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Lee Soo Hyuk 이수혁 [Upcoming Drama 2024 "Queen Woo"] [Upcoming Drama 2024 "S Line"]


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이수혁 “강동원처럼 모델출신 편견 깨고싶다”(인터뷰)

Lee Soo hyuk “Like Kang Dong Won, I also want to overcome prejudice against model turned actors”(Interview)





"What is the question you're asked most often in interviews?"

At a recent interview with Newsen, Lee Soo Hyuk couldn't answer the questions from the media easily. In the end, the people accompanying him proposed answers for him.

"What was the most difficult thing for you? Could you share an instance with us?" At this time too, Lee Soo Hyuk sat with an look that could neither confirm nor deny their suggestions.

Watching him all throughout the interview, the thought that came to mind was 'sincerity'. He was a dreamy actor who was quite shy around people, but frank about his emotions. 

"I want to overcome the prejudice against me because I was a model"


It's been 5 years or so since he started his modelling career. "Lee Soo Hyuk", when mentioned, everyone in the modelling industry recognises the name of this big star. However, he took off the 'top model' title and hung up a 'rookie actor' label. With the movie "The Boy from Ipanema" he began his journey into the acting world.

"Why do you want to become an actor?" one reporter was curious to know. Abandoning the title of 'top model' to become an actor out of curiosity was one such concern raised. However, Lee Soo Hyuk responded with "Acting is my dream. I've always wanted to be an actor so much. It's not that I don't want to be a model too, but there's a stigma surrounding model turned actors. I'm determined to break this stigma". Thus he revealed his commitment to acting.

It must also be that Kang Dong Won and Cha Seung Won are inspirations for Lee Soo Hyuk as model turned actors. During the presscon he mentioned the two. "Those two sunbaes, their titles aren't as models, instead the focus is on their acting. People don't even add an actor title to them because it is widely know that they are actors. I too want to be recognised as an actor, not just as a model."

To the question "Have you met Cha Seung Won and Kang Dong Won" his response was short: "I have". Another reporter asked "Did they offer any advice?" to which he cautiously replied as he had all throughout the interview "I went to the same high school as Cha Seung Won, and we just so happened to meet at a modelling show one time. He liked that I had started acting, so I asked for some advice and he encouraged me."

"There's a burden to expose my private life..."


"Are you always this careful with your words?" someone asked. "It's because it's an interview" he replied honestly.

When a reporter said they didn't know being an actor meant exposing a private life even when not wanting to, Lee Soo Hyuk revealed "I certainly feel the pressure. But of course I partially accept it because this is a job I've always wanted to do. My girlfriend (Kim Min Hee) has been mentioned in the past too, but we don't pay that any mind because there's a lot of respect for each other."

He was different when answering questions about the movie or acting, especially about the movie 'The Boy from Ipanema'. In particular, his image in the movie and his greed for acting. When asked about how he felt to have his first leading role he stated "I'm satisfied that this was my first film and my first leading role. It is also an honour to win the Audience Critic Award at the JeonJu International Film Festival."

There were also tough times. Over half the movie had to be filmed topless and in the water surfing. "I had to maintain my body for 3 months of filming. I also worried and discussed wound care and dressing, lest I have a hard time." He also flaunted his surfing skills as good as a professional.

"I like the surf and skate culture, I worked hard to learn in a month or so. There were no big difficulties for me since I did swimming and taekwondo until middle school." he said, showing off his natural movement skills.

Meanwhile, with the movie 'The Boy from Ipanema' (directed by Kim Gi Hoon), Lee Soo Hyuk challenged acting for the first time. Receiving attention for having won the Audience Critic Award and movie College Award at the 11th International Film Festival in JeonJu, the movie 'The Boy from Ipanema' will be released 4th November.

Source: Newsen

Translated by: ME


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!!! It's our SooHyukSoo's birthday! 


He said thank you to his hyung's for a present

they're shops that sell accessories and stuff, so I assume that's what it is

he also posted another csreencap from The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

which is a movie I like a lot. Pretty camerawork and OST, I wonder why he keeps posting a pic of the same character though haha maybe he wants to act as him with that odd moustache : O

I hope he has a good birthday today and i wish I could do something for him - _ - next year when I am not so new to the fandom I will definitely prepare something !!

