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Posts posted by ChibiLy

  1. 2 hours ago, Tracy_1506 said:

    I agree Jx actions are very suspicious.

    on 5/20 V posted wb and cp fan yy that numbers for R but jx uploaded video showing jx staff gave that numbers for V to solve. I dont understand why jx is okay for HC host to ask V those questions which make people think they want to test water but their actions on 5/20 was like splash cold water to cp fan.

    some people said that V appeared on HC to gain heat and help ratings. I dont really know what kb and jx intentions are. At first i thought they may want to test water for GR but given their sitatations, it did not make sense.

    btw, i watched 2 bts of R ‘s current drama. It seems ML wwant to associate or attach to her. R is still cold and keep distant, she even put a pillow inside her coat when they practiced intimacy scenes. I hope ML dont fry cp this time again.


    Wow...the pillow inside her coat is taking it to another level. She must be super cautious of the ML.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, Misty said:

    V is in hot water in HC episode last night. Whether he said R name or not the outcome is still the same with als.

    whatever, everything else doesn’t matter. I hope their relationship doesn’t change at all.  

    I agreed most of things stated in the zhihu article especially everyone knows V have a gf, but nobody seriously even paparazzi stayed for months stalking but no gf in sight. Even the ultimate ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Chinese fans fail to take his gf pic even when they followed him everywhere. Even at 4am at the train station. I don’t think they sleep. Haha. Well, of course u can’t. V&R have it easy because they have jx. They share the same company, they can just dating while in the office or while working :wub:. Haha. 
    After reading long thread in zhihu yesterday, god they seem to be unable to stay apart. I notice V keep on avoiding ‘after work dinner’, but I thought it just one time thing. It turned out even for HC. Haha.
    No wonder R accent getting serious after this pandemic. :blush:


    Vengo leaving not attending after work dinner shows his priorities.

    Many artist would feel pressured to stay for all work gatherings, but it sounds like Vengo puts Reba first. No matter how busy he is, he squeezes out time to see her in person. That is a sign of a male that can be relied on. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    If only SY got LS and XY like Meng Shao. All those times when he could have told Aranya what he feels for her, and what he's going to do for her. DH made this mistake of not telling FJ about the urgency of Huiming realm and Miao Lou before their wedding. 

    Such a typical male lead character right? Take on everything and not tell the female lead crucial information, just so she won't have to worry! It definitely cost DH big time. Interestingly. I still see alot of that happening in the real world. Please people. Communication is crucial for a good relationship!

    • Like 4
  4. 4 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    I think they miss that point, how important DH is in eight deserts and six directions compared to FJ. Funny LS was so alarmed when he discharged 90% of his energy, that didn't count at all?


    Though it's true that the fruit being given away to somebody else made FJ steal what she had won, why aren't they equally laying blame to JH whose lies to FJ gave the shove? JH made up that story that DH decided to give the fruit to her the night before the contest. In reality she asked DH for what FJ won only after the competition. Then she even tells FJ to go away from DH. Luh?


    Even if JH said it will cure her cold poisoning, at all the hundreds of years that she was in FV, why didn't she ask DH if he could help her ask the queen for the fruit? Why time it when there's already a rightful owner of the fruit. She is so petty. She proves her worth as a demoness.


    Like I said, selective blaming, selective who to exonerate, or didn't truly get what was depicted. 


    Good point. Alot of FJ's suffering originated from JH. Perhaps because JH's behaviours are more manipulative, it is harder for some to see how she is the actual cause?


    For international viewers like me, I definitely think some information was lost in translation.


    • Like 5
  5. 30 minutes ago, triplesung said:

    Another confession I have to make.... I thought ELoD was the sequel to Ashes of Love so I was looking if DL will appear :joy: And then voila, DHDJ stole my heart and has never returned it since.


    I have read a few fanfics as well but most of them have not been updated for years :joy:


    I prefer the hair styles in ELoD than TMOPB. DH just looks hilarious in that top knot in TMOPB. He does not look menacing and cold at all. He looked more like a baby who got their bottle stolen. :joy: 

    Ashes of Love was my top drama until ELoD came along! 

