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Code worked and I have done my JG 5 VOTE Duty for the AAAs.  shy-dance-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774078His number has risen...at least.  

And now that nameSNS website has another POLL to vote for JG.  10x/day at the link. Lee Min Ho is winning right now. 

Speaking of foreheads...this pic is one I found today...

Image result for lee joon gi hugging

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On 1.11.2017 at 2:49 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Currently I'm rewatching Arang and the Magistrate on weekends, so how about sharing a pic of our beautiful Ghost seeing Sato???

Aaaaah Satto! 100% of a man! Every omen on heaven and earth shows that I'll have 2018 calendar with Eun Oh for every month. :wub:

On 1.11.2017 at 3:42 AM, antoniaclamens said:

I really loved Soo's spunk in these early episodes too... where did this girl go?

I think she died after being beaten, saw too many deaths etc. This is something people usually complain about - female character who fights for her rights at first during the show stops being like that. But usually those characters had to went through a lot of nasty stuff. I don't know who'd be still optimistic, happy and get on with her life as if nothing happened. I wouldn't.

On 1.11.2017 at 3:42 AM, antoniaclamens said:

This is to me the best acted scene of the drama (So killing Eun is a close contender, and sometimes it takes the upper hand). Sometimes i think this is the best acted scene ever: Korean and non Korean. Everything is awesome in this scene. Evil Queen Yoo is great and more evil than ever. Her words:"You're like an animal. Leave! You stink of blood and i cannot sleep" or "Hearing you call me "Mother" makes my skin crawl" creeps me out. How can she be so cruel to her own son. The one she ruined. My poor wounded puppy. But she made the way for our JG to shine. because in that dark scene he did shine like no one. I'm in awe everytime i watch this scene (and i watched it countless times!), every single expression, his mouth trembling, his facial muscles movements, his eyes... his voice... i'm lost at words, lets images speak to prove my point:

This scene shows (and thank you, LJG, for doing it so perfectly!!!) that So... is still a boy. How old was he then? 16? 17? No matter what happened he still needs a mother. And poor thing he doesn't have normal parents. His father is a king and has more important things on his shoulders than his son's issues (but I still believe that somehow he was observing So as if he was curious what kind of man he'll be). His mother loved him when he was little then something happened and she started to hate him. And she sent him away. To a woman who's insane and to a house where he's hostage. I think everyone there wanted to get rid of him and their ideas of painfull death were... can't find word. But this was an awful situation for So. 

Also! His brothers and half-brothers threat him like an animal. Some of them despise him, most of them are affraid of him. So is only defending himself but it seems everyone feels angry about that. I wonder what they would do in his place. :(

On 1.11.2017 at 3:42 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Just brings the biggest of smiles in my face. So Adorable

It's adorable and shows our So like a gentleman. You see this situation was strange - Soo isn't servant, right? Then why she had to take a meal to So? I mean who cares what servants thing? This is their job.

Also why did she has to take heavy container alone? She also has to take it back - once again she's doing it alone. So wanted to help as we can see but I believe he had no courage yet. This is a new thing for him. A girl who's not affraid of him (most of the time :wink: ), who has balls to scold him and stand next to him without threating him badly or calling him names or wanting to run away. I think So doesn't know what to do with this. :wink:

On 1.11.2017 at 3:42 AM, antoniaclamens said:

All he has is his handsome face and his pretty lies. 

I'd say "words" instead of lies. I think he really believes in what he's saying when he's talking. But those are only words. And I'm not saying that a woman should stand for her own safety, she should not depend on men etc. Sure she does but it's impossible to defend yourself against so many people. Sometimes you need help. So helps. Wook only talks.

On 1.11.2017 at 4:06 AM, antoniaclamens said:

The sad part is that i can´t help thinking about little Seol and it just breaks my heart

But the funny part is that she bumped into him walking onto her as if he was planning all this. And then... his idea was to call her his woman... :wub: Phew! So hot here... do we have summer in the middle of November? 

On 1.11.2017 at 4:06 AM, antoniaclamens said:

How cool our dog/wolf is...

He's cool and maybe he doesn't wear shining armour (at least not yet) but he saves the day.

But I must admit - the fighting scene with Kang Ha Neul was great to watch. :D

On 1.11.2017 at 4:06 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Insufferable Jung with Evil Queen hurting our So

Yeah and he was wishy-washy which was annoying. Once he says So saved him, then he insults him. And queen Yoo was so stupid in that scene. Ooooh Jung stay away from him he'll bring you bad luck blah blah blah - yeah and saving you a** is a bad luck then I want the same bad luck!

Btw when So punched Jung I was cheering. crazy-monkey-emoticon-148.gif

On 1.11.2017 at 4:06 AM, antoniaclamens said:

-And the sweetest ending for this great episode :heart:

With Soo saying to So to take care of himself. That was sweet. Another moment when So could just fall for her - she cares.


Now... my episode 4 "review". First of all it's an episode when I saw that something is wrong with Wook for the first time. It shows that all he does is just talking but he doesn't do any action. Like - he wants to behave civilised towards So but in the end he doesn't. He wants to protect Soo, but he doesn't. Later we will see that he'll want to marry Soo but he "can't find perfect moment to ask his father for permission". 
Also he behaved as if he wanted to be nice to So... but as long as he knows his place and this place is where Wook tells him. Another scene where Wook wants to do something but he doesn't - the moment when Yeon Hwa beats Soo. What Wook did? Well... uhmm... errr... hmm... He looked shocked, yes, hmm... ahm... and he was standing there like an idiot just watching! While young woman is defenceless and beaten! It was So who reacts and stops this situation. And tells YH that Soo is his person. This is a protection for Soo - only few words and she became untouchable. What Wook did? He behaves as if he was jelaous that Soo could do something - ANYTHING - and made sure no one would touch Soo. Wook didn't move a finger. I don't know maybe Wook was waiting until Soo is beaten till she loses consciousnes and then he could be the nice guy who takes care of her wounds. Blah! To me this is the last sign for viewers to which team they should join and it's totally team So. 
I feel pity for Myung Hee - she really loves her husband dearly but knows and stops kidding herself that he really loves her. In my opinion he does love her in a way but still - it's not romantic love. It's like love for someone you take care of but not love you feel when you meet the person of your life. 
As for So - this is how he really is. Tough on the outside, soft in the inside for people he cares about. He know how to love - it's not love what he feels yet but the episode shows that he really is a human being. And I believe that every person in the world (well, maybe not psychopaths) need a moment from time to time when someone caresses him/her. So is like that. Like a wounded cat. Doesn't trust, preferst to attack before someone hurt him but when he trusts you he can be like fluffy kitten. I'm sure you can even scratch his belly. :wink:

On 2.11.2017 at 3:14 PM, pixelsticks said:

Yes, and again...this is where I could NOT understand how this episode DIDN'T capture an audience and pull them in! 

Another theory by cedarwood who drank too much wine - maybe this story was too complicated? Korea loved the simple story of young king falling in love with young girl and the perfectly know part of girl pretending to be a boy - maybe they felt safe with that storyline and Wang So was too complicated? You know with all that story you have to think. 

And it's not Joseon. :wink:

On 2.11.2017 at 3:14 PM, pixelsticks said:


On 1.11.2017 at 10:17 PM, cedarwood said:

I'm affraid what's next. :wink:

Afraid???  Nahhhhhh

Afraid that in his next project he'll avoid kissing and run away when the lady will be ready for a kiss. :wink:

On 3.11.2017 at 12:52 AM, antoniaclamens said:
On 2.11.2017 at 6:41 AM, cedarwood said:

Arghhh it's so frustrating! :( But maybe my observations weren't that relevant and soompi was like "I won't let @antoniaclamens answer this sillyness!" :wink:

Lol. lol. lol. but we all came here to be silly, don´t we? at least i do. :tongue: and your comments are always so right... 

