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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2020] Royal Nirvana 鹤唳华亭


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2 hours ago, Cdrama said:

Thank you @bluehibiscus for the explanation. Really appreciate it.



You’re welcome, @Cdrama. Fyi, you can click on the little heart below each post (right hand side) to show your reaction/appreciation for any of the posts. This will give the writer of the post one point. The points are just for fun and the icons for the reactions are cute.



On deleting what you wrote on the exam room, I only signed up to this forum couple days ago and only because

 of this nice  drama. I have looked at the post option and didnt see how I can delete it. Any hint would be appreciated.


My comment was for @galea as the quote was in her post and only she can edit it. You don’t have to do anything. I have already corrected the typo in my post.

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1 hour ago, bluehibiscus said:


I read about it from someone’s post on the internet. I don’t have the link. Can you delete what I wrote about the exam from the quote in your post above as there is a typo in the room number for Xu?

Ah I see! Thanks :3 And yes that's been done

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A featurette clip of Jin Han, who plays Prince Qi. Based on the set of clothing he wear in the trailers, which we could found in this clip with some behind the scene, we can guess what will happen in the last 5 episodes for this character.


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Gu Feng En’s featurette. Unfortunately I think the final confrontation scene between CP and FE has been totally cut out. His character plays a major role in the rebellion but I think that is also cut down or censored out. One of the comments by netizens is: “I’m so envious of those who were able to see the scene at the city walls.”


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1 hour ago, bluehibiscus said:


Yes, it looks to be that scene.


Wonder why it didn’t make it past the censor? Or is it to keep the episodes to 60, from the original 72 after the censors’ butchering?  I’m still hoping the uncensored version will be released later. What a shame. 

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9 minutes ago, DramaLover said:


Wonder why it didn’t make it pass the censor? Or is it to keep the episodes to 60, from the original 72 after the censors’ butchering?  I’m still hoping the uncensored version will be released later. What a shame. 


I think the version we get to see is beautiful as it is and the pace feels right. Not sure where the kiss is going to fit in. If we can’t see the deleted scenes, I’ll be happy if they can at least release the original script.

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2 hours ago, Cdrama said:

Does this link suggested the conversion the cut scene when the price is being beaten? Could anyone help translate please?  https://www.douban.com/group/topic/162551757/




It is a discussion about what was deleted but I’m not sure how accurate it is as some of the details seem too cruel for the Emperor in the drama.

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@bluehibiscus Can you give me a brief synopsis of the 1st part of ep. 53 when the CP was in court? What was the reason for everyone being there? Was it to talk about Lu Ying's execution? My guess regarding CP's letter to Zhang was to forgive him for his part if Zhang did what? Why did Zhang eventually showed the letter? CP started to blame WX for the letter until he realized who she was, correct?


Why wasn't he mad at WX for setting him up when he wasn't the one that killed her family?

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On 1/5/2020 at 8:35 PM, aafa83 said:

@bluehibiscus Can you give me a brief synopsis of the 1st part of ep. 53 when the CP was in court? What was the reason for everyone being there? Was it to talk about Lu Ying's execution? My guess regarding CP's letter to Zhang was to forgive him for his part if Zhang did what? Why did Zhang eventually showed the letter? CP started to blame WX for the letter until he realized who she was, correct?


You’ve got the main gist. 


It was the morning court session and the first item on the agenda was the deaths of Lu Ying and his son. Before they began, the Emperor reminded CP to pay attention to court etiquette as he kept looking around (I think he was looking for his uncle; the Emperor had told Gu not to attend as the other officials like He Shizhao would likely start querying why he had returned so soon after leaving the capital).


He asked CP to recite a passage about how cultivating one’s moral character was the basis for managing a family, bringing stability to a country and promoting a just and honourable society. The Emperor then said they were there to examine the moral character and conduct of the Crown Prince. Although Lu Ying had committed a crime by interrupting a state ceremony, he and his son were granted a special pardon to await further investigation due to CP’s marriage to Crown Princess. He asked how they had ended up being executed under the Acting Monarch and whether they were really part of Li Baizhou’s wife’s clan. 


CP said uncertainly that he was not sure. The Emperor then turned to ZLZ, the Minister of Justice at that time, and asked him if he remembered the punishment for executing someone wrongly before they were convicted; the penalty was death. ZLZ started looking surreptitiously at his sleeve, recalling WX’s verbal message and feeling tempted to show the letter from CP to shift the blame to him.


The Emperor said the case had to be investigated. With the CP and the Chancellor tainted by the suspicion of misconduct, he commented it was a cautionary tale for himself. He then ordered for someone to go to Huating (Lu Ying’s hometown) to investigate and asked if CP had any objections. CP said he had none. It was then that it was reported that the Secretary in charge of drawing up the decree was away on leave for 10 days. The Emperor acted surprised and then decided they would wait till the Secretary was back.


