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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest imogene_af

<3 <3 her with Lee Min Ki. gaaaaah. I always wanted to see them side by side. weeee. weeee.

I am so happy todaaaaaaaaaay. Sorry, y'all did it, I'll post some more news later.

new LDH picture with the news:


the article stated, as Hye Won, both Jang Hyuk and Oh Ji Ho will fall for her deeply. They said it will be a dramatic, sensual, and very big role for Lee Da Hae.

did they all say SENSUAL? LMAO

also, it looks like Un Nyun/Hye Won will be a polarizing role... because she'll start off cheerful and kind of becomes pained after her transformation? Hm. interesting.

LDH looks really happy recently, we are happy too! Glad to see a real TALENT back on TV!

and according to our friend wils say goodbye to LDH's beautiful long locks... she'll cut it off for Chuno! *SHOCKED*


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Congratulations guys !! Finally the news came out. I heard that Da Hae will cut her hair short, is that correct? I am so excited, hopefully it's a good drama.

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Guest imogene_af


Based on what I am saying with CiC, with the way this PD handles his drama, I am going to put my limb out there that this will be a pretty decent drama because CiC is AMAZING.

Anyway, I know, short, huh? I have never seen LDH with short hair, even in all her kid pictures, she always sported longer hair. The shortest I've seen it is Sweet 18... will it be that length? Or are we talking about boycut here?

hey joicy! nice to see you.

Chuno is headed for an October release according to this article:


when are they really going to show this?

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Guest ripgal

Where are all the regular crazy fangirls?

Calling you guys to celebrate ..... Da Hae cutting off her locks..hahaha..:lol:

Some more pics here


^ It's a larger version of JMK's photograph... love it cos it's so HQ..



^This one says she's gonna cut her hair short...but didn't mention how short..

They did say she's going for a major transformation tho..

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Guest imogene_af


LOL whut? We should celebrate losing her long locks? Gawd, her hair is so pretty, I wonder if she'll cry. ahahaha.

We should have a goodbye party for her hair once she chops that. we should always have random parties on here.

They said the role will be really challenging, so I guess this is a pretty difficult role to play. Godspeed, Da Hae ssi.

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dear all, thanks again for the news, chopping her hair, no problems with me, I'm sure she will look stunning with it. Remember her look in MY GIRL, whe she and ldw acted "LEON"-she soooo cute there.

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Guest ripgal

I think it's kinda weird that she'll have to cut her locks for this role..

Don't most of the females in sageuk dramas have long hair and tied up into this huge bun or something? Or plated at least?

Or maybe because Da Hae has to wear a wig and her long hair is just too much for the stylist to cope...hahaha..

If anything, I can't wait until they show pics of Hye-Won/Un-Nyun and, OJH's character too..hehehe..

More news today





Another new pic


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Guest imogene_af

Jo- this is what I am wondering about too... it is a bit weird for women during that time to have short hair. Unless she is in sort of gender-bender ordeal, but even so MEN that time have longer hair.

However, according to this research paper, nobis were forced to have their hair SHORT because it is a class system they followed. They are also forbidden to wear silk and only had to wear cotton or hemp. It classifies them as a slave.

Nobis are also denied a family name, for they were not considered as people within a family. They are only given first names, no family name. So I guess she's Un Nyun.

http://www.informaworld.com/index/791393669.pdf by Gwyn Campbell

information taken from the book : The structure of slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia

another thing to note, nobis are not very common, they are not a huge chunk of a population... there are commoners but nobis are just the lowest of them all. The nobles hardly interacted with them.

The Choseon era had the biggest nobi emancipation/revolt and it crushed the system.

damn, dahae making me research!

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Guest imogene_af


I had to reword that. Nobis are required to have their hair short, in the Koryo period it was the rule and the law, during the Choseon era only a few government systems still went through it, I'm guessing the system in Chuno required nobis to have their hair short. Hence, LDH having short hair.

Uhm, I am curious what short hair we're talking about because it is found degrading to have your hair short like that during those times. It differentiates you between a poor commoner to an untouchable nobi.

So Dae Gil having a relationship with Un Nyun, is like a HUGE NO-NO.

wow, am I in school again?!

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According to the articles...she'd have a bob hair? This will be the first time we see Da Hae with short straight hair, right?