Maybe my posts are too silly for soompi's liking. :wink:

On 3.11.2017 at 4:58 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Wook says that “Nothing here belongs to you; not YH; not HS. They are all my persons” HA! laugh3-smiley.gif?1292867631

Oh yes Wook - YH and HS are your persons. And pigs can fly!

On 3.11.2017 at 4:58 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Random observation : JG has really nice hands. :wub:

Deep observation: long slender fingers but his hand don't look like hands of a pianist - I see those hands and one thing that comes to my mind is: SWORD!

On 5.11.2017 at 8:35 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

I insist! But you posted only 2 pictures, that’s not enough to support your claim and definitely not enough for our, uh, research requirements. You should post more, don’t you think? innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381

You think so? I take my academic work v. serious so I must take some more pictures. Will do so... maybe tomorrow.

Sorry for being such a bad scholar. :wink:

But I bet you at least thought that maybe I'm right and his eyes can kill, admit it. :wink:

On 5.11.2017 at 8:35 AM, bluelilac1214 said:


On 1.11.2017 at 10:17 PM, cedarwood said:

*prepares sleeping pills* Sure...

*Hires a food taster * Of course…

laugh2-smiley.gif?1292867631 One day I'll die of laughter and it will be your fault. :wink:

On 5.11.2017 at 11:51 AM, hiluna said:

I have forged ahead and watched MLSHR up to episode 15 but now I can't bring myself to watch the last 5 episodes knowing I am going to be crying my eyes out :bawling:  I will have to watch it slowly scene by scene and take some breaks in between :grimace:.

So now you'll wait and watch the rest with us?


Since I'm afraid soompi won't keep this post (you scare me, guys!) and since it's 1.00 a.m. in here I'm going to bed. Talk to you soon.

And of course t.b.c.

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On 11/9/2017 at 9:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

So it's Wednesday and time for the MLSHR re(take) of EPISODE 5 this week!  Where is everybody???


MLSHR Episode 5 DramaFever Director’s Cut

"Waiting on the World to Change" - John Mayer

Pixelistic Re(take)

  • Next Scene:swear1-smiley.gif?1292867684 JiMong is not happy to gain a roommate, even if it is Wang So.  <<<stupid, stupid-smiley-face.gif?1302011430stupid man>>> I loved the set up/wide shot of where Wang So opens the tower doors to lay down on the balcony. It shows the expanse of the palace grounds and of Goryeo, but focuses on this intimate space.  And isn't this one of the of the TOP 10 Wang So Faces!!!???
  • 25:34  FINALLY.  crazy monkey 148It seems like FOREVER since we’ve seen Wang So <<<the whole reason we are here!!>>>.  And boy…we’ve never seen him this way!! <<<Oh Wow!  Hae Soo is right!!! 
  • Hubba hubba>>> Lookie at the 4th Prince.  Even he knows he’s got it! Subtle guyliner, rich fabrics, hair all done up!  
  • <<<another Top 10 image- maybe I'll need to expand it to 20:tongue:>>> 
  • 32:00  An amazingly beautiful cinematographic moment!  Wook & HS walking in the snow. snowing-smiley.gif?1292867676 She is following in his footsteps. Light playful music! He notices and makes it hard for her by taking big steps. She stumbles and he grabs her hand. <<<the editors are trying really hard to get us to ship them!>>> The light is super yummy in these close-ups!

Here I am! reporting :D i love your review, but i always do, so nothing new. lol. One question? How could you have a Top 10, Top 20 or even Top 50 Wang So face? Well maybe per episode... but for the whole drama a Top 100 wouldn´t be enough for me... I even  have a hard time trying to decide for a Top face per scene. lol. lol.

I will talk about Wook/HS walking in the snow scene here because i don´t want to spoil my review... It is a beautiful scene... i mean beautiful filmed. The white background, HS's red and white outfit, Wook's dreamy face... the show and PD nim tried really hard to sold us this romance... sadly i can´t feel anything. at least not anything good (poor Lady Hae always on my mind). Just imagine the same scene... only it's not Wook but So... :wub: the potential...


18 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Here I am! He was extremely beautiful on SBS awards show. :wub: Can’t wait to see him :ph34r:and his pretty forehead:ph34r: on the red carpet. 

Now you've made me post these – just look at him! love onion head


What a beautiful collection of JG's forehead :love: thank you thank you. i can´t wait to see him on the red carpet too!!!


17 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

IG update :wub::wub:

:wub: Picture from Okinawa... so full of color!!!! :wub: and soooooooo cute :wub:

Love the pictures, love love his shirt, love his smile.. :wub: now i really need the photoshoot!


11 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

I can completely understand the problem here....

Whenever he comes on screen....where to look at first? 


Calling @cedarwood !!!

Sorry for quouting a picture... couldn´t help it! blame it on the lips  and yes where is our dear @cedarwood?????


11 hours ago, violina said:

Ah now i have the urge to post all related pretty forehead shots.Not in a tux but still: love onion head

I'm dead... :love:


10 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Not gonna complain at all......

Ahhhh MEC....makes me want JG in a ROM COM like NOW!!!!

Yes pleaseeeeeee!!!! though i would accept anything, i just need a new project!


6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Code worked and I have done my JG 5 VOTE Duty for the AAAs.  shy-dance-raccoon-emoticon.gif?1302774078His number has risen...at least.  

And now that nameSNS website has another POLL to vote for JG.  

Congrats!! maybe i should try again to vote for the AAA, they made it so hard!!!!

and lol how many nameSNS polls are there? and what is this site? 



@cedarwood almost missed your last post! happy to see you back! and happy to see your review... i think we shouldn´t discuss Wook much in this thread... but i will stand my point. He tells lies... maybe he doesn´t intend to tell them... but he decided not to live by his words, so in the end he is fully responsible of turning his words into lies...

Edited by LyraYoo
please do not quote the images ,thank you
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MLSHR Episode 5 Review


How to start with this... i have mixed feelings about this episode. I still remember the first time i watched it like it was yesterday... after a very long wait (the longest 24 hours ever. lol) i played the episode expecting to have my So fix... only for him to appear like 5 minutes in the whole episode!!! i was crazy mad (throwing things, kicking in the air, hitting my head, cursing PDnim). Seriously... i was really angry and dissapointed at the episode. You have to know that at that time i wasn´t really onto the drama, but i was already in love with So. He was everything for me... and then some more. But everything has a bright side... as i didn´t have my So fix, and i needed to see JG so badly, i finally decide to start watching Two Weeks... and of course i fall in love with JG again... really heard. To this day Two Weeks is my second fave JG's drama (of course you must know wich one is the first fave :wink:)


Despite the lack of So, there are things i love/like about the episode... the most beloved being this:




image credit to uploader




She was so sweet and caring... she deserved better than Wook and Soo. But in the end she got what she decided to have. I think she had no regrets and i rescpect her for it!


Of course another thing i love to pieces was her dying song. the song was so beautiful and hunting! in fact it was the first song from the drama OST to catch my attention... i still can´t hear it without crying :bawling:


And i looooooove love love so much Soo and the King first meeting:



Resultado de imagen para moon lovers episode 5

So funny! :lol: i really need to learn this line... just in case...



Another funny encounter? Soo and Jimong








Almost everything else is just Soo.. Wook... Wook.. Soo... me mad again...:rage: but i will admit it was a good episode... sadly the seemed to forget who the main lead was....


Now 4th Prince Wang So!!!! Finally. Maybe he hadn´t almost any screentime... but every scene he was in was priceless..



Resultado de imagen para moon lovers scarlet heart ryeo episode 5




Pre rain ritual... right???his first protocolar scene... he was so out of place






One of @pixelsticks Top 10 Wang So faces... and one of my lets call it Top 100 Wang So faces


Animated version







I think he feels really confortable and "at home" for the first time... wich is kind of sad.. 


Now this scene must be my favorite from the episode. i don´t know how many times i replayed the scene... now i feel like crying again...

