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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2022] The Autumn Ballad 嫣语赋


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On 2/28/2022 at 1:50 PM, realistic2280a said:

I havent watch last week's episodes... its 34 episodes drama and we are ending the drama soon.. and still there is NO confessions between the leads???.. sigh.. 

The ‘confession’ happened in ep 29. I don’t want to give any/much spoilers, even though it was a happy event, the confession didn’t lead to a typical outcome. I just finished watching ep 30 this morning and i am thoroughly enjoying this drama. The chemistry and comedic timing of the two leads is such a joy to watch. I would say the male lead, Jeremey Tsui is a better/more skillful actor of the two. I would also like to add that I am so glad they used the actors’ real voices instead of dubbing, makes a would of difference.

**contains spoilers

This video clip popped up on my YouTube homepage and it has scenes from upcoming episodes.


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@Dramajunkie2020.. thanks for the update.. i havent watch any of last week updates yet... suddenly caught up with Juvenile Justice... 


And seeing less twitter updates on the recent episodes on the progress of their relationship... so i thought once there is some movement on the romance side, i would watch it... i did downloaded it on the night it was released, but havent watched it...


So ep29... just 5 episodes of possible good stuff for old romantic like me...haha


Yes Jeremy is new to me, havent seen or noticed him before...as for FL, ive seen her in other dramas but wasnt impressed ... will see if the next episodes will change my mind.. hehe

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After watching episode 29 and highlights of episode 34 I have decided to wait on watching episode 30 for now. Am.not happy with where the story is going. Why can't we just have a happy couple together until the end. And why does it look like some sad things are going to happen at the end. No, I will come back to the drama after I watch the last episode lol. My heart sank from the highlights coz it looks like we will be getting only 10 minutes of couple bliss in episode 29 and that's it. Am not a happy camper argh

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Indeed...i've just watched ep 25 to 29... like.. why is she leaving?? She is not literally ^caged^ if she stayed with Liang yi.. she can still travel if she wishes... Granted, her master has work to do, it doesnt mean that he wouldnt spent the time with her... and leaving alone..to travel in old china? Crazy right... haiz


Also, despite the kiss... he still seemed to be on a one sided love with her... and i dont think they even slept together, as in literally doing it... no blood right...hehe.. 


But yeah.. Liang Yi is the sad one...  done so much yet love or feeling is not really being returned by QY... sigh...


Continuning with the episode ... (he let her outside the city gate)... just had to write this comment..:lol:... (then her inner thoughts said, if u asked me stay i will...  like what the heck... haiz:huh:)


no wonder interest in the drama reduced a bit... despite the 1 billion viewers of the drama.. congrats! (How do people count 1billion anyway??)

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Oh no! It's the final week! I know I'll be missing this CP a lot! #向全世界安利我的cp# :7555_attack:

I'm still stuck at ep 29 lol. I hope to see them again, in another project or dare we hope, a Season 2? :wut:



Have a look at this video. CP is so sweet!



^^^QY/Bridgette: Forever and ever; LY/Jeremy: Will not part nor desert. Aww...:lollipop:


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  • SC2019 changed the title to [Mainland Chinese Drama 2022] The Autumn Ballad 嫣语赋
6 hours ago, Roan89 said:

How you all feel about the ending?


Havent watched it yet... but will do so.. maybe tomorrow... saw snippets of it on twitter and i read its a dissapointing ending.. though happy?...:huh: but not satisfying...


Gotta watch it to give a proper review..:lol:

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On 3/7/2022 at 4:56 PM, Roan89 said:

How you all feel about the ending?

It's reminiscent of Korean dramas I have watched, the distance, the looks on their faces, the covid-compliant ending. LOL


Anyone, this is courtesy of a posting on another forum. I thought those of you who saw the ending and wanted to throw something at the director might like to see that even the leads felt they had to add this in to sweeten it...





incidentally, an explanation was given by one of the actors that the ending was filmed just as the covid rules came into place to maintain social distance, thus the distant stares.


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Just finish watching the drama...


1. I prefer Liang Yi's hair up than down!.. haha


2. The queen really didnt have to die... Liang Yi could have just forgave her and now we know its the mom who had the dad killed... haiz...


3. How long was the separation i wonder... yeah, when the preview came up she was with a kid, it couldnt be possibly theirs since they never had intimate scenes on bed!.. haha


4. Yu Lang, managed to climb up ..  while Liang Yi lost his title.. sigh...i wish he had kept his title.. someone said that a Marquis was actually higher ranked than a Duke in old China... 


5. The ending is bad^ in a way for those who like romance... it really unnecessary plots in the last episode...  Should have ended when Liang Yi rejected a position in court as others have mentioned it...


The actress who played Qiu Yan..damn she just resembles young my niece..  i keep seeing her and thinking of their similarities..


At least both leads managed to catch up due to the popularity of the drama, 2 years after the drama filming ended n explaiming the ending..... Covid or no covid when both leads spoke to the book seller in the last few minutes of the drama, they spoke very near to each other right, so why couldnt they hug the?.... many possibilities.... sigh...


But it was good drama, wish there is more romance to it then what have been shown. :lol:

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On 3/10/2022 at 7:48 AM, ElleSor said:

As far as endings go...It's a happy one.... right?

Hahaha! It should be happy BUT I don't understand why they didn't hug!!!

Yes, a HE. I'm satisfied though it could have been better. 


From what I've read on C-net, the ending was filmed during the beginning phase of restriction (pandemic), so skinship was pre-empted. Too bad for us lol. They do have very good chemistry.

Missing this CP already:sad1: 

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On 3/13/2022 at 9:27 AM, -jadecloud- said:

Yes, a HE. I'm satisfied though it could have been better. 


From what I've read on C-net, the ending was filmed during the beginning phase of restriction (pandemic), so skinship was pre-empted. Too bad for us lol. They do have very good chemistry.

Missing this CP already:sad1: 

Ah ok.

No wonder there was social distancing and no skinship.

Not even a hug or kiss.

Better safe than sorry!

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