    FJ and DH are just too easy to love. Apart from their witty banter, I love that they spoil each other equally. I don't need to think too much to know why and how they

    fell in love with each other. Also, the chemistry between Vengo and Reba is amazing. 


    Yeah, I prefer the hair and costume in ELOD. Some how the robe DH wore in TMOPB annoyed me at times. I think it was the uneven layering that got me.


    I am still fond of DL/Phoenix.  One day, I will go back and rewatch AoL. I am sure I will fall head over heels for him again.


    44 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

    @ChibiLy The hairstyles, makeup, and clothes changed, but all throughout, the expressive eyes was the constant in all lives. 


    SY's sad eyes got to me. So heartbreaking to think how he wasted all his time, when he could have been with Aranya. The only silver lining is knowing that their suffering paved way for DH and FJ's future together. 

    • Like 6
  6. 6 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    Sadly, some expect that succeeding seasons should be continuations to previous seasons. Uhm, the titles are even different...:wacko:


    Sometimes, I don't really want to read comments anymore in soc med. :lol: It can get exasperating, yet can also be so entertaining. :lol:


    Another would be DH did not get injured and suffer enough for his miscues, yet won't point fingers at JH as the instigator of many misfortunes between and for DH and FJ. :sweatingbullets: Ay yah, how bloodthirsty or how selective in what to overlook viewers can be. 

    I am not sure if some viewers understand how much effort and risk DH had made just for FJ.

    He was willing to forgo his main purpose in life, to protect the world, for a chance to save FJ.

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  7. 16 minutes ago, triplesung said:

    Honestly, when I rewatched TMOPB, I am curious on the continuation of DH and FJ's story with the whole rock thing. 


    Good thing, I forgot the story of TMOPB when I watched ELoD.

    Me too. I know that TMOPB version is not the real thing and I do love ELoD version much more. But it would be interesting to see how DH and FJ' story would continue TMOPB. I tried reading some fanfiction, but I have yet to find one that seems to stay in character.

    • Like 5
  8. 10 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    The fact he's doing it manually and not using magic is already amazing! :)


    On the other hand, for me it's a glimpse of his background - mending his torn clothes from numerous scuffles, stitching wounds from battles, and fixing slashed battle dresses from the wars he fought.

    Excellent point. DH had to be self sufficient for a long time. Especially before he became so powerful. Some people also find these tasks calming. 

    So good FJ is there to pamper him.


    7 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    Mo Yuan is very calm, but then he grew up in the spotlight, so he's very, very decorous. Let's wait when Shao Wan boils his blood. :lol: 

    Shan Wan sounds like the total opposite to Mo Yuan. Their dynamic will be entertaining to read. I wouldn't be surprised if Shan Wan is the only person who can make Mo Yuan lose his temper.

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  9. 16 hours ago, MayanEcho said:


    XY is an oversized kid DH "enjoyed" indulging until game's over. Tsk tsk.


    Hmm, what do you think, did DH learn how to pout from XY in that banquet in FV? :lol:

    I have never seen a drama that had so many characters pouting!

    I would say pouting is FJ innate skill, she probably used only with her family before meeting DH.


    12 hours ago, Megan said:

    Out of curiosity, what do you think Dong Hua was feeling when Gun Gun introduced himself? Something beyond the usual answers of shock.

    i don’t think he was precisely happy because he was too dumbstruck 

    Shock, disbelief, guilt and sadness.

    Guilt  and sadness from not being there for FJ and BGG for the past 200 years. 

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  10. 12 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

    @Ninky @MayanEcho @ChibiLy Apparently there's a pair of siblings immune to DH's pranks... well according to FJ pov.


    What does these sentences or FJ's mean?


    As for Donghua... this person
    was a bit special. Since the beginning of time, few offended him and still came out alive.



    PB1 page 228

    She didn’t know pranking others was a
    special hobby of Donghua’s. If it had been the quiet Yehua or Moyuan
    who was offended, they would normally pay no attention to the whole
    . Or if it had been Liansong who actually preferred to be offended,
    he’d get to return the favor a hundred-fold.

