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Guest minigakkun

It's been a month and a few weeks since my older dog Chuck passed away. He was so chill and chubby. Sadly he had a liver and kidney issue and kept losing weight. My parents didn't want to take him to the vet because they figured after the first time he was treated, it's too late to try and treat him again. So they let him pass while we tried to make his last few days as smooth as possible. The holiday season isn't the same without him getting lost under the tree and having my sisters and I tying ribbons around his neck. He was the best. We have another dog who is oblivious of Chuck's passing, always thinking that Chuck's outside or something. He still doesn't know where Chuck is and wants to keep trying to find him. We don't know what to do really.. they were brothers and the smaller dog just seems sad without Chuck. Sad, sad times.

Aw, I'm sorry. I feel your pain. I lost my first dog a year ago and I still miss her dearly. It'll get better! Just remember all the good days and how you gave him a good life.

Here's my puppy (she's actually full grown now I just like to call her puppy)! Her name is Pucca and she is a pomeranian.


She was a sheriff for Halloween. LOL!


I sewed a gun holster on that outfit! Haha, she has an orange gun on her.


She was guarding the candy with her life!

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Hey guys, I know I've asked this before but what brand of dog food do you feed your little one(s)?

I thought about switching from Nutro to Blue Buffalo but I'm still not sure because I read some bad reviews on Blue Buffalo :/


Does anyone feed their dog homemade dog food?

That might just be my last resort because my little buddy has such a finicky stomach.


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my puppy is a year and 10 months--she'll be 2 in Feb (Irish Wolfhounds don't mature until they're 3). She's been on Flint River Ranch since we have her (May 2009). We did switch her from the original forumula to Lamb, Rice, and Millet because she has a wheat allergy. I make everything else for her...chicken, brown rice, and some veg. Once in a while I give her a tiny bit of salmon or medium hamburger--her stomach doesn't do too well on raw (unlike some of her siblings)><

Is the Nutro giving your puppy problems?

Octopus__, --I'm so sorry about your dog--it's something I never get over--only becomes a little easier to live with, but it takes a very long time for me. Aziriphale is right--Your other dog does know Chuck is gone--but as long as you love him, he won't always be as sad because he'll have someone to focus on. I think the animals recover from loss faster than we do most of the time.

minnigakun-- that's really cute! but my dog would eaten everything in seconds. -.-

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^My pekingese isn't a puppy, he's almost six years old and he's been eating Nutro for approximately 3-4 years - it's what my veterinarian recommended.

Occasionally, he'll vomit runny yellowish foam or has an upset tummy :tears:

I don't know if it's the Nutro or the scraps of table food everyone feeds him.

I just want to give him the best doggie food available :ph34r:

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Guest nobody knows


me and my baby turtleeeeeeeeee

I have 2, but I was taking pictures for yearbook and it's hard to take a picture with a turtle in each hand >:

and the other one doesn't like to come out of his shell

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Guest Littlofoott

Hey guys, I know I've asked this before but what brand of dog food do you feed your little one(s)?

I thought about switching from Nutro to Blue Buffalo but I'm still not sure because I read some bad reviews on Blue Buffalo :/


Does anyone feed their dog homemade dog food?

That might just be my last resort because my little buddy has such a finicky stomach.


my doggy was a picky eater at first. I would be too if forced to eat dry dog food all the time. I dont buy the food the vet recommends. Most of the vets are paid by the dog food company to sell/advertise their product. A lot of times the best brand are never on the list. So I had to do some researching on my own. Along with the dry food, Ill mix in cooked beef or chicken + veggies or fruits.

I highly recommend:

Innova EVO [high in protein]- recommended for highly active, runs around very jumpy dogs

Where to buy: http://www.naturapet.com/


Innova [Orginal]- active level,moderate to low dogs

Where to buy: http://www.naturapet.com/


Natures Variety Prairie- All types. with about 5 varieties of meat to rotate with ,its great.

Where to buy:http://www.naturesvariety.com/


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^My pekingese isn't a puppy, he's almost six years old and he's been eating Nutro for approximately 3-4 years - it's what my veterinarian recommended.

Occasionally, he'll vomit runny yellowish foam or has an upset tummy :tears:

I don't know if it's the Nutro or the scraps of table food everyone feeds him.

I just want to give him the best doggie food available :ph34r:

sorry- I thought when you said 'little one' you meant an actual baby. =p How has your dog been doing on this food? Mine does chuck up little bits of foamy yellow stuff once in a while too, but it doesn't happen often--and it's not usually just from the food (she also gets upset stomach once in a while, but it's more likely my fault than the kibble--). I don't want to say you should switch for sure or not--it depends on how he's been doing on it other than what you mentioned...normal stools, etc. I know some people that like Nutro stuff--and others who've stopped feeding it because their dogs have had problems with it...have you ever talked to other Peke owners about what they give their dogs--just for an idea?

I did find this website that talks about different foods--may or may not be helpful, but posting just in case.


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Hey guys, I know I've asked this before but what brand of dog food do you feed your little one(s)?

I thought about switching from Nutro to Blue Buffalo but I'm still not sure because I read some bad reviews on Blue Buffalo :/


Does anyone feed their dog homemade dog food?

