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credit: Noor90

I like his neat haircut. I love his cool loose button-down shirt that fits his upper body so nicely. I love his pants. They look like the kind of pants a nice, clean-shaven gentleman would wear. I just love how these pants hug his slim hips. I love his hand in his pocket, showing a watch on his muscular toned arm. I love his gaze. I love how his lips are parted slightly, revealing a hint of his teeth.

Me right now:


credit: emzie-boy


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On 8/17/2017 at 8:42 PM, Noor90 said:

I can't tell u & how I missed him so much 

Anyway gy was live in instagram he was shy hiding from the camera & I still can't believe it ^_^


Aww! Looks like he had so much fun.

Oh! GY was trying to hide from the camera!

GY fans reaction to GY hiding:


credit: mhysachan


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@tok-soompi thank u for updates , it seems GY likes this striped  t-shirt he wore it many times in Asus CF , in livestream , going to restaurant and finally in this video thanking fans :D

@2handsintertwined i'm so glad GY had fun with his team , they're like his family not only his staff , he's so tall of course we can see him ^_^


it seems GY has new friend now MC " Mickey Huang" , He's praising GY in his Facebook account :wub: but i can't understand it well . Anyway i love their chemistry together , it seems GY had So much fun with him 






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hi yoo gals how's your weekend ?

yes he is so tall his socks is often exposed. poor GY.
he is so funny to signal to host Mickey to ask if he did ok. 

the translator said that he want to hurry and choose his next work.
but it's ok for me if he did not try to keep that promise.

just hwaiting ahjussi :wink:

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On 8/19/2017 at 7:51 AM, Noor90 said:

i'm so glad GY had fun with his team , they're like his family not only his staff , he's so tall of course we can see him ^_^


On 8/19/2017 at 7:51 AM, Noor90 said:

it seems GY has new friend now MC " Mickey Huang" , He's praising GY in his Facebook account :wub: but i can't understand it well . Anyway i love their chemistry together , it seems GY had So much fun with him 

I'm glad GY made a new friend! 

Yes! In the instagram video I think it looks like his staff is his family, not just his staff too! Yep, he's so tall we can see him! I think he's such a cutie play hide-and-seek! Aww! I think he's so playful. I want to play with him :blush:. Maybe I could run my fingers through his hair? I think he has such nice hair. I think it's so thick and beautiful. 

I love discovery for styling him perfectly in every photoshoot too! They really know how to dress that amazing body of his. Every part of his body is perfect. So it deserves some perfect clothes. Legs, thighs, arms, chest, stomach, hips. All perfect. And his butt is so cute! I saw it in the airport photos @Noor90 posted! I was like, "Look at your cute little butt!" :grin:. Does he need a spanking? :bawling:

Well, everyone my weekend is great! Lots of GY pictures to look at :)

The translator said GY wants to hurry and  choose his next work?!

I am jumping for joy!

I thought about it, and I really really want him to choose his next work, soon :(

But, I also agree with you guys. If he doesn't try to keep that promise, I think it's okay with me too.

I'll probably change my mind later, and go, "I miss you so much, handsome!"

I guess I've grown up a little over the weekend.

I just love this guy so much. Very loveable man. Very adorable man. Very sexy man. Very charming man.

So funny! I hope his pants are stretchable too. Honestly, I wonder how he got all of that into those pants. I think they look a little tight around his butt. But he made it work!

I think he should remove the pants, and the shirt, and let us see what he's hiding underneath his clothes!

I'd  be right there throwing money at him!

I know he looks good! Needs to let us see :D

Hey, GY was in someone's instagram video right? Can he be in it again? But this time can he strip off his clothes? I'm sure all of us would be so happy! 

So here's what I think.

I think the thing about GY is he doesn't just have a nice body. I think he has a nice face too! So I think he is perfect from head-to-toe. I'm not saying other men have nice bodies but don't have nice faces, I was just specifically talking about him.

Love both of his CFs. In the first one he's running, looking all beautiful! But the second one i can't love because I'm jealous. Sorry! I don't care if you throw rocks at me. I admitted it.

I'm a shipper and I could barely watch it. Yes, I am! Ok! But didn't you guys already know I was GY's shipper? I know we can't talk about shipping in his page, but my shipper heart was broken. I'm sure it broke a lot shipper's hearts! Stay strong! Anyway, the actress is from Indonesia? Well, she is very pretty and I think she did a good job in the CF. No hate! :blush:


Since we all love how Discovery dresses him.


credit: yourlovelybias

It's nice and tight! Showing off that beautiful chest and torso!

I wonder what he's doing right now, and I wonder where he is? Is he okay? :D 

When will we see him again? :( 

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credit: yang_yu_yeo

Miss you, my love. I'll try to be a good fan and let you take your time to choose your next project. It's going to be hard, but I'll try. And I'll just scream internally! You have no idea how much i want to see your pretty face everyday. You have no idea how much I want to see what you are up to at this very moment. You have no idea how much I want to talk to you on the phone :). I want to hear your voice. I know I can't. I know that's just a dream. You have no idea how much I want to be close to you. I just want to hug you. Sometimes I find myself reaching out for you, but you're not there. I know I sound silly, but it's just the way I feel. I miss you. I miss you. I need you. I want to be there for you when you are sad. I want to know your fears and worries. I'll try to be good to you, and wait for you. It's like I see you and I ask, "When will I see you again? I want to hold onto this moment forever, but I know you're going to leave" :(. I want you to take a selfie with your two cats. I want you to take a selfie before you go to bed. I want a lot of things from you, and I feel pathetic. I don't think you owe me anything. I just want too much from you. I'm sorry. I'm not being supportive and I'm not being good to you. I'll try to do better. I don't look like a real fan because I keep asking things of you. I just want to say thank you for entertaining me through your work. As I type this, it's bringing tears to my eyes. I will stand by you, and I will wait on you to come back to me. And when you do, I will smile. I love you so much.

A lot of fans got to hug you, and I wish that was me. This is the best I can do,

*gives you a virtual hug, and hugs you really tight*


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On 8/17/2017 at 10:52 PM, isabelly said:

hahaha so funny  livee in instagram...he looks so young and happy!!^_^

I agree! I'm going to add to that. I also think he looks innocent. I'm a little worried because he's so innocent. I think usually innocent people have been hurt/abused in some kind of way. Thoughts? You think someone hurt/abused him? I also sent you a PM about this. If you don't want to talk about it here I understand. I'm not trying to start a rumor. Just really concerned about him. I'm really curious about why he is so playful too. Another thing, why is he so shy about cameras? 

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