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Song Il Kuk's new Instagram pictures and home videos of the triplets will melt your heart



Get ready for an overdose of cuteness! The adorable Song triplets can now be seen on Instagram! Song Il Kuk recently joined Instagram on February 14 and shared some of the sweetest photographs and home videos of Daehan, Minguk, and Manse you have ever seen. The collection of images and clips features various precious moments from the triplets' lives, spanning from infancy to the present, and it is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face!

The triplets show off their own unique style and personality!


(Daehan, Minguk, and Manse combine to mean:  "Great Korean Republic, Hurray!" / "Long live the Great Korean Republic")

These endearing moments from the triplets' early years are unbelievably lovable!!!


Click here to watch the triplets react to their parents' voices!



See, Read more, and comment on DramaFever Blog


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Song Triplets Have Fun With New Toys in Song Il Gook’s Instagram Video

Song Triplets Have Fun With New Toys in Song Il Gook’s Instagram Video

Actor Song Il Gook has shared a video of his beloved triplets to Instagram!

Although Song Il Gook only joined Instagram on February 14, he has already shared plenty of photos ofDaehan, Minguk, and Manse with his followers, including sets of photos and videos of Daehan and Minguk.

In the early morning on February 21, Song Il Gook updated his Instagram with a new video for fans that’s dated as being filmed on November 27, 2015. He writes as the caption, “Daehan, Minguk, and Manse, who are riding the Tayo buses they received as gifts and liking them.”

He goes on to say, “I was planning on uploading [photos of] Manse today, but I’ve been so busy making a water clock that I’ll have to postpone it a few days… T.T.” The water clock he mentions is a reference to the KBS drama “Jang Young Shil” that he is currently busy filming, in which he plays the inventor Jang Young Shil, who was the scientific genius behind inventions such as the self-striking water clock.

In the video, Daehan and Minguk happily act out a scene together, while Manse, ever the car fanatic, adorably tries to get his toy bus to move across the floor.

Watch the video below!



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@yvonneallen, I think some people misunderstand my original post, I didn't say Mother Dragon dragged the kids into politics.  I tried to convey the news in Korean.  People in Korea who saw the billboard made ironic comment  "Where are the triplets?".  That's it. 


@adelinetew, Thanks for the translation.  It's rare that SIK write so much in his post.


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@KonaBeans My comments were not about your post except for the mention of the billboard my comments were directed towards the ones saying it is inappropriate to drag the children into politics when that has not happen. I understand what you were saying it just gets to me when people make comments on something that has not happen. As I said their so many new fans none of us want to them give them the wrong idea about a subject that is not our concern. If you think my comments were inappropriate or wrong I am very sorry and will keep my thoughts to myself. Just want you to understand I dislike negative comments when he has done nothing to deserve them. I am sorry you thought my comments were directed at your post they were not and again I am sorry.  Sincerely Yvonne Allen

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@yvonneallen, don't worry, I just wanted to make my point clear that triplets are not dragged into politics.  I think some people in Korea dislike the fact that Mother Dragon put SIK's photo on her campaign billboard, and I personally don't like it either.  Since SIK and triplets are so popular nowadays, when people see SIK they will immediately think of triplets.  It's natural for people to think Mother Dragon uses this tactic to win the votes.  Anyway, let's put this topic to rest.  

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@KonaBeans I am more than happy to that I not will mention it again. I am sorry meant no disrespect to you at all. Your my first friends since joining Song il Kook fan forums you and celiap welcomed me I remember how good it felt. I been down lately the house we were going to buy on the river fell though will have move again before june and I feel like crap. Stress level up high now. Do not mean to cry on your shoulder but you are the only friends I have besides my husband. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope you liked the new videos and I posted some past favorites enjoy. Sincerely Yvonne Allen

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Don't recall a celebration for passing 1200 :w00t: :heart: !!! Congratulations everyone for being loyal and true fans!  IMO, we set the standard for the best fans in the world - courteous, generous, and kind.  Have a wonderful week.

Don't give up, yvonneallen, we are behind you.

This article appeared in the Honolulu Star Advertiser this morning.  Jeff Chung is president of our local Korean TV channel, KBFD 

Fan club celebrates 10 years of devotion to actor Song Il-Kook

Jeff Chung jeffchung@kbfd.com

February 21, 2016

Last Sunday, on Valentine’s Day, the GeNtLe Song Il-Kook Hawaii fan club celebrated its 10th anniversary. Sixty of the 150 members attended a luncheon at the Waikiki Resort Hotel. They sang, played games, celebrated members’ birthdays and shared camaraderie — all in the name of their favorite actor, Song Il-Kook. A handful reminisced about meeting with Song in Korea. They also spoke about his 2008 marriage, his triplets — they were well-versed in the children’s names — and his activities on TV.


