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[Current Drama 2024] Su Ji and Woo Ri - 수지맞은 우리 - Mon to Fri 20:30 KST


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2 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@Lmangla  Your perspective for each character and their profession is profound and makes a lot of sense. I do believe Ma Ri  has a lot to make up for. But I can't help but blame JT for her pain. Both are adults, who chose not to communicate because I believe Ma Ri blamed him.  I too blame him for HW's disappearance.  He did not lose him on purpose, but his choice for saving lives over making sure his son is safe says a lot about his character. If that was HS, I believe he would have put HS first. His sincerity towards her son was not wholesome. If it was his grief of losing HS would have been the same.  I agree we need the full picture on Ma Ri and JT's marriage.  I am dying to know what is JT's endgame. 

Have you noticed he has already laid the ground work, to send her to be hospitalized?  Isn't that a bit extreme?  Jutst to keep them apart. It just doesn't make sense at all. I hope Writenim gives us more info on why JT is doing this.

@UnniSarah thanks.


For the most part, I feel no sympathy for Mari and I feel bad mostly for HS. The guy had it rough growing up in this home and had a miserable childhood. Basically he wasn't enough and it might have been due to the fact that he was Dr Jin's son. Basically her obsession with HW's loss almost feels like she doesn't care about the living because they are not her lover's blood or lover. So there is likely a lot of resentment on the part of Dr Jin as well as HS. Mari is only going to realize when HS rejects her for the pain she gave him for so many years. She is essentially going to gain back one son but at the risk of losing the other one.


As for Dr Jin, I voted that they will get a divorce and I do think that will still happen.


In case of hospitalization, she has already been hospitalized before in the drama. It was also hinted that it wasn't the first time either. So both of these men have lived on tenterhooks constantly watching her moods and behaviour. Every action is analyzed quietly out of fear.


She is acting strange and basically comes across a bit maniacal. So Woori is her son but if he wasn't? Is it not strange to randomly start hoping that this guy is your son because of some toy which many kids would have had????? She didn't recognize him before but then was strongly inviting him over for dinner and showing him the bedroom. It was awkward to watch. 


She is also fixated on HW's old bedroom. She doesn't want to change and keeps asking for time even though it has been 30 years. That is a really long time to hold on. So none of her behaviours are remotely healthy and she whiplashes towards extremes.


Can see why he would be considering getting her hospitalized as a doctor. Her treating physician, chief Mo, has also said her behaviour has been erratic and she has not taken her treatment seriously as of late. If HS finds it strange, then we can see some sort of plot but I think this is not only professional assessment but years of watching her behaviour up close and waiting to see when she would collapse. 

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8 hours ago, Lmangla said:

In case of hospitalization, she has already been hospitalized before in the drama. It was also hinted that it wasn't the first time either. So both of these men have lived on tenterhooks constantly watching her moods and behaviour. Ev

I didn’t get the impression that she had mental problems from losing her child. She seemed cold and closed off but that is not mental.

From the way the story has developed, Director Han could not have been supportive of her. I shan’t be surprised if he had been sabotaging her efforts to find HW like he is doing now. There is the notion that she should make the house warm and happy for them, not both of them. Why wait for 30 years? Once HS is 18, Director Han should just walk out.


HS is whining, 30 years down the road, about how sensitive his mother has been. He has another parent, why not expect him to have done something? No, his father, a parent, an adult was also a victim? Then he moved back in after returning from the US, expecting things to have changed. He’s a manager and obviously earns enough to live separately. Then of course being manipulated by NY to become his wife … :smirk:

8 hours ago, Lmangla said:

it not strange to randomly start hoping that this guy is your son because of some toy which many kids would have had????? She didn't recognize him before

It is not strange for people to grasp at straws when they want to make sense out of something. She wants to know what happened to her little boy. If she has seen the body, then that would be a closure. The detective who investigated the case was trying to figure something that he had missed out. It would probably be something that Director Han said or did, but being the father , who would have suspected him?

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4 hours ago, maribella said:

I didn’t get the impression that she had mental problems from losing her child. She seemed cold and closed off but that is not mental.

