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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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3 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

What ??? :ph34r:

I thought that since you are our resident IG notification person...that you might know of who is producing the "moving JG photos...that make him blink/smile/move/etc?


And LJG's Ma Lady video is just 5300 views away from 1 million!  So go watch it!


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@jhjsw hello.I am late but welcome to the thread:).They have said all that needs to be said about iljimae; so I wont add no more.However, you have inspired me to do something I do on the regular.


How about some shots for lovely iljimae:









To be continued...................

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Know your bias 101:

So this lovely angel translated one of many JG talk shows.This one was done in 2008.So am sharing it here.




Lee Joon-Gi’s first talk show appearance on Kim Jung-Eun’s Chocolate back in 2008.

Watch the show here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Vr6Fg1w0U&index=23&list=PLbdTYvUPrm8yvCT4xDWdCYCGJe8K27RiJ

Here’s my translation of the entire talk:

KIM JUNG-EUN (“K”) – I remember when this person made his debut. I vividly remember that fierceness and tenacity in his eyes. I am really grateful to him for becoming such a great actor and making his appearance on Chocolate.

(LEE JOON-GI (“JG”) appears and gives performances)

JG – Hi guys.

K – Joon-Gi, long time no see.

JG – Nice to see you again.

K – Please take a seat. That’s right, he’s great, he’s handsome. But I was even more surprised by his singing skills and truly awesome stage presence. Wow I was blown away. Please give him a big hand.

JG – Thank you. Hello [*in a cute way*]

K – Well, how about a bit longer greeting?

JG – Hello, guys. Nice to be here. I’m Lee Joon-gi, and long time no see. [Audience applause]

K – I feel like I should cheer along with them.

JG – Seonbae-nim [Korean word for “senior”], calm down.

K – Wow. So as far as I know, Joon-gi, this is your first appearance on stage, on a talk show, although you have done many interviews elsewhere.

JG – Yes, it’s my first time on stage. That’s why I am really nervous. When I was performing earlier, I was thinking, ‘I guess at this rate I can finish this song well.’ But right then, I saw the front-row audience cheering and got so excited, so I forgot some of the lyrics. I think it must be really hard for actual singers.

K – Um, I really thank you for choosing Kim Jung Eun’s Chocolate as your first-time experience on a talk show. Also I thought, ‘Oh my show must be really great because, otherwise, where else could we possibly see Lee Joon-Gi sing on stage? [Audience applause] First of all, we should talk about “Iljimae.” I guess it just premiered today. [This show was taped earlier but aired after the premiere of “Iljimae.”]  

(Audience – It was great)

JG – So now it just premiered. Did you enjoy it?

(Audience – Yes)

JG – Thank you.

K – Can you give a brief introduction to the drama “Iljmae”?

JG – Yes, well, as you have already seen [laughs] this is a heroic tale about a legendary outlaw back in the Joseon period who was known to leave no trace of his whereabouts. There have existed many legendary outlaws in Korea, but [Iljimae is] a really, really fantastic heroic tale. In the beginning, the drama will unfold in a way that viewers won’t be able to keep their eyes off the screen. Later on, it’s going to be packed with really awesome action scenes and various episodes. So don’t switch the channel and stay tuned. I’m literally going all out without worrying about getting injured. Putting heart and soul into this. So…

K – But frankly speaking, since you’re an actor… Actors like us go crazy once the camera starts rolling.

JG – Indeed, we go nuts.

K – I think there is probably some danger involved in doing action scenes. How are you handling it?

JG – A few days ago, I had a neck injury while doing my stunt – turning my head like this, when I was pretending to get punched for real.

K – So, for instance, if I throw a punch like this [JG dodges] Wow. Like this.

JG – No, not that way. You aren’t good at action.

K – I see, I see. [Throws a punch] Like this.

JG – So I was doing this for over 8 hours… This part is going to be edited out. [Laugh] So anyway, I pretended to get punched, turning my head, for over 8 hours, not even realizing that I’d gotten a neck strain. So I had a very bad neck muscle injury.

K – Of course, we all love Lee Joon-Gi who goes wild in front of the camera and completely immerses himself in the role, but I want to say ‘Be careful.’ Surely, all actors should prepare for their roles, but I’ve been told you really prepared a lot for this. Since you’re in a period drama, you have to be able to use swords and whatnot.

JG – In fact, I have practiced modern martial arts regularly. I really love doing action performances. Other than that, in period dramas, you have to be able to use swords, so I got extra sword training. Also horseback riding. Back in the old days, there weren’t any cars. I have to ride a horse, so I got horse riding training.

