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Guest mtrgl7

Your boobs. Do you ladies know when we're looking at your chest? If so, what is it like? Do you ever feel like yelling at us? Or do you find it flattering?

If you are hot, that's fine. If you are not hot, I'll just want to kick your balls.

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Guest Osakagrl

If you are hot, that's fine. If you are not hot, I'll just want to kick your balls.

Really? Personally i wouldnt like if a hot or non-hot guy was staring at my boobs. I find it insulting

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Guest michele17

Really? Personally i wouldnt like if a hot or non-hot guy was staring at my boobs. I find it insulting

me tooo. a guy should be looking at ur FACE, not ur chest

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Guest Terazu

I randomly went through and just snagged a bunch of questions. XD;; Please be aware guys, that each answer isnt always how a specific girl will act. Depending on the personality, it'll vary.

And if your interested - my answers are from a tomboyish, athletic (dancer) and loving to laugh type of girl. Im also a bit more used to hanging around with guys (significantly older especially) and have no problem talking to new people.

1) What specific thing can a guy do to make your knees weak?

2) Why do you girls overanalyze things when our (guy's) intention are sincere?

3) Why do you feel the need to be correct most of the time?

4) Why do girls toss their hair? I always thought it was just bc they are bored and there's nothing better to do. But sometimes when i look @ a girl she automatically tosses her hair. Is that a sign of trying to attract more attention or :S???

5) Got another one, what do you girls think of a guy that is good with kids?

x 1 - Say something sincere about me on how much i mean to him. Physically, kiss the little spot on my neck or behind my ear.

x 2 - We arent used to it. Most of the time we have to figure out how you feel by how you act. And if you suddenly do something really sincere, we're probably thinking you did something your guilty about.

x 3 - Cause its fun. >=]

x 4 - Usually cause it gets in the way or is annoying me. I usually do it unconciously though.

x 5 - Love guys that are good with kids since i always seem to have baby cousins visiting me. And I love playing with them.

6) How can we tell if you have a bf or not? Some girls wear rings and that is an obvious sign. However, some girls wear it for fashion purposes. Also what about bracelets and necklaces?

7) If a guy you do not know but is in your class comes up to you, and asks you on a date, what are the chances of he being shot down? Consider the guy to be average looking. This question is too arbitrary and has too many factors but please ascribe an answer in the context of this SCENARIO.

8) What are common signs of disinterest girls show to a guy if he is chasing after her and she does not want it?

9) why do girls feel the need to go shopping all the time when they have a gazillon clothes in their closet when they dont even wear about 1/3 of them?

10) Exactly what do girls want in a guy?

x 6 - Either ask through the grapevine or just ask her straight up. Rings arent a clear enough indication.

x 7 - Uhm. It kinda needs to be set up a bit more for me to consider him. He has to start flirting with me or at least have talked to me to even consider saying yes. If its a random dude that i've only seen but no nothing about, i'll say no.

x 8 - uuh.. ignoring completley and utterly as if you dont exist?

x 9 - that. haha. it made me laugh. my mother periodically goes through my wardrobe and keeps throwing out my new clothes. =/. Usually during winter when all my short sleeved shirts mysteriously disappear to the salvation army, and then im screwed come summer.

x 10 - respect, trust, complete honesty. Humor, intelligence.

11) Do looks matter most?

12) How would you like for a guy to ask you out?

13) What could a guy do to make you more likely to date him?

14) If you got into a relationship with a guy what is a must in the relationship in order to prevent it from falling apart?

15) What is it that attracts you to a guy?

x 11 - Never. :)

x 12 - Straight up. romantic is nice too, but it doesnt have to be.

x 13 - not really what he would do. more or not if our personalities click.

x 14 - communication and trust. as well as honesty.

x 15 - personality, usually.

16) Do ugly girls get married or they plan to live as a single for the rest of their lives?

17) Why do girls have so many secrets?

18) Why are girls meaner, when they're pretty?

19) Why are girls materialistic?

