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[Drama 2023-2024] The Third Marriage - 세 번째 결혼 - Mon to Fri 19:05 KST


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Based on today's episode, at this pace, DJ might know that she's Bo-Bae's grand-daughter before episode 110. 


SC continue being a unemployed bum. 


SR is going to be useless to the Chairman after he finds out that she's not Bo-Bae's grand-daughter and after TML finds out that SR is faking her pregnacy (Something I thought would hppen earlier to get married to TML), he's going to divorce her. 



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10 hours ago, youngae said:

think they extended it due to some serious plot holes they got going on.

I think 120 is long enough. Now Grandmother is in the hospital for two episodes, secretary Yang is knocked down, just to flush out her son. They could show DJ finding Shin’s DNA test.


How did Shin compare his DNA with GMa? Her hair?

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23 minutes ago, maribella said:

@kboramint when the English translations are brat and punk, do the Korean words have the same sense? 

Brat is a mild word for naughty, spoilt kids and punk is not necessarily a criminal. But those words were used at times when son of or basxxxx seemed more appropriate.


Sometimes when when people subtitle Korean dramas, they find the closest word that translates the Korean word. Translators on Viki try to avoid swear words too so when one translator might tranlate one word into "female dog", another tranlator will translate it into "wench".


Same goes for "brat" and "punk". It depends if the translator wants to less be vulgar. I would have to know what Korean word is the character saying to determine if the English translator is translating it right or if it has the same sense. 

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17 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

SR’s mom was into something, if SR didn’t stop her :joy:


101 guide to confirm if grandma in a coma 😁

We are getting this because it’s extended.

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9 hours ago, maribella said:

We are getting this because it’s extended.

we getting extended to watch SC getting  Anna phone back :unamused:- how this make sense :sweat_smile:



yet again goes to blackmailing SR tell her he will sell it for money to DJ  😂 





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3 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

lol… I don’t have time to watch right.  Please @Ameera Ali share some GIF

most important thing , they have orphan director  on recording , that she was bribed by SR to deceive grandma,  :phew:







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OMG!! Guess what?? 
i can’t find The Third Marriage ep 102 innanybofnthe sites I can screen record. Isn’t that funny. Only Viki and kocowa is airing it . Both these site prevent me from screen recording unless I make some changes Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff

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I think the writer is doing this on purpose. She wrote/ created characters who are related to each other and have the same characters. 

Bobae still doesn’t know Yang is in a coma

Bobae is inpatient 

she is ready to blow a fuse 

Always getting caught talking when she should not be

Always removing the heart monitor and breathing tube 

These are just trait to prove that Da Jung who needs brain cell. 

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So, it has been quite a while since I last popped by. Sadly, been busy and i still haven’t caught up with this show. Regardless i should first of all thank @Ameera Ali for making the gif that I requested. Now moving on to my post itself.


I think that I want to point out that I don’t really feel all that sorry for Noel. She kind of deserves the pain that she is going through. But I don’t think that it has anything to do with Karma as some people here think. Let me explain what i mean over here.


She feels so betrayed over the chairman’s actions especially in regards to him getting married to Da Jung. But here is the thing why was she living back in the chairman’s house in the first place. Remember she was divorced from him because she was fed up with his antics especially when it came to his cheating ways. I like to believe that she was even suspicious of him when he tried to ruin her business thus she was refusing his help. All that she had going was her pride. Then one night she gets drunk that the chairman conveniently brings her back home. After that she simply moved back in. Where is the logic in that. One could argue that she staid back because of Anna. But if we think about it logically that doesn’t make a lot of sense. If she was so attached to her she could simply request Yohan to bring her around a few times and he wouldn’t have refused such a request. Yet she decides to stay back and take care of the house as if she was still married. Granted the Chairman played the game well and pretended to not be interested in any other woman just to win her back. But like i said she should have been aware that he could cheat on her anytime again. Thus I think that she was an idiot and deserves the pain that she is getting now.


