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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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Guest prosperity

@kiklamino you too?


Let me just say that LG and OSIM Diva are my favorite non Korean CFs. I have loved all the LG pics and the Osim Diva commercial >>>>>>
@adamfever I am enjoying that part of the interview. I figured the language barrier is the reason he hasn't done an American film, but I also love that they are considering it. An American blockbuster would be a great comeback film after the army IMO.

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  hahaha,Who is not??
 My wish for LMH  would be a combination of professional success and personal happiness.
I want him to be recognized and respected in his field from the top directors and actors  .
But all that should be accompanied with personal happiness and having next to him a person who loves him,respects him,encouraged him,completes him and be there for good and bad times.Because at the end of the day when you close the door behind you  are just a person who needs a human hug
  -and I do not mean a hug from members of your family-.
  That's all for tonight chingus.
Good night

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Thank you @adamfever‌ for posting the Eng trans of Starhaus CEO's interview. Now I understand why there was backlash from K-Minoz when the interview first came out. Although it's understandable that tone and message were business-oriented, his statements lacked the sensitivity and respect for the man who singlehandedly brought his company's name to the forefront of the Korean and Asian entertainment industry. Statements on business strategies and plans were expressed as if Minho did not have a say in them. I choose to think that when he said "we", this included Minho because none of these strategies and plans would have happened if Minho didn't choose to do them or worked hard to succeed in them. However, he did not give due credit to MinHo's perspective nor ideas when he talked about them. I agree with the K-Minoz' assessment that this man still treats Minho as if he was still 17 yo. As someone who heads a company that is used to deal with media, this CEO should have shown more finesse and long-term vision in his interview.

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Guest Moonrain



Cr: cksl1105 @ Naver blogFr: ohchloe
LMH is sizzling hot in this mag. I wanna buy! Thank you L'Officiel Hommes for taking full advantage of Minho's hotness ^:)^

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These are new pics of EIDER? Oh my~~ Minho looks really handsome in these pics :x Our Handsome Prince~ (feel like cheating on 1st hubby..Mianhae Ilwoo yaa~ You know it's not my first time hahaha..It's always because of Minho your BFF, i become two-timer for 5 years LOL )



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Guest jellylovesfaith

more pics from L'officiel! He looks so hot!!!oh whoops this was already posted. sorry :( I'll make amends with this 

his crying scenes are so heartfelt and beautiful... they really have improved form his BOF days  cr: Dramafever 

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Guest jellylovesfaith


I know this is somewhat different (and maybe even a little off-topic) from the normal throwbacks but I couldn't resist doing this post! I have had the urge to do this for so long because, honestly, the OSTs matter a great deal when it comes to giving you the feels. Any good drama needs to have a great soundtrack to make it a good unforgettable drama (coz yunno, just being good is like so last season). And since we do talk a great deal in length about Minho’s dramas and their quality, songs are kind of related too right? So here goes. Top 10 of the best songs from Minho’s dramas. (Excluding the one's that Minho sings because let's give the other songs a fighting chance okay? and I'll only post pics because if i post the vids it limits the word count) oh yeah and the pics may not be exactly from the precise ost. 

10. Faith Mane Theme – Faith


The main theme of Faith is somewhat like a guilty pleasure of mine which is why I had to, absolutely HAD to include it somewhere in this list. It doesn’t have any words to it (unless you count the church choir type background vocals which manage to convey a mysterious and somehow surreal atmosphere) but it is certainly not lacking in terms of emotion. Each part of this beautifully melodious piece (which strangely sounds similar to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme (He’s a Pirate), which just proves how awesome it is), is   made to give you the shrills just as much as the thrills. The fact that it always comes around when Daejang is doing something super important like making decisions between loyalty to his king and loyalty to his heart, or yunno just slaying a bunch of guys so dramatically, with his terminator face on (which is by far the hottest thing on earth), at the exact second the song climaxes, just makes me appreciate the full blow this song gives me every time (no really it’s like a cannon ball aimed directly into your chest). It gets my hopes up and my sense of patriotism (ironically to a country I’ve never even been too) super high and gives me the spine tingling feels, and then dashes it all in a flash the moment it ends (and it usually ends with a very serious/sorrowful/mournful/’I kinda want to die now’ Daejang). So all in all, this song just gives me the MAJOR FEELS…

9. Because I’m stupid – (SS501) – Boys Over Flowers


It kind of feels like a lullaby mixed in with a little pop music here and there and every time I hear this I immediately get happy. It’s such a cute and fluffy song that can stir your heartstrings, especially when it’s used in the drama. It’s I guess another ‘feel inducing’ song and the fact that it’s super catchy and melodious certainly helps to make it stick in your head for an entire week. What I really like though, is the title. Because I’m Stupid should have been the anthem of BOF instead of Almost Paradise because really nearly 99% of the time, everyone was just bonkers, doing crazy silly things that normal people wouldn’t even imagine of doing. And well, GJP does have his really stupid moments (which somehow become totally ‘awwww’ inducing, absolutely adorkable moments – how Minho does it is entirely a mystery of the universe).

