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Posts posted by nippy2002

  1. @Prerna You are right to say twitter is getting toxic. Shippers and OIM all jumping into the fray. So this thread is a god-sent.


    Though I tried checking the ig of the said Mingo Shipper who is talking trash on the stylist IG but apparently no such person. Just wondering if some of these so called evidence are fake.


    @AquariusMY Agreed with you totally, I don’t sense LMH being unhappy at all in his post...tried staring really hard and zooming in...


    As for the stylist, probably celebrity stylist turned friend and with most work in SK coming to stand still...probably got sometime to spare...

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  2. @samantha12 You are talking about Tony Leung and Carina Lau (Award winning couple in HK). In fact Tony Leung has done another gay movie with explicit scenes as well. This couple has been through a lot and they are still together after a very very long time.


    I am not sure if compromise is the key of

    a long term relationship, cos that would mean giving up something to reach a certain decision or agreement. I would rather think for all these showbiz couples ( including LMH and KGE) - it is the unwavering support for the other half and understanding of what their craft means to each other. 

    We could see the dedication to their roles

    and how they always want to ensure they presented the story how it should be interpreted. Like LMH is always using the monitor to see himself after a scene right, he could be happy with the way it is but he is constantly monitoring himself. I applaud him for that.


    I also think being who they are and if they are together will only rub of each other in the way they approach a script be it drama or movie. 

    Anyway, you know what I mean...before I go off tangent. :hooray:


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  3. 1 minute ago, Heretorant said:

    @Kaydeelee Most established actors do not have to audition anymore. In fact, right about now, they probably have 2 full desks of scripts waiting to be accepted by them. Lmh and kge are on that status. 

    I believe writer Kim may have approached lmh with the offer of LG and he probably knew kge was offered JTE before accepting. I’m going to bet writer Kim wrote LG and JTE for lmh and kge. Without a doubt, they were her first choice. Good choice writer Kim! Thanks to her, MinEun met and will get married and live a happy life together. :lol:

    I also think she would have written with them in mind. She knew both of them from  previous collaboration so likely she could and did imagine them as LG and JTE. honestly cannot imagine anyone else in the roles. 

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  4. 53 minutes ago, sriutami. myvid said:

    guys i want to ask your views about kge movie eungyo,some haters who don’t like our otp made this as backfire for kim go eun,i’m really worry if they announce their dating news haters will bring this topic again:tears:

    this question always haunts me,i’m really sorry to ask this i just want to know from you guys

    No offense please

    @sriutami. myvid If they are indeed dating and ‘fans’ bring out this movie, I think LMH will be speaking up for KGE both as a partner and fellow actor. So I don’t think it will be an issue at all. 

    Eungyo is an award winning art house movie with a lot more to offer than the sex scenes (if that is what you are referring to). KGE is proud about it so let’s not worry too much. 

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  5. On 6/22/2020 at 4:41 AM, stroppyse said:



    Please follow the rules of this forum. This is being posted to this forum because of 2 issues at this time, though all of the rules of the forum should be followed.


    1. Quoting images are forbidden.


    Please delete the image from the quoted material if you want to quote an entire post. Or we would advise just quoting the non-image section of a post that you want to comment on. In order to quote just a section of a post, highlight the text that you want to quote. When you highlight it, a pop-up box titled "Quote Selection" will come up. Click on that pop-up, and just the section that you want to quote will be copied into the editor beneath the page.


    2. Discussion of any couples, partners, or pairings other Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun on this thread is considered off-topic and will be removed.


    If you would like to review the rules for this forum:


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    Please be aware that continued violations will result in personal penalties to members and possibly this thread.

    We hope that everyone will continue to support this ship in a fun and respectful manner. Any questions, please let me or any of the other Shippers Paradise moderators know.


    @angelangie @LavelyShai @youngatheart


    @Prerna Please refer to the above. It is in addition to embed IG. 

    • Thanks 4
  6. 44 minutes ago, carriekllo said:

    Very interesting response from swoonie on lack of Tkem content. Refer to their comments section to see what they say. 





    Very interesting but I don’t buy it. You mean you allow the stars the Creative input to how they want to do the shoot? I really don’t buy their explanation. They could have filmed something when they were taking the photos of KGE resting her head on his lap. This is just their excuse. 

    They are just lucky that the show promotes itself...with so little promotion. 