20) How come you ladies never take notice when your guy does nice things for you. But when we mess up just one time, you just can't let it go? >=T.

x 16 - simply because you may find a girl 'ugly' doesnt mean that someone else considers her so as well. theres more to love than just looks.

x 17 - same as why guys have so many.

x 18 - depends. they may feel more alienated by people taking advantage of them because of their looks or fed up with society in general. or they may just be very weak in their self confidence.

x 19 - not all girls are. your sterotyping.

x 20 - I usually at least say thanks, or give him a hug. And usually if im really mad. I distance myself to cool myself down and then if it really isnt worth pursuing, just forget about it.

21) What does "I hope we can still be friends" really translate to?

22) On that note, what does "I want to wait until im married before having sex" really translate to? Me and my buddies assume its a test, but we could be wrong.

23) Would it be wierd if a guy you havent spoken to in 4-5 months started calling you and talking to you on MSN?

24) Personally, what are your views on dating younger guys?

x 21 - i hope we can be acquaintances... ehh..depends on the girl x guy and the situation

x 22 - its a personal choice. for me, i'd rather just avoid getting pregnant at a time when im sincerley not ready for it.

x 23 - if there was a reason for not speaking. i suppose. but i think if it conversation was to be re-initiated it should be first done in person.

x 24 - hahah.. this made me smile since i know a few younger guys that have crushes on me. Uhm, its another personal choice, but i'm

more for guys that are older since they are usually more mature and less annoying.

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Guest DarkWaltz

I'll copy paste what I wrote in the other thread to this one, since this one is way more checked.


Let's say a girl and a guy take the same bus and metro almost everyday to go to work, morning and evening. They see each other maybe every 2 days on the public transportation.

How would the guy approach the girl that seems interesting, though they don't even know each other?

If you girls were THE girl, how would you like to be approached by the guy on the bus or the metro? What would be appropriate?

When they both get off the metro, they both take a short walk up the stairs also together for a good 5 minutes.

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I'll copy paste what I wrote in the other thread to this one, since this one is way more checked.


Let's say a girl and a guy take the same bus and metro almost everyday to go to work, morning and evening. They see each other maybe every 2 days on the public transportation.

How would the guy approach the girl that seems interesting, though they don't even know each other?

If you girls were THE girl, how would you like to be approached by the guy on the bus or the metro? What would be appropriate?

When they both get off the metro, they both take a short walk up the stairs also together for a good 5 minutes.

A simple Hi or hello would be sufficient enough, then you ask her questions like "I noticed we go to the same workplace, so which department are you at?" etc etc bla bla.


I'd prob be a lil shocked when a stranger approaches me, so you must remember to keep your distance. Take things slowly.

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1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?

Thanks. :P

1. I would not try to manipulate such a boy into buying things or doing things for me, but I probably wouldn't object if he did it on his own ;) Girls in general like that attention and respect they get when they're in control of a potential (or maybe just potential in the guy's head) relationship. A guy like this..if I don't already think he's cute/funny, would have a very hard time convincing me that he's desirable as a bf simply because of how vulnerable he is in his position. Sorry! =X

2. Physical contact (of course!), a big smile on her face when she talks to you and lots of laughing (to show she enjoys your company and wants you to see what a fun happy person she is!), and if she asks you a lot of romance related questions ('So what's your ideal girl?' or 'Hey, take these 10 personality quizzes!').

3. Most likely, the girl would NOT go out on a limb and ask the guy out if she was not 90% sure of his affirmative answer. She finds this out by asking her friends to ask your friends, setting up the perfect occasion, planning for a long time, etc. OR maybe she never wants to ask a guy out and believes you should make the first move...then the ball is in your court =P

4. When I first meet a guy, he immediately goes into either friend zone or potential bf zone because of appearance and confidence level. If a shy but really cute guy starts talking to me, they might be in 'limbo' for a short while (and I mean SHORT! rofl). Of course, all girls have their preferences when it comes to appearance, but the confidence thing is just always a winner haha it's in the way you walk and talk and tell jokes and interact with your friends (yes, we're watching you when you're with a group to test these things).

Let's say a girl and a guy take the same bus and metro almost everyday to go to work, morning and evening. They see each other maybe every 2 days on the public transportation.

How would the guy approach the girl that seems interesting, though they don't even know each other?

If you girls were THE girl, how would you like to be approached by the guy on the bus or the metro? What would be appropriate?

When they both get off the metro, they both take a short walk up the stairs also together for a good 5 minutes.

