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KAT-TUN Official topic

Guest DivineX

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Guest superfreakk

I shouldn't buy KAT-TUN stuff. Because I should spend my money on better things, but I always do anyway. And being me, I'll be gettings LIPS as well even though I don't like it. My money saving skills suck lately.

Well seeing as I don't have a job right now, I am very stingy so no KAT-TUN stuff for me unless I start liking the group enough again.

LIPS actually is boring. But then Keep the Faith's not really any better, but maybe I just can't get the whole Pokemon thing out of my head so I can't see why everyone loves it. :/

ackk the way Jin says "Why Jennifer?" is so damn cute. :3

Stalker Report: You've watched Stand Up!! ? I hate you so much. I've been looking for it for pretty much frickin forever. D:<

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Erm, I guess I’m kinda new to KAT-TUN, I’ve always known about them, but never bothered checking them out. Until recently.

Reading all those posts, I think I'm one of the few people that loves Junno's blond hair. I thought that it looked pretty good in the Keep the Faith MV. Actually I was quite disappointed when he dyed it back. Oh wellz, he was good as Bidou.

I listened to LIPS last night, not as good as Keep the Faith, but I really wonder how it’ll go on the Oricon charts. I don’t like it, but music is about personal taste so what sounds weird to me may sound good to others.

And yes, Jin doesn’t seem as lively anymore. OH wellz, his engrish is still adorable. xD I’m a biased Jin fan by the way.

Whee~ can't wait till Kame's drama comes out, Yamada Ryosuke is also in it. That kid is so cute. xD

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Guest jesseski

^ &

LIPS actually is boring. But then Keep the Faith's not really any better, but maybe I just can't get the whole Pokemon thing out of my head so I can't see why everyone loves it. :/

I think if they aren't going to quick the weird pop rock and go back to being like JE they should at least play their own instruments. Come on, JE is about the sparkly, and right now, they are everything BUT that -__-;

Well seeing as I don't have a job right now, I am very stingy so no KAT-TUN stuff for me unless I start liking the group enough again.

Yeahhh, I think I'll stop. I have enough to keep me going. And I'd rather buy NEWS or Arashi or Kanjani any day -__-

& @ superfreakk in general

ahaha you XD Get yourself an LJ :33

Whee~ can't wait till Kame's drama comes out, Yamada Ryosuke is also in it. That kid is so cute. xD

I don't know that I really want to watch it, but Yamada is really adorable >v<

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Guest superfreakk

I think if they aren't going to quick the weird pop rock and go back to being like JE they should at least play their own instruments. Come on, JE is about the sparkly, and right now, they are everything BUT that -__-;

I know. KAT-TUN is so un-JE. It's weird, but whatever. I guess that's the appeal for non-JE fans.

Hmm, I should start watching Kame's dramas more. I remember watching one episode of NwP and getting turned off because Kame was starting to sound like Ueda, what with all the fairy talk. XD

Dude, I got one already. Friend me so I may stalk you. Better.

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Guest jesseski

^ Maybe, but then they shouldn't be with JE ^^;

NwP is really good though. And Yamapi, YAMAPI XDDD But uhh yeah, Kame is even good in it. I guess.

Ahaha I noticed. And I added you so now you can even read my f-only entries XD Stalker ehehhe XD

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oohh i would so love it if they start playing guitars and drums and the keyboard... I think Ueda would do fine.. not sure about the others. Jin.. I saw his guitar performance with Ueda... some reason.. he didn't look like he was playing o_O but i don't know.. since i don't play the guitar..

they're unJEish? i didn't know that... haha they're the JE band I'm most interested in...

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I think if they aren't going to quick the weird pop rock and go back to being like JE they should at least play their own instruments. Come on, JE is about the sparkly, and right now, they are everything BUT that -__-;

I guess that's one of the things that makes them stands out. Though, being at the top of their game right now (or not) they should do some JE-ish stuff eh. xD I miss their old stuff. It would be fun to see them blend in and become all sparkly ^^.

