH etc. DH will definitely be whipped when he would have a daughter. I wish TQ would include this in the books if she ever decides to give BGG a sibling.


    I have seen so many ELoD fanarts and I have to admit, it's the first time I really felt that the live version of DHDJ was much better to look at (Yes, I am a big fan of Vengo now). I usually have "crushes" on manga/anime characters but Vengo just ruined it for me.

    I had the same thought. Vengo looks better than Manga versions. 

    My expectation is too high now, not thanks Vengo's DHDJ. 

    I wonder who will play the movie versions of DH and FJ. There are many handsome actors and beautiful actresses, but it would be difficult to replace Vengo and Reba's versions.

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  5. 52 minutes ago, Dreams87 said:

    I got this from the other forum and I think it’s more suitable in this forum. :rolleyes:



    Actually I just wanna feel that I’m not alone as I know the level of addiction in this forum is above and beyond :tounge_wink:

    I’m pretty sure most of you guys know judging from the hands alone which episode is it, which minute, and what conversation that they have pluss the BGM that occured during those moments. Am I right or am I rightttt??? :phew:


    Congratulations if you guess it right you might need an ELOD rehab in the future just like me :tounge_xd:

    Omg. I do know lol. Well not the exact episode, but enough to know approximately where in the story. 


    They do have beautiful hand. I think keep staring at DH's hands during the drama. 

    Plus, I find DH's back just as majestic...thanks to Vengo's height and catwalk experience!




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  6. 8 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    None of the Bais and the red fox clan expected DH as their next son-in-law. Only Ali did, hahahaha!


    I really would have wanted included as a scene the lamentations of Grandma Fumi on FJ's choice of husband. :lol:

    Poor Ali. He is probably one of the few people who knows how shameless these highly respected male deities can be.


    It would have helped viewers who have not read the book understand why the Bai family had certain criterias for their son-in-law. It was rather sweet that they worry FJ may get bullied and they can't help if she married DH. I was looking forward to seeing the whole Bai family at the FJ's sword ceremony. 

    ELOD probably ran out of budget! Spent majority in CGI. 

    I wonder when the Bai family finally realised how much DH loves FJ, and that FJ got him wrapped around her finger. 


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  7. 47 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    Hahahah, will those two first blind dates really say anything? I think not, because there was still a blind date banquet with even more men afterwards. :tounge_wink: BQ would not have expected though that FJ ended in DH's hot spring instead. :naughty:

    No one would have predicted that ending!


    36 minutes ago, Donghuadijun said:

    Then I'll say BQ succeed on playing matchmaker :joy:, if she didn't arrange those blind date banquet, no men would chasing FJ, no men chasing mean no hot spring, no hot spring mean no forgetting things, no forgetting things mean no rumour between them lol. Now I am wondering what DH think when he saw her in the hot spring lol, one thing I am sure, he enjoyed it a lot, he savor as much as he could :joy:

    Hmm...may be he wouldn't mind seeing more of that!

    • Naughty 2
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  8. 27 minutes ago, Donghuadijun said:

    I remember the scene where they were just in Aranya Dream, where DH told FJ they were engaged. But because FJ doubted like how she could agree on the engagement, he must have done something else than just kneel down, and when DH asked her what should he do, did you notice how DH caressing her arm? Lol. Now I don't know if that was DH' doing or Vengo :joy:


    I live for these tender moments! 


    The way they look at each other,  hold hands, and DH holding FJ's neck. It's all so tender. There were some scenes where I felt like DH and FJ's eyes literally sparkle when they looked at each other.


    I think Vengo and Reba's acting add extra sweetness on to the already romantic story of DH and FJ. 



    I personally think there is something going on between Vengo and Reba. Their lack of personal space with each other is interesting. 


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  9. 21 minutes ago, Donghuadijun said:

    He has been long surpassing that by fathering FJ's child, lol :P


    And I do agree with YCW's stupidity, just because he loves JH doesn't mean everyone would go crazy for her even FJ complained ha ha. 

    The power of love turned him blind.


    16 minutes ago, Donghuadijun said:

    He is sweet and loyal indeed, just has a very bad taste when it come to woman. 

    I remember when FJ was with DH trapped after the Miaoluo encounter, YCW was looking for FJ and the way he was whispering calling FJ was so hilarious. I imagine him running around looking for her and scared to death that he might have left her eaten by the snakes. 

    He is a fantastic friend to have. He will always have your back.

    You are right, YCW love for JH really tinted his judgement. As soon as JH was taken out of the equation, YCW was able to analysis the situations well. For example, YCW knew DH was jealous and told FJ not to run after Meng, when Meng discovered her true identity.


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  10. 7 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    May the father of Su Moye be successful in teaching her. :) If she's half as refined as Su Moye, that's already a big thing, as she was very coarse and callous.


    I rather think she turned out that way because DH wasn't able to supervise her enough when he was in the warzones. The caretakers and servants were bullied and unable to discipline ZH due to her being the foster sister of DH. They naturally feared him as he was the one who used to decide the life and death in all realms. 