K – Horseback riders look really awesome. In period dramas. Someone I know is really good at horseback riding. In a period drama. [*KJE refers to her then boyfriend who was starring in a period drama “Yi San”]

(JG jokingly leaves his seat)

K – Joon-Gi must be a far better rider.

JG – Please make sure to record my and his horseback riding scenes and post a video comparing us on the internet. Guess you don’t have any idea how powerful user created content (UCC) is. [*At the time this show aired, UCC was popular in Korea.]

K – I’m sure Joon-Gi is more awesome.

(Audience Boos)

JG – I guess we just have to say both suck.

K – What do you want me to say? [Laugh] I’m really looking forward to you in this drama. Because, while Joon-Gi has starred in many contemporary dramas or movies that were really popular, you cannot think Lee Joon-Gi and period drama separately. He really looks perfect in traditional clothing. Am I right? Period drama and action genre. Is there a particular reason you prefer or choose to work in this genre?

JG – Hmm. I love doing action – that’s a given. But I also have weird [* the literal meaning of ‘byeontae’ is a pervert ] tendencies to enjoy suffering like crazy. I really immerse myself in the situation where I get injured and wounded and get the results that surpass my expectations by doing so – that kind of work habit, I think, goes well with the action genre. I kind of factor that in when choosing my project.

K – I don’t think you are weird, but in my opinion, it shows how committed you are as an actor.

JG – Yes, thank you. [I make that kind of choice because of] all the praise you’ve given me. Sometimes I don’t even get treatment for injuries on purpose. You know, applying relief cream as soon as you get injury so that it heals fast. But I leave it untreated on purpose. I know it’s a bit weird. But that way, I try to remember each project I did by looking at the wounds I got during the shoot. That is a bit unusual… A bit…

K – What body parts did you injure?

JG – Well, here and there.

K – Here and there. As you saw earlier, Joon-Gi has some great singing skills, but I was told he is also a good popping dancer. [Audience applause] So when I threw a punch, I saw those quick jerks in his body and it was really awesome, no joke! Can you show us a little…

JG – Well, I get asked to do that every time, but there are so many great dancers out there, so it’s embarrassing.

K – Then, just so you don’t get embarrassed, why don’t you teach me a little right here.

JG – Hahaha, but the dress you are wearing today…

K – You think I can’t do the moves?                                    

JG – No, not at all. It’s just the dress you are wearing. It’s not really my place to teach anyone, but… When you dance, move to the beat, repeatedly contracting and relaxing your muscles. So that you get jerks in your body like this. [JG demonstrates] Tighten it once, then let go, as if you are hitting at… Something like that.

K – I look like an idiot.

JG – So this is popping. Make your body pop like this.

K – It’s amazing! Show us how to do it a little.

(JG demonstrates)

K – Wow. You’re the best. You really are awesome. Wow oppa. You really are a great dancer. Now, we are going to have a Chocolate Memo Board talk with memos where you wrote down what you want to know about Joon-Gi. The Chocolate Memo Board is coming out soon… Here it is. Joon-Gi, is there any question that particularly captures your attention? The three things that Joon-Gi cannot live without.

JG – Wow this is…

(Audience – Computer)

K – Computer?

JG – Ah, yes. I said Wow this is… because…

(Audience – Alcohol)

K – Alcohol? No, don’t say your own name.

JG – Ah, the reason I said “Wow this is” was that as soon as I saw the question, as everyone who knows me has said these two things…. So I love doing things on my computer, like surfing the Net. So I’m basically Netizen. Haha.

K – Computer.

JG – I even post comments. I learn a lot while surfing the Net. I also visit my fan site and interact with my fans frequently. So I cannot live without my computer. And second, alcohol.

K – Same here.

JG – Really?

K – Kidding, kidding.

JG – And third… well, of course, my fans…. If I say that, don’t l look an idol? But this is really… Well, maybe the middle-aged couples sitting in the back row there might think this is cheesy, but just as fans’ support is really important for singers, for actors, too, fans’ support is always important because it helps me realize my vision as an actor and feel confident in doing something. Really it gives me strength. They also make me reaffirm my determination to work really hard as an actor.

K – So he’s saying thank you to you. From now on, when you get asked, “Do you have a girlfriend?” you have to say, “You fans are my girlfriends.”

JG – [Pointing at audience] You are. I wanted to do that.

K – So give it a try then.

JG – You are my girlfriends. Then they’ll think, “What on earth are you saying?” I can already see some switching the channel… I apologize, people.