이다해 추노 중심축으로 컴백! “오지호-장혁과 삼각관계”

Lee Da Hae ‘Chuno’ Comeback! “Triangle Relationship With Oh Ji Ho and Jang Hyuk”

박수진 기자 jk_publicent@jknews.co.kr 기사입력 2009-08-26 21:42

Park Soo Jin reporting

배우 이다해가 '추노' 여주인공인 혜원 역에 전격 캐스팅됐다.

Lee Da Hae’s shocking casting as the female lead Hye Won in ‘Chuno’.

배우 장혁과 오지호에 이어 이다해까지 합류해 본격적인 행보를 시작할 KBS 특별 기획 드라마 <추노>(연출: 곽정환/ 극본: 천성일)는 영화 <7급 공무원>, <원스어폰어타임>을 만들어내며 흥행 돌풍을 일으켰던 천성일 작가와 뛰어난 작품성으로 호평을 받은 <한성별곡>의 곽정환 PD의 만남으로 눈길을 끈다.

Lee Da Hae joined Jang Hyuk and Oh Ji Ho for the full scale start of the KBS special drama ‘Chuno’ (director: Kwak Jung Hwan/ writer: Chun Sung Il). The collaboration of Chun Sung Il (the writer of Grade 7 Public Servant and Once Upon A Time) and PD Kwak Jung Hwan of Conspiracy In The Court is attracting a lot of attention.

조선을 배경으로 한 액션 대작 사극 <추노>에서 이다해가 맡은 혜원은 원래 노비출신이었으나 양반집 규수로 신분을 숨기고, 대길(장혁 분)과 태하(오지호 분)의 쫓고 쫓기는 추격에 휘말리며 운명의 소용돌이 속에 휩쓸리는 여인으로 등장하며 두 남자(대길, 태하)의 사랑을 받는다.

Set in the Joseon period in ‘Chuno’ Lee Da Hae will play Hye Won who is originally a slave but hid her identity as she lives her new life in a noble’s house. As Dae Gil (Jang Hyuk) and Tae Ha (Oh Ji Ho) are in pursuit fate brought Hye Won to receive the love of the two men.

또 혜원은 고전적인 단아함과 뚜렷한 주관을 겸비한 매력적인 인물인 동시에 극 중에서 중심이 되는 중요한 배역이기에 시나리오 단계에서는 물론, 캐스팅에 가장 심혈을 기울여 왔다.

Furthermore Hye Won is someone who is both elegant and clear minded. She will play an important role in the dramatic scenario.

혜원은 극을 이끌어가는 데에 있어서 힘을 실어 주는 인물인 만큼 <추노> 제작진은 캐스팅에 심혈을 기울이던 중 부드러우면서도 강단 있는 혜원 역에 이다해가 가장 적합하다고 판단, 이에 전격 캐스팅했다고.

Hye Won is a lead role with a strong persona. The ‘Chuno’ production team believes that Lee Da Hae is the most suitable for the gentle yet strong Hye Won.

이다해 역시 <추노>의 시나리오를 보고 독특한 소재와 탄탄한 스토리에 반해 여주인공 혜원 역에 출연키로 했다.

After reading the scenario for ‘Chuno’, the unique and solid storyline made Lee Da Hae decide to take the role of Hye Won.

이에 이다해는 <추노>를 위해 오래도록 고수해온 긴 머리를 단발로 자르며 색다른 변신을 준비하고 있다고.

Lee Da Hae cut her long hair that she’s had for a long time into a short bob for ‘Chuno’. She’s preparing to show a different transformation.

한편, 이다해는 드라마 <왕꽃 선녀님>, <마이걸>, <헬로! 애기씨>, <불한당들>, <에덴의 동쪽> 등을 통해 주목 받는 연기자로 자리매김, 그동안의 명랑하고 발랄한 이미지를 벗어내고 <추노>를 통해 신분과 엇갈린 운명적 사랑에 아파하는 여인의 모습으로 컴백해 새로운 면모를 선보일 예정이다.

Lee Da Hae has shown herself as a promising actress in <Flower Fairy King>, <My Girl>, <Hello!Miss>, <Robbers>, <East of Eden>. All this time she’s shown a bright energetic image. She plans on revealing a new side of her for her comeback in <Chuno> as someone with hidden identity and a woman in painful love.

한편, <추노>는 그동안 한 번도 시도하지 않았던 독특한 소재와 화려한 액션, 감각적인 영상, 그리고 거대한 스케일을 담아낼 예정으로 시청자들과의 만남을 준비하고 있다.