8. Creating Love (4minute) – Personal Taste and Cupid (Girls’ Day) – City Hunter



It really is a tie between these two. They are both so fluffy and catchy and your typical chick flick sing-along songs which make them even more fun to listen to time and time again. I love it when both these songs are on for different reasons. With Creating Love, I adore how it sets the scene into lighter and more bubbly contexts (because PT did get a little serious and dramatic sometimes *cough* Jinho becoming broody Jinho towards eps 15-16 *cough*) and it felt as if we were given a bit of a breather in between the drama. With Cupid…well…the first question I want to ask is, why is there a song called Cupid in a show called City Hunter?  My sheer love for the song stems from this question. I mean how fantastically ridiculous is it that one moment LYS is the thug-beating complete badass the next this song pops up with its ‘Hello, hello you shiny boy!!!!!” lyrics and all of a sudden LYS turns into a bumbling dork? It’s so cute! And just absurd at the same time. I mean, we are calling a man with nerves of steel, who is a defender of justice, and has literally beaten the daylights out of people without so much as a drop of sweat, a ‘shiny’ boy in the most girlish way possible. And he actually looks the part, every time the song goes on. Result = comedy so ridiculously funny that it’s better than any joke ever.

7. I’m saying – (Lee Hong Ki) – The Heirs


I’m saying this song should have been used waaaay more often in the whole drama because it was fantastic! Despite all its shortcomings I do have to say this about The Heirs – it has a superb OST. None of the songs became too repetitive (to the point where I almost wished they were, because almost all of them were absolutely beautiful) and all of them packed the emotional punch it was meant to give. I’m Saying was one of my favourites from the very moment I heard it because it’s such a hyped up, feel good song. And although they didn’t use it much (it felt like they hardly used it at all for the last episodes – other than of course the very last one) it still managed to remain in my head for quite some time. It light and upbeat – sort of in the way Kim Tan would want his future life to be, all uncomplicated and fun - and it’s a song that brings about the climax of the chorus exactly when it needs to. Plus the instrumental of this song is equally lovely. My only qualm about this song is that I wanted more of it. MOAR!


6.  Serendipity (2Young) and Love Is…(Bromance) – The Heirs


Aaaah Serendipity… you really are a serendipitously beautiful song aren’t you? I have no idea what the song’s lyrics are but honestly, it doesn’t seem to matter. The moment I heard this song (I think it was in ep 4 when Tanny decided to pack off and head to Korea in that montage scene)  I fell madly in love with it. It was so beautiful and so soft yet powerful at the same time. It made the whole American part of the series into an actual Midsummer night’s dream because of its breezy and soft melody and also made me like Tanny more. I’m not entirely sure why but I think it’s because I secretly though that this was Tanny’s song yunno? It never really popped up much in the series (complete waste of a perfectly amazing song IMO) but I’m glad they at least put it on repeat for the last episode. And then of course there was Love Is. This song was literally what the show was about most of the time. About how hard love can be, about how painful it can be to bear (especially if it’s unrequited) and this incredibly romantic song was absolutely wonderful to listen whilst seeing how all our characters – especially Tan – developed into becoming more understanding, giving, considerate and brave in their love for one another.  I especially liked this song during the air kiss when only it’s instrumental was playing. That scene coupled with this song, made me fall a lot harder for Tan than I intended to. But then of course he had to go all aggressive alpha male on the rooftop so there went that love.

5. It’s alright -  (Yang Hwa Jin) - City Hunter


This is literally my jam! I luff this song so much! It’s jam packed with awesome vocals and instrumentals and every time this song pops up my love for LYS sky-rockets. Every good hero needs an addictive anthem to pump up his adrenaline (or at least the viewer’s adrenaline) and boy didn’t they just strike gold with this song? It’s so fast paced and catchy that it gets stuck in your head along with the memory of LYS’s most epic moments. I love songs like that. They are more than just songs; they are part of a greater more captivating moment. And this is certainly one the best songs in the series.

