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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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She looked rather scared in the first photo, I love how DG is protecting UN. I see blood on DG's hand, who got hurt? him or UN. WTH is that a big knife right infront of their faces?

My fave is the 2nd one, gaahhh, seems like the last hug. UN's crying, for sure she'll let us cry too.

Dahae's still pretty even with her slave girl outfit.

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I think the huge knife/sword belongs to a soldier...which side I don't know..either Joseon or Qing Chinese.

The blood..hmm might be one of Dae Gil's family members' blood....

Da Hae's been crying in the third pic..can see one single tear on her cheek. We will all be crying when we watch that scene for sure. Da Hae's crying scene always makes me cry.

This is the translated character description for Hye Won. Hopefully someone @ Chuno thread will help correct or fill in the missing translations....

쫓는 자의 첫사랑, 쫓기는 자의 마지막 사랑

The Hunter’s First Love, The Hunted’s Last Love

김혜원(언년이) 役 이다해

Kim Hye Won (Un Nyunee) (Lee Da Hae)

20대 중반.

Mid 20s.

신분이 뭔지 모르던 어린 시절에는 대길이가 마냥 좋았다.

After becoming a new person she no longer knows the Dae Gil- the only person she loves from her youth.

나이가 들어 신분과 지체가 얼마나 지엄한지 알고 난 후에도,

그녀는 마땅히 끝내야 할 연모를 접지 못해 애닳아 한다.

After the long difficulty of getting a new identity and lineage, she is no longer a child.

병자호란으로 한양이 발칵 뒤집어지고, 언년이는 청병들에게 끌려간다.

Hanyang (Seoul) was turned upside down during the Manchu invasion, Un Nyun was dragged by the troops.

대길은 그 모습을 보면서도 차마 나서지 못하다가 뒤늦게나마 구하러 뛰어온다.

하지만 그 일로 언년이는 모진 고초를 겪는다.

Dae Gil saw this but couldn’t do anything as he came too late to the rescue.

Because of this Un Nyun suffered a lot.

주인집 도령을 홀린년이라며 뭇매를 맞고 어디론지 모르는 곳으로 팔려가게 되었다.

Charmed by the young master of the house, she faced not knowing where she will be sold.

어미도 팔려갔고 아비도 팔려갔으니, 종년 인생에 ‘팔려간다는 것’은

사실 아무 것도 아니었으나 대길과 헤어진다는 것이 오직 슬픔이다.

Her father was sold off and her mother was sold off, and living as a slave girl she doesn‘t know where she will be sold off. She only feels saddened by (the prospect of) parting with Dae Gil.

팔려가기 전날 오라비 큰놈이가 집에 불을 지르고 자신을 데리고 도망간다.

The day before she was to be sold off her older brother Keun Nomee set the house on fire and ran away.

큰놈이는 수완을 부려 장사를 시작하고, 경강 어름에서 그래도 밥술깨나 뜬다는 거간꾼이 되었다.

Keun Nomee begins working at a merchant business at Kyung Gang.

그리고 언년이는 종의 이름을 버리고 김혜원이란 이름을 얻었다.

Un Nyunee threw away her name and take on the name Kim Hye Won.

항상 큰놈이의 뒤를 봐주던 최사과가 혜원에게 통혼하고 혼례를 올리게 되지만,

그녀는 첫날 밤 모든 것을 버리고 도망친다.

Keun Nomee made arrangements for Hye Won to get married. But on her first night she ran away.

조선에서 여자로 태어났으니 어찌 살아야 하는가.

How can a woman live in Joseon?

한 남자의 딸로 태어나 한 남자의 부인으로 죽어야 하는 것,

아무 뜻 없이 남자들의 의지대로 움직여야만 하는 삶...

A woman is born as a man’s daughter and dies as a man’s wife,

A woman lives and moves at the will of a man

그녀는 그런 삶을 끝내려 한다.

She (Un Nyun) wants to end that kind of life.

집 안에서만 살던 혜원이 길 위로 나서는 순간, 세상 모든 것은 그에게 혹독할 수밖에 없다.

Hye Won, who only knows live at a house, comes out on the road at that moment. She doesn’t know the harsh world.

뭇 남자들의 노리개가 되기 직전 태하의 도움을 받아 운명처럼 그와 동행하는데,

석견을 찾은 후로는 뜻하지 않게 권력 싸움에 휘말려 들어간다.