Moving on to the next part of this discussion. People think that she is getting the karma that she deserves. For cheating on her husband with Kang Manseok (Seran’s father) or if she should be forgiven for her said actions. To this I ask where is the proof that she did any of this. After all isn’t it Innocent Until Proven Guilty. I can say with 95% certainty that she is probably innocent of this accusation. 5% I am leaving for a margin of error because dramas like to trick us or suddenly change the plot to match their narrative. Now how do I base my current odds. Well for starters there have only been two so called interaction scenes that she had with Seran’s dad. The first was when she was trying to reach for something, and he comes and grabs her from behind. This was when Seran’s mother catches them and starts accusing her of making a move on her husband and pulls her hair. If anyone notes her reaction at this point. She is clearly uncomfortable at him holding her like that. If she is like that then what makes it possible that she would cheat with him or even be intimate. Highly unlikely.


Now I get that some of you here will try and remind me of the next scene where she is actually in bed with him and how can I explain that. My response to that is that the scene is probably a Red Herring. I explained this in an earlier post, but it was probably missed because of my rambling. Anyway, here I go again. That was a scene where Shin Duk Soo was probably imagining what happened. This isn’t the first time a writer has pulled a bait and switch in fact if you think about it this writer has also done it later on.


In that scene we had was Seran admitting to everyone that she was having an affair with Da Jung’s husband. People included over here was her father and Noel as well. People were wondering how either party had failed to recognize the other. Anyway, to cut to the chase it turned out all in the head of Da Jung’s husband. One of them failed to show up for some reason. But the scene makes sense because he doesn’t know that Shin Duk Soo and Noel are related so they would be sitting peacefully.


Another point to notice in regards to Noels innocence regarding the so called affair. She claimed to be innocent. It was Shin Duk Soo who had gotten tired of this drama that he wasn’t ready to believe her. But near the end when he is looking for her again he admits to Da Jung that wasn’t the case and there was a misunderstanding. Further proving that Noel probably was indeed innocent.


Now after all this if the writer decides to make Noel a cheater i will admit that i was wrong. But I still feel like to better understand a scene we should always watch it from the entirety not in parts as things can always change.


Come to think about it the Chairman getting married to Da Jung makes little to no sense. How was it that it took so long for people to figure that out. He needs to redecorate his room for her arrival. Not only that but if anyone were to enter the room they would clearly note to separate beds. A newly married couple should at least be sharing the same bed.


This brings up the point that Noel was also cheating with the chairman. But was she genuinely doing that or just how much aware of she of the so called truth. She may have been aware of him being married but he could have easily lied to her that he wanted to divorce his wife but she wasn’t letting him or that they were in the final steps of divorcing her. Remember this is the same person who is the master at blindsiding people such as marrying Da Jung out of the blue. Also anything that he says has to be taken with a grain of salt. She did figure out that he framed his Ex Wife for having an affair but she pretended to take a blind eye to it. But depending on the lies he fed her she might be given a pass.


Speaking of the so called incident in France where she got amnesia makes no sense at all. Remember we have to take the chairmans word for what happened because she clearly doesn’t. But if she actually thought about it she would have figured that out on her own. According to her their so called love story began when they met for the first time on the flight to Paris where he even gave her his card. Then later on she got into an accident where she was mugged and the only thing that they found on her was his card and they therefore contacted him. My issue with the statement is that if someone mugged her why did they conveniently leave his card on her. A thief is going to take everything of value that they can spot and also where it may be. Now let’s get into this detail a bit further. Where do people keep cards that they just get. Someplace safe and important. Men will keep it in their wallets generally perhaps a pocket, females on the other hand will do so in their bags and purses. A thief is almost always going to target those items. It isn’t like he has the time to carefully search and leave items that aren’t of value to them.


The Ji Hoon reveal of doing a hit and run for Song Yi also doesn’t make sense unless we take Drama Time into consideration. By this I mean that something that should take a few minutes at max turns out into a few hours. Now for dallies that can be understandable due to time constraints but i have seen the same issue for the weekend/weekdays dramas as well. Anyway, let’s get into this for the time being. According to what we were initially informed was as follows. Seran got him drunk then takes him to a hotel room. Where she apparently spent the night with him. Then in the morning she leaves him to return to her home. We know this is a fact because when she arrives home. The grandmother has woken up and is looking for her. She specifically inquires whether or not she spent the night out. She then returns at that point conveniently and mentions that she was with Ji Hoon. When asked if everything was okay she pretends to be coy and rushes to her room. Ji Hoon later on wakes up and head home himself.


