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Romantic Princess 公主小妹

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Guest judyl1031

I think Wu Chun and Angela are cute! I still don't know the exact details of the story but can't wait to watch it. :-)

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I found pics Romatic Princess from leon lin & hu wei's blog

I post links only coz they don't want their pics copy to other forum .

Leon Lin http://www.wretch.cc/blog/eric866&article_id7565258

Hu Wei - http://www.wretch.cc/blog/george82

credit to baidu

Leon Lin? i though his name is Eric Li.

thanks for the links. :)

thanks Starylosophy and indrawati for pictures and information.

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Leon Lin? i though his name is Eric Li.

thanks for the links. :)

thanks Starylosophy and indrawati for pictures and information.

you're welcome jyin...

Oh... his name is Eric li ...

sorry , for my mistake ... coz I'm can read mandarin ....

I found that link from baidu & I used online engine for translated ...

thanks for your info

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Guest doremi02

Really wanna see this serie. I wonder if s.o here can translate what they talk to English (from the youtube link), it seems so fun....^o^

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Guest Starylosophy

080707 WuZun sneakily eats, gets scolded "pig!" by director


Angela hits WuZun with feather duster

Living up his his "big stomach" nickname, WuZun once again showed to the audience that he indeed loves eating. The cast for "Romantic Princess" were filming yesterday and once WuZun gets break time, he would hide in the corner and eat bread. The director couldnt help it and scolded WuZun: "Are you a pig? Stop eating!" Calvin didnt back up WuZun, instead he joined in and revealed that WuZun has a few nicknames, "Pig," "WuJiZhu," "XiaoLinZhu" etc.

The scene they were filming for required Angela to be dressed as a maid and serve WuZun, but in reality Angela couldnt help herself and started to hit WuZun with the feather duster. Both parties suffered a heat stroke earlier and had to go see the doctor.


WuZun cant help himself and sneaks to the corner to eat

Although the weather and hot and humid, this doesnt stop WuZun from eating and eating. During high tea time (around 3 or 4), WuZun was taking a break and snuck to the corner to grab a few bites of bread. The other day WuZun was also filming for a high tea scene and he actually ate all the props for the scene, and was scolded "Pig!" by the director. Fahrenheit member Calvin joins in and replies: "WuZun will write his name on bananas to show people that it's his, so they dont eat it."


Source: Apple Daily

Translated by m1ss at AF


08/07/07 Wu Zun reveals muscles and legs for competition, pert buttocks tired and soft, and get scolded as idiot

Few days ago, Wu Zun had to wear singlet, shorts, revealing his right arm's love tattoo in the hot sun to film for GTV's idol drama, "Romantic Princess", the female fans at a corner felt heartpain when he had to suffer the unbearable heat, and the director scolded him "idiot" in front of everyone, and pick on his buttocks, saying it is not pert enough, and Wu Zun who was hot until he felt a little out of sorts, had his migraine coming back again, and keep saying he feel like vomiting. Yesterday, he was so unlucky that he was being chase and hit by Angela who acted as a maid! (In the drama)

Running in the hight temperature of 36 degrees, cannot take it.

Last Friday, Wu Zu, Long Chen Han had to film an outdoor running race scene for Romantic Princess in the warm weather of 36 degrees Celsius. Wu Zun shouted cannot take it, and nearly got heat-stroke, even the pose at the starting point seems no strength and energy too, making the director Lin He Long couldn't tolerate, shouting "Are you an idiot! Raise your buttocks more! Or else I will act on your behalf!"

Heat-stroke plus migraine, feel like vomiting.

Wu Zun revealed, he had filmed continuously a few days of outdoor scenes, acting as a wealthy master, had to appear in a full western suit. However his inner psychological side had already burst, his body has also protested, heat stroke plus migraine; make him really feel like vomiting. He said professionally, "Running competition is a big scene, you can't cancel it at the last minute, no matter what you also have to finish filming."

Wu Zun and Long Chen Han acted as super good friends in the drama, when they both wore sports singlet, they then found out that both have "love tattoo" on their right arm, and their pattern is also quite similar.

Long Chen Han's thin legs, don't look very good.