I don't know that I really want to watch it, but Yamada is really adorable >v<

Even if its not good I'll probably follow it till the end. I'll watch it for the sake of watching something since I'm so deprived new j-dramas and a Yamada's acting. >_<

Hmm, I should start watching Kame's dramas more. I remember watching one episode of NwP and getting turned off because Kame was starting to sound like Ueda, what with all the fairy talk. XD

I didn't quite get it when I first watched Nobuta wo Produce, he talks too much, and I just didn't see the significance in all that talking. But after watching for the second time I actually really like the whole meaning of the story itself. Kame played his character well, in my opinion. He always plays them well, especially in Tatta Hitotsu no Koi.

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Guest superfreakk

they're unJEish? i didn't know that... haha they're the JE band I'm most interested in...

Hmm, take a look at NewS or Kanjani8 or Arashi and then take a look at KAT-TUN. All those groups tend to be really happy and release really happy singles, or have low-budget, upbeat PVs compared to KAT-TUN. But then like I said, maybe that's the appeal to those who don't appreciate JE's sparkly gayness or those who need something different once in a while. :)

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LOL. I don't even know myself. Basically because of Junno and Maru. If they weren't there I don't think I'd even bother with KAT-TUN :3

eehhhh... same goes with me here! i love Junno and Maru too! haha... whenever I'm watching 'Cartoon KATTUN', those 2 persons are the persons I paid attention to the most! besides, I think their voices are nice... =)

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Guest jesseski

^ Yay~! *Dances*

They're hilarious, and I think they both sing really well. And live as well, unlike... some others *coughs loudly*

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Guest superfreakk

I love them. They're part of what makes JE, well...JE. Hahaha.


...yes I got a little screencap happy with Countdown. What about it?

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i personally think they r quite over rated but i think NewS kind of like..lost to them rather fairly.Their music is mediocre and i dun think we can even compare the hotness..**kame and jin and junno*

okay enough abt babbling.there's only one thing kat tun doesnt do very well is their dance.a little over with the hips shaking part..lol.their singing is not bad,i have to say out of the young JE boybands,they have the best vocals hands down.well,thats my opinion.^^

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Guest superfreakk

Haha, I don't find Junno hot, personally. And JE music isn't anything outstanding. I actually don't even care so much about the music. :/

Aand I thought we were going to stop comparing KAT-TUN to NewS already? KAT-TUN gets good singles and NewS gets the crappy ones, which is why their music is "mediocre". Hmm, I don't even really find anyone in KAT-TUN hot either, lol. Kame is too skinny and has a weird face, Jin is...eh, not my type, and I love Junno but not for his looks. I think he has a weirdly proportioned face. 8D

As for vocals...yeah, I'm not even going to comment. Take that as you will. (:

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Guest jesseski

you guys actually like the shiny outfits? o_o

I freaking love the shiny outfits. It's what made me like JE XD Ahahaha.

i personally think they r quite over rated but i think NewS kind of like..lost to them rather fairly.Their music is mediocre and i dun think we can even compare the hotness..**kame and jin and junno*

okay enough abt babbling.there's only one thing kat tun doesnt do very well is their dance.a little over with the hips shaking part..lol.their singing is not bad,i have to say out of the young JE boybands,they have the best vocals hands down.well,thats my opinion.^^

Well I don't find Kame or Jin hot in any way at all ^_____^ So yeah, if I was to compare them I'd say NEWS kick their richard simmons XD

And I think Kanjani have the best vocals anyway. So ehhh.

Maybe I should leave this thread before I set crazy fangirls on myself ^___^;;

I think he has a weirdly proportioned face. 8D

Bahahah I think he just looks korean. But I think he's really cute, and easy on the eye. That was what I first thought when I saw KAT-TUN. The rest made me cringe and then I saw Junno and I was like, "Ahh, that's relieving" XD

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