    FJ is truly blind to not see how DH treats her differently. I guess it is never easy to see, when emotions gets in the way. It's so amusing how DH from epi 24 deliberately seeks FJ and pokes her to get a reaction.


    DH always preferred to have lively and witty people around him. Look at SM and LS. Especially LS, who will deliberately provoke DH and take verbal jabs at him. So it's not surprising DH was attracted to FJ from the start.


    I look forward to reading Moyan's story. I want to know what his inner thoughts are. I wonder if he is sarcastic or honesty down right Buddha like.

    • Like 6
  11. 10 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

    LOL, I posted earlier that DH was embroidering in an old outtake. Hehehe, sorry for the rusty memory, he wasn't; DH was MENDING the handkerchief FJ torn. And implied that the others are lazy. :lol:  @jimmylyne @ChibiLy @Ninky


    Feng Jiu came out from the inner hall and saw Dong Hua was mending the handkerchief she torn yesterday.


    Feng Jiu: “…  What are you doing?”


    “Mending the handkerchief.”


    “… But all men don’t know how to do such a thing, like Mo Yuan, Ye Hua, Lian Song and even effeminate looking men like Yan Chi Wu also doesn’t know how to do it."




    “They think it will lessen their masculinity.”


    “You’ve been deceived.”




    “That’s just their excuse not to do the housework."



    lol that is even more funny. I like how DH personally and quietly took care of FJ's mess.


    DH confidence is maxed out. He doesn't need to follow social expectations to validate his masculinity!

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  12. 1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


    Maybe coz it's web drama? It's topping the most viewed in WeTV app. Still plenty enough are interested to watch it, based on posts in FB. Though facepalm also coz until now, there are still those who can't accept this is their story, not the one in TMOPB. :lol: Or some who might as well kill off DH and replace him with the root of many problems JH. :rolleyes:

    I know right! I see so many people upset that it isn't a sequel to TMOPB. What is worse is when people gave ELoD lower rating just because of that. 


    Oh well, still have plenty of viewers who love this drama. 



    7 hours ago, Ninky said:

    Now you understand what I meant by I don’t want to spoil it?


    And there is something big there too.


    but i think you will read it better when its translated :)

    I tried to MTL. I am not intelligent enough to understand what is going on! I will have to wait for your amazing translations.


    7 hours ago, jimmylyne said:

    He surely has a lot of flaws . His jealousy, possessiveness, Shamelessness...by right he is a totally upleasant person..but since he is Donghua Dijun by some reason he is extremely charming and sooo adorable.. 

    So true. On paper he sounds downright terrible, but he has so many positive traits too. Vengo's acting also helped to make DH more lovable.

    • Like 5
  13. 1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


    Don't know why XY didn't catch early on that DH was taking him for a ride :joy:

    I think most people have this belief that DHDJ is righteous and morally sound, it probably never crossed their mind how he likes to troll people!


    1 hour ago, Megan said:

    I can’t blame Xiao Yan for stealing the soul jade. Sure it was a stupid move that endangered the whole universe, but Dong Hua tricked him and took advantage him. There was bound to be retaliation

    It's a smart move from his perspective. It definitely got DH moving! But it was a stupid move and no matter how DH tricked him, it didn't warrant putting the world in danger. 


    56 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    If I remember correctly there was an outtake that DH is telling FJ, while HE IS EMBROIDERING, that YH and others are making excuses of which chores are for men so that they won't do what DH is doing. :joy:


    Typical DH, dissing others and praising himself in one breath. :sweat_smile:

    He pretty much perfected the art of dissing people!



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  14. 1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


    Then he volunteered to clean the lotus pond, fix the Tai Chen roof tiles, pick the apricots...FJ ran away with one basket of apricots, hahahhaa. XY's monologue about apricots getting stolen in Jiuchongtian was so funny. So much chores he did for nothing. DH still refused to fight and threw XY out! :joy:

    looking back, DH probably realised XY is not a bad person, that was why when XY stole the Soul-Locking Jade, DH didn't kill him.


