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14 hours ago, Noor90 said:

 Han Ji min refused 3 dramas , of course her fans so sad cuz they want to see her in drama but respect her choice @tok-soompi can describe these feelings better than me 



We fan there kind of expected as Ji Min usually took 2 to 3 years to choose a drama but everytime when we hear drama casting news, we all geared with high hopes.  But if she decline, we will just sigh but respect her decision.

We do have some surprise happy note just like GY surprise us with quality CF.  Han Ji Min is going to reunite with Lee Seo Jin and Eric in a variety show.  Somewhere describe Han Ji Min and Lee Seo jin are Tom and Jerry in the show.  Hopefully in future we can see Han Ji Min reunited with Gong Yoo in drama / movie / variety (this will be good as we get to see their tom and jerry version) 


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@2handsintertwined  Thanks for your thoughtful response to my comments about Gong Yoo's current projects and earning money.  I don't think he lied when he said it wasn't about the money but I believe he was referring to acting projects.  I think he means he does not choose movies or dramas based on the salary.  But he would be crazy not to take advantage of the opportunity to make money and continue to be in the public eye while he's waiting on the right acting project.  

To all of you readers:  Do any of you use Pinterest?  I like all the recipes on the app.  But there is also a category for Korean actors.  Surprisingly, there are very few pins about GY compared to younger popular male Korean actors.  Could be because he doesn't use SMS.  

I don't know what he would think if he read all the Soompi fan comments.  Probably shake his head and be glad on the one hand and be terrified on the other hand that people invest so much time and thought about his life and why he does this, says that, etc.  

For me, being older than the rest of you, I can't get too serious about why he makes the decisions he does.  Actors are just people like you and me, each individual is unique and come with a set of variables that influence who they are and what they do.  He just happens to be a handsome and talented young man who has given us a lot of good entertainment. 

And while he is taking a break, we get to watch all the other Korean dramas, romcoms, and movies.  There is so much out there!  I really have to budget my time or I wouldn't get anything else done.  Cheers!

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18 hours ago, 2handsintertwined said:
@alohagongyoo Does that make sense? :).

@2handsintertwined Re your comment about comparing American/Asian actors in their own environment -- yes makes sense.  But I admit I am still learning about Asian and Korean cultures.  I am an American (caucasian), married to an American Chinese man.  Living in Hawaii, we are surrounded by Asian culture including a blend of Asian American and old country Asians.  I love it, learning the customs, eating the foods, sharing our commonalities.  But I am still ignorant of many things.  It has been eye opening reading this forum from the many international fans of Gong Yoo.  How we all -- many ages, many backgrounds -- have this love and admiration of Gong Yoo and other talented Korean actors and actresses.  I have learned from several of you about Korean expressions, for instance, like "fighting." Thank you! 

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@alohagongyoo Thank you for your response! I think you are so cute! will reply you properly in a bit. I'm still at the doctor's office :D. I was late! Hahahaha. I wonder how often GY goes to the doctor? Hmmm... something to think about,  right? :) Something tells me he's very healthy :D. I think he loves to exercise! I think he looks  good! 

@Noor90 by the way I edited some of my posts so it kinda looks like you are talking to yourself. I'm sorry! I think I  said some rude things and I don't want to cause you any discomfort :)


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7 hours ago, alohagongyoo said:

To all of you readers:  Do any of you use Pinterest?  I like all the recipes on the app.  But there is also a category for Korean actors.  Surprisingly, there are very few pins about GY compared to younger popular male Korean actors.  Could be because he doesn't use SMS.  

For me, being older than the rest of you, I can't get too serious about why he makes the decisions he does.  Actors are just people like you and me, each individual is unique and come with a set of variables that influence who they are and what they do.  He just happens to be a handsome and talented young man who has given us a lot of good entertainment.