On the other hand <Chuno> will try to present the audience with a grand scale production with its unique subject matter never attempted before, gorgeous action, and sense tingling scenes/clips.


이다해, ‘추노’ 캐스팅 확정…9월초 첫 촬영

Lee Da Hae, ‘Chuno’ Casting Confirmed…First Taping in September

배우 이다해(25)가 내년 초 편성 예정인 KBS 2TV 사극 ‘추노’에 캐스팅이 확정됐다.

Lee Da Hae (25) has been confirmed for KBS 2TV sageuk ‘Chuno’ which is planned for next year.

이다해 소속사 측은 26일 서울신문NTN과의 전화통화에서 “이다해가 ‘추노’에 출연하기로 최종 결정하고 제작진과의 협의를 끝마쳤다.”고 전했다.

A representative from Lee Da Hae’s management through a phone interview with Seoul News NTN said “Lee Da Hae made her final decision to appear on ‘Chuno’ and had finished talks with the production team.”

‘추노’는 조선시대를 배경으로 도망친 노비와 이를 쫓는 노비 사냥꾼의 이야기를 다룬 액션 사극으로 이다해 외에도 오지호와 장혁이 캐스팅돼 지난 13일 첫 촬영에 들어갔다.

‘Chuno’ is a story set in the Joseon period about a runaway slave and a slave hunter. Other than Lee Da Hae, Oh Ji Ho and Jang Hyuk are cast in this action sageuk and they had their first shooting on the 13th.

이다해는 극중 노비였지만 주인집에서 도망친 뒤 신분을 감추고 살아가는 혜원 역을 맡아 9월 초쯤 첫 촬영에 들어갈 예정이다.

Lee Da Hae plays a slave at a master’s house who after running away takes on a new identity and lives as the character Hye Won. Her shooting is scheduled to begin in early September.

사진 = 서울신문NTN DB

서울신문NTN 정병근 기자 oodless@seoulntn.com


이다해, KBS사극 '추노'로 1년만에 안방복귀

Lee Da Hae, Returns to The Small Screen After 1 Year through KBS Sageuk ‘Chuno’

탤런트 이다해(25)가 안방극장 복귀작으로 KBS 2TV 사극 '추노'를 결정했다.

Lee Da Hae (25) decided to make her return to the small screen via KBS 2TV sageuk ‘Chuno’.

26일 드라마 관계자에 따르면 이다해는 KBS 2TV 수목극 '아이리스' 후속으로 내년 초 편성예정인 '추노'의 여주인공으로 캐스팅됐다.

According to an official from the drama ‘Chuno’, which is projected to be the next Wed-Thu drama following ‘IRIS’, Lee Da Hae has been cast as the female lead.

'추노'는 조선 중기 도망친 노비를 쫓는 노비 사냥꾼의 이야기를 그린 드라마로 이다해는 극중 노비였지만 주인집에서 도망친 뒤 신분을 감추고 살아가는 혜원 역을 맡았다.

‘Chuno’ is a story set in the Joseon period about a runaway slave and a slave hunter. Lee Da Hae plays a slave who ran away from her master’s house and hid her identity and lived as the character Hye Won.

혜원은 관노로 추락해 쫓기는 신세의 태하(오지호 분)와 노비 사냥꾼 대길(장혁 분)의 추격전에 휘말리며 두 주인공의 사랑을 받는 인물이다. 노비의 신분일 때는 언년이라는 이름으로 등장한다.

Hye Won ran into the pursued Tae Ha (Oh Ji Ho) and the slave hunter Dae Gil (Jang Hyuk); she will be involved with both men and receive their love. When she was a slave she went by the name Un Nyun.

'추노'의 제작 관계자는 이날 오후 머니투데이 스타뉴스와 전화통화에서 "언년과 혜원의 캐릭터가 매우 상반된다. 이다해의 연기력 정도라야 이 배역을 제대로 소화할 수 있을 것으로 봤다"며 캐스팅 추진 배경을 밝혔다.

This afternoon Star News had a phone interview with an official from ‘Chuno’ who said “Un Nyun and Hye Won’s characters are very contradictory. We think Lee Da Hae’s acting skills will be able to handle this” revealing the reason behind the casting.

이다해는 올 초 MBC 드라마 '에덴의 동쪽'에서 중도하차한 후 휴식과 함께 차분히 차기작을 검토해왔다.