Now when we look at the accident that happened it was during night time. How can we explain this time discrepancy. The only thing that comes to my mind is that Seran’s place isn’t near the hotel that they were staying in. So she leaves it taking that time into consideration thus arriving just when it turned into morning. Not really makes sense but we will have to go with that for the time being.


Also can someone explain to me why Da Jung didn’t have a clause to get out of her marriage with the chairman if it was a contract marriage. I get that she was blinded by revenge but frankly I am not fully understanding it. This brings me to a point someone made why does Da Jung keep the person that she knows drugged her still at the office and why she hasn’t had her transferred to some far off place like one of their factories in the countryside. The problem over here is that we as viewers know exactly how that person is guilty. We witnessed Seran giving her the orders. The problem is that Da Jung doesn’t know this fact. I mean she is aware of who did it and why. The logic is simple she knows that she didn’t take any sleep medication and the only time when she could have gotten it was when she took that glass of spiked ginger tea. Easy to figure out but without evidence hard to prove. Now if Da Jung was to transfer her without said evidence the worker could claim that she was abusing her power. If Da Jung would claim that she was drugged the worker could easily claim that it was a misunderstanding and that she was simply being nice when she offered the glass and that it wasn’t drugged at all.


Da Jung’s ex has just gotten worse. I get that the three of them are the comedy relief squad. (His mother, himself and Seran’s mother). Not only that but they are equally as greedy and dumb. He wants to quit work because he is ashamed of what to tell his daughter and wants someone that she can be proud off. Congratulations when she asks him what job he does. Oh nothing i am just a bum in my house. If she asks him how does he plan on looking after her in the future. His response. Don’t worry you have a rich mum she funds my entire living and if that doesn’t work you have a crazy Aunt who loves to pitch in now and again.


Rich Grandmother is also plain weird. She allows a thief to return to work. Her excuse that she needs to be with her daughter because she has never been alone. So wait X amount of years abroad she was living with you?  Not only that but back to the issue at hand. The grandmother is now aware that she is a thief. In that case she shouldn’t be back in a position where she has management rights. At best start to make her work in the kitchen again unless she is going to steal some ingredients again. Perhaps some serious punishment make her do the cleaning of the restaurant.


Speaking of Seran faking her background is that really an issue on her part. Frankly i don’t know what to make of that statement. I mean I get that is a crime. But according to her what actually happened was she was apparently sitting next to a reporter, and she told him that she was a Star Chef. He then decided to print that story. If that is actually true, then the reporter is at fault for not fact checking before publishing said story. Though how he managed to find a decent picture of Seran is beyond me.


Noel;s driver in interesting he seems to have a connection with a lot of characters over here. He knows Da Jung’s MiL because he was in the same fan club with her, he was a fake date with Seran and finally he is Noels driver and has connections with the detective that Noel hired and was bribed by the chairman to quit the search. Now one would think that he would be an opportunist and strike deals with all the wrong people but surprisingly he seems quite loyal towards Noel so far. In fact I even suspected the guy was trying to make money of Noel from her grief of searching for her missing daughter. Such as making a deal with some of the witness he would bring up. But if he is indeed loyal let us hope that he remains like that till the end.


I think that i will end my post over here for the time being. While I do have more to add it has sadly slipped my mind. When i do remember what I forgot I will be sure to add it. So till then take care all of you. If anyone here also disagrees with what i have mentioned let me know.

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5 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

These are just trait to prove that Da Jung who needs brain cell. 

Now we know that we had been hard on DJ. It’s hereditary. 


This is such an elaborate scheme to find  GMa’s son. Enough to fill in 10 episodes. Why for heaven’s sakes is DJ so obsequious with Noel?. She has said many times that she won’t put up with Noel’s attitude towards her.

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6 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

Only Dumb SC go around showing other people stolen property @UnniSarah :sweat_smile:

I think this writer must hate cheaters. He was scummy from the first episode. How is he going to be redeemed? Another pridon term? 

They wouldn’t need a scheme for Yang or Yoon to be warded. The phone.


I am guessing they plan a boardroom meeting with the two walking in to expose SR and WJG?


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