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Guest MoiraElla

Do girls get caught watching porno from their parents?

please answer my question, girls.

if guys can get caught, girls can get caught too right? o_O

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1. How come you ladies never take notice when your guy does nice things for you. But when we mess up just one time, you just can't let it go? >=T.

2. What does "I hope we can still be friends" really translate to?

3. On that note, what does "I want to wait until im married before having sex" really translate to? Me and my buddies assume its a test, but we could be wrong.

4. Would it be wierd if a guy you havent spoken to in 4-5 months started calling you and talking to you on MSN?

5. Personally, what are your views on dating younger guys?

Those questions oughtta keep you busy. ;)

1. Many girls are perfectionists who also expect as much from you as they do from themselves. Maybe the girl is trying to subtly hint that she is not happy with the relationship for some larger, more general reason but doesn't know how to describe it, so she's pointing out little flaws and mistakes to justify her negative feelings =X

2. There's probably no chance of you being friends again, but she'll say that on auto-pilot to make herself feel better (and not so guilty about the situation). Who knows, maybe she will try to revive the friendship sincerely..but it will probably not work.

3. I wouldn't say that unless I absolutely meant it. I can't think of anyone (non-devout Christian)who would use that as a test..assume she's telling the truth on this!

4. Calling? Definitely weird. Talking online? That's perfectly acceptable and I'd probably enjoy it ^^

5. I'd do it, as long as I feel like I can talk to the guy about serious topics on the same level and there's no huge maturity gap..age is just a number right? Haha especially if he's really cute..I might even ask HIM out =X But that's just me..

Offspring89-I wouldn't mind ^^

강유미-Hmm well I've never gotten caught watching porn but at times my parents are very distrustful of the internet and they try to barge into my room unannounced to "catch" me viewing/doing something inappropriate..in a way they freak out before they even know what's going on -.-


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Guest 강유미

if guys can get caught, girls can get caught too right? o_O

What do the parents say after they catch you watching porno?

Do they freak out or how's their reaction towards this weird behavior?

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Guest moonk379

umm let me set the situation up.. it was around like 1 am w/e and i was at a party and i called her and told her how i felt but she was wit a group of ppl hangin out somewhere and told me she'll talk to me later or somethin .. then couple days later she told my friend why i would say that i liked her and act like i didn't say ne thing so um... wats goin through her mind?

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Guest Offspring89

Your boobs. Do you ladies know when we're looking at your chest? If so, what is it like? Do you ever feel like yelling at us? Or do you find it flattering?

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Guest misocrazy
LOL I'm surprised.question.why do women put protection and wealth before love?hence the fellas that flash their material and being at the gym.
Um. I don't. My boyfriend's a bum. But he loves me and I love him. Not all women are like that. I actually want to be the successful one that brings home the bacon while my husband stays at home, cooks, cleans, takes care of the kids, massage my feet after I come back from work, and gives me some good sex. And I mean good DAMMIT!
Do girls get caught watching porno from their parents?please answer my question, girls.
I've never been caught.
Your boobs. Do you ladies know when we're looking at your chest? If so, what is it like? Do you ever feel like yelling at us? Or do you find it flattering?
Usually. Uh...I don't care if they do just don't make it too obvious and awkward. Depends if you're an old, perverted man. It'd be flattering if you were hot.
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Guest 강유미

강유미-Hmm well I've never gotten caught watching porn but at times my parents are very distrustful of the internet and they try to barge into my room unannounced to "catch" me viewing/doing something inappropriate..in a way they freak out before they even know what's going on -.-


When they are trying to unannouncingly CATCH you doing something inappropriate like masturbation.. do they look at you differently or treat you in a pissed-off mode?
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Guest °..a²

LOL I'm surprised.


why do women put protection and wealth before love?

hence the fellas that flash their material and being at the gym.

i dont think i'd put protection before love...but i'd definitely put wealth ahead.

call me a gold digger or whatever, but i don't think love can feed you.

if i'm dating a guy, he doesn't have to be rich or anything, but i just hope to god

he has a car. cause i don't want to have to drive him around, he'd seem like such a scrub.

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Guest miss ambrosia x3

1. How come you ladies never take notice when your guy does nice things for you. But when we mess up just one time, you just can't let it go? >=T.

2. What does "I hope we can still be friends" really translate to?

3. On that note, what does "I want to wait until im married before having sex" really translate to? Me and my buddies assume its a test, but we could be wrong.