Resultado de imagen para moon lovers scarlet heart ryeo episode 5

I have to say it... I LOVE THAT PLACE!!! it's pure magic. I was there and i could see So and Soo bickering and playing around... my pictures there were all a mess because i cried the whole time. right now i'm crying because the feeling is still so real.

About the scene... So was so happy to see Soo, he was so happy because Soo was seeing him looking like a true gentleman. He was like a proud little boy... and Soo was her natural and expanded self. They were so confortable together... How sad that evil Queen interrupted them.. i wish Soo would stay a little longer though





Resultado de imagen para moon lovers scarlet heart ryeo episode 5

Resultado de imagen para moon lovers episode 5


How not to fall in love with that smile??















And this is FUN! 








And our man is as smart as ever!

And this smile... so fleeting but so precious



I think this scene shows us what are YH true feelings for So... to her he's just an animal she would like to tame... and own

i would never ever like her... the ever smiling witch! like brother like sister... 





He looks so lethal here :wub:





All gifs credit to uploaders

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4 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Just imagine the same scene... only it's not Wook but So... :wub: the potential...

Ohhhhh....now that just hurts.....the snow walking scene would have been 10x better with Wang So in there!! 

I understand what you mean about Episode 5. The first 4 episodes really spoiled us with getting to know (& love) the man in the mask and seeing Wang So in all his glory (and pain). Like you, by Episode 4, WS was one of my favorite characters in TV LAND and I WANTED more!! 


4 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

now i really need the photoshoot!

<<patiently waiting.....NOT>>>  I WANT MORE JG PICS


4 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Afraid that in his next project he'll avoid kissing and run away when the lady will be ready for a kiss. :wink:

That would be ALL KINDS OF WRONG...unless it is built into comedic relief!  And made up for with romance later. 


4 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

One question? How could you have a Top 10, Top 20 or even Top 50 Wang So face? Well maybe per episode... but for the whole drama a Top 100 wouldn´t be enough for me... I even  have a hard time trying to decide for a Top face per scene. lol. lol.

Hahaha... I know I know. It's hard but I did love this one all throughout the show! Wang So didn't smile much by then so this was GOLD!


3 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

One of @pixelsticks Top 10 Wang So faces... and one of my lets call it Top 100 Wang So faces

Animated version


Oh my...the animated version!!  Watch all the subtleties in that smile!!!


3 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

I LOVE THAT PLACE!!! it's pure magic. I was there and i could see So and Soo bickering and playing around... my pictures there were all a mess because i cried the whole time. right now i'm crying because the feeling is still so real.

I forgot that you GOT TO BE THERE!!! That must be an experience.  I'd probably annoy everyone around me trying to recreate the scenes perfectly! 


3 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

I think this scene shows us what are YH true feelings for So... to her he's just an animal she would like to tame... and own

i would never ever like her.

I think he was more than an animal to tame for her.  She may have vocalized that to Yo, but what was she supposed to say?  She wouldn't tell Yo the full truth. She had to 'play along.' I'm not saying she was a saint.  Heck no...and she did have her own priorities and misplaced motivations. 

Related imageBut c'mon.....who wouldn't want to try/fall for Wang So as a possible suitor in that time?

(I was testing Google to see which image would pop up first after googling Wang So-it's this one.)



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3 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

And since it's not only MLSHR and Wang So in here....

I haven't finished sharing my Top 15 Hyun Joon outfits.  Here's a fave. Anytime he is wearing that NCI vest!

@pixelsticks Oh yes, JG in that vest is super gorgeous :wub: 

And that happy Lee Joon Gi photo is very nice :D 


As for my review, I haven't watched that episode yet :unsure: School is sucking up my free time, lol. I will watch it at the weekend for sure. ^^


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Fangirling Observations (not much observation this time - more like pic spam) and definitely-not-a-review-thingy of MLSHR – Episode 5


I apologize in advance for subjecting you guys to this messy post and for repeating the pics that @antoniaclamens has already posted – couldn’t resist the perfection that is JG! :wub:

On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

Episode 5 begins with King Taejo  bowing to the Ancestors while all the Crayola sponsored colorful Princes look on with exhaustion  Ahh Wang So  is there…in black.  Looking all handsome but trying to fit in.

So doesn’t even know that he has to bow  – he has no idea about the etiquette or customs. How did the Kangs raise him - they hadn't even taught him the basics! Ah, yes, they tried to kill him; not raise. :angry:


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

Next Scene: JiMong is not happy to gain a roommate, even if it is Wang So.

He is very playful and bickers with Ji Mong. It really shows his age – though he has to go through some horrible experiences and had to mature too quickly, he is still a teenager, isn't he?  So we can assume that he banters and bickers with those who he is comfortable and considers close, right? He bickers with Soo, too, though she is not that familiar to him – she’s almost a stranger to him, isn’t she? Hmmm… I wonder what it means. confused onion head :wink:

Random observation: So carries his own stuff to the astronomy tower, not the servants. Even if he is feared and avoided, can’t he just order the servants to do that? Also if I’m not mistaken, he also carries his sword with him. Swords aren’t allowed inside the palace grounds, are they? The astronomy tower is situated inside the palace grounds, right?


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

The smiling face as he watched the Goryeo stars multi-stars-smiley.gif?1292867640 ?? You know he’s falling for Hae Soo…

He looks so content and peaceful. :wub: JG has no right to look this beautiful when almost half of his face is covered! How dare he? love onion head







And he quotes Soo again! The boy doesn’t forget a word Soo says. :wub:




On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

3:00 Hae Soo, Chae Ryung and Lady Hae  enjoy the delivery of medicinal herbs from Wookie.

Random bitter observation: They used “Say Yes” for snake Wook! How could they?? Because his love is definitely not true – you don’t abandon the people you love, and that’s what he is going to do in the coming episodes!  :angry: *Blue is bitter*


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

7:20 Sweet dying Lady Hae can be devious…and she makes sure Hae Soo and Wook have private time.

Random observation: Goryeo sure did have very bright candlelight – look how bright the library is with only a handful of candles! I wonder who was actually writing the Hanja – they didn’t even show snake Wook's hand properly.


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

17:50 Hwangbo’s Visit the Palace. 

Random observation: I like how they always differentiate Soo using colors. In the first shot she’s the one who is colourless and looks pure in white while everyone else and the surrounding are colourful.


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

They both meet Hae Soo and she gives them her handmade soaps.

Random observation: Did the Hwangbos color coordinate? Soo and Evil Queen Yoo match too! :huh:

Yoo brightens up the moment she heard that the King is coming – did she really have feelings for him, rather than just being possessive of him?


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

He acknowledges Hae Soo as the girl who hurt his little Eun (cinnamon bun).

And Moo tries to save Soo – what made him do that, other than compassion? We haven’t seen much, if any, interaction between them, right? Could there be any deleted scenes? Yoo certainly doesn’t like that Soo is getting any praise from the King – is someone is being possessive?


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

25:34  FINALLY.  It seems like FOREVER since we’ve seen Wang So <<<the whole reason we are here!!>>>.

Yes, FINALLY! He’s the lead but does not get enough screen time. <_< It’s criminal how the interaction between So and Soo lasts only for about 2 minutes! get out crazy rabbit


Wang So's smile!!!! love onion head










qokcwNu.gif *this is probably how I look whenever So comes on screen*



And I loooove how So leans towards Soo when he flirts banters with her. :love:




On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

Lookie at the 4th Prince.  Even he knows he’s got it!

:ph34r: Isn't JG the same too? :ph34r: 


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

Queen Yoo has to come and ruin the moment and any confidence WS is building.