Right before she is to be taken by bad men, Tae Ha’s help came like destiny and she went with him. They got entangled in a power struggle fight as Tae Ha went to look for prince Suk Kyun.

8년간 한시도 잊지 못했던 그 이름 대길.

After 8 years there is one name that she can’t forget for a moment-Dae Gil.

그러나 시종일관 태하와 자신을 쫓았던 악귀같은 추노꾼의 이름이 같다는 것을

늘 그리워했던 그 얼굴이 그 추노꾼의 얼굴이었다는 것을 너무 늦게 알아버렸다.

Consistently with Tae Ha, she longed for him (Dae Gil) when she hears the name of the demon like slave hunter with the same name. She was too late in finding out the slave hunter’s face is the face of Dae Gil.

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o-cha I may sound like a broken record but super thanks for translating this and for sharing it here in this thread...

RE: First batch of HW-DG's pictures!

Mannnnn! DG is HW's knight in shining armor (errr maybe knight in silky hanbok or whatever you call traditional korean meanswear!) My heart is fluttering! haha! Man I'm so fickle I really can't make up my mind on who I should root for! haha!

ripgal and maccay her clothes are far more slave-like than what she was wearing before! how can she still look that beautiful in that ragged clothes!?! no wonder DG's very protective over our girl! imogene, you're missing out on your OTP love team!

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You know what chinggus, I already feel bad for Tae Ha! =(

Un-Nyun longed for Dae Gil - 8 freaking years... and when she met up with Tae Ha, again she only had her eyes/mind for Dae Gil. Such tragic fate... already reminds me of the romance in Conspiracy In the Court :tears:

o-cha, again, you're wonderful.

We now know Un-Nyun/Hye-Won's fate... plagued with indefinite sadness and sorrow...sighz..

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Guest imogene_af

those two historical characters are due for a full on make out session... yes even with blood and swords around them. to hell with it, they need to!!! Damn you OTP!


OMGAAAH!OMGAAAH! I LOVE THIS CAP! I need to make new siggys! The passion, the desperation, the hunger, the pain, ohmyGoodness.

Lee Da Hae is most impressive in this stills so far, her face is like a mirror of an outpour of emotions and do y'all notice how different Jang Hyuk's aura is?!?!? as the young Dae Gil, it's like he's two different people! AMAZING! I keep rambling because my excitement is right at my throat, I feel like screaming right now.

Edited to add:

Kind of feel real bad for Tae Ha, don't worry MAKE OUT WITH HIM TOO! Everybody happy!!!!

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You're crazy chinggu... you want Un-Nyun/Hye-Won to make out with everybody! LOL...

Agree with you that Da Hae looks impressive in the stills. Even in the picture of her hugging JH, I could feel her.

It's like a hug that will never come again because of their impending demise (swords coming after them?)... very dramatic I know, but what's Kdrama without drama eh? hehehehe...

Don't Da Hae and Jang Hyuk look over-comfortable in that hug btw?

And also, I like how Da Hae sat so casually when listening to the crew's explanation hehhe..

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hagrid: knight in silky hanbok? hahahahahahahahahahhaa....love your countdown! You are now officially our Chuno countdown ticker person.....hehhehee.

those two historical characters are due for a full on make out session... yes even with blood and swords around them. to hell with it, they need to!!! Damn you OTP!


OMGAAAH!OMGAAAH! I LOVE THIS CAP! I need to make new siggys! The passion, the desperation, the hunger, the pain, ohmyGoodness.

Lee Da Hae is most impressive in this stills so far, her face is like a mirror of an outpour of emotions and do y'all notice how different Jang Hyuk's aura is?!?!? as the young Dae Gil, it's like he's two different people! AMAZING! I keep rambling because my excitement is right at my throat, I feel like screaming right now.

Yesssss..doesn't that pic just screams...make a banner! hehehehe... I suck big time at doing banners so I'll be waiting for yours.

Hyuk is awesome..oh wait..this isn't Hyuk's thread :lol:...but honestly yeah he really showed 2 Dae Gils...2 totally different Dae Gil.

As for Da Hae....she doesn't disappoint. Her eyes, her facial expression...just simply love them all...I love this girl.

Don't Da Hae and Jang Hyuk look over-comfortable in that hug btw?

And also, I like how Da Hae sat so casually when listening to the crew's explanation hehhe..

