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Aww..some answers here are sweet.

Off topic, blindboi..your avatar makes me laugh everytime I scroll the page..hhaha.

Anyways, I don't know why...but over the past few years, I find myself getting more and more imune to guys?

I know, weird right?

It's like when I see a hot guy, I'll of course look but yeah that's about it.

My standards are getting higher and higher. Those guys that I used to think was hot, now is just average.

When I find guys looking at me, I unintentionally or on reflex will put on a cold face and just walk on straight. I don't know why TT-TT.

When guys working at the gym smiles at me with great ethusiast, I find myself having to force myself smile at them.

I sound like a gothic queen.

I don't know what to do about this. I don't have bad experiences with guys though. I love myself too much to let a guy approach me.

But I spazz ALOT when I watch kdramas..Maybe this is a syndrome I get from watching too many kdramas.

I'm waiting my Hyun Bin, my Daniel Henney, my Lee Minki..etc etc bla bla.

At this rate, I'm sure I'll get nowhere.

Solution please?

That's a solution that you must figure out on your own.

I think you just acting normal lol. People are fickle.

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i feel embarrassed asking in this thread (cuz i feel like most of the people in here are younger than me, maybe not but anyway) so theres this guy i met. he's a cousin of a friend of mine. i met him a week after me and my boyfriend of almost a year broke up. at first i thought i was interested in him because i was on the rebound. however, as the days and weeks went on i found myself really liking this guy. since we've met, which was a little over a month ago we've only gone one day without any contact with each other (phone call, texting, instant messagint, seeing each other, emailing) we usually do one or more of those a day for hours on time. for example we'd meet up for lunch or dinner and hang out for about 2-3 hours, then go online and text for another 2-4 hours. however im not sure how he feels about me. the only girls ive seen him around is his cousin or me and my friends, however he only talks to my friends when we hang out with them, he doesnt have their number or id's. he's bought me lunch or dinner a few times or coffee and right now im going through one of the toughest times in my life (my mom is sick with pneumonia, hepatitis and needs knee surgery, one of my oppas tried to commit suicide in front of me and his ex cuz they broke up, me and my boyfriend broke up and a close friend is pregnant) so hes been there to cheer me up and make sure everything is okay. however i cant tell if hes just trying to be a good friend or if he likes me, or if there is a possibility of him liking me. so based on my REALLY long story told in a MINIMIZED version, what do you guys think from a guys point of view?

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i feel embarrassed asking in this thread (cuz i feel like most of the people in here are younger than me, maybe not but anyway) so theres this guy i met. he's a cousin of a friend of mine. i met him a week after me and my boyfriend of almost a year broke up. at first i thought i was interested in him because i was on the rebound. however, as the days and weeks went on i found myself really liking this guy. since we've met, which was a little over a month ago we've only gone one day without any contact with each other (phone call, texting, instant messagint, seeing each other, emailing) we usually do one or more of those a day for hours on time. for example we'd meet up for lunch or dinner and hang out for about 2-3 hours, then go online and text for another 2-4 hours. however im not sure how he feels about me. the only girls ive seen him around is his cousin or me and my friends, however he only talks to my friends when we hang out with them, he doesnt have their number or id's. he's bought me lunch or dinner a few times or coffee and right now im going through one of the toughest times in my life (my mom is sick with pneumonia, hepatitis and needs knee surgery, one of my oppas tried to commit suicide in front of me and his ex cuz they broke up, me and my boyfriend broke up and a close friend is pregnant) so hes been there to cheer me up and make sure everything is okay. however i cant tell if hes just trying to be a good friend or if he likes me, or if there is a possibility of him liking me. so based on my REALLY long story told in a MINIMIZED version, what do you guys think from a guys point of view?

I really don't know :wacko:

I don't know anybody that doesn't give away their contacts

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-I just asked a question about one night stands and guys and I think it gave out the wrong idea...so I'm going to be more specific. Would it be considered a good idea to be involved with someone who has had a one night stand, when you know in yourself that you won't give that to him for a long long time? Even if the two of us happen to be close friends for years? If he's out looking for sex with a girl he's attracted, does it mean he'll do the same to his close/best friend who happens to be a girl?