Chances are she's noticed the guy on the bus from all the times they've been on it together, so it won't be as awkward as if they were seeing eachother for the first time (who knows, maybe she even thinks he's cute!). Early in the ride, he should probably ask to sit next to her (they should start talking early, not late in the ride/walk because that makes him seem like he was nervous and planning it the whole time LOL). Then he should comment about how they seem to be going to the same place, and ask about her job, then tell about his own. If they get along (like she's showing positive signs, laughing, playing with hair..) that's great and the guy should do the same thing again the next time they meet. This time it's harder because there's no obvious conversation topic..figure something out (current event, stuff going on around the city, whatever)! Then depending on how interested she is(if it just isn't the right time yet, WAIT), the guy should make the move here to ask her to meet up for coffee or lunch..if she gives an excuse, ask for her number to try and plan something later. Now I don't know how seriously you want to take my advice, this has NEVER happened to me or anyone I know.......I was just spelling out what would probably get ME to like you in that situation =)


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1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?

Thanks. :P

1. take advantage of the guy ???

2. It depends on the girl. For me, an outgoing girl, i flirt with the guy, talk to him, punch him in the arm and stuff =)

3. It depends.. because i know that I myself send wrong signals sometimes. If you would really like to know, a good way is to ask a friend to ask if they see you with more emotions/feelings than just a friend.

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Guest sugarjeong
1) Why do girls toss their hair? I always thought it was just bc they are bored and there's nothing better to do. But sometimes when i look @ a girl she automatically tosses her hair. Is that a sign of trying to attract more attention or :S??? 2) How can we tell if you have a bf or not? Some girls wear rings and that is an obvious sign. However, some girls wear it for fashion purposes. Also what about bracelets and necklaces? 3) If a guy you do not know but is in your class comes up to you, and asks you on a date, what are the chances of he being shot down? Consider the guy to be average looking. This question is too arbitrary and has too many factors but please ascribe an answer in the context of this SCENARIO.4) What are common signs of disinterest girls show to a guy if he is chasing after her and she does not want it?thanks for easing my curious mind. :D
1) its an international sign for "im interested" 2) ooo thats hard. u'll just have to ask them 3) i would consider it after a short conversation. i advise not to ask out immediately.. a little joke or something funny before and at the end u ask out4) common signs... hm well u can test it out if u move closer to the girl and the girl either flinches or moves away thats a big sign
umm let me set the situation up.. it was around like 1 am w/e and i was at a party and i called her and told her how i felt but she was wit a group of ppl hangin out somewhere and told me she'll talk to me later or somethin .. then couple days later she told my friend why i would say that i liked her and act like i didn't say ne thing so um... wats goin through her mind?
she def likes and is wondering why u said that to her and didn't do anything about it
Your boobs. Do you ladies know when we're looking at your chest? If so, what is it like? Do you ever feel like yelling at us? Or do you find it flattering?
yes we no when u are staring at our chest. its very unflattering. the last time it happened i felt humilated and disgusted.
What turns you ON, girls?
charmand if a guy can be witty and carry a conversation. :)
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Guest lily-chan

one more question.

Why do women wanna change their attitude around you but is okay with everybody else?

I was friends with one girl and everything was all good (never got her pissed off or anything).

After winter break, she started ignoring me everytime I came around. At different times she would sigh, leave me in dust when I asked questions, and then I got the message.

So I lef her alone.When I did that, it seem like didn't exist to her and she was a lot more open to other people.

This is weird... I can't really have a conclusion for this because I don't have enough details. Maybe you did something without noticing... =/

umm let me set the situation up.. it was around like 1 am w/e and i was at a party and i called her and told her how i felt but she was wit a group of ppl hangin out somewhere and told me she'll talk to me later or somethin .. then couple days later she told my friend why i would say that i liked her and act like i didn't say ne thing so um... wats goin through her mind?

Have you called her back to talk about it? Maybe that's all she's waiting for.

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Guest touche`

Your boobs. Do you ladies know when we're looking at your chest? If so, what is it like? Do you ever feel like yelling at us? Or do you find it flattering?

Yes, us ladies DO know when you guys stare at our chest. It's quite annoying and YES, I do yell at guys for staring at them.