4. Would it be wierd if a guy you havent spoken to in 4-5 months started calling you and talking to you on MSN?

5. Personally, what are your views on dating younger guys?

Those questions oughtta keep you busy. ;)

1. id that that whatever you did was not good enough to be recognized. and when you mess up, you mess up big. haha.

2. it means you are mayor of friend zone.

3. ... hmm. im not a skank?

4. it depends on why he wasnt talking to me. but yea, it would be. and then wed probably start overanalyzing it.

5. i think that its fine once youre like, 28. haha.

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Guest noodl3zx izxd0pe

Your boobs. Do you ladies know when we're looking at your chest? If so, what is it like? Do you ever feel like yelling at us? Or do you find it flattering?

Yes we do notice ; Its kinna awkward to me mostly if its an old guy . Thats js disgustingg . I usually js look back at them like " WDF are you looking at ? " & they look away . Sometimes, if im in a bad mood, ill just say that aloud right to them . Its pretty funny to see their reactions . . hehe .

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1. How come you ladies never take notice when your guy does nice things for you. But when we mess up just one time, you just can't let it go? >=T.

2. What does "I hope we can still be friends" really translate to?

3. On that note, what does "I want to wait until im married before having sex" really translate to? Me and my buddies assume its a test, but we could be wrong.

4. Would it be wierd if a guy you havent spoken to in 4-5 months started calling you and talking to you on MSN?

5. Personally, what are your views on dating younger guys?

Those questions oughtta keep you busy. ;)

1. I take notice of it.. but then I just forget it. And by messing up, it's more easier to tease about that rather than tease about the nice things you guys did.

2. That we can still be friends.. quite literally.

3. I don't take it as a test. For me, I'm willing to wait, unless i'm really ready and in love.

4. Nope. Unless it's in the stalkerish zone, then I'd be worried, haha.

5. Depends on how younger. Personally I don't like to date younger guys. (:

Your boobs. Do you ladies know when we're looking at your chest? If so, what is it like? Do you ever feel like yelling at us? Or do you find it flattering?

Yes, I can tell when you guys do that. I feel quite violated LOL. If it's as a joke, then I wouldn't mind AS MUCH... but i still find it very rude.

What turns you ON, girls?



and the guy's humour. (:

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Guest _Melody

umm let me set the situation up.. it was around like 1 am w/e and i was at a party and i called her and told her how i felt but she was wit a group of ppl hangin out somewhere and told me she'll talk to me later or somethin .. then couple days later she told my friend why i would say that i liked her and act like i didn't say ne thing so um... wats goin through her mind?

Maybe she thought u were drunk? ..so when you told her you liked her she completley ignored it...or...I guess she can be confused? cause its all to sudden so she doesnt know how to react...Or maybe... she just really wants to avoid confrontation? and wants to stay friends..

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Guest michele17
Q. Do ugly girls get married or they plan to live as a single for the rest of their lives?Q. Why do girls have so many secrets?Q. Why are girls meaner, when they're pretty?Q. Why are girls materialistic?
1) thats rudeeeeeeeeeeeee. everyone wants thei fairy tale ending2) we have just as many secrets as guys, its just girls gossip so its more involved3) because they think they can get away with it4) a mystery of science
hmmm nice thread =] but yeah lets see wat is the most likely thing a girl is thinkin when you tell her how you feel about her sayin you like her and stuff but she says she wants to talk about it later cuz shes busy doin stuff?
either its awkward for her, or shes not interested...or then again, maybe she really isjust busy. depends on the girl
LOL I'm surprised.question.why do women put protection and wealth before love?hence the fellas that flash their material and being at the gym.
ok. i dun think that its we put stuff before love, but theres got to be attraction, a sense of security, and knowledge of who the guy is BEFORE we can think about falling in love with them. relationships are like staircases: it takes lots of steps to reach the top. =]
1. How come you ladies never take notice when your guy does nice things for you. But when we mess up just one time, you just can't let it go? >=T.2. What does "I hope we can still be friends" really translate to?3. On that note, what does "I want to wait until im married before having sex" really translate to? Me and my buddies assume its a test, but we could be wrong.4. Would it be wierd if a guy you havent spoken to in 4-5 months started calling you and talking to you on MSN?5. Personally, what are your views on dating younger guys?Those questions oughtta keep you busy. ;)
1)well that lady must be crazyyyyy. girls appreciate nice things u guys do for us, we just dot always let it show haha. umm, and thats cause we always have to be right.2)its her way of saying she feels guilty about not wanting to be more than friends with u, and its her way of compensating3)its just her lifestyle, and her choice4)haha just a lilll. but then again, maybe he had something come up and now hes into us5)depends how younger. a year younger is my limit.
I understand that. But nice things the guys ever done is thrown out the window whenever he screws up. Its very discouraging =(.By the way, i've got another question. However, its very personal. Would you ladies mind me PM'ing you?
if u need to PM, just holler. i'd willing to help
Do girls get caught watching porno from their parents?please answer my question, girls.
hahah. umm some girls? but i'm definitely gonna say, not as much as guys haah
What do the parents say after they catch you watching porno?Do they freak out or how's their reaction towards this weird behavior?
its the same as if a guy were caught.
What do the parents say after they catch you watching porno?Do they freak out or how's their reaction towards this weird behavior?
its the same as if a guy were caught.
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Guest DarkWaltz