She seems to be suffering from prolonged grief, which is like a form of clinical depression. Her physician is Chief Mo. Last time she collapsed, Na Young found her -- part of how she wheedled herself into the family. There were hints that it wasn't the first time she was hospitalized and has been under treatment for a long time


4 hours ago, maribella said:

HS is whining, 30 years down the road, about how sensitive his mother has been. He has another parent, why not expect him to have done something? No, his father, a parent, an adult was also a victim? Then he moved back in after returning from the US, expecting things to have changed. He’s a manager and obviously earns enough to live separately. Then of course being manipulated by NY to become his wife

Actually this is a very realistic plotline.


Adult child-parent conflicts centre often around stuff that happened years ago and the confrontations takes places decades after which can make it difficult to resolve.


There was a real life story I read on Reddit a while back. So three adult children in the family. Son#2 died as a baby and mom especially never got over it. Dad basically supported mom 100% but the kids themselves were on edge. Even in family photos, mom would find a way to include dead baby by having one of the kids show the photo. The kids disliked how at every event, every milestone, the mom would moan and say "son#2 never got to do this" and basically have a meltdown.


While they had expressed it now and then, nothing overtly. It all came to explosion when son#1 was getting married. Mom as usual wanted some way to include son#2 except son#1 point blank said 'no' and if they insisted, his parent can skip his wedding.


Parents were shocked and mom was complaining to daughter (the writer of the post). The daughter not only agreed with her brother but then exploded and said none of the kids consider son#2 as their sibling because they never knew him and they hate that every event in their life is around him. Son#3 heard about the drama and he also called and offloaded his feelings. Now, the kids were all united while the parents had a tough time processing because they felt they had been good parents. They were shocked that these kids had no attachment to that baby brother. 


So these kind of dynamics do happen and HS is not strange in that he is expressing his pain he has held back in all this time. HS had no one to offer him support like another sibling. He doesn't even seem to had any friends because he calls Woori as a friend even though Woori has repeatedly said there is no friendship. So HS grew up a very lonely kid where one parent overworked while another was drowning in depression. In between, they hated each other and he walked on eggshells hoping to not set either of them off.


In some of the earlier episodes, he also expressed his frustration at his father but they are still a team in some ways most of their lives. They were alive while she was half dead. Both of them continuously keep saying she didn't see them as she was so focused on her own grief. Thats why there is a shared sense of pain between father and son. 


HS has not been able to express his frustrations at Mari for fear of hurting her. Now, we see him express some of that feeling but that river of grief runs really deep. Basically he was never enough and nothing mattered except the son who was lost. So this won't be some happy reunion and will be very traumatic for basically all.


HS did leave for the US thinking he will never come back. He only came back after 10 years because of Sooji. He would have left again if NaYoung hadn't gotten pregnant. The reason he hasn't walked out completely is because of the hope of healing as a family. At what point, will he say, enough is enough and leave -- that will be interesting to see. We probably will see a moment where he packs up and leaves the house. 


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11 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

While they had expressed it now and then, nothing overtly. It all came to explosion when son#1 was getting married. Mom as usual wanted some way to include son#2 except son#1 point blank said 'no' and if they insisted, his parent can skip his wedding.


Parents were shocked and mom was complaining to daughter (the writer of the post). The daughter not only agreed with her brother but then exploded and said none of the kids consider son#2 as their sibling because they never knew him and they hate that every event in

I am not denying that in real life stranger families exist. But we are talking about privileged people with access to money and treatment. They are educated. 
HS was educated overseas (in the US) and expectations were/are different in that society.  Years ( ten!!) of living and interacting with people of different background would have shown him that there were options in life. In my schools, there were so many workshops and help groups that I wondered if I was missing something. It seemed like HS went there as an 18-19 year old and came back with a degree or two. Nothing changed for him, the same him and the same oppressive home environment.


We read about ‘Mommy dearest’ but that was in the 50s. The daughter was so dependent on the mother. In the 21st century? I find it difficult to blame all their problems and unhappiness on the mother. Perhaps that was what the writer was trying to portray. But not successfully. She wouldn’t be able to go work even as a Chairman with no specific duties. People with chronic depression have problems leaving the home. If she has been out of the institution, she can’t take a job. 

I am very sure, the husband had deliberately neglected the kid, hoping something bad would happen. The investigator is going to turn up again.

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I don't know why SY would disown her adopted son without WJ's permission? That seems selfish and she basically abandoned WJ.  Is this so she can register her daughter into the family? So, SJ and WJ can date? 