Our boy So covers the entrance/ exit (?), and thereby Soo, when Yoo comes – already so protective of her. :wub: The heartless lady compares So with snake Wook. Isn’t it ironic how earlier she boasted about Jung with snake Wook’s mother and now she does the opposite – she says that snake Wook is better than So to So himself. She also reminds him very haughtily how he doesn’t know anything about the palace or how it works. :angry: So is worried for a moment that Soo might hear his own mother berating him, only for a moment. When he answers the vile woman, he does so in a calm voice – no emotions, no tears, nothing to show how hurt he is. I love how his expression changes within seconds, from polite smile to hurt, the moment she leaves. Then, he remembers Soo.








On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

30:15 Enter JiMong!  There he is Hae Soo! He plays like he doesn’t know her but whispers for her to “Be Careful.”  And gives her the same advice.  “Your life can’t change just because you want it to.” 

Ji Mong also lectures Soo of how she should live in Goryeo and how careful she must be of her actions and words.


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

<<<is this just a fate show?>>>

I think so too – So and Soo were fated to meet each other. If they hadn’t met, then there would be no Gwangjong either. How many times it is mentioned in this drama that nothing is a coincidence and everything has a reason behind it.


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

32:00  An amazingly beautiful cinematographic moment!  Wook & HS walking in the snow.  She is following in his footsteps. Light playful music! He notices and makes it hard for her by taking big steps. She stumbles and he grabs her hand. <<<the editors are trying really hard to get us to ship them!>>>

Not going to lie - this was my face the whole time during that scene. whaaat1 onion head They tried too hard to sell SoosnakeWook *gags* ship.

On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

She delivers the poem but the Princes arrive to catch her!

Random observation: Didn’t they have anything like bookmarks in Goryeo? They always keep the book open to the last read page. I’ve seen this in the dramas set in Joseon period too. And is Eun wearing something like an apron? :crazy:

So doesn’t come in with the others, he arrives a couple of steps behind them. He also sits alone at the far end of the table. Always a loner! * “oetoriya oetoriya..”whistling2-smiley-face.gif?1302011442tries to sing says Blue’s crazy mind* So is taken aback when Eun asks for his opinion, he couldn’t believe that he would be included in their discussion.

When everyone else struggles to understand Soo’s emoji, only So is able to understand it; understand her and the way she thinks. Not snake Wook who lives with her in the same house and notices her activities, but So, who only interacts with her once in a while.

And So looks beautiful as always... :wub:





On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

39:55 Everyone is loving it, but not Baek-Ah.  He tries to make HS feel bad about her heart’s intentions…but thank you for that Baek-Ah

Yes, thank you so much BA, the lovely cinnamon roll. :wub: Well, I think BA represents all of us :ph34r: SoSoo shippers :ph34r: when he confronts Soo and try to make her see some sense. A..nd snake Wook creeps up behind them. Soo says she’s sorry for crying in front of him. Interesting isn’t it – she’s not ready to share and show her true feelings with him – she even feels guilty about it, but she already had a talk with So of how she’s afraid of herself the most? And to think that it is snake Wook who is going to make both So and Soo – and us - cry forever. <_<


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

She finds Wang So  strolling so handsomely on the palace grounds. But Yo  has to ruin the convo. 

YH looks happy that Yo called her precious, can’t blame her for that. Who doesn’t want to be called precious? But she hesitates and doesn’t answer directly when Yo asks her whether she has the confidence to live looking at So’s ugly face (ugly face? <_< Maybe Yo needs a pair of glasses!!) forever. I love how So says he doesn’t want to put a value on YH. All he wants is a woman who would treasure him. :wub: Is YH trying to compare Yo and So and see who would be a better option for her? She sees So as a challenge – to see whether she can tame the infamous wolf-dog, and of course, who can resist the beautiful and brave So?


On 11/9/2017 at 6:54 AM, pixelsticks said:

This was a beautiful death scene.  The interaction, the intimacy, the damn SONG!!!

Yep, the scene was beautiful and I call the song “The Death Song” – nothing good ever happens if the song is played and there will definitely be a death of some character! death-1-smiley-face.gif?1302011341

After the emotional roller-coaster that was episode 4 which had so many scene with So, for me the episode 5 was kind of.. silence onion headAs all I talk about is Wang So, I didn’t even know what to post! If it weren’t for @pixelsticks's review I don’t think I would have posted this. Once again, @pixelsticks thank you so much – I told you that I need your help, didn’t I? And thank you, @antoniaclamens for the lovely pics and review, which made me want to post just so that I can share beautiful pics of Wang So! 



*All image and gif credit to original uploaders.


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On 6.11.2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

next role....please have JG completely topless again....Image result for pray emoji and some romance---selfish pixel talking>>>

With happy ending! crazy-monkey-emoticon-194.gif?1292792429

On 6.11.2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

But....I wanna be called his "person."  Hahahaha  JG's persons 

Person? ...or woman? crazy-monkey-emoticon-166.gif?1292792422

On 6.11.2017 at 3:33 AM, pixelsticks said:

He seems so humble and sweet in real life.  I just wanted to see how he would defend Wook if you told him what you felt of his character.  ^_^

Knowing how he behaved in Running man - he'd probably be embarassed. Poor him, he seems to be super shy.

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

He is her constant reminder of that night when she lost to the King. 

I just realized why I hate queen Yoo so much (she's great character and very well played but as a person - I hate her!) - that night was her fault. She lost control, she injuried her son - that's her doing. But she seems to believe it's... his fault. She's like a rapist who tries to blame the victim for what's happened. Like: "It's her fault because she had short skirt." So it's So's fault because... errr... he was in the same room. You know I'm thinking about what will happen to queen Yoo and her last moments of life and I can't stop smiling (and that's evil smile). 

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

20:57  Prince Euncute2 onion head finds Hae Soo lamenting over the fact that men take more than 1 wife in this time. He tries to woo her with toys. 

And here's my question - how old is Eun? He looks like teenager but behaves like 5 year old (sometimes).

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

29:30 This is when I knew the bromance would NEVER happen.  Even after Wook knows that Wang So saved Hae Soo, and saved his own mother, took full responsibility for the killings, and saved Crown Prince Moo….he still doesn’t like him. Why the HELL NOT???? crazy leaf<<<too much of a threat to your manhood Wook???>>> He calmly threatens Wang So that neither Yeon Hwa or Hae Soo are his to claim and he better leave HIS ladies alone.

My point (in my previous post - I don't know if anyone understand my gibberish) was that he wants to be a good brother to So as long as So is not on his way - as long as he's exactly where others told him to be. It's like friendship in kindergarten - I like you but don't touch my toys! Maybe he wanted to be good brother because that was the right thing to do or it will look good but he wants to control where So can show up and what he can do or say. The problem is that So is human being, he feels and thinks by himself.

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

Wook visits Hae Soo at her bedchamber. He even asks her to forget what happened today. crazy monkey 143 <<<wtf!!>>>

This is how they invented Alzheimer...

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

Here is where I get worried.  Hae Soo runs out to find him.  He makes a promise <<<4J3iWgH.png>>> LIAR!!! Is he really going to stand up for her now?>>>

He wants to as I believe. But I think Wook doesn't understand how the world works. People don't stop treat Hae Soo badly because he said so. She doesn't stop having problems because he said no one will be bad to her - he said that only to her. I don't remember him telling the same thing to other people, like: "Stop treating Soo badly, she's under my protection!" - no, he only said to her that he'll protect her. Ok, he knows how to fight but most of the time he's busy... hmm... thinking, reading and talking.

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

This was on repeat a lot…I am ashamed to say>>>

Don't be ashamed, I did the same. And I bet most of us did. After all this scene has great tension, good dialogue and LJG being so close to the lady I'm burning of jealousy. crazy-monkey-emoticon-170.gif?1292792423

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

I did also ask what took WS so long to arrive?  Was he having fun watching it all unfold? Got lost in the woods? 

He was waiting for the best moment. You know - to make an entrance to remember. And look - he made it. :D

Other explanation is that his horse is slower than Hae Soo. :tongue:

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

Question:  Why hasn’t it been thought of to have Hae Soo be Wook’s 2nd wife already? 