    She does behave like a toddler, when she did not get her way. 

    Hopefully with firm discipline, ZH will changer her behaviour. 


    7 hours ago, Donghuadijun said:

    I just realized that ZH is actually much much much older than FJ. Its because she acts and behave like a spoiled brat, well she is one spoiled brat lol. I just forgot that she is actually a "grandma", I hope it is not Sumoye who ended up marry her. 

    In Aranya's dream, Su moye indulged FJ and went along with her prank, so I am not sure if Sumoye have what it takes to reform ZH! So may be a bad couple indeed. I hope he finds a good wife.


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  11. 10 hours ago, chsaf said:

    I keep remembering CY as the jia nan zhu (fake male lead) from their movie Mr Pride & Miss Prejudice :joy::joy:

    Omg, I felt so bad for him for the movie interviews and conference. It was a Vengo and Reba show. He just awkwardly stood there while Reba and Vengo flirted away. Even without Vengo there, Reba straight up rejected him at every turn. Poor guy did try.

    That movie would have been better if Vengo and he changed their roles around.

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  12. 11 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    The records set by the ancient deities are hard to beat! :lol: After DH will be either MY or ZY. 

    There are also the ancient female deities. 


    Thinking back, it was a good thing DH didn't meet FJ during the ancient war period. DH may only think of killing competitions now, but at that time, he may have done it without a second thought. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    DH likes seeing her react to his teasing, so he can tease her more. This is what he learned from the rascal LS! (face palm) :lol: Yet LS didn't recognize his acts mirrored by DH! (more face palm) :w00t:


    Though it was more of having fun in DH's part, the first time he "took" her out for an outing...it is to his own duel? Ahahaha, who can top that quirkiness? It's like a prelude though, that FJ and DH will be together in future battles. 

    Well, DH had to make sure their first date was memorable!

    • LOL 3
  14. 19 minutes ago, Megan said:

    Out of curiosity, say Meng Shao or Xiao Yan volunteered to save Feng Jiu and give up a lot of their power to enter the formation? They don’t actually go in yet; but announce their intent.

    For Meng Shao: we can see in the drama he was already willing to do so.

    for Xiao Yan: this is just a fanfic idea, but Xiao Yan blames himself for telling Feng Jiu to give Ice Face a chance. (I just love it when Dong Hua feel guilty...mostly because I still blame him for the Saha fruit thing and he never even apologised about that in the BOOK.)

    anyway, when the announce their intent to save Feng Jiu, how do you think Dong Hua will respond?

    I don't think he will say much. DH will continue with his plan and save FJ. He may some how prevent them from trying to get in to help, because the more people go in, the more unstable the dream may be. 

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  15. 16 hours ago, triplesung said:

    I knew the ranking bit of DHDJ but reading this made me realize how amazing FJ is for having such a high ranking immortal wrapped around her pinky finger. :neutral:

    FJ was certainly young, optimistic and naive when she first met DH. It probably helped that she was brought up in a carefree environment, that she didn't think too much in terms of the difference between DH and her ranking.

    FJ is innately sweet and charming, that she have this ability to wrap most people around her finger!

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  16. 22 hours ago, Ninky said:

    I actually analysed the book universe a lot as I try to understand each character’s motivation in the story. 

    For example, Dong Hua is in fact a very lonely person. For thousands and thousands of years, that loneliness slowly became a part of him, and people just saw him as a man who is cold, desireless, loveless and like the buddha, unaffected by feelings as time went by. 

    How wrong was everyone? Inside him, lies a passionate heart. When he finally met the love of his life, the fire in his heart began to burn. He finally found a reason to exist, to really live. For the first time, someone was willing to protect him and love him without asking anything in return. It was a love given to him with no regrets. 

    The red Nine tailed fox is the fire that ignited his passionate heart. Young as she is, she freely gave her heart to him and suffered so much, yet she never regretted loving him, not even when she lived in the mortal world and raised their son alone.


    How could that not melt an ice face? He has his flaws but he is still a good man, he had been quietly helping mortals by creating the Hui Ming realm to absorb the three poisons so that the endless wars And chaos would stop and people can live a peaceful existence.


    Anyway I digress but that’s an example of my summarised character analysis of 东华紫府少阳君 (Dong Hua, Young Sun Lord of the Purple Mansion). I have heaps more on each character in my head but it’d be too much to write :blush:.



    It's interesting how everyone thinks DHDJ is lazy, because he seemingly just lay around to read, drink tea and do his own thing at his own pace. I think of DH as a cat. He seems lazy, but is actually quietly observing, and storing all the energy he needs to pounce and save the world.

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  17. 12 hours ago, Donghuadijun said:

    And talking about the boat scene, anyone notice the way DH look at FJ? When BGG told them he want to stay in Holy Blue Sea, DH stared at BGG and then to FJ while fixing her hair, his expression show how proud he is. He was like.. Look how beautiful my wife is.. And we make a beautiful baby!

    I loved the scene so much! DH and FJ looked at each other so affectionately. The whole scene showed how blissfully happy the family was. The clip was short, but sweet and on point.

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