1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?

Thanks. :P

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1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?

Thanks. :P

1)It depends on the girl, some would appreciate the guy more whereas some would use it to her advantage.It's the same situation with guys. But for me, yes I would take advantage but at the same time appreciate him more. Why? Cos I'm that kind of a person.

2) When the girl blushes alot around the guy, doesn't talk much when she likes to talk alot, pays extra attention to what she does infront of the guy..For the more outgoing girls, they usually initiate more body contact..is very attentive to what the guy says, talks to him alot..Initiates many personal conversations and outings..I haven't had a crush for a year so I'm really not sure already..But I remembered when my crush was inviting me to his b'day party, all I could do was just nod and my friends who were there told me my ears were very red..lol.. - _-''

3) It depends..Usually, a girl has a satelitte radar-like sort of sense..If there's hope for the guy to like her back, she'll try her best to get his attention...subtly or not depends on the girl's attitude..If there's no hope, she'll back out. And if she still likes the guy, she waits forever untill he breaks up with his gf and then try again.

4)Shallow or not, it's the looks..If the guy's average or fugly..def goes to the friend category FIRST and then comes the personality..All the girls can rebutt me on this, I don't give a damn..But if there's a hot guy and eventhough he has the "friend" personality, girls WILL fall for him eventually..Haha, I will !! Lol..

강유미 - See, when a girl is in her room alone for a long time, Parent esp Asian Parents RARELY worry over the fact that their daughter is doing something dirty..It will never ever cross their mind that their daughter is prob masturbating, watching porn etc etc bla bla.

It's like an unspoken rule programmed into their minds that girls just don't do that kind of things...hhaha..So the average percentage of parents caughting their daughters doing something like that is prob 10-20 percent only..Plus girls can cover up better than guys..hhaha..

What turns me on? Hmm..A nice set of shoulders, great looks and style, WEALTH, attentiveness and a sense of responsibility.

Haha, that's not so hard right guys? Lol.

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Guest michele17

1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?

Thanks. :P

1)some would, but i'd say the mojority wouldnt

2)always asking to hang out, calling/texting/instant messaging them/ same stuff guys do for girls when theyre hinting

3)haha thats MY situation right now. i wouldnt make the first move cause i'm a chicken. i'd want him to make it first.

4)ok, on first meeting them, i'm srry to say (but its true) that wat separates one guy from the next is how they look. but after u get to know them, and talk, thats how u separate them furreal...PERSONALITY

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Guest MoiraElla

1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

Girls like attention and they would probably take advantage of that. But I personally wouldn't, i would probably marry him LOL jk~ but yeah i appreciate consideration

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

They would probalby flirt with you and if you see them staring at you, 80% its because they like you LOL or they think you're weird or they heard something bad/funny about you o_o

I guess it's different with all different types with girls. I agree with what wasabi29 said :D

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

Some girls would wait forever until he does or just move on assuming that he doesnt. I would risk myself and ask him out, but its different since we're different. I guess it depends on the perosnality of the girl ^o^

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?

AHHH that's a good question !

I think if the guy was a potential friend and moving into the friend zone, she would probably talk to you and that's about it. LIke sure you guys will go out on group dates or she'll see you as the first person that she might go to when she needs help, laugh with you about stuff and stuff but when she does those stuff, they only mean FRIENDSHIP. like they don't mean as much as they would to guys that they want as boyfriends but that's it for as a friend. but for a potential boyfriends, she will more feelings to him than a friend so she'll probably do more than that, she'll flirt and do more stuff o_o its a hard question LOL i hope you get what i mean

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