Long Chen Han is a running athletic in the show, but when he put on his sports shorts, he revealed a pair of thin and fair legs, the director saw it and said immediately, "My gosh, this kind of legs want to run to the first position, very difficult." Wu Zun said instead, when he was previously in basketball team, the training was very strict, every day he had to compete and run 100m short run with his teammates, and he is confident of his own running abilities.

Wu Zun's charm is unavoidable, his every single move can't escape his fans' "magical eyes", the crew revealed that previously they went looking for fans from online fan club to be cheerleading team, not only is there fans from Hong Kong coming to the scene straight from the airport, even when Wu Zun is hiding in the nanny car to eat his lunchbox, he is also surrounded by fans and being taken pictures of.

Angela act as maid, teaching Wu Zun a lesson

Yesterday Wu Zun and Angela continued filming at a mansion worth $700 million at Yi Lan, he ordered the 'maid' Angela to clean his shoes, she was not willing and attack Wu Zun instead, and used feather duster to hit him.

In the drama, Angela became a maid, and yesterday, she specially wore a maid outfit, but her face was full of weariness and illness, saying that she got heat stroke two days ago, ended up with vomiting and diarrhea. She also went specially to 'Gua Sha', and now her back is all red.


Wu Zun got scolded because his butt wasn't perk enough when he was getting ready to run


Wu Zun (Centre), Long Chen Han (Right)


Wu Zun (Left) and Long Chen Han (Right) was filming a race scene in the 36 degrees celcius hot weather

Translated by Tiffany at AF


08/07/07 Calvin and Wu Zun prefer guys to girls?!?

Angela looks very sexy in maid costume; pouting while helping Wu Zun clean his shoes

Fahrenheit's Wu Zun and Calvin changing preference, preferring guys instead of girls? Yesterday, Wu Zun was filming Romantic Princess at the $700 million worth mansion created by Golden Car Organization; in front of the camera, he and Angela are very sweet and intimate, behind the camera, he makes the pose of wanting to kiss the male assistant director, attracting everyone’s surprised look. As for Calvin, the director finds him too 'feminine', and gave him the nickname of 'CC' (Sissy), Calvin don’t know whether to feel angry or to laugh at it, protesting, "I only look pretty, but I’m definitely not the type that gays like!"

Wu Zun's sudden act of wanting to kiss the assistant director, let everyone in the scene shocked and speechless, Wu Zun laughed, "Joking only lar!" Liked by both guys and girls, Wu Zun have been attracting a lot of gay's attention ever since he entered the entertainment industry, but he said, usually when he was exercising in the gym, he was never approached by gays, "Perhaps it's because I look too muscular, actually the friends at that industry (fitness) are all very nice" Calvin also had the experience of being approached by gays, at that time, he was so scared that he ran away.

Angela fell sick, little aunt help to take care

Wu Zun is a wealthy master in the show, everyone say that he wear his clothes too tightly, Wu Zun corrected everyone and said, "It's the outfit that is too small!" Angela had to act as a maid in the show, everyone request her to help Wu Zun wipe his leg, she pouted and said, “I feel so low down” Her maid outlook make everyone laugh and say, "It looks like some pornographic film."

Wu Zun and Angela got heat stroke 2 days ago until; they vomit and have diarrhea, both went for "Gua Sha" until their back all all red, Angela continued filming even when she's sick, and her little aunt who’s older than her by 6 years became her assistant and help to take care of her; Wu Zun don't look very sick, his appetite is still as alarming, other than the food prepared by the crew, he also prepared his own tidbits, he will eat his bread furiously at one corner once there is free slot.

Translated by Tiffany at AF

More pics from Romantic Princess:








Credits: Apple Daily/ent.tom.com

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Guest Starylosophy

Pics from Romantic Princess

They are wrapping up filming in 12 days time. There are news that it's going to be aired on 10th September.