After leaving MBC drama ‘East of Eden’ Lee Da Hae has been resting and reviewing her next work.

'추노'는 '한성별곡'의 곽정환 PD가 연출을 맡고 영화 '7급공무원'의 시나리오를 쓴 천성일 작가가 대본을 집필해 기대를 모으고 있다.

‘Chuno’ is highly anticipated due to the collaboration between PD Kwak Jung Hwan of ‘Conspiracy In The Court’ and writer Chun Sung Il of ‘Grade 7 Public Servant’.

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Guest antinh85

short hair? hmm.. i dont think it will go shorter than "sweet 18" days right?I do love her with short hair too. It makes her look younger. But please make her look pretty. Damn i was hoping to see her in pony tails and hanbok. :( Hichic

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Guest imogene_af


I don't know... it's not like back then, she can have frilly layers or Beckham bobs... so I think we may see it short and kind of unruly. eep.

And when she becomes a noblewoman... extensions? Ah shucks. I wonder how she feels about cutting her hair that short?

o-cha- THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the goodies.

I am psyched that Un Nyun and Hye Won are so different from each other... this is like a dual role!

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Guest antinh85

Where are all the regular crazy fangirls?

Calling you guys to celebrate .....

lolz Jo..i think most of us are starting school again. What a drag!! summer sucks. Weather has been horrible for half of it and it's gone so quickly.

Damn i just want to see some stills from CHUNO.


I don't know... it's not like back then, she can have frilly layers or Beckham bobs... so I think we may see it short and kind of unruly. eep.

And when she becomes a noblewoman... extensions? Ah shucks. I wonder how she feels about cutting her hair that short?

o-cha- THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the goodies.

Beckham? eckkkk.. can't imagine da hae in that.. She doesn't really have the round face for short hair.But it's a change. She must be sad cutting her hair. I had my locks for so long, it took practically years to grow it. When i had it cut, felt something was taken from me. Now i'm growing it again, thank god!

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Guest imogene_af


seriously, people cry all the time when they cut their hair. Her hair has been real long for years, I really wonder if she'll cry. haha. because in some odd sense our hair feels like an extension of us!

hahaha, I doubt it's a Beckham bob, we didn't really have Posh during the 1600s. :lol:

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Guest antinh85


seriously, people cry all the time when they cut their hair. Her hair has been real long for years, I really wonder if she'll cry. haha. because in some odd sense our hair feels like an extension of us!

hahaha, I doubt it's a Beckham bob, we didn't really have Posh during the 1600s. :lol:

I watched a fair amount of historical k dramas, i never really see girls with short do. Or maybe i just never noticed? Do you know which drama is in the same time period as this one?

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Guest maccay


Nooooo... cut her hair short? a bob ? I love her hair long, but if it's needed then i guess i have to accept it...it'll grow later on. The shortest i've seen was Sweet 18, for some reason she looked more mature in that role. We'll have to wait and see... :lol: bob in the 1600 :lol:

Gosh this is really exciting, did you say SENSUAL imogene? with JH and OJH, i've got no problem with that. We've seen her and JH great chemistry already, now we'll see her with OJH too...

I just had a trim a week ago sunocox, save the scissors for Dahae... :lol:

Dahae's all over the news since last week from being called a mermaid, to Chuno, then KU ambassador... luv it...luv it!


She looks pretty in that black dress but still skinny...

She's looking fresh in that photo ripgal. What you reading Dahae? getting ready for Chuno?

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Guest ripgal

Haha, I once had hair as long as Da Hae's too...

But just couldn't stand the heat... so I decided to cut it short, and have been sporting it for almost 2 years now...:P

Remember Da Hae once sported a short mushroom wig in one of her Kimchi Fridge CFs?

That one was hideous...tho she still looked really cute..

o-cha, you know we love you right?!!

You always bring the best goodies... who knows how much effort you've spent on those translations..


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Guest imogene_af

I watched a fair amount of historical k dramas, i never really see girls with short do. Or maybe i just never noticed? Do you know which drama is in the same time period as this one?

I don't remember any actually. It's actually the very first time I have heard of slave hunters or nobis, I knew there were servants but I didn't really grasp the politics behind it. I guess this PD is known to take a rather socially conscious territory and tell a story of something that isn't brought up in other sageuks.

Choseon era dramas? Hwang Jin Yi, Hong Gil Dong, Painter of the Wind, etc.

but none of these stories focused on nobis/slaves.


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