    6 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

    Everything seemed to be his handworks..tea set , backdrop, incenses, sandalwood table..etc etc. I'm sure he know how to knitting and sewing..:lol:

    I wouldn't be surprised if DH can knit and sew! Since he married FJ, i am not sure he has time to do all that. He is probably too busy making sure his wife stays out of trouble!


    19 minutes ago, chsaf said:

    Yeah he tried to tell XY but XY didn't care and drank it anyway :joy: that was so funny!! And the way DH sneezed was so gentle and elegant.

    Only DH can sneeze and still be elegant!


    24 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

    Lotus Step's Lian Song gave me a different vibes . I'm intrigued by his guite remarkablely charismatics in this LS prologue..so very interesting.

    Me too. He seemed stern and icy. But that could be due to the situation, seeing CY dying must be traumatizing.

    • Like 2
  15. 58 minutes ago, Ninky said:


    Actually, in the drama, Dong Hua admitted to Lian Song that he probably spoilt Zhi He by allowing her to indulge in her bad behaviour towards others. That's why he sent her off to the King of the Western Sea so that she might learn to cultivate better.  And the King of the Western Sea is the father of Su Mo Ye :blush:.


    Don't ya think that the handsome Second Prince of the Western Sea has excellent manners? He only wanted to find out the truth, which is why Dong Hua didn't mind and even thanked him for helping them out in the dream.

    I think DH just didn’t care enough to really pay attention and correct her. But when the whole wedding drama occurred, he only then realised how obsessed Zhihe was with him and had to do something.


    Su Moye certainly have good manners! Not sure if he appreciate having Zhehi around!


    19 minutes ago, Megan said:

    I hate to admit it...but I can’t see Dong Hua correcting Zhihe’s terrible behavior when he himself also trolls people and has had a bloody reputation beating people up. 

    Poor Su Moye, having to put up with Zhihe at his place. But then, she isn’t exactly a welcomed guest, more like....a disgraced employee

    DH has his limits! He only troll people who are close to him and has valid reasons for any physical harm he causes.

    DH probably would have tried to correct and teach her, if he cared enough and felt like she would be willing to learn.

    Whereas Zhihe behaves like a  2 year old toddler and only sees things from her own perspective. She had hurt others for her own benefit.




    1 hour ago, MayanEcho said:


    The Lotus Steps might help when the translation is out by the wonderful translating team. :) It's a beautiful story. :wub: Even if as of now what I've read is the confusing output of browser auto translate, the chapters had me in stitches and in tears, much like PB did previously.

    I look forward to reading the story.


    22 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:


    I'm thinking that was DH's payback to SMY when FJ collapsed from blood loss doing what Aranya did for Junou. :cry: Honestly thought that if FJ got mauled, SMY will be headless chicken right after. :bawling: 

    Me too, I thought it was DH's way of punishing SMY for hurting FJ. Typical of DH, hitting two birds with one stone. He gets help with the mirror and puniah SMY at the same time.

    • Like 4
  16. 23 minutes ago, Dreams87 said:

    Please sign me up in the group as soon as you find one. I’m definitely in need one :lol:

    we will probably just end up watching ELOD together during our session!


    I started watching this new drama and I realised I picked that one because the ML looks  remotely like Vengo. Sadly after 5 minutes I stopped, because he isn't Vengo 



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  17. 1 hour ago, Megan said:

    You know when the bride for DH and JH’s wedding appeared, shouldn’t Dong Hua be surprised? He and Jiheng had planned for there to be an absent bride. So who was this mystery bride? Maybe Dong Hua thought Jiheng had sent a magic doll in her place while she made her escape?

    also, what was Zhihe thinking? That she could trick her brother into marriage and not suffer consequences? Ok...he does spoil her a lot. I doubt she has ever been punished before. Maybe Zhihe thought she could take advantage of Dong Hua’s “broken heart” over Jiheng...

    also, Zhihe, what makes you think you are any more qualified to marry DH than Jiheng? You are only royal by foster relations to Dong Hua and you have nothing to offer beyond personal history. At least Jiheng offered an alliance with the rebellious demons.

    whereas Feng Jiu not only offers an alliance with Qingqiu, but another royal position for Dong Hua as royal consort since she is a queen. Then she also cooks the best out of the 3, and has actually saved Dong Hua.