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@maribella ~ I don't think money or privilege matters in some ways when it comes to healing. Sure you have access but you need to be willing to heal. You need to be willing to want a better life. Mari doesn't. From the way drama has hinted, Mari has been an outpatient for years and occasionally had to be hospitalized for a day or two whenever she had a meltdown. So nothing long-term like institution. 


In regards to prolonged grief, I came across it during my casual reading a while back. From my understanding, some cases are bad where they can't even get out of bed while in others they are functioning but they have trouble connecting to friends and family. They are very angry and frustrated that the sun still shines.


5 minutes ago, kboramint said:

I don't know why SY would disown her adopted son without WJ's permission? That seems selfish and she basically abandoned WJ.  Is this so she can register her daughter into the family? So, SJ and WJ can date? 

Yes, I think she is doing it so that Sooji and Woori can date and marry. He is even thinking of moving away so that things are less awkward. She is aware of how much they like each other and are hurting that they have to be apart because of legal matters. Am wondering if that means Woori will go back to family register of the lady who died. Woori will eventually agree 

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31 minutes ago, Lmangla said:


Yes, I think she is doing it so that Sooji and Woori can date and marry. He is even thinking of moving away so that things are less awkward. She is aware of how much they like each other and are hurting that they have to be apart because of legal matters. Am wondering if that means Woori will go back to family register of the lady who died. Woori will eventually agree 




I think Mari will find out before Episode 90 that Woori is her son, and she'll adopt him as her son. We might not find out until after Olympic break though.  

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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

bella ~ I don't think money or privilege matters in some ways when it comes to healing. Sure you have access but you need to be willing to heal. You need to be willing to want a better life. Mari doesn't. From the way drama has hinted, Mari has been an outpatient for years and occasionally had to be hospitalized for a day or two whenever she had a meltdown. So nothing long-term like institution. 

From the last few episodes, her husband was obstructing her from finding HW. He must have been doing it earlier on. It is a logical conclusion. What is the easiest way to stop her? Make her sick. Tamper with her brain, sow uncertainties in her thoughts. Money may not help her. But it certainly has helped HS move out of the depressing home. 
He returned 10 years later still handwringing. Still blaming his mother for grieving for her son.

I have no sympathy for him. He has all the opportunities to lead a life he wants. He made all the choices.


Now Director Han wants to commit MR to an asylum. Has she harmed herself or others? Removing her son’s things is not going to convince her to stop looking for him. He is doing it to stop her  finding out that UR is HW. 

If he really wants to help her, he now knows that she suspects UR is her son, just go to the psychiatrist UR and explain that they need a DNA test. If he is trying to get her to ‘snap out’ of it by eliminating things that she held dear, he is a lousy psychiatrist. Having something familiar, a comfort blanket, is one thing I remember a doctor suggested to calm a baby. It should work with adults in an unstable condition.


@kboramint we have one more episode today. If you are right, our cliffhanger can be UR remembering something. Maybe he had hidden something in the garden?

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

If he is trying to get her to ‘snap out’ of it by eliminating things that she held dear, he is a lousy psychiatrist.

Actually he is a neurosurgeon I think. He operated on Sooji's mom and she had a brain injury. 

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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

Actually he is a neurosurgeon I think. He operated on Sooji's mom and she had a brain injury. 

But all doctors I know had gone through each specialisation for a few semesters before getting their MD. Even if he is not a psychiatrist, he would have gone through a module on psychiatry. Having someone begging in tears for their property is inflicting more trauma on them. He is punishing her, not trying to heal her. Anyway, There is a medical code one does not take one’s close kin as patients.


The first time he told SY about his wife or he and his wife losing a child, she told him that he should be supportive of his wife and not be dismissive about it. I can’t remember exact words but the tone was he needed to be supportive. 

I think the writer had made his character blunt and unkind. When HS brought NY to meet him, he was very blunt and obvious about his disapproval. Not the best person to be around a depressed wife. In real life, she might have been better off divorced from him. But why she clung to him is a mystery.


Nevertheless, whatever her faults are, I am sure he has a hand in HW’s disappearance.  
OMGoodness, the Olympic opening is tonight. So last night was the last before the long break.



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26 minutes ago, maribella said:

OMGoodness, the Olympic opening is tonight. So last night was the last before the long break.