Good question. Maybe multimarriage was allowed for the king only? I mean he did this because he wanted to protect his new country Wook's marriage was not so important (for them yes but not for Goryeo).

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

Wang So asks Jung when will he stop being their mother’s baby.

And he probably made Jung think a bit about being grown up man hiding behind mommy's skirt. And maybe that queen Yoo wasn't worth so much love from her sons. 

On 6.11.2017 at 6:04 AM, pixelsticks said:

King Taejo minces no wordstv baby 60 and tells So that your mother and brother aim for the throne so what about you? 

If I may add something - which shows that king Taejo wasn't blind or stupid. He KNEW who's behind the attack and queen Yoo can play innocent as much as she likes. crazy-monkey-emoticon-145.gif?1292792417

On 6.11.2017 at 3:39 PM, pixelsticks said:

This is probably what he would deal with if he lived in the US. :tongue:

That's his fault. Who told him to be so talented and beautiful?  crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif?1292792378

On 6.11.2017 at 9:13 PM, glassnokamen said:

perhaps he never saw a girl do something like this until that moment :tongue:

He saw that for sure - i.e. servants. But he could be surprised that a girl like Hae Soo did that.

On 7.11.2017 at 4:00 AM, glassnokamen said:

Finally an update!!!!! :wub::wub:

He's so slim those pants hang on him. But he still looks lovely. 

On 8.11.2017 at 1:40 PM, missmaudy said:

It’s a great news JG is attending the AAA and we may see him in tux

I must prepare my heart for this view...

On 8.11.2017 at 4:22 PM, haniiiii said:

I am sooo ready to see something like this, handsomeness overload ^^

...and that's exactly my point. :heart:


On 8.11.2017 at 5:35 PM, violina said:

Awwww Go Yoon.Out of all the Criminal Minds Cast.Who was the most memorable actor?

Another proof our man is a nice person. So many people praise him for his behaviour. It's w sweet thing to read. 

On 8.11.2017 at 5:57 PM, violina said:

The combination of a good tux and perfect styling..

Yeah, I had some doubts and wasn't so sure about it but now I know - YOU WANT TO KILL ME!:wub: I appreciate that you have mercy and chose the best death for me... crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif?1292792378

On 9.11.2017 at 2:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

  Where is everybody???

I'm here! Sorry, I moved to another place and had to arrange everything in my new home. I barely had time to do anything except working and making my home comfy.  But now is ok.

On 9.11.2017 at 2:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

JiMong is not happy to gain a roommate, even if it is Wang So.  <<<stupid, stupid-smiley-face.gif?1302011430stupid man>>>

Maybe he'd be happier if he was a woman. :wink:

On 9.11.2017 at 2:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

The smiling face as he watched the Goryeo stars multi-stars-smiley.gif?1292867640 

Plus he has the non-for-battle mask. Is it the first time we see his other mask? 

On 9.11.2017 at 2:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

enjoy the delivery of medicinal herbs from Wookie

I'm sorry but when you say Wookie...



On 9.11.2017 at 2:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

She is a destroyer! 

A destroyer, emotional vampire and mood killer. Honestly, king Taejo must really have loved her, otherwise I don't know how he managed to live with her. crazy-monkey-emoticon-044.gif?1292792390

On 9.11.2017 at 2:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

Lookie at the 4th Prince.  Even he knows he’s got it! Subtle guyliner, rich fabrics, hair all done up!

Yessss... LJG wearing such beautiful clothes again. Really hanboks are beautiful imho but on LJG they even more beautiful. And LJG knows how to wear them with natural grace. As if he was born to wear hanbok (he probably was). And all those rich fabrics only make him look like heaven even more...

On 9.11.2017 at 2:24 AM, pixelsticks said:

Lady Hae…out in the snow…burning clothes. <<why?  sad2-smiley-face.gif?1302011418Are they bloodstained?  Are they her wedding clothes? Is this significant?>>>

Probably because of the blood. She's sick and that was probably the idea to not let the sickness spread around.

Btw what's going on with the weather? It was warm before now it's snowing... On the other hand April can be like that so maybe in Goryeo it was normal. But clothing could be a hell for people. I mean - what to wear?! It's warm - cold - warm - cold - warm - cold every 5 minutes different weather.

On 9.11.2017 at 7:46 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

it was all JG and his perfect acting that resulted in me rambling nonstop. It was all his fault!

I'm sure he feels guilty. crazy-monkey-emoticon-125.gif?1292792412

On 9.11.2017 at 7:46 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

You should never be ashamed of researching, right? innocent-smiley-face.gif?1302011381

Of course! And no one should be ashamed of being ambicious. Especially as a scientist. It's all for science! 

On 9.11.2017 at 7:46 AM, bluelilac1214 said:


And where is @cedarwood ?looky-smiley.gif?1292867633

Here! Swooning over LJG!

On 9.11.2017 at 8:26 AM, bluelilac1214 said:

Now you've made me post these – just look at him! love onion head

Like I said... crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif?1292792378

On 9.11.2017 at 3:18 PM, violina said:

Ah now i have the urge to post all related pretty forehead shots.Not in a tux but still: love onion head

No tux but ohmygoooood those are from CimE! And he looked like million of dollars!!! crazy-monkey-emoticon-003.gif?1292792378

20 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

and yes where is our dear @cedarwood?????

Heeeeeereeeee! :D:D:D

Were you worried about me? :D

20 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

i think we shouldn´t discuss Wook much in this thread...

Maybe we shouldn't but he's a part of love triangle so it's hard not to mention him from time to time. And he's an interesting character to discuss. Different from Wang So in every way.

19 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

She was so sweet and caring... she deserved better than Wook and Soo. But in the end she got what she decided to have. I think she had no regrets and i rescpect her for it!

And in that moment she finally looked like young woman. MH wasn't old and the actress isn't old either. Yet in Goryeo clothes she looks more like Wook's aunt than his wife. And I agree - she was sweet and caring.

I just thought of something. Women in this drama chose their men and not one is happy in the end. Have you noticed?

19 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

And our man is as smart as ever!

And this smile... so fleeting but so precious

He's smart... to be precise he's on the same wavelength as Soo. He gets her idea quickly. Wook? He wants her but doesn't understand her. And trust me - I know So will not understand everything in the future but I explain that to myself that's because no one loved him before so he has no experience with relationship and what's happening between woman and a man. Besides he'll be in love and will not understand why it doesn't work like he thinks it should. But now? He's like made for her. And he really is - they just have complicated story that's all. Besides just by looking at his body language we can say he's totally into her - he bends to her all the time, comes closer and closer, looks into her eyes from like 1 cm distance... 

16 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


21 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Afraid that in his next project he'll avoid kissing and run away when the lady will be ready for a kiss. :wink:

That would be ALL KINDS OF WRONG...unless it is built into comedic relief!  And made up for with romance later. 

Noo! I hate comedic relief like that! I don't like when adults behave like silly teenagers or 10 year olds. Prefer other comedic reliefs.

16 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

(I was testing Google to see which image would pop up first after googling Wang So-it's this one.)

Good choice - Uncle Google is learning. 

8 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Here's a fave. Anytime he is wearing that NCI vest!

Oh true. But I don't know if there's any outfit that he doesn't look good in it.

2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

So doesn’t even know that he has to bow  – he has no idea about the etiquette or customs. How did the Kangs raise him - they hadn't even taught him the basics! Ah, yes, they tried to kill him; not raise. :angry:

As queen Yoo mentioned earlier - he wasn't rised to be a tiger. Oh no, my lady, he was raised to be a wolf and the day will come when you'll feel sorry for that.

2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Random observation: So carries his own stuff to the astronomy tower, not the servants. Even if he is feared and avoided, can’t he just order the servants to do that?

Maybe he was affraid they made Soo do it.

2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Swords aren’t allowed inside the palace grounds, are they? The astronomy tower is situated inside the palace grounds, right?