Practice makes perfect. How many times did they hug in Robbers before? hehehehe

See...this is why I was so happy when I heard Da Hae joined Chuno..for this exact reason...Hyuk and Da Hae are super duper comfortable with one another that their scenes together are sure to be perfect.

BTW guys..make sure to check the Chuno thread. wils has translated the missing parts for Hye Won's description as well as correcting some....I must say the corrected version is even more tragic.... :(

Dammm it Chuno..why can't you start next week??

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^ haha! I'd be happy to serve as the official countdown ticker! haha that's the only thing I can contribute aside from pervy comments of course B)...

and I know what you mean! I'm sooooo freaking impatient about the looooong wait!I didn't think I'll be this excited over an upcoming drama... a sageuk drama to boot!


OMGAAAH!OMGAAAH! I LOVE THIS CAP! I need to make new siggys! The passion, the desperation, the hunger, the pain, ohmyGoodness.

Lee Da Hae is most impressive in this stills so far, her face is like a mirror of an outpour of emotions and do y'all notice how different Jang Hyuk's aura is?!?!? as the young Dae Gil, it's like he's two different people! AMAZING! I keep rambling because my excitement is right at my throat, I feel like screaming right now.

Edited to add:

Kind of feel real bad for Tae Ha, don't worry MAKE OUT WITH HIM TOO! Everybody happy!!!!

imogene I love it when you squeal! haha! You hit the nail on the head with your comments! LDH can make a montage of emotions with these pics! and I failed to recognize it but JH does seem like a different person here as compared to the first stills released! Here he's like a sincere lover, very knight-in-shining-armorish while in the other stills he's like a jaded man out on a rampage!I'm soooooo crossing my fingers that this'll get some Baeksang nods! haha! even a nomination I'll be happy! but I'm getting ahead of myself! we have to see them actually act before I can hope for this right? haha but, oh well! the early birds get the worm!

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Thanks for all the news, photo and translation (o-cha I only can give u a kiss 'muah').

All I can say, the pictures in Chuno are amazing, the best cinematography especially the pictures of 3 hunters riding horses.

Da hae pictures are too adorable,-- pretty baby, really2 pretty.

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Guest imogene_af

the new description of Un Nyun is she is somehow prosecuted for seducing Dae Gil that's why she's being sold off again as a slave. :( sad, what the hell? Can they have happier times before all this dramaforyourmama happens?

and also... Dae Gil feels guilty for not coming in time to save Un Nyun from the soldiers.

Can y'all do the math for me?

So Joseon era... so that's around 1392-1910, right?

In any society in the old times... where women were classified as second class citizens... worse off for UnNyun because she is not only a WOMAN but a SLAVE...

what do miscreant soldiers from a rival state do to a woman during that time? what would it exactly mean to DRAG her then return her back to her house? what would they get by just beating her up? so yeah... your guess is as good as mine. I am extremely depressed just thinking about it. Poor UnNyun. *cries*

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That's right imogene Joseon era is from July 1392 to August 1910.

Please don't tell me she has the same fate as Na Young in CitC. Just breaks my heart into pieces.

Do you think she has the feeling of being unworthy for Dae Gil if that's what happens? Ahhh...such

a pity... I wanna cry for her too.

ripgal that photo, she's beautiful even when she's sad.

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Guest imogene_af


I don't know, but it's like...

why would the soldiers drag her and return her back to her place? what would a battalion of violent rival soldiers do with a woman? especially during these harsh times? And a slave for that matter? What would make UnNyun "suffer so much". Why is it that Dae Gil thought it was too late...

uhm yeah.

and Dae Gil's family (presuming, of course) even punishes her by WHIPPING her? for seducing their son? she is punished for seducing a noble and what they did was to flail her. I mean eff that... you probably just got gang raped or beaten up by some vile men and then you return only to be whipped?! WHATTHEHELL.

quite frankly, I am thanking the brother for burning that house. Dae Gil may despise the brother, but he does have prettttty valid reasons. but of course that is his family, his flesh and blood. It is a rather violent attack but not everything is as black and white as I previously thought.

It is also a pretty demented love affair if you think about it, both parties caused so much pain to one another. Dae Gil lost everything because of her, and well, UnNyun was punished severely because of him.