Congratulations to Joanne Tachibana, president of the fan club, and all the members who marked the 10th anniversary. Many more years to come!

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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" Episode 14


This episode opens up with Yeong-sil and his science buddies admiring the stars and pondering over the mysteries of the universe as Jang Yeong-sil's scientific bagpipe music plays in the background. It's a capstone to a whirlwind of successful research, and I really hate these scenes because they mostly just remind me of the story that "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" could be telling, except that now it's time for the requisite unnecessary violence on the part of science-hating extremists.

I know that antagonists in "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" do not really hate science, but most of the time this is a more sensible motivation than their needlessly complicated political posturing. Is astronomy really all that important? It's certainly a relevant enough scientific discipline, but "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" constantly makes it seem as if astronomy is so important that political leaders are willing to field small private armies just to make sure it stays in the right hands.

That much is just plain silly, with the consequence being that it's difficult to take much of anything in "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" all that seriously- Yeong-sil's improbable escapes are only one of many major structural problems with the story. I have to wonder how King Sejong can be so horribly ignorant about everything that's happened until it's already too late. Shouldn't he at least be a little suspicious at this point?

I understand what "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" is going for here. We're supposed to be sad that Yeong-sil has to go through such troubles all for the sake of science. Yet as far as the people who do die are concerned, their importance is obscured by the fact that we don't really have any idea who they are. I wouldn't even have been able to name them if it weren't for the historical subtitles. Mind, I doubt any of these people were real- even if such events really happened, who would record them?

Huge destructive episodes like this make King Sejong's reign of Joseon look horribly dysfunctional. It's a wonder Yeong-sil was able to find time to invent anything considering how often his workshops end up getting destroyed and later relocated. For that matter, why doesn't he just run off to China, where people appreciated his talent and made some effort to avoid having him killed? Once more, I'm left hoping "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" will just give up this story thread and try to be about the actual science.

Review by William Schwartz


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@metaltiger Thank you my friend hope you enjoy the new and past videos I posted. Maybe one day Song and his family will get to watch them too. Going rough couple of months finding a house and moving again. But I watch videos and Song's show and helps me feel better my health is not good these days but I keep fighting make the videos of the Song family real helps to get my mind off everything. Thanks for your support love you guys!!!!!!! HAPPY 1204 PAGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW HAS 1205 MEMBERS MAN SE SONG FAMILY LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Sincerely Yvonne Allen

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"Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" Song Il-gook reunites with Kim Do-hyeon and Kang Seong-jin




Song Il-gook, Kim Do-hyeon and Kang Seong-jin reunited on the episode of the KBS 1TV drama "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama".

Lee Cheon and Seok Goo learned that Jang Yeong-sil was still in Namyeong.

On the way to meet Jang Yeong-sil, Lee Cheon decided that he wouldn't hide his excitement when he saw Jang Yeong-sil.

Lee Cheon and Seok Goo got to Namyeong and not being able to believe it was Jang Yeong-sil, Lee Cheon punched him.

Jang Yeon-sil got up to greet him. Lee Cheon smiled and showed how happy he was. Seok Goo also had tears in his eyes.


Source : tvdaily.asiae.co.kr/r...

Translation : Hancinema

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YAAAASSS!! Finally things are beginning to look up for JYS in episode 15!! really looking forward to episode 16 and 17 this weekend!!! Obviously the ministers are gonna hate it but i'm loving the teaser for episode 16 already!! Saturday needs to come soon!!!

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Song Il Kook Shares Video of Baby Manse Looking Adorably Chubby

Song Il Gook Shares Video of Baby Manse Looking Adorably Chubby

Song Il Kook has uploaded photos and videos on Instagram that show how his son Manse has transformed into the super cool kid he is today!

On February 22, the actor first uploaded a video of Manse soon after he was born. He writes as the caption, “This is Manse, who was born small at 1.8 kilograms so he always wore a hat to maintain his temperature. This Manse… ”


He continues in the caption to his next video, “Became a pig like this in a flash~^^.” In the video, Manse is several months older and now much chubbier. We can hear his parents talking, and Song Il Kook jokes, “He looks like he has a jawbreaker in each of his cheeks.”


Song Il Kook then uploaded a much more recent photo of Manse with the caption, “Now he’s a cool guy like this~^^.”


“He gets in trouble only once in a while,” Song Il Kook writes on another video. The video first shows a bed sheet drying on the family’s dining room chairs, and Song Il Kook says to Manse, “Do you know why I’m drying these?”

As Minguk and Daehan play in the background, Manse comes up to the camera and says, “Someone peed.” Song Il Kook asks who it was, and Manse replies, “Manse!”

“How much did Manse pee?” asks Song Il Kook, and Manse holds his arms out wide and says, “This much!” Song Il Kook then gets Manse to agree that he shouldn’t do that again.




New posted video and photos from SIK's IG.


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