Special privilege for wolf-dog. swords-smiley-face.gif?1302011431 I wonder if he cared if someone told him he can't carry a sword. After all he's a prince not a commoner. I believe commoners couldn't have swords. But on the other hand there were guards - they weren't unarmed.

2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

JG has no right to look this beautiful when almost half of his face is covered! How dare he? love onion head

Tell him that! In his face! :lol:

2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Goryeo sure did have very bright candlelight – look how bright the library is with only a handful of candles!

Don't forget the ritual! The illumination of princes behind paper (?) walls - impressive. :wink:

2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Yoo brightens up the moment she heard that the King is coming – did she really have feelings for him, rather than just being possessive of him?

I think she has but the will of revenge is stronger than anything.


Wow! I've finished quoting! :D 

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11 hours ago, haniiiii said:

I will watch it at the weekend for sure. ^^

Okie dokie!

7 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

How did the Kangs raise him - they hadn't even taught him the basics!

Silly question: Do other households have the same ceremonial procedures as the Kings Palace?? I bet @joybran would know!


7 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Even if he is feared and avoided, can’t he just order the servants to do that?

He probably doesn't want them around. 


7 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Random observation: Goryeo sure did have very bright candlelight

hahahhehehe yup!  Although in later episodes, I thought they did well with lower lighting.


8 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

did she really have feelings for him, rather than just being possessive of him?

I believe so...hence her serious hatred of Court Lady Oh, who was the one who truly seemed to have King Taejo's heart...as much as you could have that man's heart. 


8 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

:ph34r: Isn't JG the same too? :ph34r:

Heck yes!! Confidence is sexy!


8 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

As all I talk about is Wang So, I didn’t even know what to post! 


besides your hatred of the snake? hehehe  


5 hours ago, cedarwood said:
On 11/5/2017 at 9:33 PM, pixelsticks said:

next role....please have JG completely topless again....Image result for pray emoji and some romance---selfish pixel talking>>>

With happy ending! crazy-monkey-emoticon-194.gif?1292792429

THAT is a GIVEN too!!  No more torturing/killing my soul and making me depressed for weeks on end.  Mmmmkay???!!!  And maybe a water-drenched scene (not angsty....happy, sexy).  Hyun Joon didn't give me that!!


5 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Person? ...or woman? crazy-monkey-emoticon-166.gif?1292792422

Person is fine....I'm being all Goryeo and would share the privilege with others. B)

5 hours ago, cedarwood said:

how old is Eun? He looks like teenager but behaves like 5 year old (sometimes).

Wasn't he supposed to be like 12? 

5 hours ago, cedarwood said:

I'm sorry but when you say Wookie...

I know...I know...that Wookie is the best!


5 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Sorry, I moved to another place and had to arrange everything in my new home.

Happy New Home!!  You've had a lot of change in your life lately!  Hopefully all for the better!!


5 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Maybe he was affraid they made Soo do it.

Wait....wouldn't he WANT that???



Ok @glassnokamen must be asleep.  Because JG has posted and she hasn't brought it in here. 



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4 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Ok @glassnokamen must be asleep.  Because JG has posted and she hasn't brought it in here. 


@pixelsticks Yeah, @glassnokamen was fast asleep I think, because we share the same time zone and it was about 6am in the morning here when JG posted it :lol: I was sleeping as well :D 


Btw, the photos are gorgeous. This photo (second from those posted on IG) is my new wallpaper :wub:



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6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Ok @glassnokamen must be asleep.  Because JG has posted and she hasn't brought it in here. 



1 hour ago, haniiiii said:


@pixelsticks Yeah, @glassnokamen was fast asleep I think, because we share the same time zone and it was about 6am in the morning here when JG posted it :lol: I was sleeping as well :D 

 Ahahahahahahahahah!!! Yes I was sleeping :D:D:D:D He update always his IG at those "unhappy" time for us european fans :D:D:D:D:D

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On 11/9/2017 at 7:46 PM, pixelsticks said:

I can completely understand the problem here....

Whenever he comes on screen....where to look at first? 

That’s why we have to repeat the scenes numerous times. His whole face expresses so many emotions, so every time you repeat the scene you find something new. That, and to appreciate his eyes, nose, lips:wub:


On 11/9/2017 at 7:48 PM, violina said:

Ah now i have the urge to post all related pretty forehead shots.Not in a tux but still:

I’m glad you gave in to your urge. Thanks for the “Pretty Forehead” parade! It's his pretty forehead that matters, him in a tux is just a bonus. And a small contribution from me:





On 11/9/2017 at 9:16 PM, pixelsticks said:

Ahhhh MEC....makes me want JG in a ROM COM like NOW!!!!

Yes, please! A tiny bit of angst with a clear Happy Ending. Because JG does angst very well. Oh, and I also want some smoldering looks from JG. :wub: But I’m not picky at all – give me anything, something with a Happy Ending, please.


On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

First of all it's an episode when I saw that something is wrong with Wook for the first time. It shows that all he does is just talking but he doesn't do any action.

That’s because he is selfish; no, I’m not saying that he should be entirely altruistic. The problem is he shows compassion only when it is beneficial and convenient to him. All he cares about his image and position – he doesn’t want anything to damage that, he doesn’t want to take any risks even it is necessary.


On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

I don't know maybe Wook was waiting until Soo is beaten till she loses consciousnes and then he could be the nice guy who takes care of her wounds.

He probably was waiting for that exactly and he would do it only when they are alone. Have you noticed that whenever he interacts with Soo and be a nice guy, even after MH dies, it is always alone? Never in front of others. So, on the other hand, does the opposite. He doesn’t care about his image or how he would be judged by others, he does what he thinks is correct.

Gah! I can't explain what I'm thinking clearly.


On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

Another theory by cedarwood who drank too much wine - maybe this story was too complicated? Korea loved the simple story of young king falling in love with young girl and the perfectly know part of girl pretending to be a boy - maybe they felt safe with that storyline and Wang So was too complicated? You know with all that story you have to think. 

I think the same too. *no, Blue didn’t drink any wine*


On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

And it's not Joseon.

A silly question: are Koreans partial to Joseon period? Do they have something against Goryeo? confused onion head

On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

Maybe my posts are too silly for soompi's liking.

Sillier than mine? I doubt it.


On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

I take my academic work v. serious so I must take some more pictures. Will do so... maybe tomorrow.

Still waiting.waiting2-smiley.gif?1292867695

On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

Sorry for being such a bad scholar.

You should show your remorse by posting the pics ASAP. :wink:


On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

But I bet you at least thought that maybe I'm right and his eyes can kill, admit it.

I never said you are wrong – I already know that. His eyes were the first thing I noticed when I saw him first – so intense; so beautiful. I love them. :love:

On 11/10/2017 at 5:47 AM, cedarwood said:

One day I'll die of laughter and it will be your fault.

Nope not mine – it’s all JG’s fault. Let me explain:


If I hadn't fallen for JG, I wouldn't have come to this thread and "met" you.

If JG hadn't been illegally beautiful, you wouldn’t have mentioned about your devious plans, aka the prison.

If I hadn't have to protect him from you, I wouldn't have to hire a food taster or you wouldn't have to laugh.

Perhaps, if I hadn't fallen for JG at all...

It didn't sound this cringey in my head *Blue dies of embarrassment* kill myself crazy rabbit

Seriously though, I’m glad I fell for JG and met you guys – you guys are wonderful. :wub:


*Credit to original image uploaders.

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On 11/10/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

One question? How could you have a Top 10, Top 20 or even Top 50 Wang So face? Well maybe per episode... but for the whole drama a Top 100 wouldn´t be enough for me... I even  have a hard time trying to decide for a Top face per scene. lol. lol.

Yes, @pixelsticks how could you?


On 11/10/2017 at 6:14 AM, antoniaclamens said:

He tells lies... maybe he doesn´t intend to tell them... but he decided not to live by his words, so in the end he is fully responsible of turning his words into lies...

