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What Did You Dream Of Today?

Guest iSayOink

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Guest marshmellow

I dreamt that I was on the computer looking at something,

I don't remember exactly what, and Junsu was right next to me, talking about what we were looking at.

He was like, a friend of mine. We were chit-chatting like buddies.

Oh, and I remember somehow the rest of TVfXQ appeared.

..I have no idea what the heck I was looking at, haha.

But he sure looked good with his brown spike-ish hair.


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Guest illumine*

that i was at school, and big bang was performing at our spirit day assembly.

when i woke up, my face -> O_______O (i thought.. maybe i'm listening to their songs too much. LOL.)

went back to sleep... trying to get the big bang dream back in...

but this time i had a bf? i don't even remember his face.

2nd dream is weird since i don't and don't want to have a bf and here i am dreaming i have one... maybe i do want one? =X

gahh.. who knows.

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Guest kenjuro

i had a nightmare last night.

I dreamt that i has a horrible superhero who constantly is being foiled by my enemy, who kills me every time. IT never stop

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Guest minie_k89

i dreamt about SUJU T(Eetuek,Shindong,Eunhyuk,Sungmin and Kangin)

cos' i' addicted to their song recently...

they were having fun playing catching with each other...LMAO

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Guest Rainie_Days

I don't think I dreamed last night but last week, I had this really adventurous dream, LOL o_O

I dreamt that I was in the Antartica, with 2 of my close friends, and somehow, it was the Ice Age, the ice starting splitting up, and so I was left on my own on this one BIG piece of ice. I kept shouting my friend's name, and I knew they were somewhere :mellow: They were, in the ice water or something, rofl...next thing I know, my phone drops in the water when I was just about to call for Emergency. Great. LOL

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Guest xCookies

Meeting a guy on a bus?!?

But then I got him into a relationship with my friend but he really loved me.

Ahh, My dreams are so weird and twisted....

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Guest Tropical Paradise x3

I don't remember because my head was throbbing like hell T______T

I had 2 dreams of DBSG, and one of Brian Joo before. Once I had a dream with a bunch of K-celebs and I was trying to get their autograph (a race against time since the clock was super fast) lol and once I spent all day re-watching random episodes of Goong and ended up dreaming about it O.o hahahaha

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i was in my research class .. [ sorta like studyy hall ] with my friends.

we started some type of discussion amongst ourselves

& then i saw one of my friends talkign about some festival that was soo much funnier than the new years festival

the one friend sat behind me was trying to get something out of my chairr but didnt want to tell me but he kept trying ot get it ... it was weird

& then class was out. & then i kept asking my other two guys friend about the festival. they wouldnt tell me & then i woke up ...

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Guest BLCoolJ01

I dreamed that I was in Spanish class, but the class was at my work (I work at an assisted living home). The class was in one of the rooms and I had to go poo.

So, I went to the bathroom that was across the room. At first I didn't close the door because the teacher was talking about she was only collecting certain homework problems that we had done. Then I closed the door and then came back out. I spent half an hour in there (even though it only seemed like a couple of minutes) and the whole class left after that. The teacher wasn't there, so I couldn't turn in my homework.

I got my stuff and then went to the front desk to start working. I went to the dining room and my old crush was there (his dad lives at my work). Him and his brother brought in their girlfriends. :tears: :tongue2: I was pissed.

The end.

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Guest rapunzel283

My family and I were in some really, REALLY poor town place... and we were living there O_O.

It was really dirty ._.

Then I was at my childhood BFF's house (but it was a different house to her real house), and I was there. Don't remember what we did.

My BFF's mum said they went to Thailand, VietNam on the weekend... so I'm assuming this was all in Malaysia, Singapore, somewhere close to Thailand and Vietnam.

It was frakking weird.

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This wasn't last night's dream but once..

I dreamt that I made a bet with random people that they couldn't fly, but they were able to fly around after running. And then I found out that I could fly too with a running start.

The dream quickly became a nightmare when nobody knew how to come back down and they all flew up until I coudln't see them, while I was hanging on for dear life onto a truck.

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