    DH probably didn't know it was Zhihe. 

    DH is known to be calm and emotionless, even when he was at war and physically hurt. So it's not surprising DH had little reaction during his fake wedding.

    If you think about it, DH shows very little emotions unless it is related to FJ.

    I think DH appears emotionless because he isn't emotionally invested in life. To him life and death is a matter of fact. His only purpose in life, before falling in love with FJ, was to keep the world safe. So it did not matter to him who the bride was, as long as JH escaped.


    Zhihe isn't the brightest girl around. Look at her past behaviours, she had always been impulsive and did what she wanted without thinking too much of the consequences. Just like when she lied about her making the cakes and the attempt to stab FJ.

    Zhihe never considered DH's feelings, it has always been her pushing for what she wanted.

    The driving force to everything Zhihe did were to get DH. On the other hand, even though FJ wanted to be with DH, everything she did came out of her concern for him. She consistently prioritized DH's needs and want over her own.


    It's funny how everyone thinks DH spoils Zhihe. I saw it as DH just tolerating her by mostly ignoring her existence. If DH truly cared and spoilt her, he would have showered her with attention. The only female DH ever spoilt was FJ.


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  18. 16 hours ago, Ninky said:


    It will become super big news and will spread like wildfire across the Four Seas and Eight Realms. Besides, Dong Hua likes to show off, I bet he'd be parading his wife around with the baby bump once it starts showing on the pretext of going for walks to exercise gently. :tounge_wink:

    And in the fancy clothes FJ lovingly handmade for him!


    I am looking forward to the Lotus Steps translations :)



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  19. 14 hours ago, triplesung said:

    What appeals ELoD to me more than EL was the whole lightheartedness of the series. It's a drama that's not too heavy to watch, like you mentioned. It is indeed a bedtime story as per TQ. But its a type of bedtime story that will keep you awake at night because you can't get over DH and FJ. 


    ELoD have ruined all the other dramas for me! I have tried to watch other drama and only lasted a few episodes, before I felt that it's all wrong. The chemistry between the leads are not the same and the storyline is not as captivating. I will need to join a addiction support group soon at this rate!

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  20. 10 hours ago, triplesung said:



    Looking at the charts, I think DH marrying into the Bai family made everything even more complicated in their family trees :joy:

    I just can''t help but feel bad for BGG and Ali.

    His biggest prank of all! Deep down DH probably finds it highly amusing watching the Bai family get tongue tied from trying to figure out what to call him. 

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  21. 5 hours ago, MoonPrincess said:

    In the book Why would FJ fall in love with XZ anyways thought she always loved DH? is she that easily to change her mind? It doent sound like FJ at all. IF she was that easily to change her mind then she would had moved on  ages ago....


    Also I was rewatching the drama again and the part where JL and JN was talking about aranya, J mentioned that she want the next generation to find their own happiness. If she wanted that for them, why didnt she send her son out of the valley along with JL rather watch and die with him while trying surpress ML

    DH explained that FJ was destined to fall in love with him, no matter who he is. What I think he meant was, FJ didn't care if DH was not the emperor. FJ was attracted and fell in love with DH because of his personality and values. So even though FJ didn't know XZ was DH, she naturally fell in love with him again in Aranya's dream.

    Although it is harder to accept, I think it is consistant with FJ's personality. FJ was known to cut off whatever she felt for that person/item, if she decided she had tried her best and it was time to move on. FJ in the novel didn’t realise DH was in the dream to help her, She thought DH only cared for JH because of the fruit situation. FJ had decided to give up on DH, but than in Aranya's dream, XZ/DH comes along and showers her with care. Before she knows it, she has fallen in love with XZ/DH through the time they spent together. What it shows was that no matter how DH looked or what status he has,  FJ would always fall in love with DH, she just can't help it. 


    I know, thinking about it seems to make no sense. I do like how the drama changed it so DH's identity was exposed in Aranya's dream. It made it less confusing.




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