-If one of your closest friends happens to be a guy and he used to talk to you about girls that he likes or calls you constantly to share what happened during his day. Then one day, he finds himself dating a pretty girl and spends less time with you. He still shares secrets with you, but has to divide his time. Meanwhile, you fall for a guy friend who is his other close friend. When he finds out, he gets pissed. Then asks, "why wasn't it me?" Or demands that you kiss him while he was still dating another girl. Does this mean that he has feelings for you or he's just being possessive. I met him first, then a year later, he introduced me to his friend. Is he mad that I didn't fall for him but fell for his friend?

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Guest xLunacy

When the girlfriend says "Let's take a break," what does that mean to you?

I know this question is debatable and varies depending on the person's opinion...

But from a guy's perspective and generalization, what does "a break" mean (relationship wise, of course)?

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Guest CIRee


i feel embarrassed asking in this thread (cuz i feel like most of the people in here are younger than me, maybe not but anyway) so theres this guy i met. he's a cousin of a friend of mine. i met him a week after me and my boyfriend of almost a year broke up. at first i thought i was interested in him because i was on the rebound. however, as the days and weeks went on i found myself really liking this guy. since we've met, which was a little over a month ago we've only gone one day without any contact with each other (phone call, texting, instant messagint, seeing each other, emailing) we usually do one or more of those a day for hours on time. for example we'd meet up for lunch or dinner and hang out for about 2-3 hours, then go online and text for another 2-4 hours. however im not sure how he feels about me. the only girls ive seen him around is his cousin or me and my friends, however he only talks to my friends when we hang out with them, he doesnt have their number or id's. he's bought me lunch or dinner a few times or coffee and right now im going through one of the toughest times in my life (my mom is sick with pneumonia, hepatitis and needs knee surgery, one of my oppas tried to commit suicide in front of me and his ex cuz they broke up, me and my boyfriend broke up and a close friend is pregnant) so hes been there to cheer me up and make sure everything is okay. however i cant tell if hes just trying to be a good friend or if he likes me, or if there is a possibility of him liking me. so based on my REALLY long story told in a MINIMIZED version, what do you guys think from a guys point of view?

Honestly no guys spends that much time with a girl that he just met unless he likes her. Do i dear say? he's kind of taking advantage of your vulnerability you are having at the moment.

Is apathy easier for guys?

it depends on the guy. But most likely no.

-I just asked a question about one night stands and guys and I think it gave out the wrong idea...so I'm going to be more specific. Would it be considered a good idea to be involved with someone who has had a one night stand, when you know in yourself that you won't give that to him for a long long time? Even if the two of us happen to be close friends for years? If he's out looking for sex with a girl he's attracted, does it mean he'll do the same to his close/best friend who happens to be a girl?

-If one of your closest friends happens to be a guy and he used to talk to you about girls that he likes or calls you constantly to share what happened during his day. Then one day, he finds himself dating a pretty girl and spends less time with you. He still shares secrets with you, but has to divide his time. Meanwhile, you fall for a guy friend who is his other close friend. When he finds out, he gets pissed. Then asks, "why wasn't it me?" Or demands that you kiss him while he was still dating another girl. Does this mean that he has feelings for you or he's just being possessive. I met him first, then a year later, he introduced me to his friend. Is he mad that I didn't fall for him but fell for his friend?

first question. sex is sex and we will try to get it anyway we can close friend or not.

second question. the story kind of confuse me but i think he likes you and is being possessive.

When the girlfriend says "Let's take a break," what does that mean to you?

I know this question is debatable and varies depending on the person's opinion...

But from a guy's perspective and generalization, what does "a break" mean (relationship wise, of course)?

it means we are free to date whom ever we want. It the same word as "breaking up" for us, why else are we taking a break?

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Guest jisoox012

what does it mean if a guy friend has always treated you like a little kid like pushing you in the hallway, but then randomly becomes really quiet sometimes...what are they thinking about..??

It might sound like he likes me but I've seen the way he flirts and stuff when he really likes a girl

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ahh this is cool. :D

okay well this is sort of my situation at the moment. i just wanna know what the heck he's thinking D:

so i like this guy.. i did the first move on adding him on MSN after we kept on myspacing each other (he actually brought up me adding him on MSN first because i'm "older" :/). so we talked for a few days straight and it was usually me who messages him first. whyy is this?? (he also teases me in class but we do talk in class, too)

oh yeah. he also kept asking me about my family, my chinese background, asking me how to say these stuff in chinese (which he ended up putting my chinese name in his PM along with other chinese words), and he even asked me about me and my ex. again, why is this, and does it mean anything?