ZLZ and CP were relieved. However, when the Emperor moved on to the next item about the repair of Yan Zuo Gong, the hotheaded and forthright HSZ started objecting to the delay, asking if the Emperor was trying to turn a big matter into a small one and turn a small matter into nothing. He said he could help to draw up the edict if the Secretary was unavailable. Was His Majesty shielding the then-Minister-of-Justice and the then-Acting-Monarch? The other officials in the Censorate supported HSZ’s request to retry Lu Ying’s case. He even took off his hat and attempted to commit suicide by running into a pillar. ZLZ accused them of pressuring/threatening the Emperor when they had no evidence.


HSZ then presented the genealogy book of five generations of Li Baizhou’s family. With the compelling material evidence, the Emperor could only ask ZLZ for an explanation. ZLZ was at a loss for words and the Emperor dismissed the court session. As everyone started to leave,  ZLZ got down on his knees to admit he had altered the genealogy book of Li Baizhou’s wife’s clan to include Lu Ying. The Emperor said he was aware and was about to instruct ZLZ on what to do next when ZLZ said he had done it at the behest of someone. The Emperor shot a look at CP — CP shook his head slightly in denial — and told ZLZ to think carefully before he maligned the CP. ZLZ then brought out the handwritten letter he had received from CP. 


CP denied ever writing the letter but the Emperor crushed the letter after reading it and threw it to him, asking him to explain the calligraphy style unique to him. CP was shocked to see the stamp of his private seal and realised that Gu Ah Bao had betrayed him.


CP: (whispers) Why?

WX: I’ve said, those who are guilty, I will make them all pay.

HSZ takes the letter and reads it out.

HSZ: What is this, Your Highness? How do you explain this?

CP: It’s not me, it’s— 

WX: All that should come will come.

CP: —it’s her!

HSZ: What trap? What countermeasure? What ill matter? What will you not mention again?

CP: The seal—

WX: It’s like I don’t understand—

CP:—she didn’t throw it away.

WX: No matter what happens in court today, Your Highness will have a countermeasure and a way out.

HSZ: Rectify one's mind, cultivate one’s moral character, manage one's household, administer state affairs and bring peace to the nation. Not only is Your Highness wearing your hat askew but you have done this sort of thing. Is this the foundation and future of our country? How can you let the late Minister Lu who had sacrificed his life for you down?

CP: It’s not like that! She—

HSZ: Lu Zhong Cheng did not let the country or Your Highness down. Why did your Highness do such a vile thing? Why! Why!

CP: Shut up, He Shizhao! I know who it is

HSZ: To think Lu Ying even considered marrying his daughter to such a despicable person as you!

CP: —that's...that's framing...


Flashback begins.

CP: Where have we met before? Your voice and—

WX: At the Detached Palace. I once offended Your Highness...Can Your Highness keep it and look at it later?...The seal! It was given to me by Minister Lu...(CP looks at the letter)...Your Highness, I’m not the real Gu Neiren. I’m the daughter of a condemned official. It was after my father and brother were charged that I entered the palace...I’m very familiar with horses and the administration of horses. I’ll definitely be able to help Your Highness in future...

CP: You’re so familiar with horses and wanted to harm Lu Zhong Cheng.

WX: Lu Zhong Cheng? I would never—

CP: Lu father and son are Li’s wife’s clan...You are different today...

WX: I’m not the one who has changed.

CP: Have I met you before? Not just at the Detached Palace...Who exactly are...?...Your daughter is like the mountains and rivers, which while I’ve not seen with my own eyes, I know must be very beautiful.

Flashback ends.


DS: Your Highness? Your Highness? You’ve not answered His Majesty’s question.

Emperor: What have you to say?

CP: I have nothing to say.

Emperor: They want to hear your explanation. So do I! Think carefully before you speak.

CP: It’s. Me.

Emperor: Stop!

CP: I’ve said it’s me.

Emperor: Crown Prince—

CP:I will go back and wait for your edict.

Emperor: Xiao Ding Quan!

WX: Even if it leaves behind a scar, please be an enthusiastic and untainted person.

CP: It shouldn’t mean something to relive in memories but ...to please wait for me.

HSZ: Your Majesty, please punish the Crown Prince seriously and depose him!



Why wasn't he mad at WX for setting him up when he wasn't the one that killed her family?


He feels he owes WX a lot because her father and brother fell into disgrace because of him and they died under his watch as acting monarch and ZLZ's superior. The way he treated her when he suspected her of being a spy added to his guilt as he would never dream of behaving that way if he had known she was WX.

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