Hello! I use Pinterest and I have two boards about k-drama and k-actors and stuff. I agree, there is very little to see of GY. Could be because of his little use of SNS, but also because GY fans are more active on other platforms? I try to pin as much as I can. I did notice a slight increase in GY pins after Goblin, so maybe because his popularity sky rocketed we actually got a few pins of him there, but up until then it has been quite :)

About your last comment. I whole heartedly agree. Doesn't even have to be your age, I've been his fan for a long time, and I just love it when he pops up, and when he doesn't I try to divert my attention to other actors as well :) I feel it's natural and I am personally very happy about him not being on SNS and all that. Knetz are crazy, I wouldn't want to wake up to people trolling and commenting richard simmons about me every day and having to maintain a very "high profile" just to live up to people's standards (because it creates an immense pressure on individuals to try to maintain an image). Why do we say it's not ok when people have "fake perfect lives on social media", but expect actors/actresses to keep up on SNS? They won't disclose more than what they would want to share anyway, and maybe some people don't like it at all. He is closing in on 40 soon, and me being *only* 25 and already pretty fed up with social medias, I don't really blame him for wanting to keep his life private. 

People may argue that "he chose to be an actor and needs to put himself out there". He doesn't really have to. He does some great projects and we love him for that. But I don't want to be one of those who indulge in peoples private lives and has another idea of a person. One of the most vital parts here @2handsintertwined is when you say he's lying about *insert what you meant here* is that at least what he says in interviews and all is what he means. At least he tells you he doesn't want to be on SNS and would rather enjoy life on his terms. That is more important rather than him trying to show us "how perfect his life is" if he's not happy within. For now, at least we know he's working on himself.

Hope I made any sense, those are my two cents on him being low-key and low-profile. That's one of the things I actually love about him. Not being a posh *keep up with everything person*. Shows he's human, just like the rest of us. 


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Friendly reminder:

Read this at your own risk! I'm going to be childish/immature again :D.

Yes, there will be reactions from me. I am sorry! Please don't say I didn't warn you guys.

*evil laughter* Muhahahahaha!


*takes a deep breath*


@alohagongyoo First, I am very sorry.  I think that it looks like I was trying to "teach you." I don't think that is my place. I think I tried to force my opinions and my beliefs on you. I don't think I was being nice to you at all. I think there are nicer ways to point out something, don't you? I am happy that you admitted that you are ignorant. Well, I admire you. I think it's admirable how you admitted that. I think a lot of people won't admit that they are ignorant. I think I am ignorant too. I am happy that what I said about comparing American/Asian actors makes sense. You said you are still learning about Asian and Korean cultures. I think that is very admirable too! I think it's hard to learn about other cultures besides your own culture :). I wish I was like you. I wish I could learn about different cultures :).

You're married to an American-Chinese man? Well, I didn't know that. You live in Hawaii? Wow! I have never been there, but I hear it's beautiful :). And I think it's expensive if you go vacation there, right?

Anyway, I have never used Pinterest! And I'm glad reading this forum has been eye-opening for you. Yes, I also think GY's forum has many international fans. I agree with you. I also like how we are all different ages, and I like how we all have different backgrounds. And yes, I think we share one thing in common. I think we all have this love and admiration for Gong Yoo and other talented Korean actors and actresses too :). I'm glad you learned about different Korean expressions from some people here! Yes, I think "fighting" is a great one. You said you are older than we are. I don't think that matters here :). I think you should have fun with the rest of us :).

( to be continued)

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@alohagongyoo Second, you're welcome for the thoughtful response to your comments about Gong Yoo's current projects and earning money. You don't think he lied when he said it wasn't about the money? You believe he was referring to acting projects? Ok. I'm sorry. I think I was wrong. I think you are right. I think he was referring to acting projects too. Thank you for pointing that out :). So you think Gong Yoo means he doesn't choose movies or dramas based on their salary?

I understand. I think you're right he would be crazy if he didn't take the opportunity to earn money while he's in the public eye. I think that's true. I also think he can wait on the right project while he's earning money :). I don't know what Gong Yoo would think if read all the Soompi fan comments either! I hope he doesn't read them. I agree. I think he would probably shake his head too. I can imagine him do that :). Yes, I also think he would be glad, but terrified too! You mentioned you think he would be terrified that people invest so much time and thought about his life, why he does this, and  why he says that, etc. I agree.

I'm sorry you can't get too serious, but I don't think it's about age. I think a lot of us here don't want to get "too serious" for different reasons :). You're right. Actors are just people, like you and me. Wow! I like how you said, "Each individual is unique and comes with a different set of variables that influence who they are and what they do." Well said! I like that. A lot. I think you are speaking the truth.  Yes! You're right. Gong Yoo just happens to be a handsome and talented man. Yes, he has given us a lot of good entertainment. I hope he continues to give us more good entertainment :). While he's taking a break, we can watch other Korean Dramas. romcoms, and movies? I agree! You're right. There is so much out there. I love your enthusiasm. I hope you budget your time well :).