K – No way. Next question. I am seeing something you might like to hear. What is your ideal type of girl?

JG – Hmm…

K – Should we just drop this? You jealous? I have never been instructed by my audience like this before. Ah, this one is I want to ask myself. What do you want to accomplish by the end of your 20s? Joon-Gi is still in his 20s. No, no, I am not saying he doesn’t look like twentysomething, but now that I am in my 30s… Yes, so?

JG – Well, I don’t have much time left till the end of my 20s. As an actor, I want to exhaust all I have until there is nothing left of me. I want to give all I have through acting. So that I have nothing when I enter my 30s. I want to start anew with a clean slate in my 30s.

(Audience applause)

JG – This is embarrassing.

K – I am looking forward to Joon-Gi in his 30s.

(Audience: In his 40s, too!)

K – In his 40s, too? Yes. Anyway, we have a lot of Joon-Gi’s fans here in the audience. Are you having fun? I see. So this was the Memo Board Talk with Joon-Gi. How was the show today? Are you sad it’s over?  I am, too.

JG – I always have met my audience through my work, but being on stage like this, it really feels like an outing. I just spent the whole night on set, and after I am taking a break here, I have to go right back to the set. I guess I can go back with the energy I’ve received from you here. I am going back with all this fun and energy, a lot of people’s support, love, cheers I received here. I think I had a chance to recharge my batteries here.

K – Why don’t we give him energy? [Audience applause] I hope you take all this energy with you so that you can do a great job once you’re back on set. I also hope you repay the support of your fans with a great drama. Personally, it’s good that you go wild in front of the camera, but please be careful when you do action scenes. Stay healthy.

JG – I understand.

K – Folks, please give it up for Lee Joon-Gi.


Source: https://allaboutjoongi.tumblr.com/

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On 1/20/2018 at 12:14 PM, missmaudy said:

Which JGs character do you think is the most cold and most quiet? 

Ooohh  Interesting question.  As a combo cold & quiet, I do agree that Go Seung-Suk/Fly Daddy Fly is probably the best fit.  It added to the mystery/fear/respect of his character.


If it's just cold, I'd say Kay from TBDW.  If it's just quiet, I'd say Lee Soo-Hyun from the same. 


@violina thanks for the sharing the translated JG appearance.  


My SMILE for the day:



And for the "sleeping/water-drenched" parade:  <<<wait is there a water drenched parade and if there isn't...WTH not???>>>



And just because...

This is beautiful. 

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This is what you will bump into; when you visit Seoul:

By the way, there is this interview from Asia Artist Awards from last November.This video was uploaded yesterday on youtube.


This instagram user said he talked about his upcoming project for this year.

Im curious about what he said.would someone be kind enough to translate to English. @haniiiii darling are you free?

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I see a few familiar names from the MSHR thread. 

So as a hajunse I should be here no?


Interesting interview. Thanks for translating. Recently Gong Too had that CNN interview in English. A LJG interview done in English would be awesome... Dyu know if any exist... Or here's to  hoping 1 happens.


Boy can he move.... So nimble. I'm jealous of his figure. I can't believe he lost so many kgs for MLSHR. 


So I watched scarlet heart for Nam Joo Hyuk. Now I'm like ... I'm a LJG frenzy.


Watched the king and the clown.

Interesting. Strange. Not all my kind of movie. 


Watched never said goodbye.

Cried cried ... My his language skills are awesome... Which movie or series does he speak japanese. I've heard him in Chinese and Korean so far.


The I watched My Girl. Just finished that.

I agree super cute. But 1 watch is fine. Darn is acting was so good even back then. I felt his love , felt his anguish. Amazing. 2nd lead syndrome BaD. So many similarity for MLSHR beginning with the wang wook love story with lee dong wook.    Even where he tells her come to new York with me even if it's face value and leave me but so you can get away from the cousin love pain... Comparison to when he tells Soo to marry him and divorce him if she doesn't care for him but to get away from the palace.... So many feels. However I hurt and didn't cry ... So far only MLSHR has evoked tears and  pain from me.


Now pls I need to watch a series or movie where .... 1... He gets a darn happy ending pls pls pls pls pls 


4 for 4. His dead . His dead . his alone and heartbroken. And he got picked over for his best friend. 


So what's my my next watch? Maybe another modern series? Or a historical? Pls guide me fellow LJG fans.




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8 hours ago, zakz said:


I see a few familiar names from the MSHR thread. 

So as a hajunse I should be here no?