*nods emphatically*


On 11/10/2017 at 7:22 AM, antoniaclamens said:

MLSHR Episode 5 Review

Actually, before I posted my ramblings I didn’t read yours fully – I just stared looked at the pretty pics for inspiration. Now that I’ve read it, I don’t know how to not quote everything you said. I’ll try to control myself and quote only some of it.


On 11/10/2017 at 7:22 AM, antoniaclamens said:

i have mixed feelings about this episode. i played the episode expecting to have my So fix... only for him to appear like 5 minutes in the whole episode!!! i was crazy mad (throwing things, kicking in the air, hitting my head, cursing PDnim). Seriously... i was really angry and dissapointed at the episode.... i was already in love with So. He was everything for me... and then some more.


On 11/10/2017 at 7:22 AM, antoniaclamens said:

Almost everything else is just Soo.. Wook... Wook.. Soo... me mad again...  sadly the seemed to forget who the main lead was....


On 11/10/2017 at 7:22 AM, antoniaclamens said:

How not to fall in love with that smile??

You can’t – it’s impossible to not fall in love with that smile. :wub:

On 11/10/2017 at 7:22 AM, antoniaclamens said:

i would never ever like her... the ever smiling witch! like brother like sister... 


@antoniaclamens Seriously though, how do you read my mind?


On 11/10/2017 at 7:07 PM, pixelsticks said:

I haven't finished sharing my Top 15 Hyun Joon outfits.  Here's a fave. Anytime he is wearing that NCI vest!

You mean something like this?


Or these? :D





His smile! love onion head I love it!


16 hours ago, cedarwood said:

I moved to another place and had to arrange everything in my new home.

Happy New Home. Hope everything went smoothly. May you have so many happy memories there! 


16 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Honestly, king Taejo must really have loved her, otherwise I don't know how he managed to live with her. 

He didn’t marry her out of love, did he? He married her so he could strengthen the throne and the new country would be stable. His only love was Lady Oh, isn’t that why the evil woman hates her so much?


16 hours ago, cedarwood said:

I just thought of something. Women in this drama chose their men and not one is happy in the end. Have you noticed?

Yes – Lady Oh, Soo, Woo Hee, Soen Dok, even Cheryung. Even the men who fell in love were not happy. No, snake Wook doesn’t count. <_<


16 hours ago, cedarwood said:

He's like made for her. And he really is - they just have complicated story that's all. Besides just by looking at his body language we can say he's totally into her - he bends to her all the time, comes closer and closer,

It’s amazing how Soo didn’t notice how much So is attracted to her and treats her differently..

16 hours ago, cedarwood said:

looks into her eyes from like 1 cm distance...

..or fall for him sooner. I mean, I know I’m being shallow but come on, how can you look into those eyes that close and not fall for them?


16 hours ago, cedarwood said:

I wonder if he cared if someone told him he can't carry a sword. After all he's a prince not a commoner. I believe commoners couldn't have swords.

Because in the first episode, So was told that he cannot carry a sword, just after he killed the horse, right? But just as you said, he wouldn’t have cared about the rules.


16 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Tell him that! In his face!

I wish I could do that too. But most probably it's never going to happen. lonely onion head

10 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

besides your hatred of the snake? hehehe  

Snake Wook deserves this and some more. If you doubt me, ask @antoniaclamens


4 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

Yes I was sleeping

Heheh I thought the same as @pixelsticks and @haniiiii :D


6 hours ago, haniiiii said:

Btw, the photos are gorgeous.

And he looked so happy in them. :wub:


*Credit to original image uploaders.


Oh, I've decided to woman up and going to watch NSG tonight. I hope my heart wouldn't be broken too much. Right?? :sweatingbullets:

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2 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Oh, I've decided to woman up and going to watch NSG tonight. I hope my heart wouldn't be broken too much. Right?? :sweatingbullets:

@bluelilac1214 Be brave, girl! :lol: No, just kidding... I have already seen it three times and it is awesome. There are some really sad parts of course, but Joon Gi's cuteness and warmhearted acting will keep it in balance, I think. Let us know how you liked it :wink:  




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14 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

No more torturing/killing my soul and making me depressed for weeks on end.  Mmmmkay???!!!  And maybe a water-drenched scene (not angsty....happy, sexy).  Hyun Joon didn't give me that!!

Or any scene that will give our man the opportunity to show how sexy he can be. 

14 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Happy New Home!!  You've had a lot of change in your life lately!  Hopefully all for the better!!

I think so. New home is more expensive but it's a nice place and seems that neighbours are quiet. No more listening to neighbours's row in the middle of the night... No more listening to band of men watching football and screaming things I won't quote 'cause I'm a lady. :tongue: No more listening to someone having sex while I eat my breakfast... No more hearing someone pouring water to the glass 2 floors above. :wink:

There were of course many good things about living in the previous place but it was time to move out. :)

4 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Happy New Home. Hope everything went smoothly. May you have so many happy memories there! 

Thank you. Yes, everything went surprisingly smooth. I had my doubts when I started packing (I never knew I had so many books!!!) but my friends helped me so in 3 or 4 hours I was in my new place with all my stuff. 

Then it took me A LOT of time to put everything in its new place etc.

14 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Wait....wouldn't he WANT that???

To see Soo being treaten like servant? I doubt that.

14 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Because JG has posted and she hasn't brought it in here. 

Wooohooo! I love love LOVE Tenkaippin Ramen pix! :D

5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

The problem is he shows compassion only when it is beneficial and convenient to him. All he cares about his image and position – he doesn’t want anything to damage that, he doesn’t want to take any risks even it is necessary.

It can be true. Till now he behaved like the smart, nice guy everyone see but it's visible that he's not saint.

5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

I think the same too. *no, Blue didn’t drink any wine*

Oh, poor you! 

*whistles at the bar*

Hey! You there! Give my friend something special!

Barman: Here it comes!



And since it's Independence Day here I'll drink something too. :D



(Am I doing drinking parade?)

5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

A silly question: are Koreans partial to Joseon period? Do they have something against Goryeo? confused onion head

I think to them Joseon = Confucius and they still partly live according to his teachings. And maybe they don't know Goryeo that much. I think they can also prefer Joseon because it lasted so long (500 years!).

5 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Seriously though, I’m glad I fell for JG and met you guys – you guys are wonderful. :wub:

Awwwww back at you! :wub:

4 hours ago, hiluna said:

You are all doing a great job of reviews and comments so what more can I say but that I agree with all of you :D


4 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

@antoniaclamens Seriously though, how do you read my mind?

...and can you also read naughty thoughts? :wink: 

4 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

He didn’t marry her out of love, did he? He married her so he could strengthen the throne and the new country would be stable. His only love was Lady Oh, isn’t that why the evil woman hates her so much?

Maybe. But he could get rid of her many times (like the Kang consort I think) and he didn't do it.
Hmm... on a second thought - maybe he didn't send her away because she gave birth to 3 sons. No, 4! One died but 3 were still alive and healthy.

4 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Wook doesn’t count. <_<

Even he wasn't happy. He wanted Soo but was thinking too long and So "stolen" her under his nose. Soo became So's woman and he was even more furious.

No one was happy there. The palace was one scary place.

4 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

I mean, I know I’m being shallow but come on, how can you look into those eyes that close and not fall for them?

Not shallow, no, previoussss... Those eyes belong to a person who's entirely yours. Wants your happiness. Loves you so much he wants to run away with you - you just have to say a word. Protects you. Takes care of you. Makes you higher than any other woman in palace. Changes for you.

Not to fall in love with a man like that is such a waste!

4 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Oh, I've decided to woman up and going to watch NSG tonight. I hope my heart wouldn't be broken too much. Right?? :sweatingbullets:

Tell us how you liked the movie!!! :w00t:

(Yes, you'll cry a lot. Believe me.)