I do not find it flatter at all. Some other girls find it flattering because they have bigger chest? o_O

What turns you ON, girls?

What turn us on? It all depends on girls but I would say how the way guys touch me (err, not those dirrty thoughts).

1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?


1. personally, if the girl find the guy very nice, it's more of a take advantage, not because of weak-minded.

2. Most sign that I know is by blushing around him or by giving hints when talking to him...There are "secrets" word in the conversation that she lets him know.

3. haha, most girl prefer the old ways, waiting for him to make a move. But certainly, this is 21 century and most girl make the move.

4. As for me, the kind of traits that I know is that I don't see him as a brother. Most guy friend are seen as a brother to me. Like, we beat box and etc.

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Guest miss ambrosia x3

1) Do most girls like to take advantage of a guy when they see him as weak-minded, or when the guy loves her much more than her? (asking him to do this for her, buy her this, etc.)

2) What are some hints girls would give to guys to tell them they like them?

3) If a girl would like a guy, and she's not sure he likes her back, would you risk yourself and ask him out? Or would you just wait forever until he makes a move?

4) And, finally, the MOST important question. What kind of traits separate a guy from being a potential friend, than a guy being a potential boyfriend? In other words, how can you tell when you first meet a guy if he'll go into the friend zone, or the boyfriend one?

Thanks. :P

1. hmm, it varies among girls.. as for me, i would take advantage of him if i hated him. mhmm.

2. i stare at them. a lot. like, for a very very very long time. hahaha.

3. i would say most girls dont like to make the move unless they have the self-confidence to do it. they might wait until a certain extent... and get tired of waiting... and give up.

4. verrry nice question. depends on whether or not hes hot for me. and it also depends on his status as a boyfriend material deemed by other girls and friends.

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Guest Overclocked

to the boob question, how come when a girl wears revealing clothes and catches a guy looking at the parts she highlights and reveals on purpose she gets insulted or annoyed, but her main intention of those clothes was to make us look in the first place.

how come girls ask us to respect their opinion but when they hear our opinion they freak out and call us stupid?

call me a gold digger or whatever,

you're a gold digger.

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Guest michele17

to the boob question, how come when a girl wears revealing clothes and catches a guy looking at the parts she highlights and reveals on purpose she gets insulted or annoyed, but her main intention of those clothes was to make us look in the first place.

how come girls ask us to respect their opinion but when they hear our opinion they freak out and call us stupid?

1)cause girls want to look GOOD, but they want the guy to appreciate them as a whole, not just boobs

2)well, i dun do that...so idk? maybe shes just teasing?

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Guest 강유미

If I kissed a girl when she's just my friend, do I have to go out with her because I kissed her?

Is it okay if I act like nothing happened the next day?

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Guest ultaeja

If I kissed a girl when she's just my friend, do I have to go out with her because I kissed her?

Is it okay if I act like nothing happened the next day?

Well, what kind of kiss was it? -_-? No, you don't have to go out with her, but it's mean of you to kiss her and lead her on if she does like you, and DO NOT--- NO, NEVER act as if nothing happened the next day. That's just plain cruel.

edit// I agree with the poster below me ^^;; (xt1naaa)

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Guest xt1naaa

If I kissed a girl when she's just my friend, do I have to go out with her because I kissed her?

Is it okay if I act like nothing happened the next day?

You dont HAVE to go out with her, because no one is forcing you to.

But most likely, she thought that kiss meant something, and is waiting for your response. And if you just act like nothing happened and don't ask her out, then she probably will eventually let it go. But you should talk to her about it, and make sure that your not leading her on or something.

i dunno, thats what i think

but this is a tricky case...

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If I kissed a girl when she's just my friend, do I have to go out with her because I kissed her?

Is it okay if I act like nothing happened the next day?

Well, if your in america, sometimes, ppl just do it for fun. It depends on what kind of friendship you guys have. If you guys have a really close relationship.. u should talk about it with her. Just because you kissed her doesnt mean you have to go for it. Unless you want to. Talk about it with her !

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Guest 강유미

My ex-gf was a very cruel person and really messed up the image of a girl...

Do you think I have to move on and look towards the bright side?

Or.. keep freaking out whenever I see girls and look down on them all the time?

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