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What Did You Dream Of Today?

Guest iSayOink

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I dreamed about Noh MinWoo...


last night...

it was like he was standing there with flowers in his hands and said something like...

"Where the hell have you been?"

and i was like..."WTF? is this for real?"

and then i took the flowers and we walked together...

i don't know what happened next...

maybe we went to watch a movie or had dinner...

i don't know...

My mom woke me up...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a tragic dream.  The world was infested with zombies and I was the zombie slayer.  There was another girl.  I never met or seen her in my life.  I felt like she was my best friend.  We were so similar and she was also a zombie slayer.  We fought side by side but then she was caught by them.  Since she was a zombie slayer, she didn't turn into a low-level zombie like them.  She became their queen and it was up to me to kill her.  I charged her palace and went through an army of zombies before I confronted her.  We battled equally and then I slayed her.  I wept because I felt that I killed my best friend.  Then I woke up. 

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Guest xboleex

I had a dream last night and guess what? My 1st BF

He came and took me to somewhere (i cant remember), suddenly he turn around and said: Have you ever meet my new gf? this is [insert name], she's my gf now. She's pretty, isn't she?

Damn, i was like @.@

such a bullsh!t dream

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Wow. Soompi's not as active as it used to be. I see my post made 3 weeks ago up there!

Anyway, I wish I dreamt of something, and I kind of don't. I haven't slept yet, but I've been having pretty morbid dreams lately. :crazy:

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Guest ArmoredTurtleCow

I dreamt that my friend had her braces removed and was super duper happy, the uncomfortableness she had was gone and she was making fun of me because I still had my braces on..which was giving me excruciation pain and discomfort.

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Guest nsterling

Today I am dream of becoming a millionaire and go shopping or enjoy the rides at Disney land.

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Guest ~.Linh.~

i was sitting in a meadow downloading apps and music on my mbp xDD

and once in a while people dropped by.

the whole scene changed and i was an intern in my doctor's practice, talking with another intern who was wounded o_O + i went out to buy swiss chocolate for a friend of mine o.o

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Guest EHNerJI

Wasn't last night, but recently:

I was walking near some body of water for some reason.

I think it was leading to a water slide or something LOL.

But I had to pass by this narrow ledge and I ended up falling off.

I later found out that some guy was supposed to press some button

that would make something pop up and make it easier for me to get across.

But he didn't press it. So I land in the water and it starts pushing me downstream.

& I run into some cute life guard dude (who later turned out to be Brian Joo)

and we started having a date in the ocean? LOL.

Then finally some lady came and told me to swim the other way with her to get back.

& I was sad to leave Brian : ( but I went with her and I got back and saw my friends.

Then we went into some weird museum and we were trying to hide from someone for some reason.

Brian showed up again & I was really happy.. then I woke up. Yep.

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I had an R rated dream with people I do not know which turned into a dream about my dog talking which turned into a dream about going clubbing which turned into a dream about my ex.

:mellow: w t f.

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Guest daradiridaraduu-


I had a dream that i was snorting cocaine with Snoops in the back of my van.

Then i went over to my friends house and gave them $50 dollars to get me a french vanilla latte, and they came back with no change and no coffee. I was beyond angry.

So then i stormed out of my house and my grandma pulled up in her mustang and was talking to me, but i just gave her the dirtiest look and said with a wave of my hand while walking away, "pinkberry i got mini coopere to do to day, john tesh your mini coopere,"

I met up with my brother and we both walked down the street, and like... all of a sudden we both started running at the exact same time. We went to the library and got a book, then started getting obsessed with it and i was keeping a secret. I don't remember what the secret was at that point, but when my brother started going absolutely mental, i said, "You wrote the book, Tony."

And then we both stared at eachother, sharing an intense silence.

When i woke up i was like, "What in the hell. First i was snorting coke with Snoops and now we're re-enacting scenes from the movie, "The number 23," ...

Made me laugh though xD

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Guest Wingedbunny

I had a dream that i moved to the country side of some asian country (Probably because the country side here is just filled with hicks and is not cute and ideal at all) and we moved into some type of farm with no animals. It was sort of empty to we wanted to get some animals.

In the end we started breeding and raising totoro~. It was fun :mellow:

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Well, I had this dream that I was in a rocket ship with 11 other bright scientists and brave astronauts heading to a faraway planet. We were to attend this galactic symposium with other alien races to share ideas and inventions that could help further improve relations across the universe.

But when I woke up, I found myself on a slow moving bus packed with a bunch of old people, heading to the downtown courthouse for stinking jury duty.

Man, what a letdown.

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Guest LiSAiSViPx3

I dreamed of the Yongseo couple ~ /sigh

I miss them so much , I want them backk ! D:

They were gazing into each others eyes & then I woke up ... .__________.

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Guest Joo-Se-Fii-N

Hmm, I don't remember it fully, but I do know that it was rather bizarre.

Most of my dreams are, come to think of it. .____________.

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