That might just be my last resort because my little buddy has such a finicky stomach.


^My pekingese isn't a puppy, he's almost six years old and he's been eating Nutro for approximately 3-4 years - it's what my veterinarian recommended.

Occasionally, he'll vomit runny yellowish foam or has an upset tummy :tears:

I don't know if it's the Nutro or the scraps of table food everyone feeds him.

I just want to give him the best doggie food available :ph34r:

I have a Chihuahua and he's a super picky eater!! Me and my mom weren't too informed with the fat content of commercial dog products (ahhhhhh) So we often fed him dog food that was very tasty (so much more fat) in order to make him eat since the previous owners have let him become extremely thin. After awhile, he did puke out that foamy, mustard yellow stuff. Me and my mom went to this dog store that's really expensive but sells all the actual good dog food and we were talking with the lady that works there...She's been rescuing dogs for years and she says that what happened to our chihuahua was not uncommon. We found out that we were leading our dog to pancreatitis, which is deadly if left untreated. And she said the cause of it was because of the table scraps and extremely fattening dog food we give him. We felt so horrible and we knew we had to change his diet immediately.

I don't want to scare you though, because I've read on the internet that vomiting the yellow foamy stuff can be normal among some dogs, but in our case it was a sign of pancreatitis.

Anyway, so what the lady recommended for us was this very low-fat dog food (less than 5% fat) called California Natural and since our dog's an EXTREMELY picky eater, we also buy something called PureBites. They are freeze dried dog treats that come in lots of different meats. Warning: The liver tends to give dogs diarrhea so I always just get the chicken. I think chicken seems the best! What you do is you just crush it up (it's super easy and just turns to powder) and sprinkle it on the dog food. You can even add a mist of water to stick the chicken to the dog food. Dogs LOVE it and I think this PureBites thing must be the best-selling thing at that dog store, hahah. It's great as a treat and as an addition to their food! And it's very low fat because it's just the lean parts of chicken breast. We also switch from chicken to other freeze-dried stuff so our dog doesn't get too bored of the chicken.

Our dog is very healthy, active, and happy now. He is at a healthy weight and he loves his food! We've extremely cut down on the amount of table scraps we give him. We usually give him none but maybe we'll give in once in a while. But we never give any high-fat things like cheese. (Although he loves cheese so much! It's so bad for him...T_T)

Sorry for the super long post! I kind of rambled on. But I hope you find a food that's good for your dog. =) I'll provide some links to sites where you can buy the dog food I recommended, if you're interested.





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Hey guys,

thank you so much for the advice and suggestions :)

I have another question though lol... do any of you give your dog vitamins?

what ParappaRappa said about food made me realize-I should have added that even though my dog spits up that yellow foamy stuff once in a while and is okay--in a smaller dog the food that is causing that might be too much for a smaller one--when he coughs that stuff up--does it have a bile-y smell? have you tried to convince the table-scrap givers =p not to--just so you could see if it IS the food--or the stuff they give him? also depends on what it is--maybe it's too rich for his system?

and we do give her vitamins/supplements. :3 some especially for puppies, and others...some every day, some only a couple of days a week.

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I don't know if this question has been asked in this thread, but I have a white maltepoo, sometimes his fur turn yellow. When we got him he used to be pure white (except for his eyes and his ears), I don't know the brand of the whitening shampoo we're using on him. We would follow the directions on the bottle but he's still not as white as when we first got him.

I honestly doubt it has to do with his puppy fur since he's 3 years old. Suggestions?

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Guest toGETherONE

Nice to read there are several Shiba Inu owners out here.

Update pic:


I want to understand if his pink nose will ever return black? I read a pink nose may be an indication he's sick; highly unlikely. I know he loves to dig his nose in grass and dirt scrapping his nose pink. Is it a serious concern? Any similar stories/concerns to share?

Pup pic: http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/130370-show-off-your-pets/page__view__findpost__p__16139152

My boy is growing too fast.... :tears: [tears of joy]

He's microchipped.

I'm looking into getting another pet, most likely a black Pomeranian.

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Nice to read there are several Shiba Inu owners out here.

Update pic:

*quoted image*

I want to understand if his pink nose will ever return black? I read a pink nose may be an indication he's sick; highly unlikely. I know he loves to dig his nose in grass and dirt scrapping his nose pink. Is it a serious concern? Any similar stories/concerns to share?

Pup pic: http://www.soompi.com/forums/topic/130370-show-off-your-pets/page__view__findpost__p__16139152

My boy is growing too fast.... :tears: [tears of joy]

He's microchipped.

I'm looking into getting another pet, most likely a black Pomeranian.

awwww he's so cute. I don't think its a serious thing. My friend has a Malamute and she has the pink thing on her nose since she loves digging and getting her nose into stuff. I think it will heal over time. My shiba had it during the summer he got it from scraping his nose on a bone.

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Guest Melybum

I want to adopt a kitty soon ^^ I absolutely love cats and they're great companions. My mom bought a cat when I was just a baby but it died soon because it became ill.

I hope to find lots of info in this thread 8D

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