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What Did You Dream Of Today?

Guest iSayOink

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Guest Saseumi

I had to go to set up a party at my cousin's house (which for some reason was in the middle of a field!) with my friend. We were just joking around, not really getting the jobs done as quickly as we should've when eventually the party was about to start and we'd fallen asleep on a bed so we rushed around attempting to finish everything (and struggled with a door to a strange barely-built conservatory that had three locks... and someone still got into the house through the side of it anyway!) before I eventually dug out the dress I thought I forgot to bring to wear. When everyone arrived they acted pleased with what we'd done and the party went as planned but for some reason my cousin got angry at the end and, after we'd all gone to bed (my friend, family and I were staying over for some reason) she just concluded that we had to leave and so we all just left very early in the morning. O__o

I slept so deeply through this dream that I missed my alarm and woke up two and a half hours late.

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Guest AceFondu

I dreamt that my teeth got pulled out.... It was in first person perspective then it turned to 3rd person perspective where i can actually imagine my teeth. It looked really nasty though but i felt relief :D..

When i woke up, i checked my tooth but sadly.. it was still intact... yes sadly lol.. cause i want to get rid of that teeth but dont want to go to the dentist.. just waiting for the moment to fall out :D

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I had a dream that I was sleeping on a bed in a department store with IU's "You&I" playing on the overhead, when a worker announced my cousin's name who started poking my sides. I woke up with a start because it felt so realistic, but when I turned around, no one was there. :( 

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Guest savoir vivre

I dreamt of weird things such as cats turning into dogs ( -_-_)and people chasing me because I was like the keeper of some cat-dog infirmary... Weird..


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Guest Irysinon

I dreamed that I was on a faraway island country enjoying the nice summer breeze, mango juice and the ocean shoreline. It's the type of stuff that I wish time would stop for.

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Guest courtleee

So I've been reading Brave New World for English, and then I took a nap today.  Dreamed that I was taking a shower with like, five other people that I used to swim with, not like I haven't seem them all 90% naked anyways LOLOL.  There's a correlation if you've read the book :sweatingbullets:

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Guest HyoyeonFan27

Like two nights ago,  dreamed that me a Hyoyeon was on  small private island in our bathing suites. The water was very blue. I remember her brushing my hair back with a small coconut on a branch by a palm tree :wub: . I can't really remember detail, but I do remember being on a boat, scuba diving with her, and loking out the window throw the bnds.  I recall myself asking her a question about talking to other people, and she hesistated and said "Are you jealous?" and then I woke up dry.gif . Best dream I had in months :) .

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Guest FragrantWhisper

One of my best friends, who I haven't spent time with in a while.

Forgot what was said, but something significant was acknowledged - other than the passage of time, that is.

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Guest bonbons

I had a dream the other day involving killer aliens coming to our planet and basically killing people...all in the form of an epic movie trailer. I think I'm going to work on a screen play~

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I had a dream that I was on some school field trip and G-Dragon was sitting in the seat in front of me. IT SEEMED SO REAL LOL. Seungri was on the bus too.

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Guest SUMM3RxBABii

I dreamt of my really "good friend" back from high school, who I am now estranged from because I realized what an idiot I was to put up with her most of the time.

I dreamt that I was so sick of her, I was scolding her and yelling at her, which I felt pretty good about but I also went out of line with some of the things I said.

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Guest Saseumi

I dreamt that I visited a theme park with lots of swimming spots. I eventually went to a pub (I had beer! I don't even like beer in real life!) and even explored a shopping/amusements precinct still in a bikini and shirt. At the end of the day I journeyed to a different town and stayed in a hotel and woke up to get married atop a hill to a mystery person. O___o

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  • 2 months later...

@Jaeho: It means that despite your wish to go back to your old social circles to mingle with people your own age (as represented by you going back to college) you are actually romantically destined to hook up with a high-brow cougar - a sophisticated older woman who will take care of you (as represented by Queen Elizabeth II).

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Guest Hearted

I found out I should not be reading the Current Events section of the forums before I head to sleep.

My dream was me kicking coffins open to see if dead orangutans were in there. Luckily, there were none. I kicked the empty ones to the grave hole. then I appeared in my room, blood dripped from the walls saying something along the lines of vampire/zombie orangutans now. A pit opened from the bottom of that wall. At this point, I was like okay I know I'm dreaming let's wake up, this is ridiculous! As I woke up, I note a figure in the corner of my eye at the head of the bed -there is no room for anyone to fit there, only the wall... Then I wanted to move my hands which were folded nicely in ontop of my stomach, but my body wouldn't listen to my commands. It was a force acting upon my body to pin it to the bed. Then I mentally repeated, "MOVE MOVE MOVE," still no luck. I finally figured out that I was under sleep paralysis. I waited it out and closed my eyes, I was dead tired anyways.

Oddly, I was not scared of the figure or being under sleep paralysis. I was freaked out about the coffins and orangutans part. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamt that I couldn't pick my uni courses for next year, so leaving my laptop alone in the room, I went to a graduation party with a few friends. At the party, I was chatting with my old friend when suddenly Big Bang's Fantastic Baby started playing. I looked and to my surprise, the CEOs of "The Big Three" were in the same room as I was. Papa YG stood so close to me that I had no choice, but to dance on the spot. Then out of nowhere, the Phantom of Opera music started to play on one of the monitors and that's when I realised my laptop's been hacked. I rushed back to the room to grab my laptop, but to my surprise, it was literally packed with hundreds of students. 
Some moments later, I've managed to relocate my laptop and brought it outside. Before I could turn on the system, a bunch of vampires started to chase after me and a bunch of people who were around me. I ran and ran as fast as I could, and it what seemed like forever, I ran into an Indian restaurant. Those who pursued me before became "normal". 
I know, it doesn't really make sense, the events were so random and out of place. But I was happy that Papa YG looked at me dancing. 

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Guest shufflepuck

1. I got a huge computer monitor XD ( last night my dad, when looking at my "RSI proof" setup for my laptop mentioned I could place a nice, big monitor on my desk as well). So sad when I woke up and realized it wasn't real. 2. Flashback to 7 years ago, back then I was in a horrible place, contemplating on moving out from my parents'... But I never did. In this dream though, I started to pack my bags and I left my home so I could chase my dreams. I remember walking through some park with lush green grass and clear, fresh air. It was really liberating ^_^. 3. Moving on to some smokey bar/club, where I meet up with an old friend who's pro at bass ( in real life). He asks me if I want to audition for his new band as they're looking for a singer. I hesitate andddddd then I wake up :(

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