I feel like this drama is gonna strike a few nerves with me. :lol:

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Guest chaisuju

yeah Lee Da Hae is neighbors with DBSK and Jang Dong Gun, she recently moved there right after she left EOE. It was mentioned in an early Feb article right after she had a Thailand trip.

She used to live right by the Blue House.

hahaha,,,wow,,,, reallyyy? they are neighbors,,lee da hae and dbsk,,,wow i hope super junior too are neighbors of lee da hae,, how i wish one of them will paired to lee da hae,,,,i hope the drama will be they will fall in love to lee da hae,, hahaha,,,how i wish.,.... :lol:

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^wellcome msme and chaisuju, he he .. suju and LDH neighbors-my wish also.

If I'm not mistaken, Kangin (well he is in hot issue now-hope he can cope with all the pressure-everybody make a mistake), is a fan of LDH. He vocally said that few yrs back when LDH in top tier that time (post my girl day).

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the new description of Un Nyun is she is somehow prosecuted for seducing Dae Gil that's why she's being sold off again as a slave. :( sad, what the hell? Can they have happier times before all this dramaforyourmama happens?

and also... Dae Gil feels guilty for not coming in time to save Un Nyun from the soldiers.

Can y'all do the math for me?

So Joseon era... so that's around 1392-1910, right?

In any society in the old times... where women were classified as second class citizens... worse off for UnNyun because she is not only a WOMAN but a SLAVE...

what do miscreant soldiers from a rival state do to a woman during that time? what would it exactly mean to DRAG her then return her back to her house? what would they get by just beating her up? so yeah... your guess is as good as mine. I am extremely depressed just thinking about it. Poor UnNyun. *cries*


I don't know, but it's like...

why would the soldiers drag her and return her back to her place? what would a battalion of violent rival soldiers do with a woman? especially during these harsh times? And a slave for that matter? What would make UnNyun "suffer so much". Why is it that Dae Gil thought it was too late...

uhm yeah.

and Dae Gil's family (presuming, of course) even punishes her by WHIPPING her? for seducing their son? she is punished for seducing a noble and what they did was to flail her. I mean eff that... you probably just got gang raped or beaten up by some vile men and then you return only to be whipped?! WHATTHEHELL.

quite frankly, I am thanking the brother for burning that house. Dae Gil may despise the brother, but he does have prettttty valid reasons. but of course that is his family, his flesh and blood. It is a rather violent attack but not everything is as black and white as I previously thought.

It is also a pretty demented love affair if you think about it, both parties caused so much pain to one another. Dae Gil lost everything because of her, and well, UnNyun was punished severely because of him.

I feel like this drama is gonna strike a few nerves with me. :lol:

OMG! OHMYGOD! You're not suggesting.... that.... UN.... would get... *trembles horrifically* This is sooooo darn depressing! You're right! DG may hate what UN's brother have done to his family and to his life but I must say that it just serves them right! I mean DG's family deserves such a tragic fate! If that was really the case, UN's brother just did what a brother has to do to protect her sister! and if he hadn't done it I would have had to travel back in time just to do it myself! now... now... just when I thought I would be hating UN's brother for having caused the ripple in DG-UN's love affair, we are presented with this conflict which justifies his act...

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Guest imogene_af

OMG! OHMYGOD! You're not suggesting.... that.... UN.... would get... *trembles horrifically* This is sooooo darn depressing! You're right! DG may hate what UN's brother have done to his family and to his life but I must say that it just serves them right! I mean DG's family deserves such a tragic fate! If that was really the case, UN's brother just did what a brother has to do to protect her sister! and if he hadn't done it I would have had to travel back in time just to do it myself! now... now... just when I thought I would be hating UN's brother for having caused the ripple in DG-UN's love affair, we are presented with this conflict which justifies his act...

Indeed my dear... that is my suggestion. I think part of her reasons too for running away with her brother is due to the fact that part of her knows she needs to get out. The only thing controlling her is being away from Dae Gil.

I am just horrified thinking after the young woman gets tortured (being kind here with THAT word) by the rival soldiers she goes home only to be tortured again.

So yeaaah I ain't sorry one bit that his family died if they were the ones who ordered for UnNyun to be whipped and sold JUST right after she was dragged by a bunch of men.

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Haha, I love how we're all back to our story-telling/predicting mode..

Remember how we raved, ranted, predicted, assumed back in the EOE days? Thought it was pure FUN!

Another AMAZING sketch from yangguang @ baidu


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