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Posts posted by ladidada7

  1. 1 hour ago, Ramenqueen19 said:

    Yes, slightly. I get RG needs to figure out his stuff but I was hoping for more fan hurling and for the focus to be on DM instead of him, the second half is more dramatic and less comedic so it doesn’t match as well with the first half. That being said, I still love our OTP and enjoy watching!


    Typically korean rom-com drama. It always be more comedic on first half and turn to be more dramatic/romantic on second half.. 


    At least, up to now, we are not disappointed with the story. Hopefully, more lovey-dovey scene on the last two episode :wub: The bed scene can be shown on next episode, remember their first kiss scene :D


    This week story focus on RG childhood trauma healing. And still going to revealed lost memory of their childhood on the next episode. Also Cindy's problem with her mom. I think marriage is not possible. Not enough episode to build the emotion. It will be better if writer-nim wrap up the drama with exhibition or RG being a painter again. If my memory is right, we never know RG's painting. I just want to know his painting, how can he take 'a genius painter' title. Having PMY's potrait on exhibition can be a great idea :)


    @MaybeLatte0402 Their emotioon toough. So lovely, the moment when DM shed a tear. Need subs to understand their emotion better. But, they're SO LOVELY :wub:

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  2. 12 minutes ago, SGahjumma said:

    I don’t understand why there is change in RG outfit when he is almost ready to step out for work until LS popped by passing him breakfast. Then he turn out another outfit at DM house with the breakfast. Serious plot hole in wardrobe :joy:.


    I replayed that scene. You are right. He was ready to go, with dark navy suit, and suddenly change when he met DM. They want to matching with DM outfit to make a great visual, but forgot that RG is ready to go. 


    Or maybe RG text DM beforehand, asking what she was gonna wearing that day. She said black and suddenly RG changed his outfit into black, "I'm gonna matching your outfit" :joy:

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  3. What is bothering me is after that confrontation, Lion still calling LS as LS painter, not omma. Okay feels like I'm so into this childhood story. But having a new still RG gonna draw DM (as her muse), I'm happy. His childhood trauma will be resolved in this week. It won't be instant tough, HPL story always so realistic. They do it slow but sure, but it feels good, no dragging. 


    Ah I do really want to be GF like DM. She is so mature. She know how to behave as understanding GF, she know when to give comfort, when to be playful, when to be lovey-dovey. She never complaint about anything RG do. Indeed, RG and DM is match made in heaven (why uri writer-nim have to perfectly potray how man and woman should do in relationship). Gosh this drama can be a best guide to become a perfect GF and BF. 


    Anywaaaay, thank you PMY and KJW. Hope you date in real life. Eh. :D

    • Like 12
  4. 3 hours ago, KymberleeD said:


    i really hope they REALLY WILL NOT go the sister-brother story...!  that will totally and completely be wrong IMO!



    I believe our writer-nim won't make that kind of story. It will make all of HPL fans disappointed. 


    I'm not sure, but i think Lee Seol is RG omma. But, yeah,there is something going on between RG and EG in their childhood. Maybe there is another reason why their name is Eun (silver) and Gold. The moment at the church, when RG see the last paint of LS, can be a picture of their childhood played bubble together (RG, DM, EG, SA).


    We don't have many hint tough, bout their childhood memories. Just hope the story won't make any of us feel disappointed. And please, they should resolve all of these memory lost story in this week. 


    I suddenly remember they haven't do their exhibition. I think their gonna make the exhibition as the last scene of HPL drama. Can be the best moment to all of the cast be shown together for the last time.. 

    • Like 8
  5. 23 minutes ago, annie1234 said:

    tsk.. because of this scene.. for the first time in my life... I wish espresso was never invented :angry: 


     But, PMY just make a cute, yet funny, meme from this scene. I keep laughing watch her expression, so cute :lol:


    And KJW naturally stroke PMY's hair. I think it becomes habit of him, like, he has done it so manyy times :wub:

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  6. I'm so loove with Ryan. Instead of thinking by himself about what is going on about his childhood life. He is trying to ask to her mom to clear everything without misunderstanding. 