ANYWAY, the main one i was gonna ask..

well he hang out with my/our three friends. (two guy friends, one girl friend). this is how the convo went:

crush: heyyyyy, does (my name) like me???

girl: huh? i dunno? why? do you like her?

crush: nah, i'm just trying to get close to her to make (my ex) jealous. -laughs-

two guy friends: -laughs with him-

girl: wth? that's so MEAN.

crush: nah, i wanna get with my ex anyway. she's nice.

is there an explaination for that? he sounded like he was joking about his ex thing.. i mean, who the heck would say that.. ugh, i dunno.

but i stopped messaging him on MSN after that. however.. he's messaged me twice after that. sucks i wasn't online at that time.. but the time i got back, he was off. is there any explaination why he would message me now?

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Guest xxkklxx

another question =D haha see if can tackle this...

why does a guy who has a gf for like 3yrs still treat a close friend(girl) more than a friend...? as in they make it seem like they love their friend more than thier gf...but really he loves his gf more o.O and no he's not a player....

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Guest r41ny

That's a good thread here.

how do you guys feel when you see your gal friend being clumsy and such? do you feel she is being funny or dumb?

will guys fall for their best gal friend? is it hard for guys to maintain a good friendship with gals?

and lastly, how do you view gals who are very quiet and doesnt talk much?

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immature question.

i've been sneaking glances at this particular guy in school :blush: , and most likely he already caught on that im interested. if the guy constantly looks back/ looks at you first/ sometimes stare (for about 2-3 weeks now), does it mean he doesn't avoid the possibility of us becoming friends?

i approached him once, wanting to return him something that belonged to his friend, so we had a pretty short conversation. but only once.

will it be sudden and weird if i just added him on msn? or should i approach him again to get his email address/number personally?

&, will guys dislike such a girl who takes the first step? im quite outgoing, loud and sociable, but when i look at him, all of those disappear and i feel darn inferior. gee. it just sucks.

thank you.

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Guest x831

Would a guy say "i love you" to a friend and mean "I love you, as a friend" or "I love you more than a friend".

What does it mean when a guy constantly asks who you like after you tell them over and over, no one..?

Cool thread btw : ]

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Guest moblastin

Would a guy say "i love you" to a friend and mean "I love you, as a friend" or "I love you more than a friend".

What does it mean when a guy constantly asks who you like after you tell them over and over, no one..?

Cool thread btw : ]

usually when a guy says i love you to a a friend its a girl. and when i say i love you to a friend its just asterms or friendship

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Guest *~SaRangH3h012~*

when friends call, y do guys soemtimes say that they r with a friend or doing soemthing else when he is actually weith his gf?

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Guest BuckNasty

That's a good thread here.

how do you guys feel when you see your gal friend being clumsy and such? do you feel she is being funny or dumb?

will guys fall for their best gal friend? is it hard for guys to maintain a good friendship with gals?

and lastly, how do you view gals who are very quiet and doesnt talk much?

Replying to this question because I can relate.

In general, most guys will find clumsiness a turn-off. Even worse if the girl is doing it on purpose.

Guys will fall for their best girl friend. I've done it and it wasn't a good idea at all. Now I think a best friend relationship between a guy and a girl can't really exist.

Or maybe I'm just an idiot. :P

Girls who don't talk much and are quiet equals boring. Guys don't like girls who are boring, no matter how attractive she may be.

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Guest scribbz

Would a guy say "i love you" to a friend and mean "I love you, as a friend" or "I love you more than a friend".

What does it mean when a guy constantly asks who you like after you tell them over and over, no one..?

Cool thread btw : ]

1. it can be both. in GENERAL, girls use i love you more then guys (unless he's a player). cause girls go "i lov you" to their friends when usually guys dont.

ANYWAY, like i said. it can mean both. just look at the situation and deicide for yourself.

2.either their bored, or their intrested lol ;)

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Guest touche`

Why do guys tell girls to eat but they won't eat? <<


Girls tell their friends/S.S to sleep but they end getting mad, why?

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Is apathy easier for guys?

Studies from researchers at universities have shown that females are more empathetic than males.

So is apathy easier for guys? On a large scale, yes. However, don't be misled to think that men are always apathetic or more apathetic than woman.

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