Ok here comes the immature/childish stuff :D.


My reaction to what you said about Gong Yoo:


credit: realitytvgifs

*sips tea*

I said, "I promised I wouldn't offer my opinions on Gong Yoo's life anymore!"

But, you said something amazing and I can't resist!

*grins wickedly* :D:D. Hehehee!

So let me see if I'm following you. I agree when I said he was lying, that was one of the most vital parts. I'm sorry that I said he was lying. You're right at least what he says in interviews and all is what he means. I think what I meant to say is that I think his image is fake? I think he's wearing a mask? What do you think about that? Do you agree with me on the mask and fake image? I don't know, but you are right. Yes, at least he tells us that he doesn't want to be on SNS.

That he would rather enjoy life on his terms. I think you are right. I like that about him. I think you are saying he's being honest with his fans. Yes, you're right. I also think that is more important than trying to show us "how perfect his life is" if he is not happy within. I'm going to add to this. I don't think my opinion on him matters as much as your opinion on him. I think you said you have been his fan for almost 10 years, right? I was going to add that he admits his insecurities. For example, in his CNN Talk Asia interview he said he doesn't know how long he will stay an actor.

Does that make sense to you? :). I don't think I can respond well to you! I think you say a lot of deep things, that makes someone think, and I think you are making my brain do too much work :D. You're right. At least we know he's working on himself. For example, I don't think he has much confidence, but I think he's working on it. Is that what you meant?

Yes! I think you made a lot of sense! Thanks for giving your two cents on him being low-key and low-profile. Hm. I never thought it that way. I never thought, "Gong Yoo is low-key and low-profile" I like that! I think that is exactly what he is. I don't think he is being posh "keep up with everything person" either. Yes, it shows he is human, just like the rest of us. Wait, Gong Yoo is human? You're joking! I'm just joking with you. Yes, he is human like the rest of him.

You love how Gong Yoo is low-key and low-profile? Well, I don't like that about him, but I'll keep that on the "down-low."

I think Gong Yoo needs to stay woke on what's going on around him. I think he needs to pick up a script and star in a movie. That's just my opinion! Thank you for your time :). I always enjoy reading what you have to say about Gong Yoo. I know you're going to give me something good!

Wow this is long. I am so sorry _dokkaebi_ you don't have to read this. I feel bad for your eyes.

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Hello everyone. I think I have confused some of you. I love GY. I am attracted to him. I like to tease him a lot. I'm always making jokes about him but I'm not doing it to hate on him. So please don't think I'm hating on him. I think we all show how much we love this wonderful guy in different ways. Yes,I think I'm crazy and I think I'm just out here trying to have fun. Please don't take me seriously. I am always joking and I'm always trying to make you all laugh. I hope we can all continue to love him and support him. I'll be serious for a second. I know GY is taking his time to choose his next project. I respect that and at the same time it makes me sad because I think we all have to wait for him. I think I need to learn to have more patience for him. I don't think I have ever dedicated so much time and energy to someone like him before. I'm not saying I think he's special. I think all celebrities are special, right? Anyway, I thought I needed to let you all know this :D. Oh! And I edited some of my posts because I read over them and I don't think they were funny or nice. So I'm sorry if I ruined this forum by doing that. I just don't want to get anyone in trouble :). I think I'm always causing trouble :( Oh! And I also use sarcasm, but I don't think I'm good at it. 


credit: popori.loves.s.y

I think he is such a lovely person. I think I would love to be in his company :D Have a lovely day, my loves!

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@kentangbakar i'm glad 2 of GY movies in this list , i'm already director YSH fan , he's so talented . i'm waiting for his collaboration with GY again . Although i don't fully agree with this list especially ranking.

@alohagongyoo i love reading your comments Madam , that's why i'm glad GY has fans from all ages , from all over the world . Yes , i watch other actor movies while GY enjoys his vacation or during shooting his movies , or just fangirling his new pics & videos from any CF , Magazine or if he surprises us and attend public event or Fan sign .