    I really love this drama, no dragging about their childhood story. And we still have the chance to watch our OTP lovey dovey scene. 


    Thanks for all of recapers @rcalma @selen4ever @SC2019 @luvcrabbieshinhwa @Kasmic and everyone who share so many gif, picture, video, etc from this episode. Big love :heart:

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  7. 24 minutes ago, MaybeLatte0402 said:


    I am actually waiting for them to call each other by name at least instead of from DM's side, "Gwangjanim" as that still is kind of depicting their roles at work even when they are  outside of work already. I was also referring to "Oppa" not as a depiction of who's older or status in life but just a simple  depiction of "romantic interest and/or boyfriend" since their relation in the drama already progressed :blush:


    I have a thought that DM soon will call Ryan with his childhood name, maybe. Soon as she knows RG's korean name, she called Yoon Jae-ah on chat. Ryan Gold is a sexy name, but Yoon Jae isn't bad. Yeah, she should try calling him by his name instead of "Gwangjanim" when they are alone. 

    • Like 8
  8. 1 hour ago, Dramageek said:


    So I think the childhood story can be utilized more than just an old drama trope. I think the writer intend to create contrast, between Ryan and Eun Gi.  Albeit the same background, both born from unwed single mother, both in artistic field, lived in the same neighboorhood, Ryan and Eun gi having different path in life. Nam Editor chose to put his son into her family registry and let foster parents raised him (open adoption), so she was not separated with her son. Bravely took risk that her name registered as an unwed mother and let go of her chance to marry (due to social stigma). While Lee Sol chose to let go of her son for overseas adoption, maybe hoping for better future for him, coz she was a struggling artist and single mom. Letting go of her son made her be able to start over and had another child, but always regretting the separation. Both kids turn out allright, they become sucessful in their own path. But for Ryan, as korean overseas adoptee, no matter how good their adopted parents are, the scar in his heart still remain. To understand the struggle of an international adoptee, this is a good read https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/18/magazine/why-a-generation-of-adoptees-is-returning-to-south-korea.html.


    So I think the childhood story if done right, can be a nod to overseas korean adoptee. How to deal meeting the biological family after being estranged for so long. How to come to term with dual identity as a korean descent raised in western culture, etc.




    Thanks for the research. This information really give me hopes. If that was the reason why RG omma let him adopted overseas, i think RG will understand. It can be the best solution for his childhood trauma. 


    For the first time, i saw Lee Seol as CSA omma. I thought she wasn't the type who will abandone her own kid. There must be a strong reason why she let RG adopted by others. 


    Hopefully, RG's trauma will heal for good.. No more trauma. Just focus on your future, and that cute little bunny beside you :D:wub:

    • Like 10
  9. 7 hours ago, Hueee said:

    Kim Jae Wook And Park Min Young’s Chemistry Shines Through Their Couple Fashion Styles In “Her Private Life”





    KMJ-PMY visual is so great. They should do magazine photoshoot together. 

    KJW was a model and PMY is a goddess.. 

    aah and have photoshoot on Paris, the city of love... :heart:


    I'm so thankful to both of stylish. You've done a very great job :wub:


    *Have I mentioned it before? I think KJW looks more sexy wearing stylish sunglasses B)

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  10. 1 hour ago, orion00 said:


    That's why all fans of HPL go fanatics for both of them. Should I say even PMY waiting to be kissed by KJW. And I really like seeing warm personality of KJW to everyone which seldom can be seen in the male k-drama during BTS. Another person like him is Kim Nam Gill but of course each individual has special personality. Maybe I'm a bit bias to KJW because his previous role in Voice and suddenly become a romantic person in HPL. :sweatingbullets: 


    Seeing him all fluffy and warm with PMY in HPL definitely something else. 


    Indeed.. And TVN realize it, and have more post about our OTP. It makes us go fanatics and hoping them date IRL.