1 hour ago, haniiiii said:

There are some really sad parts of course, but Joon Gi's cuteness and warmhearted acting will keep it in balance, I think. Let us know how you liked it :wink:  

Not to mentioned it's a good story to watch. Yes, it's sad, but I do appreciate that they make a bit risky movie* to show how a man makes sure his girl will not suffer after his real death.

* And that's the risky part - it could be badly done or considered as noble idiocy. I'm glad it wasn't. :) 

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On 10/11/2017 at 1:12 AM, pixelsticks said:

I understand what you mean about Episode 5. The first 4 episodes really spoiled us with getting to know (& love) the man in the mask and seeing Wang So in all his glory (and pain). Like you, by Episode 4, WS was one of my favorite characters in TV LAND and I WANTED more!! 


I forgot that you GOT TO BE THERE!!! That must be an experience.  I'd probably annoy everyone around me trying to recreate the scenes perfectly! 



(I was testing Google to see which image would pop up first after googling Wang So-it's this one.)  


Yes first 4 episodes (specially epi 4) were more balanced... episode 5 was just Soo/Wook and Lady Hae...

Luckily there wasn many people around when i visited the gardens... but it was a windy (and later a rainy) day and i was so foolish but really i can help crying all the time, so all the pictures i had are a mess...

How could i never think about googling Wang So'????


On 10/11/2017 at 3:31 PM, bluelilac1214 said:

Fangirling Observations (not much observation this time - more like pic spam) and definitely-not-a-review-thingy of MLSHR – Episode 5


And he quotes Soo again! The boy doesn’t forget a word Soo says. :wub:


Random observation: I like how they always differentiate Soo using colors. In the first shot she’s the one who is colourless and looks pure in white while everyone else and the surrounding are colourful.


And Moo tries to save Soo – what made him do that, other than compassion?



:ph34r: Isn't JG the same too? :ph34r: 


Yes, thank you so much BA, the lovely cinnamon roll. :wub: Well, I think BA represents all of us :ph34r: SoSoo shippers :ph34r: when he confronts Soo and try to make her see some sense.


As all I talk about is Wang So, I didn’t even know what to post


Love your reviews and your ramdom observations!!!!!!

All this So's quoting Soo is because he couldn help thinking of her... she opened a whole new world for him. A world where someone actually care and worry about him... and not sees him just as an animal... it's adorable to see him falling in love :heart:

Thank you for the remainder! i forgot in my review to comment about Soo's dresses... because i love every single thing she wore in episode 5!

I think Moo is a very kind hearted person... he doesn need to know Soo to express simpathy for her

yes yes JG is the same.... :wub:

I loved BA in that scene so much! and yes he was saying all the things i wanted to say !!! but in a more gentle way that i would have done it!!!

The same happened to me, at first i thought i could not do an episode 5 review...



On 10/11/2017 at 5:53 PM, cedarwood said:

Person? ...or woman? crazy-monkey-emoticon-166.gif?1292792422

I just realized why I hate queen Yoo so much (she's great character and very well played but as a person - I hate her!) - that night was her fault. She lost control, she injuried her son - that's her doing. But she seems to believe it's... his fault. She's like a rapist who tries to blame the victim for what's happened. Like: "It's her fault because she had short skirt." So it's So's fault because... errr... he was in the same room. You know I'm thinking about what will happen to queen Yoo and her last moments of life and I can't stop smiling (and that's evil smile). 


He was waiting for the best moment. You know - to make an entrance to remember. And look - he made it. :D


Other explanation is that his horse is slower than Hae Soo. :tongue:

I'm sure he feels guilty. crazy-monkey-emoticon-125.gif?1292792412


Were you worried about me? :D


Me??? i rather be a woman (but of course i will be happy just being his person)

Yes it was all her doing! that's why i can forgive or feel pity for Queen Yoo. She destroyed So's life, she must have live in regretting hurting him and trying to atone for it! not putting all the blame on him...

About So's coming late for the recue, i always though he was doing something in town... he decided to finish it and then he decided to see what's Soo was about. i don think he knew she was in danger or need him... he was just curious...

I don think he feels guilty... i'm sure he enjoys it!

and yes i was worried...


18 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

Ok @glassnokamen must be asleep.  Because JG has posted and she hasn't brought it in here



8 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

That’s why we have to repeat the scenes numerous times. His whole face expresses so many emotions, so every time you repeat the scene you find something new. That, and to appreciate his eyes, nose, lips:wub:

Sillier than mine? I doubt it.


Nope not mine – it’s all JG’s fault. Let me explain:


  Hide contents

If I hadn't fallen for JG, I wouldn't have come to this thread and "met" you.

If JG hadn't been illegally beautiful, you wouldn’t have mentioned about your devious plans, aka the prison.

If I hadn't have to protect him from you, I wouldn't have to hire a food taster or you wouldn't have to laugh.

Perhaps, if I hadn't fallen for JG at all...

It didn't sound this cringey in my head *Blue dies of embarrassment* kill myself crazy rabbit

Seriously though, I’m glad I fell for JG and met you guys – you guys are wonderful. :wub:


i don think there could be something more sillier than my comments

love your explanation. lol

I'm not only glad, i'm very thankful. that i fell for JG, that i get to know you all, that you guys are so wonderful!!!!


7 hours ago, bluelilac1214 said:

Actually, before I posted my ramblings I didn’t read yours fully – I just stared looked at the pretty pics for inspiration. Now that I’ve read it, I don’t know how to not quote everything you said. I’ll try to control myself and quote only some of it.


@antoniaclamens Seriously though, how do you read my mind?



You mean something like this


Snake Wook deserves this and some more. If you doubt me, ask @antoniaclamens




Oh, I've decided to woman up and going to watch NSG tonight. I hope my heart wouldn't be broken too much. Right?? :sweatingbullets:



I don know if i can read your mind or we just happen to think alike... but we do think only logical thoughts about JG, right?

Love the HJ vest parade you and pixel are giving us... please keep it coming!!!

Does someone need to ask if the snake deserve more?? the answer is clear...

Tell us your impressions about NSG... i loved it so much (watched it twice already) you will love JG for sure (and cry tons for sure!)


4 hours ago, haniiiii said:

@bluelilac1214 Be brave, girl! :lol: No, just kidding... I have already seen it three times and it is awesome. There are some really sad parts of course, but Joon Gi's cuteness and warmhearted acting will keep it in balance, I think. Let us know how you liked it :wink:  



3 hours ago, cedarwood said:

I think so. New home is more expensive but it's a nice place and seems that neighbours are quiet. No more listening to neighbours's row in the middle of the night... No more listening to band of men watching football and screaming things I won't quote 'cause I'm a lady. :tongue: No more listening to someone having sex while I eat my breakfast... No more hearing someone pouring water to the glass 2 floors above. :wink:

There were of course many good things about living in the previous place but it was time to move out. :)

Thank you. Yes, everything went surprisingly smooth. I had my doubts when I started packing (I never knew I had so many books!!!) but my friends helped me so in 3 or 4 hours I was in my new place with all my stuff. 

Then it took me A LOT of time to put everything in its new place etc.


(Am I doing drinking parade?)


...and can you also read naughty thoughts? :wink: 


No one was happy there. The palace was one scary place.




* And that's the risky part - it could be badly done or considered as noble idiocy. I'm glad it wasn't. :) 

So sad to hear you lived in such a place but really happy that you finally moved and everything is fine for you now... enjoy your new home!!!!!!!


i won complain about a drinking parade


i don know if i can read naughty thoughts... but i have to confess sometimes i do have naughty thoughts... so maybe the answer is yes (blushes)


I think that that's one of the many messages of the drama. palace is a scary place.. so no one can be happy there... even if MLSHR is a fantasy drama it was very realistic on it's take. maybe we had a lot of pain because of it, but maybe we love it so much becasuse of it (or are we all masochist?)


Agree again, nothing of noble idiocy... he just want her to be happy, to not give her pain, still he looks over her in a way that breaks my heart..

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