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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Hello @mae risong, welcome to the forum.
I vote for Song Il-Kook in whopopular from time to time.

@ardently, CONGRATULATIONS!!!  You did it!!!About the embedded codes for Dailymotion, I researched in internet and found it in a technical forum.It's not shown anywhere in Dailymotion.Keep the same codes for your reference and just replace the 6 characters everytime you post a new video.I'll do a marathon of your edited TOE with SIK only very soon...Thanks so much for your work.

YT is playing now and some member status has been corrected   \:D/  .I'm PINK again :D .In case you're wondering why I have a special privilege?I did a one-time donation to Soompi years a go, and they were generous enough to make me a "Friend of Soompi" forever ^:)^ .

Thanks to "detective" Mewre, photos of Song Il-Kook at the photoshoot for Wannagirl last year:


The August 2012 issue I purchased from Seoul:(When re-posting images from this forum, please DO NOT alter and make them your own).

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MAE RISONG, welcome to the forum!
KONA, the lady taking picture of SIK with her cellphone, was it Mewre?
You are very resourceful, especially when it comes to our man.  You will turn the world upside down just to hunt for news, pictures, and even the ways and means to post videos in this thread.  You're amazing!  Lol!

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MAE RISONG, welcome to the forum!
KONA, the lady taking picture of SIK with her cellphone, was it Mewre?
You are very resourceful, especially when it comes to our man.  You will turn the world upside down just to hunt for news, pictures, and even the ways and means to post videos in this thread.  You're amazing!  Lol!

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Guest mae risong

SIK I loved from the first moment when I saw him in drama Jumong to TV.De when I tried to find out more about him, and seeing that not only internet I decided that I should do abonament.Nu I can boast that I have seen all the movies, but there are plenty such as Fermentation family, Art of Seduction, A Man Called God, Khingdom of The Wind, Lobyistsi series that I liked most Emperor of The Sea, thank you for accepting me in the family! :)) :x :x :-* :x

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Another SIKER on soompi? Great! WELCOME  MAE RISONG!

ARDENTLY, I advertised your version of TOE on my blog. Some Romanian SIKers are telling me that they are already watching your videos on dailymotion. Thank you and congratulations for your work.

KONA, thank you for your "technical support". I might try to use it too... :)



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Not directly about Song Il-Kook, but good news you might like to read...


Singer awarded for defending Korea

Kim Jang-hoon was honored by the Blue House for his efforts in defending Korea’s sovereignty of Dokdo, Korea’s easternmost islets, and promoting the name of the East Sea. 
On Friday, President Lee Myung-bak awarded the Order of Civil Merit of Dongbaeg, to the 45-year-old singer. Dongbaeg is the third-highest honor given to a Korean civilian. 
The Blue House said that the decoration was to recognize his social charity works - Kim has donated more than 15 billion won ($13.9 million) to help those in need - as well as his campaign to raise the awareness of the issues of Dokdo and the East Sea around the world.
Japan claims Dokdo as its territory and that the sea between Korea and Japan should be called the Sea of Japan, not the East Sea as Koreans call it. 
It was the second time that the government recognized Kim. He was offered an award for his efforts in organizing a cleanup after the huge Taean oil spill in the West Sea in 2007. He declined that award.

By Moon Gwang-lipkoreajoongangdaily

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KONA, I always remember this guy, Kim Jang-Hoon, as the gay (?) friend of Ji Ho in Boys Over Flowers.  
It's a good thing for SIK to be associated with him but it doesn't mean he has to focus his time more on national affairs, charity works and other community programs.  Although it's undeniable that this awareness runs in his blood, he still needs a job and earn money to support his family and other passions.  Moreover, there are his fans who miss and want to see him in the screen again.  Anyway, he has cooled down a bit, spending more time with his wife and sons.  I wonder if they have already move to their own house, outside of Busan (?).
"Does absence make the heart grow fonder, or does it cause to forget?"

CELIA, it's my pleasure to give a little joy to SIKERS.  This is the least I can do for SIK and for them.  I want to do more aside from writing poems and creating videos, like hunting news about him.  How I wish I could.

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Hi, dear SIKers!
Dear Ardent, thank you for TOE beautiful scenes and congratulations for your splendid idea! Seeing those scenes with Jang Soo with kindergarten's children, so natural and joyful with them, it's a pleasure and make me understand even more why he is now far from filming. He wants to stay with his little boys and savor their growing (as so many of us thought before; it's a natural feeling). On the other hand, he has to continue his career: the scenes in TOE relieves this. A megastar can't stay away from camera and fans! (his absence will make my heart grow fonder anyway :x  )
Dear Mae Risong, welcome on soompi family! I know you're a hardened SIKer and I'm glad you found the courage to comment here too. And because you didn't find yet the way to paste here a picture, I'm doing this for you, using your last "Good night" wish for all your friends on facebook:


Love you all, SIKers!

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Guest mae risong

Dear Gabi, thank you for all you do for me and once again thank all those who have welcomed me in the family.I love so much and kiss you all. :x :x

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Dear all SIKers,
Just would like to say hi to all of you. I have been extremely busy with work lately and it will continue to be like this for a few months. I'm still missing you and our guy.  Thank you for your contribution to make this thread so lively even no new project for him yet. 
Dear mae risong, I hope it is not too late to welcome you to this forum. I have seen your name quite often in FB Fan Page. So glad to see you here as well.
Bye for now, I need to continue my work :( :( :( Miss you ALL.

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Ardent, you did a phenomenal job with TOE.  I would always fast forward to get to scenes with SIK myself.  Thank you for giving us the best!  
Welcome mae risong!  We love you too.
alex, I also am so busy w/ work.  I recently came down with a cold from the stress and overwork.  Take care of yourself.

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