@_Dokkaebi_ @alohagongyoo i've account in Pinterest , but i don't use it . i think most of  GY Fans using instagram , facebook , twitter more than pin . Also GY so quiet comparing to young actors & idols .

if he's reading soompi now , he should know me :D:D.

of course he'll be happy & stressed at the same time if he knows he has fans care about him as an actor and as person soo much . He was touched and even cried in his Fanmeeting in TW when he read his fans letters & how his projects affected his fans so much . 

@_Dokkaebi_ i agree with you  . i understand why he doesn't like to share his private life with other cuz i do the same i don't like to share my private life with others , i even don't like when my friends share their own pics daily  . Korean Fans sometimes are salty when actor or actress share something they don't like . Also Fans now are so scary even when Soop Boss shared pic of GY from his Fanmeeting in HK , they started to comment nonsense , created rumors until Soop boss delete GY pic that's why it's better if he doesn't share his pics

@2handsintertwined you know why i love GY cuz his laugh & his tears touch me , it's from his deep heart that's why it touches our hearts too 

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BTS, Gong Yoo, Lee Yoo Ri, And More Win 2017 Brand Of The Year Awards


On August 3, the Korean Consumer Forum announced the winners of their 15th annual Brand of the Year Awards, which celebrate the “best brand that has been brightening the year” in a variety of different industries.

Award winners for this year were selected based on voting on the organization’s homepage from July 12 to 25, with over 380,000 consumers taking part. A representative from the organization stated that there were so many people voting for the awards that their server temporarily went down.

Winners of awards include:

Actor of the Year: Gong Yoo 

Winners in more categories including economics, culture, and society were also chosen, and will be announced at the ceremony for the 2017 Brand of the Year Awards on September 7.

Congratulations to all the winners!


Here are the winners of Brand Of The Year Awards for 2017 



On August 3, the Korean Consumer Forum announced the winners for the 15th annual Brand of the Year Awards, which is about celebrating the "best brand that has been lightening up the year" on different categories based on industry. 

The award winners were selected based on the voting conducted at the the organization's homepage from July 12 to 25, with over 380,000 consumers participants. Matter of fact, a representative from the organization stated that there were so many people voting for the awards that their server temporarily crashed and went down. 

Check the winners below!

Artist of the Year: BTS
Actor of the Year: Gong Yoo
Actress of the Year: Lee Yoo Ri

The ceremony for 2017 Brand of the Year Awards will be happening on September 7.


i didn't expect there's award ceremony on Sep 7 , May be Gong Yoo 'll attend , or may be not , i don't want to be over excited ^_^


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12 hours ago, Noor90 said:

you know why i love GY cuz his laugh & his tears touch me , it's from his deep heart that's why it touches our hearts too 

You love GY because his laugh and tears touch you? I like that :) You think it's from his deep heart? You think that's why it touches our hearts too? Well, I think that is so sweet to say about him. I really wish I could introduce you to him. Imagine we both fly to Korea and we bump into GY.  I could go, "GY, this is noor. I think she says the sweetest things about you!" and GY would say, "Well, thank you! It's my pleasure to meet you, noor" :D

11 hours ago, Noor90 said:

I'm Still in Love with Bunny Yoo :wub:

Bunny Yoo! I'm still in love with Bunny Yoo too :D.

11 hours ago, Noor90 said:

i didn't expect there's award ceremony on Sep 7 , May be Gong Yoo 'll attend , or may be not , i don't want to be over excited ^_^


I didn't expect an awards ceremony either. You said maybe Gong Yoo will attend, maybe not. I don't think he'll attend. I feel the same way you do. I don't want to be over excited either :).


I think someone has already answered this, but why does GY's page never trend in hot topics/popular now? I really really think people here on soompi hate his page. I think people here on soompi hate us, GY fans.  I don't know what we did wrong and I don't know what he did wrong :( No new visitors. Nothing. I think he's a nice man. I think he donates money to charities. I think he wants to ban animal experimentation. I think he is kind. I think he is a good son,  and I think he'll make a good husband for whoever he marries someday. I don't understand why people here on soompi hate him so much. *sigh*

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17 minutes ago, Noor90 said:

@kentangbakar i'm glad 2 of GY movies in this list , i'm already director YSH fan , he's so talented . i'm waiting for his collaboration with GY again . Although i don't fully agree with this list especially ranking.