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HIs best mate G-Dragon uploaded a BEAUTIFUL pic of our SooHyukSoo

but I don't think our SooHyukSoo likes it, maybe b/c he never smiles lollll so he uploaded this in response:

with the caption: revenge -peace emoticon-

I wish he hadn't cropped his own face out at the top though he looks cute 

and then he says he's that for his birthday he's filming 'Lucky Romance'

and Ryu Jun Yeol added a comment:


it says : Happy Birthday! Hyung also wants to get a gift that you want. ung ung (cute noise) + crying face

EDIT: he just replied with


Which says "I told you not to buy, see you again in a few hours! -peace emoticon-

and finally he's uploaded some really pretty fan art

damn I wish I could draw, it's SO pretty


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  생일 축하해요 !!!

and some fans sent a foodtruck to him!




HAPPY SOO HYUK DAY!!! He celebrated his birthday on set like he said he would lol


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there's some more stunning artwork I've found









why are SO MANY of his fans so AMAZING at drawing!??  o m g

maybe his perfect face blesses us with drawing skills i should try and draw him maybe LOL

source: 瞳夏bao


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there's a super dramatic video of Korean drama villains I found too


our beautiful SooHyukSoo makes a dramatic entrance complete with dramatic music at 2:20 lmao I love it

and Gwi was such a good look like honestly he was so beautiful in that series (´∀`)♡

EDIT: also a bit of a glimpse for ep 3?

hmmm they haven't given away much, maybe he gets stood up?

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just finished streaming ep 3, I hope the ratings are high!

the preview for ep 4 looks so funny LMAO our SooHyukSoo tackles Je Su Ho to the ground

I wonder what ep they're currently filming? I saw a bit of a glimpse here, 

he must be so tired playing an athelete : O there's so much SPORTS

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1.4 million followers! That means he's gained 100,000 since I became a fan 


also! just streamed ep 4 and I was right lmfao the bit where they tackled each other was so funny! I'd like it if they continue to not get along and had more meetings like that throughout the drama lmao



idk the source of the gif sorry! I got it from the Lucky Romance thread !

also puppy faces! lots of puppy faces! it was like watching Chan Gyu all over again (´∀`)♡


unfortunately ratings for yesterday's ep 3 fell slightly, down by 0.7% to a total of 8%


1,096,528 households compared to last week's episode 2 which had 1,182,709  households. So 86,181 households didn't tune in live like they did last week -__- Maybe they watch it online? Or dropped it for some reason : O

Entertainer came in first by 0.4% however that's not b/c viewers switched over since their ratings have also fallen since last week. Usually in summer ratings fall a little anyway b/c everyone's outside to enjoy the weather~

Ratings don't mean much to me personally, as I've seen many terrible dramas get super high ratings, and many amazing dramas get barely any, however, I really want our SooHyukSoo to get a lead role after this! 

                                                                  So, LUCKY ROMANCE FIGHTING! 


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Anyway you know that radio interview with Jang Yoon Joo that I posted a few pages back? I can't find a version with English subs, so I'll translate and sub that for you guys since I assume none of you have seen it or at least understood it

that'll make for some fresh new content ^ o ^ idk how long it'll take but I've got a lot of free time now exams are over ! so it should be posted soon !

I'll start tomorrow, for now GOODNIGHT

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though unfortunately, as this has been uploaded and reuploaded lots of times, idk who the source is. Therefore, idk where he is or what he's doing esp. since his style is so similar to Gun Wook's style ! H ecould be filming or just hanging with friends : O

also ratings are out for the 4th ep


It went up by 0.2% thankfully! A total of 1,119,195 households tuned in live, which means 22,667 more households tuned in live compared to ep 3!

It came in second to God of Noodles oddly enough, and entertainer came in last.

Seems like it's a ratings battle by all three dramas then, I hope Lucky Romance comes out on top so our SooHyukSoo can get a lead role after this~

                                                                        Lucky Romance FIGHTING!


Source: AGB Nielsen

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: O His manager just posted this omonnnaaaaa~~~

He says "Hyung...now we only have a month left. Just a little more...Hang in there! Zzz"

ahah how cute, but I do worry...that schedule is so tough...please get adequate rest soon!

EDIT: our SooHyukSoo just responded lol


he just says "..."

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