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In lieu of that, I dedicate this song to all them lying bros and brahs out there.  

Mmm oh mah God. Stop richard simmons lying!

It was my 2 year anniversary at this company and I just got the greatest present ever! Stupid annoying girl who steals food from peoples desks, sleeps on the job, and did frig all is leaving the company on Friday!!! Wooooooohooooo!

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Guest severus

Omg @NaughtyDog I thought your company would be better at hiring diligent people. Hoooook a sista up if you got contacts in M&A <3 I wanna relocate 


I am exhausted. Work. More work. Volunteering. Networking like my life depends on it.  Sending resumes to HK, Singapore, London, Paris. Meeting people for coffee. Interviews. Researching industry conditions in aforementioned cities. CFA prep. Going to conferences to schmooze more people in industry. 

Results have been sooooo good. Partners and seniors who are hiring think I'm bright and polished and cool and driven. But my eyebags.

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Omg @NaughtyDog I thought your company would be better at hiring diligent people. Hoooook a sista up if you got contacts in M&A <3 I wanna relocate 

It's the Frenchies. They're dumb as rocks, but get hired because they're bilingual. It's also super hard to get fired here for some reason *cough* our HR department sucks *cough* Bah you've applied to HK, London, Singapore and Paris, you don't want a job in Toronto haha

Ughh so I was THAT person today. The person that forgets an umbrella on a day everyone knows it's going to rain hard and gets soaked, except it was my own doing. I knew the remnants of hurricane Patricia were coming here, everyone knew the remnants of hurricane Patricia were coming here. I just had to crash somewhere and not want to lug my umbrella around yesterday. Sigh...

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Guest severus

Devon just cut 300 people today, MEG cut 30%, Cenovus is at roughly 1400, a not-yet-named oil giant is going to cut 1000 in the next week. It's probably Shell, since they cut their oilsands projects

People shtting on Big Oil before are going to get a taste of the life they thought they wanted, and they're not going to like it. Oh, no money is flowing into your small business? Oh you're getting laid off from your retail job because consumer spending is going down? OH YOU LIKE BEING SUBSIDIZED BY OIL ROYALTIES?

Fuccckkkkkingggg hell.





So in the name of procrastination, I watched the 21-min trailer of Nirvana in Fire. Hu Ge doesn't seem to have enough gravitas to carry off Mei Changsu...

Wasn't a fan of Hu Ge, but I'd have to disagree with this. There were some serious feels watching Hu Ge as the story developed.

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So I'm at the Drive-Thru at Tim Hortons ordering a Sandwich. This Chinese dude is taking my order, then out of nowhere his Muslim co-worker pops up behind him and yells "Ni HAO" at me.

So I replied, "Salaam Alaikum".

What is Tim Hortons?!!! 

You must be American. 

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Guest motherducker

Oh fck, I just handed in something with tbe wrong class lecture number on it.

I also noticed classmates handing in their papers without title pages. 

I realllllly hope I dont get docked marks for something like small wrong formatting because my actual content is pretty spiffy imo.

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Guest severus

Happiness will never be within my grasp. I always have to convince myself I'm happy and sometimes I fool myself. Most of the time I can't.

Nooooooo that outlook will just bring you down further. It's okay to not be satisfied with where you are but use it as motivation to push forward. 

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I took a girl out last night, she wouldn't hold my hand X'D *sigh... now I gotta go meet a new girl and try again and this and that while remaining friends with this girl. hughhhhh...

Keen to hear details of "last night"

who? what? when? where? why?

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So I'm at the Drive-Thru at Tim Hortons ordering a Sandwich. This Chinese dude is taking my order, then out of nowhere his Muslim co-worker pops up behind him and yells "Ni HAO" at me.

So I replied, "Salaam Alaikum".

What is Tim Hortons?!!! 

You must be American. 

:) hehe

Actually, I was really surprised to see a few Tim Hortons in NY state. It's a coffee-chain, I prefer it to Starbucks for my Ice Capps.

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So I'm at the Drive-Thru at Tim Hortons ordering a Sandwich. This Chinese dude is taking my order, then out of nowhere his Muslim co-worker pops up behind him and yells "Ni HAO" at me.

So I replied, "Salaam Alaikum".

What is Tim Hortons?!!! 

You must be American. 

:) hehe

Actually, I was really surprised to see a few Tim Hortons in NY state. It's a coffee-chain, I prefer it to Starbucks for my Ice Capps.

There are Timmies popping up all over the U.S., but I find it hilarious that they write "Cafe and Bakery" on the sign because Americans don't really know of it. When Burger King was going to stop selling Timbits, I think Canadians were ready to riot.

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