Interesting interview. Thanks for translating. Recently Gong Too had that CNN interview in English. A LJG interview done in English would be awesome... Dyu know if any exist... Or here's to  hoping 1 happens.


Boy can he move.... So nimble. I'm jealous of his figure. I can't believe he lost so many kgs for MLSHR. 


So I watched scarlet heart for Nam Joo Hyuk. Now I'm like ... I'm a LJG frenzy.


Watched the king and the clown.

Interesting. Strange. Not all my kind of movie. 


Watched never said goodbye.

Cried cried ... My his language skills are awesome... Which movie or series does he speak japanese. I've heard him in Chinese and Korean so far.


The I watched My Girl. Just finished that.

I agree super cute. But 1 watch is fine. Darn is acting was so good even back then. I felt his love , felt his anguish. Amazing. 2nd lead syndrome BaD. So many similarity for MLSHR beginning with the wang wook love story with lee dong wook.    Even where he tells her come to new York with me even if it's face value and leave me but so you can get away from the cousin love pain... Comparison to when he tells Soo to marry him and divorce him if she doesn't care for him but to get away from the palace.... So many feels. However I hurt and didn't cry ... So far only MLSHR has evoked tears and  pain from me.


Now pls I need to watch a series or movie where .... 1... He gets a darn happy ending pls pls pls pls pls 


4 for 4. His dead . His dead . his alone and heartbroken. And he got picked over for his best friend. 


So what's my my next watch? Maybe another modern series? Or a historical? Pls guide me fellow LJG fans.





Hi zakz why don't you try "Two Weeks"? What I like the most about this story--beside the father-daughter duo--is how the characters are written with such consistency. "Two Weeks" had its share of flaws but for me, it's a solid series.  It's quite an old series but for me it's a good watch. This drama will always have a special place in my heart, and I can say it is the best Lee Jun ki drama I have ever watched. I’m satisfied with where we end up as far as the central plot goes—justice prevails & baddies get their due. Overall it was Tae-san’s character (LJK) that made the series worth watching, because his redemption feels truly earned. Tae-san's growth as a character throughout the show was just amazing. I'm glad the good guys survive, and the bad guys are punished. It tells us that we only have from today on to redeem and live the rest of our lives, and we have that choice to do the best we can. I watched this 2x.......because for me this show gets better the 2nd viewing around. There was never once when I felt that it was being draggy or anything, and my emotions went on a roller coaster but awesome ride with his character here as "Tae San." But hey, what’s life without suspense? I liked the sweet ending, though.  The ending was a little too open ended for me but the series wrapped up well. I'm not a fan of a sequel, but this drama is perfect to have one. For me, it's a satisfying ending.  When I watched the finale episode, I spent most of the time jittery and uneasy that the death of Tae-San would likely occur. He didn't die. The finale was so touching.  For me, this one is more realistic. It was a pleasure to watch "Two Weeks." Loved every second of the drama! Loved the ride, It's a shame the ratings weren't so great, though.  It only proofs, that in general quality is not what the masses are looking for.


It's so nice to see people become his fan more and more, let's all give him some support! That's all I got to say! :lol:


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14 hours ago, haniiiii said:

@violina I will look at it today and do my best to catch everything JG says :wink:

ah actually.Dont worry.its been translated.



looks like we might be looking at a romantic jg drama this year?It would be a dream come true for many.But I just hope he is not feeling pressured.


@zakz welcome to the thread.

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21 hours ago, zakz said:

He gets a darn happy ending pls pls pls pls pls 

That's a tough one.  My suggestion would be Arang & the Magistrate. Or as @willenette suggests Two Weeks. 


13 hours ago, glassnokamen said:


I hope my @glassnokamen is OK! Sending virtual hugs to you! 


11 hours ago, willenette said:

It's so nice to see people become his fan more and more, let's all give him some support!

Woot!!!  Here here!


1 hour ago, violina said:

looks like we might be looking at a romantic jg drama this year?It would be a dream come true for many.

heheheheheheehehe.....Image result for waiting for romance meme Have faith in JG!  To go for the right one! And he also mentioned movies didn't he???


My SMILE for the day!  vHrNOgP.gif

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I just finished watching Iljimae last night and I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. I liked the story, the characters, and of course LJG is the best thing about this drama. As for the ending, well, you guys are right, it's up to my imagination. Overall, it is an amazing drama for me. Can't believe I almost skipped this.