Not sure but @backstreetboysfan had posted that the break starts from 29th (Mon). So we might still get one more episode today

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3 hours ago, Lmangla said:

Not sure but @backstreetboysfan had posted that the break starts from 29th (Mon). So we might still get one more episode today

I hope so. Yesterday’s episode wasn’t a good cliff hanger. I had expected SY to do something like that. She is just too nice.

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Yes, Director Han confirms that UR is “Mari’s son. He is keeping the report in his drawer. There were no two ways about it, he had lost HW deliberately and blocking efforts to find HW. The question remains why he didn’t know that Jung had the boy.

NY the ferret searched and found the report and was caught by Han. So now we will see how the evil two will work together to prevent mother and son reunion. 
UR is taking the new posting, and looks like the oppa-tongsen relationship is over.

I think we will also find out that he had been giving her the wrong medication to give her nervous breakdown.

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7 hours ago, maribella said:

Yes, Director Han confirms that UR is “Mari’s son. He is keeping the report in his drawer. There were no two ways about it, he had lost HW deliberately and blocking efforts to find HW. The question remains why he didn’t know that Jung had the boy.

NY the ferret searched and found the report and was caught by Han. So now we will see how the evil two will work together to prevent mother and son reunion. 
UR is taking the new posting, and looks like the oppa-tongsen relationship is over.

I think we will also find out that he had been giving her the wrong medication to give her nervous breakdown.

I don’t think he lost him deliberately in the beginning but he used the opportunity to get rid of him for good. JT may had found him a couple of months or years after he went missing but abandoned him to the fake mom because he was not his biological child.  Even the excuse of harming or disrupting his life by removing him from his fake mom is a lie.  If HW was JT biological son, he would have snatched him back so fast regardless who was hurt.  I am pretty certain that JT would had made every effort and would have been sympathetic to Mari if HW was his biological son.  He would have felt her pain and held onto the same hope she was experiencing the past 30 years.  He would most likely dealt with it differently and try to move on but sympathize with Mari.  JT saw HW as a stain on his pride and kicked him out like the trash.  He caused the pain and destroyed Mari for the sake of his God like image he has in his delusional head.  This is exactly what he doing again by play his God role to institutionalize his wife to stop her from investigating his shady dealings of her missing son.  Someone mentioned earlier that he was attempting to save HS and his connection to Mari by blocking HW.  JT only cares about is how it will affect his image and control over MR’s empire.  Once HungWoo is declared as Mari’s child, he will lose all legal rights and control to her fortune.  So he is racing against time by forcing her into a cage to take away her right to decide who control or inherit her estate.


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55 minutes ago, Charliegirl said:

Once HungWoo is declared as Mari’s child, he will lose all legal rights and control to her fortune.  So he is racing against time by forcing her into a cage to take away her right to decide who control or inherit her estate.

I agree. It must be the family fortune that he had targeted for himself and son.

We will have flashbacks from UR or Han on what had happened that day. 

Though I don’t think Han had handed HW to Jung because he wondered if the kid was HW when he had a glimpse of HW. When she was dying, he questioned her about him.

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On 7/26/2024 at 1:35 PM, kboramint said:

I don't know why SY would disown her adopted son without WJ's permission? That seems selfish and she basically abandoned WJ.  Is this so she can register her daughter into the family? So, SJ and WJ can date? 


I totally agree with what you say.  I also understand what other comments that say SY is doing it so that WJ and SJ can date.  Let me be the devil's advocate, say if in this drama WJ is indeed a true orphan with no blood family alive.  And she adopted WJ and he grew up with much love & attention and felt a sense of belonging as a family member since he was registered as her 'son'.  Now that she found & re-registered her biological daughter, and at the same time she wants to remove WJ name in the family registry as her son.  If I were WJ, yes, I'm in love with SJ and would love to be with her....BUT and it would be a BIG BUT.....I would also be damn hurt and I won't deny that I will be super damn angry my mother wants to remove my name in the family registry and make me an orphan again.  Obviously, it will be a no win-win situation.  But then this is just a kdrama...so everyone will end up happy.

....btw, the scenario I painted out above, in reality something like that did happen and the thing is.....they are biological siblings, but it was too late because they were married already and they have children together. 

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2 hours ago, renaoh said:

....btw, the scenario I painted out above, in reality something like that did happen and the thing is.....they are biological siblings, but it was too late because they were married already and they have children together. 


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