    I slighty thought bout that. Realize it or not, this drama have lot of kiss scene (altough most of them just a peck), but it still feels right, not too much. All those kisses make us want more, not tired with those :D


    KMG also my fav. They have similiar personality. I am just thinking uri PD-nim have similiar taste like me. PD-nim had work with KNG before right.. I know it has been said so many times, but seriously it really such a good idea having KJW and PMY together in rom-com project :)

    • Like 9
  11. 23 minutes ago, orion00 said:


    I mean that when KJW taking PMY pictures during BTS. He always says 'yeppeuda'  to PMS when he is snapping her picture. And also during the kitchen scene when he smearing flour to PMYS face. :wub:


    Hahai, I do agree.. 


    Yeah KJW always say 'yeppeuda', like anytime he can say that. I know that PMY is a goddess, and he always mention it without being shy. He just being straightforward. Yeah.. 


    The kitchen scene was so lovey-dovey. I've been repeating BTS ep 11-12 many times since it uploaded. Their chemistry is no joke :wub:

    • Like 14
  12. 3 hours ago, orion00 said:

    I’m sure many realised this KJW always say beautiful to PMY in the bts from earlier episode until now. No wonder our heart is fluttering seeing this couple. 


    This one from priinger is my fav




    He will lean on PMY until ep.16. I keep repeating this video. 

    Till our MC said, 'Please keep leaning on her'. So happy watching them comfortable to each other..


    *ups, made a typoo.. Our MC said 'Please stop leaning on her' :lol::sweatingbullets:B)

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  13.  @tensaitekikuroneko @annie1234 @mushforbrains @liltash85 

    I see that we are on the same page.


    See @TheRoadtoPMY have mention it before. Can resist to watching little Ryan Gold or little Deok Mi that also do fangirling. What RG and DM do if their child do fangirling B). I bet DM will do as her mom do, when she caught up fangirling, and RG will help their little child (he will be on DM side or his children side??).


    Sorry, my mind is getting wild :rolleyes:



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  14. 1 hour ago, mmac80 said:


    They're already done filming Busted 2.  They finished it before the end of last year.

    If they do Busted 3, that would be great to have KJW as a guest.


    ahhh... then, Busted 3 will be great :D


    Can't stop thinking when KJW on Busted 3 set with PMY. It will be hard forKJW act as villain. Just do lovey-dovey scene you two :lol:


    1 hour ago, annie1234 said:

    Agree! I hope they will have like reunion dinner or something like that like some of the drama casts that maintained their friendship even after the drama ended.


    Yeah reunion dinner will be great. PMY also welcomed to attend KJW other project (movie premier maybe, thinking bout JunHyeri relationship). At least giving coffee truck to each other, when you have another project. 

    • Like 7
  15. KJW and PMY should mantain their friendship (at least) when this drama end.


    By watching BTS, It will be great if their friendship last forever. Not just PMY and KJW, but all of the cast.


    Soon, PMY will take shoot on Busted 2. Hopefully, they will invite KJW as a guest. I mean, KJW had been cast as a psycho. It will be great if he take a part on Busted (as a guest). Please KJW, do reality show once a year :lol:

    • Like 13
  16. 8 hours ago, haartie said:

    I know it might sound too dreamy, but I am praying for a wedding by the end of the show. Huhu I want to see it so badly. Must be a gorgeous scene to watch.  


    I do also hope there will be a marriage to seal their love. But, I kind of don't agree if wedding is their last scene. I don't want anyone (or maybe just me) compare it with WWSK scene later. WWSK also have wedding as their last scene.


    It will be lovely if the last scene shows how all of the cast happily going on White Ocean concert (including all of parents) to show support to Sian ---It's so Her Private Life (fangirling)---. I'm still hoping no more angst with their childhood moment (all of this 'parent' things), so they all happily living with each other.


    It will be great if the last scene something like It's okay It's love or marriage contract last scene The OTP have marriage, but no wedding scene. It will be lovely if DM and RG have a child. *Okay I'm so addicted with KJW scene with children :lol:




    How sweet




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