4. Love is the moooooooooooooment – (Changmin) – The Heirs


Every time this song came up I was living in the moooooooooooooment and my feels level went into *about to hyperventilate due to extreme feels, keep phone in hand to call 911 immediately mode*. I’m not even kidding, I LOVED this song! It came up everytime Tanny and ES looked/hugged/ran towards each other and honestly, that moooooooooooooment would not be the same without Love Is the moooooooooooooment. This song was capable of doing what Almost Paradise did, without really being over the top (nothing, nothing in this entire universe can be as over-the-top as Almost Paradise. Nothing!). It is such a dramatic and heartfelt song that managed to make all the emotion within Tanny eyes hit the viewer even harder.

3. Carry On – (Ali) – Faith


Faith was a drama that gave me the emotional punch in epic proportions and this song played a major role in making every moment just right. It a very modernistic song almost to the point where it seems out of place with the setting yet, at the same time, it feels so right to have this song in the series. Ali is a powerful singer and she manages to put in deep emotion to this song, but what I really love about this is song, is the moments that it represents. They are the moments of longing, of love, of a deep and everlasting bond that cannot be broken by trivial matters like time, of sadness, of yearning, of desperation, of love and most importantly, of faith. The fact that this song is titled ‘Carry On’, is so poignant. It’s kind of like what the entire show is about as well (other than the whole ‘having faith’ aspect ). Because really, this show ends with a warrior who carries on waiting for 5 years for his beloved to return without knowing that she might be dead or alive and also about a woman who had the courage to carry on having faith in her man and the life they could lead together. This makes the song, the context in which it is used in, and also the entire show, ever the more beautiful. And admit it, every time this song came, didn’t you just feel your heart breaking into a million pieces for the Imja couple?

2. Suddenly (Kim Bo Kyung) – City Hunter


If I remember correctly (which would be a huge achievement on my part) this song first came up when LYS was about to kiss a sleeping (or was she really?) Kim Nana and having come *thisclose* to her face, that stupid phone of his rang (boo phone! You big meanie!!). I was so absorbed in that perfect moment that at first I didn’t realize that it was an entirely new song. Then I watched that part again and well… the song won me over completely. This one is incredibly romantic in the best way possible. It’s so mesmerizing this song… like a feast for your ears. And it always manages to bring back images of LYS’s and Kim Nana’s epic love story in a montage like fashion. Out of this entire list, this is by far my absolute favourite and the funny thing is, even though I don’t understand half of it (okay who am I kidding, it’s all Greek to me), this is one of those songs that are somehow not lost in translation. You are caught up in the moment and what a breathtakingly serine moment it is :x Btw, how awesome is the photo cover for the OST? I love this picture (even though it really doesn’t really hold much connection with the actual plot) I like the idea of angel Kim Nana taking one for the team and releasing LYS to fight a bit of evil and give heart attacks to girls everywhere. And LYS? Wow hot does the guy look when he’s falling down to the city is protecting? Such awesomeness, this pic.


1. Almost Paradise – (T-Max) – Boys Over Flowers


 You can’t talk about Minho songs without mentioning this. Ever. You could try but it’ll end in failure. And you know it. This song just brings about the best and the worst in me (and I guess a few million others). It drives you mad by the fact that it’s everywhere in the show. The moment you’re given a breather without it, BAM! It comes blasting out again. Yet, at the same time, it’s that awesome song that is just so addictive to listen to so you secretly love it anyway. It’s a love-hate relationship with this song just as much as it’s a love-hate relationship between the viewer and BOF. It was like the anthem for the F4 when they did something ridiculously rich, ridiculously grand, ridiculously insane or just plain ridiculous and I guess you sort of bonded with the song just as you bonded with the characters. As a matter of fact, I’d argue that this song actually was - in its own right – a character in the show. Why else would it have to pop up like EVERYWHERE? Either way whether you love to death or loath it with the fire of a thousand suns, one thing is sure: you will definitely know it and you won’t ever forget it – the almighty Gu Jun Pyo made sure of that :P 


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Guest jellylovesfaith

awww Minho and Minomi! Minomi and Minho! so kawai!
i can just imagine Minho saying 'I am Minomi and Minomi is me!" lol how adorable would that be? 
and how sweet is it that Minomi has a flower too? aww this pic is just blasting with cuteness! (all we need now if Choco in a woodalchi costume and we are all set :P ) cr: as tagged 

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Guest jellylovesfaith

I'm beginning to see the appeal of Minho having 2 sons now :P

Just imagine tiny little Minho babies! the world would be overloaded with cuteness! 
cr: owner 

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