I cant comment much about the ranking, cause I didnt watch all the 25 movie in the list for me to rearrange or others movie that was screen from 2010 onward till today if I want to insert another movie. Heee.

One thing I notice from the list all 25 movies are got highly praises in term of artistically, cinematography, story, actors performance and bank many awards locally, internationally and award at movie festival around the globe. I honestly surprised to see Dir YSH animations make into the list, his first feature-length animation (King of Pigs) and even the prologue animation of the Train to Busan, (Seoul Station). That show how good he is. I cant wait the day his name in the same line with Park Chanwook, Bong JoonHo, LeeJoonIk and more good directors. I think when the day is come I will be like "Ahh that director? I watch his directorial debut movie. Such a good movie, he is good with his movie pacing. Successful debut i will said". Hehehehe.

If not wrong Chunwoohee movie (Han GongJu) is independent movie and the directorial debut for the director. A movie that bring CWH name at the surface, bank so many awards for the actress and the movie itself. To be able make into the list based on directorial debut, Dir Yeon SangHo, Dir LeeSujin (indie movie) is something commendable.

LOL what a loooooooong talk that not related to GY. Mianhae.

@jaysmurfthe Asus event is not in Msia. It is in Taipei and there will be live streaming too. Bookmark the link. =)



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@2handsintertwined it's good idea i should fly to korea , introduce Myself to him . he should open Soompi first to know me ^_^^_^

11 minutes ago, 2handsintertwined said:

I think someone has already answered this, but why does GY's page never trend in hot topics/popular now? I really really think people here on soompi hate his page. I think people here on soompi hate us, GY fans.  I don't know what we did wrong and I don't know what he did wrong :( No new visitors. Nothing. I think he's nice man. I think he donates money to charities. I think he wants to ban animal experimentation. I think he is kind. I think he is a good son,  and I think he'll make a good husband for whoever he marries someday. I don't understand why people here on soompi hate him so much. *sigh*

I already answered it   . GY page was hot topic many times , yesterday was no.1 at hot topics , it isn't big deal to be hot topic in Soompi , page became Hot top when we post many times at the same time .

Also GY popularity is something true , doesn't need to be trend here or not in Soompi . To Win Best actor in Brand of the year which depend on voting " is popularity" , winning best actor in I lovekstars while other competitors are strong " It's popularity " when fans in Taiwan paralyzed Asus site " It's popularity"., when tickets of his FMs sold out in minutes " Is popularity" ,  when his name was trend many times on twitter during Goblin , Train to busan releasing in many different countries " It's Popularity"  when his name is one of the most searched in Google in the first half of 2017 in Korea " Is popularity" . when his name was one of most searched in Philippines in 2016 " is popularity" 

We shouldn't be worry about him , our man is doing well 


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@kentangbakar don't worry i love talking about movie heheee , there're many good movies in this list , about Dir YSH , really he's so talented i read all reviews about his animated movies. he's so good and always praise him , he's called now one of best movie makers in Korea . what i love about him , he isn't usual director and always come with new ideas in Korea with Social concept too that's why i respect him and want  GY acts with him again 

And Yes , Press Con in Taiwan , i'm glad it will be liveee , i will see him live :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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27 minutes ago, Noor90 said:

@kentangbakar don't worry i love talking about movie heheee , there're many good movies in this list , about Dir YSH , really he's so talented i read all reviews about his animated movies. he's so good and always praise him , he's called now one of best movie makers in Korea . what i love about him , he isn't usual director and always come with new ideas in Korea with Social concept too that's why i respect him and want  GY acts with him again 

And Yes , Press Con in Taiwan , i'm glad it will be liveee , i will see him live :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yes that what I like about Dir YSH, he didnt shy with reality of the community. Tho people said TTB is depress story, why he killed all of his character even GY character. Why GY character look too 1 dimensional, for me it is not a problem if his character look monotone, cause that is the reality. Yet he dont care and want to present his story as real as he can. He show to the world about the bad side of human, the greediness and he didnt shy away to punish the characters.

Another think that I like about him is direction. He present his story in straight manner? I dont know how to describe it. It is like easy to understand.

Ekekekeke. Finally can see GY LIVE..

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