@LadyOne Thanks for the recommendation, I'll start watching Time Between Dog and Wolf Tonight. :)

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On 20/1/2018 at 1:14 PM, missmaudy said:

Quite and cold character is very common in Korean dramas or movies.


Which JGs character do you think is the most cold and most quiet? 


To me, I think his character in Fly Daddy Fly.


I think i agree with you, he's both quiet and cold in Fly Daddy Fly, though he was not born that way, but the ugly things that happened to him, and happily we could see a glimpse of change by the end of the movie!


On 20/1/2018 at 3:25 PM, violina said:

Know your bias 101:

So this lovely angel translated one of many JG talk shows.This one was done in 2008.So am sharing it here.


Source: https://allaboutjoongi.tumblr.com/

WOW thank you. Very Much. I watched this raw some months ago but I didn´t know that it was his first talk show. and of course i didn´t understand a thing they say... i will read it calmly


On 21/1/2018 at 2:45 PM, pixelsticks said:

nd for the "sleeping/water-drenched" parade:  <<<wait is there a water drenched parade and if there isn't...WTH not???>>>

Why not??? indeed... something must have gone wrong with us! thank you for making things right!



And just because...

This is beautiful. 

So beautiful! there are so many talented JG fans over the world!


On 21/1/2018 at 7:48 PM, zakz said:

Now pls I need to watch a series or movie where .... 1... He gets a darn happy ending pls pls pls pls pls 


So what's my my next watch? Maybe another modern series? Or a historical? Pls guide me fellow LJG fans.




Welcome to this thread! by all means watching Two Weeks would be a good pick! After MLSHR is my favorite JG's drama. But if you want a happy happy ending then you should watch Virgin Snow (he speaks a little japanese there and it's such a sweet love story) or Fly Daddy Fly.


7 hours ago, violina said:

ah actually.Dont worry.its been translated.

looks like we might be looking at a romantic jg drama this year?It would be a dream come true for many.But I just hope he is not feeling pressured.

thank you so much! OMG this interview made me feel so excited! I hope everything he says turn into reality, of course as you said No preassures... still right now all i can do is hope!


4 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

One IG update with our JG He says he is very thankful he had student like LJG. And that they had the last day training today. JG even gave him some present and this teacher guy was so happy and thankful. (Thanks to @haniiiii for the translation :wub:).


And Splendor update about JG Island screening :)


Thank ou thank you thank you for the updates!!!


2 hours ago, jhjsw said:

I just finished watching Iljimae last night and I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. I liked the story, the characters, and of course LJG is the best thing about this drama. As for the ending, well, you guys are right, it's up to my imagination. Overall, it is an amazing drama for me. Can't believe I almost skipped this.


@LadyOne Thanks for the recommendation, I'll start watching Time Between Dog and Wolf Tonight. :)

I'm so happy you liked Iljimae, it's a great story and LJG was great in it! Still i like TBDW better. So i expect you will really love the drama and come back here to share your thoughts...


My smile for today,  just because lately I'm on a Scholar mode... 




And because it's been a year since HK fan meeting and I can't leave alone @pixelsticks with her drenched parade


All images credit to uploaders 

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3 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

One IG update with our JG

He says he is very thankful he had student like LJG. And that they had the last day training today. JG even gave him some present and this teacher guy was so happy and thankful. (Thanks to @haniiiii for the translation :wub:).


And Splendor update about JG Island screening :)



Hi glassnokamen, thanks for sharing this. And..............he regrets that it was a short time..... :lol:



6 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

That's a tough one.  My suggestion would be Arang & the Magistrate. Or as @willenette suggests Two Weeks. 


I hope my @glassnokamen is OK! Sending virtual hugs to you! 


Woot!!!  Here here!


heheheheheheehehe..... Have faith in JG!  To go for the right one! And he also mentioned movies didn't he???


My SMILE for the day! 


Hi pixelsticks, well, if he'll do a movie this year, why not? It's fine with me since he has wrapped-up doing a drama so, to balance everything it's just NICE to do a movie for his next project this time. :lol:

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1 hour ago, glassnokamen said:

And this is the same IG update of testarda, but from JG :)

And this is the translation of what JG reply yesterday :)



glassnokamen, thanks for sharing this. I guess based from this conversation LJK will still continue his training & could visit often there once he finds time. There are (2) kinds of jiu jitsu - I wonder what kind did he trained on, Brazilian or Japanese.......Based from the pictures I saw here posted, I guess it's closer to Japanese type..... both traditional and modern, with martial art of judo. What's NICE about this kind of martial art is that it doesn't use any weapon. :lol:

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