17/07/07 Romantic Princess rushes filming, Wu Zun's appetite grows


Youtube Link

Wu Zun looks awesomely dashing in the black shirt and pants. :wub:

Hahahaha, I think it was Calvin who scolded him Pig at the last part (I'm not very sure because the clip didn't show the face of the person who said that, but I recognize it should be his voice :lol:)

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Guest Starylosophy

Angela Zhang embarrassed about showing skin in Romantic Princess


For her new idol drama Romantic Princess, Angela Zhang boldly reveals her shoulders in a scene at a sauna. She said embarrassedly, “This is the first time I am so exposed since I started acting.” However she also revealed, “I took all the necessary safety precautions and even used double sided tape to tape the short pants and bra underneath the towel.” However, wearing double layered protection almost caused her to faint in the sauna.

The filming of Romantic Princess has been going on for over a month now. Angela and Wu Zun have had to film hurriedly under the hot sun, and their 10 episode part will be finished next week. In the series, Angela plays a girl from a wealthy family and has many emotional scenes with Wu Zun. Hu Yu Wei (who plays Wu Zun’s cousin) will also have feelings for Angela, and in the drama his character loves to force hugs on Angela.

Hu Yu Wei afraid of squashing Princess

To avoid Hu Yu Wei, Angela specially went to the sauna to hide. Although she deliberately forced an expression of nonchalance when she appeared revealing her shoulders in a small bath towel, her heart was beating very fast when filming started. She said, “This is the most that I have revealed since I started acting, and I can only stuff protective clothing inside the towel to prevent accidental exposure.” Perhaps she wore too many, as she almost fainted due to the hot steam.

Actually, Angela had just received emergency treatment on that day. The weather the past few days had been too hot, and she had been down with flu. She almost could not film as she was vomiting and suffering from diarrhea and finally went for an injection at the hospital when she had a block of free time. Yesterday her assistant expressed that Angela had recovered after many days of rest and that after finishing filming for this series, Angela would remain in Taiwan to promote the show. Also, she would be preparing for her new album.

Hu Yu Wei, whose character in the show has feelings for Angela, said, “As this is the first time I am working with Angela, I was slightly at a loss as to how to react initially - luckily she is very magnanimous. She is very small sized, and I’m always afraid that if I use too much strength I will squash her!”

source: baidu

Credits: AF

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Guest xsilentangel

^ thanks for the pics. the guys look ver handsome and the ladies look pretty ^_^

YAY wuzun and calvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest xjuicyy403


omg im so excited! LOL woot

yahh calvin's in here too!!

oooooooooo i really really cant wait!!

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Guest Starylosophy

28/07/07 WuZun tightly hugs Angela, dislike the smell of sweat




Yesterday "Romantic Princess" filmed the final scene, and the scene was WuZun working hard at a construction site, then hugging Angela. Although the scene looks very romantic, when the director called out "cut!" Angela scrunched up her eyebrows and exclaimed: "There's the smell of body odor/sweat!" WuZun, who cares a lot about his appearence, quickly stepped out to clarify: "It's the small of the towel and gloves!"

Because of his fast pace, the director 林合隆 wrapped up filming in 37 days, marking a record.

Both Angela and WuZun were in high spirits and said that if their ratings break 8, then they will wear bikinis. Angela even added that WuZun should wear a tight speedo, or dress himself in Chinese-style dres (qi pao, those long Chinese dresses). Anglea says to him: "Come on! Be a man!" WuZun shakes his head and replies: "She is very tough."

For the scene, WuZun had to carry pipes and boards, but it was very easy. Seeing that Angela only weighs 39kgs, WuZun says that he can carry her in one arm. When Angela heard this, she fought back: "Hey! If you really think you can, then let's make a bet!" Bet on what? It went from a bowl of tofu dessert, to a lunch at a hotel, to a 7 day vacation, but in the end WuZun surrenders: "Aiyo, I would be able to if it were 3 years ago, now I'm not sure."

Angela and WuZun were not close with each other before, but all their bickering has made them good friends. Angela alwasy teases WuZun, saying that he loves to eat junk food. WuZun then reveals that there was one time when they were filming a scene where they were hiding on a bed, when suddenly Angela's stomach made a loud growl, making him burst into laughter.

Source: UDN

Translated by m1ss @ http://asianfanatics.net

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Guest puls707


they finished filming already?!

how many episodes are there?

and when is this going to be aired?

i think this is going to be a really good drama and so i can't wait to see it ^^

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