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Jaja said:

    I just wanted to share this. 

    LMH's OIM do not hate mineun ship. they are just wary of shipping in general. i talked with one and she said it's because LMH's haters are mostly from previous sunken ships. she said BOF shippers turned ugly when he confirmed his first relationship (even went on to say nasty things about him like he's cheating). she said they support his confirmed relationship second time but when they broke up, the female's fans all turned against him (mainly because he didn't even mention her during 3 years relationship, which i personally think was a wise decision). she said they all said he's the best guy as long as ship was sailing but he turned into a bad guy for them. 

    They think Goeun is great girl and thankful that he got to work with her. they will be happy if they are together. it's just that shippers have made them tired. so no ill feelings towards mineun shippers, just the shipping in general. 

    @Jaja Generally fans of both are alright and supportive but there are definitely toxic fans (again, I don’t know if you should call them fans) who believe that no one and absolutely no one is good enough for their fave. 

    Wary of shipping is one thing but to call shippers delusional etc etc is not the way to go as well. 

    To me, there is really no need to explain why certain stand are taken (because there will always be a reason) as long as all fans accept that there will be shippers and only fans and don’t cross the line. 

    • Like 7
  8. I think this has been dissected to death but since we are looking back at LMH words and actions, 


    I still cannot wrap my head around his insta posts on the sunset pic and seaside pic with KGE. 

    100% promo intent? It is not his style. I have taken a look at a number of Korean actors ig...none has these sort of pictures for promo of their shows...


    So if not 100% intent, why then? An intro of things to come. 

    What if nothing comes after these postings? Hmmm

    Does LMH have a habit of deleting posts from his IG after a show etc?


    Ugh. It is killing me. Need to stop analysing. :crazily:

    • Like 8
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  9. 13 minutes ago, Prerna said:

    Now I have few questions about how these fans work in sk and whts the whole deal.....

    1. Whts the whole deal with minoz and why there are so many different minoz like every country has a minoz group?????

    2. So you guys are saying minoz and OIM club are different ppl (mainly all are gals in both I think)

    3. Whts the deal with minomi so is it easily available in the market in store,,,I thought Its been sold only through there website????

    4. How do they send all these gifts and stuff like if I wish to send one how does it work ????? 
    it’s like there are so many rules and regulations to connect......

    sorry boz things work differently in my country so just curious.....


    1. Minoz is his fan club name but they come from all over the world so

    taiwan Minoz are fans from Taiwan...like netflix korea, Netflix India etc etc

    2. OIM club is what we term those fans who may be Minoz or not - Oppa is Mine club

    3. Probably much thought has been put into this and they ordered early. So instead of flowers (which will have a short shelf life), Minoz group from Taiwan decides to do something meaningful. ( I know Sometimes Japan and SK fans will

    donate rice to needy Organizations on behalf of the stars)

    4. Possibly best bet is to send to their management company. 


    • Like 4
  10. 39 minutes ago, mychoiyoung said:

    LMH's IG followers is ALMOST 17m.   

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if he reaches that by tomorrow? :) 

    17m ~ 17 rules of TE to LG :happy:



    I would like to assume that most new subscribers should be TKEM fans. 

    And yes, @inbetween0and1 either way, we win...hahahah. 

    And now I am getting excited about KGE HERO premiere, it is really the perfect time for a get together by the TKEM casts, eh? 

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  11. 27 minutes ago, lysandr said:




    I don't think Swoon was this disorganized before, as far as I remember. 


    I said it before and I'll say it again. I really feel that SBS and Netflix or whoever th is in charge really dropped the ball on consistent promotions and content for TKEM as far as promo content goes...


    I hope they arrange for something else for promotion, because whatever they are doing now ain't enough especially if they aim to push out to more countries in the international Netflix releases.


    *throws shade at the promo team*


    Actually...come to think of it. Netflix probably will not plan for more promotions, why should they when the TKEM is already topping most countries with that FEW promo clips. Everyone so talking about it even when it ended last week...

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  12. 27 minutes ago, Heretorant said:

    Lmh’s hand placement.




    Try telling me they’re siblings now @knetz :P. If you ask me, it’s way too intimate for two people who are “just friends.” 

    LMH has shown himself to be capable of putting hands on shoulders...hahahha.


    So with his hand placement on KGE in the above BTS, to me seems to be a subconscious action. 

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